Chemistry Name: Date Chem Wkbk History of the Periodic Table DIRECTIONS: Answer correctly the following questions. 1. Who is considered to be the ‘father’ of the periodic table? ____________________________ 2. How did he arrange the elements? _______________________________________________ 3. What three elements were predicted from empty spaces in the periodic table? _____________ 4. What was Henry Moseley’s contribution to the periodic table? _________________________ 5. In the modern periodic table, elements are ordered: A. according to decreasing atomic mass B. according to Mendeleev’s original C. according to increasing number of design D. based on when they were discovered protons 6. Mendeleev noticed that properties of elements appeared at regular intervals when the elements were arranged in order of increasing: A. density C. atomic number B. reactivity D. atomic mass 7. The modern periodic law states that: A. no two electrons with the same spin can be found in the same place in an atom B. the physical and chemical properties of the elements are functions of their atomic number C. electrons exhibit properties of both particles and waves D. the chemical properties of elements can be grouped according to periodicity, but physical properties cannot 8. The discovery of the noble gases changed Mendeleev’s periodic table by adding a new: A. period B. group C. series D. sublevel block 9. The most distinctive property of the noble gases is that they are: A. metallic B. radioactive C. metalloids D. largely unreactive 10. Lithium, the second element in Group 1 has an atomic number of 3. The third element in this group has an atomic number of: A. 4 B. 10 C. 11 D. 18 11. What does periodic mean? _____________________________________________________ Periodic Table 12. _________________ are elements with properties of both metals and non-metals. 13. What are the names of each of the following? In which are the elements most similiar? Vertical column _______________________________ Horizontal row: _______________________________ 14. On the below periodic table, name each indicated group and give two properties: (name only for these three) p. 2 Periodic Table p. 3 15. 16. What is the purpose of the zig-zag or staircase line on the right side of the periodic table? ______________________________________________________________________________ 17. Explain the difference between atomic mass and atomic number: _______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 18. _____________ and _____________ are important metalloids because they are used in computer chips. 19. In the periodic table, the atomic masses of Tellurium and Iodine decrease rather than increase, while their atomic numbers increase. This phenomenon happens to other neighboring elements in the periodic table. Name two of these sets of elements. A. and B. and 20. What are five characteristic properties of metals? A. _______________________________________________________________________ B. _______________________________________________________________________ C. _______________________________________________________________________ D. _______________________________________________________________________ E. _______________________________________________________________________ Periodic Table p. 4