Burton & Garran Hall Handbook 2015

Table of Contents:
Version control ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Version no: ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Date modified: ................................................................................................................................ 5
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1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
19/11/2012 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Residential & Campus Communities ...................................................................................................... 5
Document development .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
27/11/2012 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Burton & Garran Hall ............................................................................................................................... 5
Update Hall specific information ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
16/1/2013 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Residential & Campus Communities ...................................................................................................... 5
Update headings and format ................................................................................................................... 5
This Handbook ........................................................................................................................................ 6
About the Hall .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Message from the Head of Residence .................................................................................................... 7
Values and Ethos .................................................................................................................................... 8
Resident responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 8
Responsibilities of residents ................................................................................................................ 8
Hall responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 8
Staff of the Hall ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Head of Residence .............................................................................................................................. 9
Deputy Head of Residence.................................................................................................................. 9
Administration Manager ....................................................................................................................... 9
Admissions Officer ............................................................................................................................... 9
Community Coordinator ....................................................................................................................... 9
Maintenance Staff ................................................................................................................................ 9
Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff .............................................................................................................. 9
Reception Staff .................................................................................................................................... 9
Residents Committee ............................................................................................................................ 10
Pastoral care team ................................................................................................................................ 10
Senior Residential Scholars ........................................................................................................... 10
Residential Scholars ...................................................................................................................... 10
Academic Support Team ............................................................................................................... 10
Assistance ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Security .............................................................................................................................................. 11
After Hours Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 11
Emergency Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 12
Illness or Accident ............................................................................................................................. 12
Facilities ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Smoking ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Car Parking ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Dining Room ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Art Room............................................................................................................................................ 13
Function and Meetings Rooms .......................................................................................................... 13
Library ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Sewing Room .................................................................................................................................... 14
Music Rooms ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Study Rooms ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Computer Labs (Information Commons) ........................................................................................... 14
Laundry .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Utility Rooms ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Bathrooms ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Bicycle Storage .................................................................................................................................. 15
Common Rooms ................................................................................................................................ 15
The Redback Lounge ........................................................................................................................ 15
Wireless Network Access .................................................................................................................. 15
Kitchen ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Heating .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Finances ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Bursaries............................................................................................................................................ 16
Tariffs ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Fee Payment ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Late Payment .................................................................................................................................... 17
Room Deposits .................................................................................................................................. 17
Refunds ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Electrical ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Electrical items not permitted in your room ....................................................................................... 18
Fire and Safety Alarms ...................................................................................................................... 18
Candles and incense ......................................................................................................................... 19
Security Cameras .............................................................................................................................. 19
Hall Security ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Services................................................................................................................................................. 20
Mail .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Fax ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Front Office Hours ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Improving the Environment................................................................................................................ 20
Newsletters ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Newspapers ......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Cleaning............................................................................................................................................. 20
Official Communication...................................................................................................................... 20
Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Storage .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Storage process for residents ....................................................................................................... 21
