HORNDEAN PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE OF THE ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT JUBILEE HALL ON MONDAY 19th MAY 2014 AT 7.00P.M. PRESENT: Councillors Mesdames L Evans, S Schillemore, Dr. C Jacobs, I Weekes, and E Tickell and Cllr Miss J Murray, Councillors H Pickett, J Mach, R Veitch, P Beck, D Evans, B Mowatt, and A Forbes. IN ATTENDANCE: Philippa Penfold, Office Services Manager PUBLIC ATTENDANCE: There were 2 members of public in attendance. hpc 001/14 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs L Evans be elected to serve as Chairman of the Council for the forthcoming year. Cllr Mrs Evans signed her declaration of acceptance of office. hpc 002/14 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN It was RESOLVED that Cllr T Port be elected to serve as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year. hpc 003/14 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Burridge and Cllr T Port. hpc 004/14 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. hpc 005/14 PUBLIC SESSION The meeting opened to the public at 7.10pm. Mrs Reynolds questioned why there hadn't been a finance report at the Annual Parish Meeting. She sought a guarantee that there would be a finance report next year at the annual meeting. Cllr L Evans said that she could not guarantee that the report would be ready for that meeting. The annual account would be discussed and approved at a Full Council Meeting. Cllr D Evans said that the Annual Council meeting must be held in May but that the Financial End of Year report had to be submitted by the end of June. Cllr Schillemore reminded Mrs Reynolds that she is welcome to attend any of the public Policy & Resources (P&R) meetings. Public session closed at 7.14pm. 1 hpc 006/14 TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 24TH FEBRUARY, 3RD MARCH AND 14TH APRIL 2014 Members agreed to the re-signing of the 24 February 2014 and 3 March 2014 minutes which had been incorrectly numbered. The Minutes of the 14 April 2014 were duly signed as true record of meeting. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 007/14 REVIEW OF DELEGATION ARRANGEMENTS TO COMMITTEES, SUB COMMITTEES EMPLOYEES AND OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES Cllr L Evans proposed that this item should be deferred to the next P&R meeting for review. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 008/14 REVIEW THE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR COMMITTEES Cllr L Evans suggested that each committee should review their own TOR and submit these to the P&R committee for review before bringing the final set to council for adoption. Cllr Beck suggested that the full council should be the final decision making body for the final version. Cllr Mach said that the next P&R was not until the end July, and wondered if it would be possible to merge the Staff committee with P&R. This was not discussed as it was not an agenda item. Cllr Beck proposed that each committee be tasked to review their TOR for submission to the next full Council after each committee has met. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 009/14 RECEIPT OF NOMINATION TO EXISTING COMMITTEES AND ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN TO COMMITTEES Members agreed that the following Parish Councillors would serve on Committees, and also elected the Chairman of each committee, and was duly RESOLVED: Policy & Resources Committee Cllr D Evans (Chairman) Cllr A Forbes, Cllr J Mach, Cllr T Port, Cllr Mrs I Weeks, Cllr L Evans Planning & Public Services Committee Cllr P Beck (Chairman) Cllr T Port, Cllr Mrs E Tickell, Cllr Mrs I Weeks, Cllr B Mowatt, Cllr H Pickett, Cllr Dr. C Jacobs, Cllr J Murray. Grounds & Property Committee Staff Committee hpc 010/14 Cllr Mrs E Tickell (Chairman) Cllr T Port, Cllr Mrs L Evans, Cllr R Veitch, Cllr Mrs S Schillemore, Cllr B Mowatt Cllr T Port (Chairman) Cllr J Mach, Cllr B Mowatt, Cllr Mrs E Tickell, Cllr S Schillemore, Cllr A Forbes, Cllr L Evans APPOINTMENT OF ANY NEW COMMITTEES It was agreed that no new committees were needed. 2 hpc 011/14 REVIEW OF ADOPTION OF APPROPRIATE STANDING ORDERS AND FINANCIAL REGULATIONS – TO CONSIDER AND AGREE AMENDMENTS TO THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS TO COVER BACS PAYMENTS, AND ORDERS FOR PAYMENTS BEING SIGNED AT POLICY & RESOURCES COMMITTEE Add to 6.6 of Finance Regulations: "If thought appropriate by the Council, payment for certain items may be made by BACS or CHAPS methods provided that the instructions for each payment are signed, or otherwise evidenced, by two authorised bank signatories, are retained and any payments are reported to Council as made. The approval of the use of BACS or CHAPS shall be renewed by resolution of the Council at least every two years." Rewrite 5.2: A schedule of the payments, forming part of the agenda for the meeting, shall be prepared by the RFO and, together with relevant invoices, be presented to Council or a duly delegated committee. Policy and Resources is the duly delegated committee. If the schedule is in order it shall be authorised by a resolution of the Council or duly delegated committee and shall be initialled by the Chairman of the Meeting. If more appropriate the details may be shown in the Minutes of the Meeting. Proposed by Cllr Beck that the Council adopt the current standing orders and the Financial regulations with the above amendments. All agreed to revise the regulations for orders for payments and was duly RESOLVED. BACS payments are already used by the Council