Canteen/Buttery ................................................................................................................................. 21
The Redback Lounge .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Telephones ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Transport ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Unisafe Bus.................................................................................................................................... 21
Public Transport ............................................................................................................................ 22
http://www.action.act.gov.au/timetables_and_maps ........................................................................ 22
The Burton and Garran Hall Bus ....................................................................................................... 22
Internet............................................................................................................................................... 22
IT access and support ..................................................................................................................... 22
Policies & procedures ........................................................................................................................... 24
Academic Expectations ..................................................................................................................... 24
Smoking ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Discipline ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Equal Opportunity .............................................................................................................................. 28
Equity policies .................................................................................................................................... 28
Prevention of discrimination, harassment and bullying ..................................................................... 28
Complaints ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Applicable University Legislative Instruments (as amended) ............................................................ 29
Health and Wellness .......................................................................................................................... 29
Alcohol and Substance Abuse .......................................................................................................... 30
Underage Residents .......................................................................................................................... 30
Short-term Illness .............................................................................................................................. 30
Psychological Distress ....................................................................................................................... 30
Long-term Illness/Disability................................................................................................................ 31
Disease in Hall ................................................................................................................................... 31
IT Access and Support ...................................................................................................................... 32
Liquor ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Records ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Room policy (your room) ....................................................................................................................... 34
Accommodation during Vacations ..................................................................................................... 34
Re-Admissions Policy ........................................................................................................................ 34
Use of Room ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Cooking in your Room ....................................................................................................................... 35
Decorating your Room ....................................................................................................................... 35
Guests ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Arrivals and Departures ..................................................................................................................... 36
Keys ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Room Inventory ................................................................................................................................. 36
What to bring with you ....................................................................................................................... 37
Room Changes .................................................................................................................................. 37
Room Checks .................................................................................................................................... 37
Version control
Version no:
Date modified:
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Modification description:
Residential & Campus Communities
Burton & Garran Hall
Residential & Campus Communities
Document development
Update Hall specific information
Update headings and format
Document dev Update
Hall specific information elop
Update headings and format ment
Burton & Garran Hall
This Handbook
This handbook aims to provide residents of Burton & Garran Hall with a reference about the policies,
procedures, administration and facilities of the Hall. It forms part of the terms and conditions of your
Occupancy Agreement so we urge you to read it carefully. We hope that it helps you to think about
how you live in a community of scholars and to settle in to your new home.
About the Hall
Burton & Garran Hall was, as the name suggests, originally two separate Halls. Burton Hall was
established as a fully catered Hall of Residence in 1965. It was named after Professor Herbert ‘Joe’
Burton CBE (1900-1983), a Queenslander and Rhodes Scholar (1922) who, during his lifetime played
an active role in Australian tertiary education, holding numerous university teaching roles. In 1949,
Burton was appointed Principal and Professor of Economic History at Canberra University College.
When the college became the Australian National University in 1960, Burton was made Principal of
the School of General Studies, a position he retained until his retirement in 1965. As a beneficiary of
Professor Burton’s will, the Hall received books, furniture and a substantial bequest for the provision
of student bursaries.
Garran Hall, also established in 1965, was named after Sir
Robert Randolph Garran (1867-1957) in recognition of his
contributions to university education and to the development of
Canberra. Along with a distinguished career in government,
Garran is remembered for his devotion to Canberra. Garran
found it ‘unthinkable’ that there should not be a university in
Canberra: what he prophetically called a ‘National University at
Canberra’. He was able to canvas enough support to establish
Canberra University College, chairing the new University’s
council from 1930 to 1953. Garran also served on the Interim
Council of the Australian National University from 1946 to 1951
– becoming the University’s first graduate when he was
awarded an honorary law doctorate. In 1983, the two Halls
combined to become Burton & Garran Hall.
Message from the Head of Residence
Welcome to Burton and Garran Hall.
On behalf of our community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Burton & Garran Hall. I am
very excited to join the B&G family and to become one of the newest members of the largest Hall of
Residence on campus. We are 500 students and researchers strong. Our residents and staff are
drawn from all parts of the country and the world and study in every College of the ANU. I myself have
come from the US to make B&G my new home. I am honored to have the privilege of sharing my
knowledge and experience with each of you, while at the same time learning all that you have to
teach me. Our inherent diversity can help us have an amazing experience this year if we have the
open minds and open hearts to embrace this gift.
Every member of our community deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. This should be a
place where everyone feels welcomed and appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute
to the B&G family. No one should walk our halls as a stranger. It is the responsibility of each and
every one of us to look out for the best interests of our fellow residents. Each of us has a unique story
to tell. We all benefit from taking the time to listen to and understand those stories. This Handbook
provides some insight into the purpose, vision, guidelines and structure of the B&G Hall community.
Please consider it to be a guide for how we can all have the safest, most comfortable, nicest,
friendliest and overall best hall on campus.
B&G is a great place to explore different paths. The transition from high school to university can be
challenging, but there are many sharing the same experience with you. This is a wonderful
opportunity for you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Challenge yourself to pursue
your dreams and passions. And if you do not yet know what those passions are, then allow us to help
you discover them. You can take comfort in the fact that your fellow B&G residents are on the same
journey with you. The more you can make connections with one another, the more successful and
happier you will become. We are only as strong as the relationships we maintain. I strongly
encourage you to support one another as you embark on this journey to be the best people you can
be. The bonds that are forged here can last you a lifetime if you allow them to do so. Your peers will
be your most effective support in achieving your academic and personal potential. You will get out of
this experience only what you are willing to contribute to it.
B&G is an open, friendly, fun and academically focused community of student leaders. I invite you to
make the most of the academic and social opportunities our community offers and I look forward to
getting to know you as the year progresses. We are the Redbacks. We are B&G!
Head of Hall
Jamiyl Mosley
Values and Ethos
Burton and Garran Hall is a community of scholars who value the diversity and challenges of
communal academic living. We recognise we are an important part of the broader academic
endeavour of the Australian National University and seek to offer all residents the opportunity to test
and reach their full academic and social potential through the provision of a safe and supportive living
and study environment.
The effort to provide the right environment is a cooperative and collegiate venture. This means
residents are expected to contribute towards the development of a hall community that respects and
values the differing life stories that each resident brings. Respect and contribution to others are the
cornerstones of our ethos. They guide our decisions and direction as a hall of residence. Whether we
play sport, help out with the college production, attend an academic study group, lend a corridor
neighbour some friendly support, or just join a cooking group in the kitchens, we at every stage are
mindful of the other residents of this hall and the ways in which we can make a positive and practical
contribution to their lives. By doing so, we greatly enhance, and extend, and enrich our own
experiences while at this great university.
Resident responsibilities
In all ANU Halls of Residence, residents are expected to maintain a mature and responsible attitude
to life. Which allows us to keep the number of rules to a minimum. However the following specific
resident responsibilities are brought to your attention:
Responsibilities of residents
Burton and Garran Hall:
does not allow smoking within the accommodation block or Hall;
does not tolerate illegal drugs or firearms;
does not allow any pets;
requires noise levels to be kept to reasonable levels;
makes residents responsible for the behaviour of their guests; and
will terminate a Occupancy Agreement for anti-social behaviour, such as theft,
harassment, drunkenness, wilful damage, any sort of violence, interfering with fire alarms
or safety equipment, disobeying the instructions of a Fire Warden, or a breach of any of
the rules in this Handbook or the Occupancy Agreement.
Each resident has an obligation towards community-minded behaviour. The rules set out in this
Handbook are designed to maintain a happy, safe, and harmonious living and study environment for
Hall responsibilities
In return for meeting their responsibilities, residents can expect:
to be treated courteously and politely by staff;
to receive adequate prior notice before work is carried out in the Hall that may cause
the provision and upkeep of a safe, clean and reasonably quiet living and study
respect for their right to privacy. The Hall reserves the right to enter a room where a
potential emergency exists (e.g. fire alarm, concern for a resident’s welfare), to deal with
noise emanating from unattended rooms, to conduct inspections, or attend to
maintenance issues;
to receive a Schedule of Fees setting out their financial commitments for the year (please
note that charges for laundry, phone and internet usage, and other ancillary services
may change throughout the year); and the opportunity to express concerns or ideas for
the operation or improvement of the Hall.
Staff of the Hall
Head of Hall
The Head has overall responsibility for the good management and leadership of the Hall, for discipline
in the Hall, for the well-being of its residents and staff and for the maintenance of the Hall’s buildings.
The Head is also responsible for the formulation of Hall policy. You can make an appointment to see
the Head of Hall through the Front Office.
Deputy Head of Hall
The Deputy Head’s primary responsibilities include supervision and management of the academic
assistance and pastoral support teams, assisting with the formulation and implementation of Hall
policies, and responding to the pastoral, academic, administrative and social needs of the residents.
You can make an appointment to see the Deputy Head of Residence through the Front Office.
Administration Manager
The Administration Manager is responsible for providing financial management advice to the Head of
Hall, and for the administrative operations of the Hall including the front office, admissions, IT, room
management, fee payments, cleaning, security, maintenance, transport and conferences.