but the new wording would provide additional protection to stop unauthorised payments. All agreed to revise the regulations for BACS payments and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 012/14 REVIEW OF ARRANGEMENTS, INCLUDING ANY CHARTERS, WITH OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND REVIEW OF CONTRIBUTIONS MADE TO EXPENDITURE INCURRED BY OTHER LOCAL AUTHORITIES The Parish Council has no charters and does not contribute to expenditure incurred by other local authorities. hpc 013/14 REVIEW OF REPRESENTATION ON OR WORK WITH EXTERNAL BODIES AND ARRANGEMENTS FOR REPORTING BACK It was agreed that Members would serve as representatives to outside bodies as follows, and was duly RESOLVED. Outside Bodies Catherington Village Hall Committee Cllr Mrs E Tickell Catherington Village Residents Association Cllr Mrs S Schillemore Frogmore Lane Residents Association Cllr A Forbes Lovedean Village Residents Association Cllr Mrs S Schillemore and Cllr A Forbes East Hampshire District Association of Parish Cllr Mrs L Evans & Town Councils Horndean Community Association Cllr J Mach Horndean Twinning Association Cllr A Forbes 3 EHDC Community Forum South South of Butser CTCG Horndean Business Network Horndean Older Peoples Enabling Forum Lovedean Village Hall Committee Cllr T Port Chairman or Clerk Cllr P Beck Cllr Mrs I Weeks Cllr B Mowatt Cllr L Evans asked that a short report should be presented to the Council meeting by the representative after each meeting attended, except for the South of Butser CTCG who publish their minutes directly to the Clerk. hpc 014/14 CONFIRMATION OF ARRANGEMENTS FOR INSURANCE COVER IN RESPECT OF ALL INSURED RISKS Members noted that insurance is currently in place but that it will need to be reviewed in June by Officers. Cllr Mach asked if this should be looked at by P&R before it comes to Council as the next meeting isn't until 28 July. Cllr L Evans said that the insurance runs until 1st October. Cllr Beck proposed that Officers seek new insurance quotes to be brought to P&R in July prior to them being presented to Council. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 015/14 REVIEW OF THE COUNCILS AND/OR EMPLOYEES’ MEMBERSHIPS OF OTHER BODIES Members reviewed the current list of the Council’s membership of other bodies. The following list was agreed and duly RESOLVED: Outside Bodies Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC) Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Campaign for Protection of Rural England (CPRE) Hampshire Playing Fields Association Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed Cllr Schillemore said that subscription to HALC had been updated last year to a higher level of subscription but not sure that benefits had been seen. Cllr D Evans said all councillors should have the password to HALC. ACTION: Office to renew the password for the HALC website and issue to all Councillors. hpc 016/14 REVIEW THE COUNCIL’S COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE Members accepted and noted the current Council Complaint procedure. Cllr D Evans suggested that this should be reviewed at the next P&R meeting. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 017/14 REVIEW THE COUNCIL’S PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING REQUESTS MADE UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 AND THE DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Members accepted and noted the current Council Procedure for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998. 4 Cllr Forbes asked if we should charge for onerous requests. Cllr L Evans said that it was possible to charge. hpc 018/14 ESTABLISH A COUNCIL POLICY FOR DEALING WITH THE PRESS/MEDIA This needs to be done and it was proposed that P&R should review this. Cllr Mach said that the procedure adopted last year needs to be put in place in the interim. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 019/14 DATES, TIMES AND PLACES OF ORDINARY MEETINGS OF THE FULL COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR AHEAD Members received and considered the schedule of meetings for the forthcoming Council year May 2014 – 2015. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. Cllr Schillemore commented that she thought that the Carol Service was too early in December. hpc 020/14 ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2014 AND AUTHORISATION OF THE ACCOUNTING STATEMENT AND ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT Cllr D Evans said it had not been possible to present the annual return to Members at this meeting due to a software problem in the office. He assured Members that it would be ready by the 9th June. hpc 021/14 INTERNAL AUDIT REVIEW The Council received and considered the report of the internal auditor, and agreed responses to the actions in the report. See attached hpc 022/14 BANK MANDATES AND SIGNATORIES FOR ACCOUNTS Members agreed to defer this item until the new Executive Officer is in post. hpc 023/14 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE ORDERS FOR PAYMENT Members received and approved the orders for payment Cllr Schillemore asked on first page why there was so many payments to BT. Cllr L Evans explained that these were final bills. Cllr L Evans noted that the list should be numbered on agenda, but all agreed that list 1 should be signed, and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 024/14 WARNER GOODMAN ‘PEACE OF MIND’ LEGAL SERVICE Members discussed whether to continue with the ‘Peace of Mind’ legal service from Warner Goodman. They noted that the cost includes half day training for Members and Officers. All agreed to continue with this service and was duly RESOLVED. ACTION: Officers to investigate if the training could be arranged on site. 5 hpc 025/14 USE OF DEVELOPERS CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Cllr L Evans outlined the need to agree projects for CIL to enable the drawdown of contributions. CIL works in a different way to the S106 developer contributions scheme. Cllr Mach suggested that a list of projects put together in October should be revisited at a full Council meeting. Cllr L Evans suggested this could be done by a working party. Cllr D Evans agreed that this should be done by working party, and commented that this is also needed for the budget next year. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. ACTION: Cllr L Evans to look at available dates for working party. hpc 026/14 TEMPORARY SKATEPARK AT FIVE HEADS RECREATION GROUND FOR AUGUST 2014 Cllr Mach suggested that a new permanent skatepark should be given the go ahead. Cllr Veitch said paper had previously been put together, but consultation needed to be done first before a company is agreed on to do the work. Cllr L Evans said that it was too late to consider a temporary skatepark for this year. Cllr Murray said last year’s skate ramp became unsafe and unpleasant for local residents. Cllr Tickell said that after the skatepark had been used it was completely wrecked by antisocial behaviour so she was doubtful that the company would rent it again to HPC. A permanent skatepark was being considered as part of playground review by the Grounds & Property Committee. Cllr A Forbes proposed that a temporary skatepark should not be provided this year. All agreed, with one against, and was duly RESOLVED. hpc 027/14 TO CONSIDER AND AGREE TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE GALES S106 AGREEMENT ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Gales development includes 13 affordable homes. The Management company need to change the description of the flats as described in S106 legal agreement associated with the planning permission. Cllr L Evans has tried to obtain a copy of the draft agreement but has not been able to as yet. Cllr L Evans proposed that Council agree to a change of wording of the description to "low cost home ownership". Proposed by Cllr Veitch and all agreed that the Chairman and the Proper Officer are given authority to sign the agreement on behalf of the council. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. Mrs Reynolds requested to speak to the Council. Councillors agreed to stand down Standing Orders. Mrs Reynolds commented on the lack of parking on the site. Cllr L Evans said that the issue under debate was not to do with the parking. Standing orders were reinstated at 8.55pm hpc 028/14 ARMED FORCES DAY CEREMONY A report had been previously circulated to Members with details of the arrangements for Armed Forces Day, which was duly noted by Councillors. 6 hpc 029/14 REPORT ON THE PROPOSED EXPENDITURE FOR THE RE-DEDICATION OF THE WAR MEMORIAL AND AGREE ANY EXPENDITURE NOT COVERED BY GRANTS Cllr L Evans proposed that the expenditure over and above the grant money received would be taken from Events budget. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. Cllr Schillemore updated Councillors regarding photos which will be taken during the ceremony by Cllr Veitch from above the Indian takeaway in the Square. Invitations will be printed and sent out shortly. hpc 030/14 MINUTES OF THE POLICY AND RESOURCES MEETING HELD ON THE 28TH APRIL 2014 The Agenda should read 28th April not the 28th March 2014. The P&R Minutes of the 28th April were noted. hpc 031/14 GROUNDS & PROPERTY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Council considered the following Grounds & Property committee recommendations: a) Upgrade to path at Hazleton Common That Contractor 3 be appointed and to accept option 2 of quote 3 at a figure of £13,800, and that an application for funding for s106 Developer Contributor (Environmental Improvements) should be made accordingly to EHDC. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. b) Repairs to Lith Lane i) That subject to the quote for the works being reasonable, an invoice for a 1/5th share of the cost of repair should be forwarded to each of the three householders and the owner of the woodland who use Lith Lane to access their properties with a request for payment within the validity period of the quote. Cllr D Evans asked what a ‘reasonable’ cost would be. Cllr Tickell said it would be a few hundred pounds. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. ii) That on full payment as set out in 1 above, the company that gave the quote should be instructed to carry out the work having due regard to the fact that Lith Lane lies within the Catherington Lith Local Nature Reserve which is also a SINC. All agreed and was duly RESOLVED. Mrs P Penfold left the meeting at 9.15pm. hpc 032/14 TO AGREE TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC AND PRESS, IN THE VIEW THAT PUBLICITY WOULD PREJUDICE THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY REASON OF THE CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF THE BUSINESS OR ARISING OUT OF THE BUSINESS ABOUT TO BE TRANSACTED It was RESOLVED that the public and press be excluded for the next part of the meeting. 7 The minutes from these items are held separately as confidential minutes in the Parish Office. The meeting closed at 9.30pm …………………………………………… Chairman …………………………………………… Dated 8