Admissions Officer
The Admissions Officer provides administrative support to the Head and Deputy Head in relation to
the admission of Hall residents and room management. The Admissions Officer also plays an
important role in the day-to-day communication with current and prospective residents of the Hall and
Community Coordinator
The two Community Coordinators of Burton & Garran Hall work with the Deputy Head in assisting with
the coordination and development of the pastoral, academic, and social aspects of the Hall
community. They are prominent in the collegiate life of the Hall and are expected to be role models
for all residents. Working cooperatively with other staff and fellow residents, the Community
Coordinators foster a supportive living and learning environment in the Hall. They are both full-time
Maintenance Staff
The maintenance team is responsible for monitoring the building and equipment maintenance in the
Hall, liaison with and supervision of contractors and carrying out handyman tasks as required.
Housekeeping/Cleaning Staff
The hall has a dedicated team of contract cleaners who ensure, with the support of students, that all
areas of the buildings and grounds are maintained at a high standard of cleanliness.
Front Desk Staff
The Front Desk staff are responsible to the Administration Manager for the provision of the day-to-day
requirements of residents. Services include: payments, mail and fax service, check-in/check-out and
general enquiries.
Residents’ Committee
The Burton and Garran Residents’ Committee (known colloquially as BAGMA) is elected each year
and consists of both senior and junior residents. Committee members work as a team and have
specific portfolios which are as follows: sports, arts, social, community, communications, green
initiatives, Post-graduate, international and first year representatives. All residents are eligible and
encouraged to run for election to the Committee. The Residents’ Committee is responsible for the
organisation of social events and activities during the year. This extends to sporting, cultural and
community involvement as well. The Committee also helps to represent the views and interests of the
residents to the Hall and the University. The Committee is involved in all aspects of Hall life in an
effort to make your experience here a memorable one.
Pastoral care team
Burton and Garran Hall provides a comprehensive academic and pastoral support network made up
of the Head of Hall, Deputy Head, Community Coordinators, Senior Residential Scholars, Residential
Scholars, Academic Scholars, Fellows and Mentors. Alongside pastoral and academic support, our
Residents Committee organises social, sporting, arts, international and community events and works
with B&G Green to encourage environmental activities in Hall.
Senior Residential Scholars
All residents in their second year and beyond are eligible to apply to become a Senior Residential
Scholar (SRs). These residents play a special role in the leadership of the Hall, and they apply skills
in management, care, co-ordination and planning that all contribute to enabling Burton and Garran
Hall to meet its own high standards. SRs reside on the floor for which they have particular
Essentially, SRs are appointed to help create the best study and social environment on their floors.
They might plan a floor or block event, arrange a floor outing, or assist with Resident Committee
events, Orientation Week (O Week) and Open Day activities. Or they might talk someone through a
case of homesickness, personal problems or assist with a case of harassment. They are the first point
of contact in emergencies such as fire, power failure or vandalism and every SR is a trained first aid
officer and has a first aid kit in their room. They also help the Head and Deputy Head implement Hall
policies. Community Coordinators assist the Head, Deputy Head and Senior Residents in their duties
and co-ordinate many of the SR activities.
Residential Scholars
Residential Scholars assume specific portfolio responsibilities as Bus Drivers, Canteen Manager &
Assistants, IT Representatives, and Library Assistants. More broadly, scholars operate as role models
in support of Senior Residential Scholars.
Academic Support Team
Burton and Garran Hall provides help for residents who would like academic assistance. The
emphasis is on support, rather than replicating the tutoring provided by the University’s Faculties staff.
We also try to supplement the role of the University’s Academic Skills and Learning Centre by
imparting the experience and knowledge of our best academic performers to other residents, thereby
developing better study skills. Our Academic Scholars play an active role in the development and
facilitation of several Learning Communities by organising guest speakers, academic round tables,
workshops and providing one-on-one assistance when needed. The academic team also offers an
essay and assignment review service.
Personal safety is a matter affecting everyone on campus. By recognising and avoiding potentially
risky situations, you can greatly increase your personal safety.
ANU Security will escort you to/from anywhere on campus to/from the Hall. Call x52249 to arrange a
security escort. Security Officers have many duties to perform; delays may at times be unavoidable
and emergencies always take priority. The University also provides a free after-hours bus service with
a set route around the main campus and to Fenner Hall.
For more information, see:
The security of the Hall and the grounds is best afforded through the vigilance of residents. If you see
suspicious behaviour in the Hall or on the grounds, please report it immediately to the Senior
Resident on duty, the Front Office, or ANU Security on x52249. Likewise, please do not let people
you do not know into the secure areas of the residence and do not, under any circumstances, divulge
details of other residents to visitors to the Hall.
After Hours Assistance
The Senior Resident On-Call
The Senior Resident team are on-call every night of the week (5.00 p.m. until 9.00 a.m. the next
morning) and through the weekends to assist residents after hours.
The Senior Resident on-call can assist you with:
checking-in between 5pm and 10pm;
access to folding beds for guests and to vacuum cleaners;
noise disturbances within Hall;
emergency or urgent situations (fire, accidents, intruders, flooding etc.);
access to locked common areas that you have previously arranged permission to access.
You can contact the Senior Resident on-call by telephoning 40040 from your room phone. The
Senior Resident on-call must not be disturbed for non-urgent requirements (e.g. vacuum cleaners,
folding beds) after 11 pm and is not required to assist with tasks that should have been organised
during office hours. For noise, emergencies or disturbances, the Senior Resident on-call can be
contacted at any hour.
Emergency Contacts
Emergency Contacts (to dial externally you must dail 0 first then the number)
Senior Resident On-Call
Police/Ambulance/Fire Brigade
Calvary Hospital - CNR of Haydon Drive &
(0) 000
(02) (0) 6201 6111
Belconnen Way, Bruce
Canberra Hospital, Yamba Drive, Garran
Capital Chemist O’ConnorO’Conner Shops (open
9:00am – 11:00pm every day of the year
ANU Student Services
ANU Security
Health Services
Counseling Centre
Student Welfare Officer
Academic Skills & Learning Centre
Dean of Students
Equity and Diversity Unit
Careers Centre
Head of Residence
Deputy Head of Residence
Administration Manager
Front Office
(02) (0) 6244 2222
(02) (0) 6248 7050
52249 or (02) 6125 2249
53598 or (02) 6125 3598
52442 or (02) 6125 2442
55849 or (02) 6125 5849
52972 or (02) 6125 2972
54184 or (02) 6125 4184
53595 or (02) 6125 3595
53593 or (02) 6125 3593
40005 or (02) 6184 0005
40004 or (02) 6184 0004
40007 or (02) 6184 0007
40000 or (02) 6184 0000
Illness or Accident
In the case of illness or an accident that is not an emergency, transport to hospital is a private matter.
We recommend the use of a taxi where this is appropriate. If you choose to go in a private vehicle, we
recommend that a friend, in addition to the driver, accompany you.
The only appropriate transport in an emergency is an ambulance. Ambulance costs are the
responsibility of the person seeking medical care. It is highly recommended that you have health
cover that includes ambulance travel. In such instances you should contact the Office, the Senior
Resident-on-Duty, another Senior Resident, or Community Coordinator to arrange an ambulance.
In cases where the Head of Residence or nominee determines that there is a grave concern for your
health or wellbeing, your preferred emergency contact persons (listed on your Accommodation
Application or as advised to the Hall Office) will be contacted.
All Senior Residents have First Aid training and are equipped with first-aid kits. There is a medical
centre on campus (open Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm), located next to the Sports Union. It is highly
recommended that you let your Senior Resident or the Deputy Head of Residence know if you suffer
from an illness or sustain and injury during your time in Hall. This will help to ensure that you can
receive proper care and attention.
The Australian National University maintains a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all
University buildings and vehicles in addition to those locations where smoking is legally prohibited or
otherwise restricted by the Smoke-free Areas (Enclosed Public Places) Act 1994 (ACT). This includes
your room and applies to all residents, guests, and staff.
Persons who wish to smoke outside the Hall are required, while smoking, to keep at least 15 metres away
from any entranceway, doorway, window or ventilation intake of the building.
If you feel you must smoke, please ensure that your decision does not impact on others;
Do not smoke near non-smokers. People should be able to come and go from the Hall without
walking through a cloud of cigarette smoke.
Ensure that you are at least 10 metres away from side entrances to the Hall if you are smoking. It
is intolerable and unhealthy for residents to have cigarette smoke blow into their rooms.
Please dispose of your cigarette butts responsibly. We take pride in the Hall and litter (cigarette
butts are litter) gives a very poor impression of the caliber of our community.
Please ensure that any noise you make does not disturb your fellow residents.
Car Parking
Resident-only parking is available at all Halls. These spaces are limited and only available to those
with a valid permit issued by the ANU Parking office. Spaces are not reserved and are allocated on a
first-come first-served basis in First Semester. Residents are strongly encouraged to apply for permits
before the start of the academic year. Please note, permits are only issued to enrolled students, so
the time available to apply between confirmation of your enrolment and arrival at university is short.
As access to parking is not guaranteed, you need to consider your personal arrangements if you
arrive at Hall with a car and are unsuccessful with your application for a campus parking permit.
Permits sell quickly and are only valid for the resident-only parking area adjacent to your Hall.
Residents may apply for a temporary parking permit for a guest from the front office of the Hall.
Temporary permits are valid for the term of a visit for a maximum of 10 days, and allow the permit
holder to park in the Resident parking area as stated on the card, dependent on availability. One
temporary parking permit will be issued per resident per year.
For more information on obtaining an ANU parking permit please see:
Dining Room
The Hall has a small private dining room that can be booked through the front office. It has a
maximum capacity of eight people and is available for quiet dinner gatherings. Hosts are held
responsible for the appropriate use of the room and charges will be incurred for misuse.
Art Room
The art room is a shared facility, and is available to residents for the development of art projects.
Restricted access for the art room is allocated by the office, with preference given to students of the
School of Art. If a resident is allocated access to the art room, it will be on the understanding that the
room is for personal use, and that access to the room, will not be given to anyone else.
Function and Meetings Rooms
The Hall has a number of Function and Meetings Rooms. These rooms are used for a variety of
activities including guest lectures, symposia, seminars, performances, functions and Hall dinners.
All functions and meetings must be booked and approved at least fourteen days in advance. Event
Management booking forms are available to you online at Redbacks.org, on the events page.
The Burton & Garran Hall Library, situated on the ground floor of Central Block, has a range of books,
magazines, newspapers and board games for use by residents. The Library is manned by the
academic scholars team at set hours 7pm -10pm each evening.
Sewing Room
The hall has a designated sewing room with a sewing machine available for the use of residents.
Access to this room is upon request through the office
The sewing room is only to be used 8am – 10pm, seven days a week.
Music Rooms
The Hall has six music rooms, for the personal use of residents. Access to these rooms is upon
request at the front office.
The grand-piano is located in the Garran Room and is for the exclusive use of music students who
specialise in piano. Access to this piano must be organised with the front office, access is only for 2
days at a time.
The music rooms are only to be used 8am – 10pm, seven days a week.
Study Rooms
There are a number of quiet study rooms and areas available for use in Central Block.
Computer Labs (Information Commons)
Computer rooms are provided for the use of Hall residents, with the priority being for academic use.
These rooms are equipped with a mix of PCs and iMacs, and a laser printer. The computers are
connected to the ANU Network, and have identical software configurations to the Information
Commons Computer Labs on campus in places such as the Chifley Library.
Both labs are available to residents on a 24-hour basis.
Use of these computing facilities is subject to the University’s Statutes, rules, orders, policies and
procedures. These are available on the ANU’s website. Anyone who does not comply with these
documents can expect disciplinary action. Internet access from each of the computer labs is
It should be remembered that the Computer Rooms are primarily a quiet place for study. To this end,
some common sense rules apply to your use of them:
Eating, drinking or smoking in the computer rooms is not allowed.
The rooms are for ANU enrolled student residents use only (others may be welcome, in group
project situations, provided the room is not full).
Noise and conversation should be kept to a minimum, and music should only be listened to
using earphones.
Users should not store their data files on the desktop or hard drive, as these files are regularly
deleted from the desktop.
Academic work takes priority over recreational use (including email) at all times.
Problems should be recorded on the DOI Helpdesk website available from the ANU web
page, or by calling 59666. Do not attempt to fix problems yourself as this may set off an
alarm. IT Assistants can replace toner and paper. Please log any shortages on-line on the IT
Assistance site on the Redbacks website (Redbacks.org).
Washing machines and dryers are accessible in the laundry at the back of Central Block and are
restricted to the use of B&G residents only.
Residents must supply only front loading washing powder and detergents. Residents are advised not
to leave laundry unattended. The laundry is cleared weekly of all abandoned clothing which is held for
two weeks and then given to charity.
Utility Rooms
There is a small utility room on each floor. The utility room contains an iron and an ironing board. The
iron must be switched off when not in use.
Each floor has two bathrooms on each wing of the floor; each bathroom consists of 3 x shower
cubicles and 3 x toilets.
Bicycle Storage
Secure bicycle storage is available on site. All bicycles must be registered with the Hall every year.
This can be done through the Front Office. Any bicycle found attached to trees, stair railings or left in
blocks will be removed. Unregistered bicycles risk confiscation. Bicycle theft is a problem on campus.
We suggest you invest in a U-Lock. You should also insure your bike against theft.
Confiscated bicycles will be held in a secure storage area and can be collected through the Front
Office, once they have been registered. Any bicycle that is unclaimed will be kept for a period of 3
months where after it will be collected by ANU Security for disposal.
Helmets are compulsory in the ACT and must be worn when riding around campus or beyond it.
Common Rooms
Common areas within Burton and Garran Hall are for the exclusive use of all B&G residents. Some
areas can be booked for group use, such as function and meeting rooms, however all functions and
events must have approval from the Head of Hall. Event forms are available to you online at
Redbacks.org, on the events page. Residents booking rooms are held responsible for the room and
are required to ensure that rooms are left clean and tidy after use. Any extra cleaning or damages will
be charged to the organiser. No private parties (including birthdays) are allowed in Hall, all events
must be organised through either the Residents’ Committee or Senior Resident.
The Redback Lounge
The Redback Lounge is the place for residents to meet and relax. You can play pool, table tennis and
video games. The sporting achievements of Hall residents are on display and, during the academic
year and examination breaks, the Canteen is open every night selling drinks, coffee, chocolate,
snacks, ice creams etc. Alcohol may be purchased by residents over the age of 18. This is a
licensed area and as such you cannot bring your own alcohol into this area during opening hours.
Please refer to the alcohol policy at the end of this handbook for more details.
Wireless Network Access
Residents can access the ANU wireless network from a number of locations. Details on Resnet can
be found at: http://wireless.anu.edu.au/resnet.php.
The kitchen, the ‘heart’ of the Hall; is a popular place, ideal for catching up whilst sharing cooking tips
and recipes. Each resident is allocated a place in one of ten kitchen bays, each with its own storage
cupboard, fridge shelf and shared freezer. Residents may request a lock for their fridge basket from
the front office. Residents are required to supply their own eating and cooking utensils. The
Residents’ Committee conducts sales of pre-loved utensils, pots and pans.
Residents are responsible for the cleanliness and tidiness of their kitchen, including stoves, ovens,
microwaves and other equipment, their kitchen cupboard, their fridge and their freezer. Essentially,
this involves common sense; removing deteriorated food so other food is not contaminated, cleaning
‘fridge baskets’ at least once every month, not putting food waste or other rubbish down sinks and
wiping benches clean after use alongside general cleaning and tidying. If housekeeping staff find any
discarded food, they will remove it. Cooking utensils left on kitchen benches will be removed and
forwarded to charity.
Please limit the temptation of food theft by:
 Placing food in a non-see through container/plastic bag within your basket
 Locking your fridge basket
Regular inspections are conducted of the kitchen. Residents will be liable for costs of cleaning a
poorly kept kitchen and associated equipment. Serial offenders will be required to clean kitchens as a
community service.
Recovery of cleaning costs from residents reflects the expectation that residents will accept individual
and collective responsibility for the mutual environment, in a conscientious, dependable, trustworthy
and mature fashion. Similarly, residents are individually and collectively responsible for correct use
and maintenance of appliances such as stoves, ovens or microwaves and sandwich presses. Equally,
residents may be held individually and collectively responsible for wanton, careless, or reckless
damage to the kitchens or to kitchen equipment.
Rooms have central boiler heating; these heaters are controlled centrally and are tuned on towards
the end of April through to mid-October. They are thermostatically controlled individually in each
Accommodation bursaries are available to assist eligible students who are experiencing financial
difficulty. Further information, details of eligibility and application forms can be found on the University
Accommodation website.
The Hall also has a limited number of bursaries also designed to exclusively assist domestic
residents. The bursaries are awarded primarily on financial need and are advertised in the Hall at the
beginning of each semester.
Please see the ANU Halls and Colleges Fee Summary on the University Accommodation website.
Fee Payment
A Schedule of Fees, including payment dates, is available at the Front Office or on Redbacks.org.
No statements are issued when rent is due, although you may request one at any time from the Front
You may pay your rent either a semester or year in advance, or by regular fortnightly Direct Debit
payments throughout the Occupancy Agreement period according to the Schedule of Fees.
For those who choose to pay fortnightly, Direct Debit is the only method by which you may do so. The
amounts shown on the Schedule of Fees will be direct debited from your account except in cases
where your outstanding balance is different to these amounts, in which case the balance will be taken.
A direct debit form was included in your offer pack, and additional forms are available from the Front
Direct Debit is an easy means of making regular and automatic payments directly from your
Australian bank or credit union account. You only need to hand the completed form to the Front
Office and payments will commence at the next rent due date. Be sure that sufficient funds are in your
account to accommodate this transaction otherwise you may incur a fee from your financial institution.
If you are unable to make a payment, you must discuss the matter with the Administration Manager
and state your case in writing at least three days before the rent due date i.e. the Tuesday before the
Direct Debit date. Only in exceptional circumstances will a late payment be approved.
Late Payment
A resident who has a debt to the Hall, and not negotiated a suitable financial agreement with the
Administration Manager, may be refused permission to put credit on their phone, or to place any other
optional charges on their account until the debt is settled.
Room Deposits
You will need to fill in a form to have your deposit refunded at the conclusion of your residency. The
refund will be reconciled against your final account, and include any unused credit on your phone
account, less any outstanding rent.
The refund will not be processed until your room has been vacated and inspected. Any costs
associated with cleaning, tampering, or damage will be deducted from the refund as per the
Occupancy Agreement.
Please ensure you provide an accurate forwarding address that will remain current for at least eight
weeks. The refund will be made by a direct credit transaction to your Australian bank or Credit Union
account. Cheques or foreign bank drafts may also be used if other payment arrangements are not
possible. Such instances may include international students who have closed their Australian bank
account. At peak times during the year, it may take up to six weeks for your refund to be processed.
Overseas bank drafts can take considerably longer.
If you are departing with the intention of returning in the following academic year, the deposit will be
retained and carried forward.
The Australian National University requires all ‘high risk’ electrical appliances in Hall, including those
owned by residents, to be tested for safety and tagged. Where appliances do not meet safety
requirements they must be removed from the Hall. Soon after your arrival, the office may arrange to
have your appliances tested. You must make your appliances available for this purpose. Personal
computers and some other electronic items are not included in the testing regime.
Electrical items not permitted in your room
For reasons of fire safety and electrical loading limitations you are not permitted to have in your room:
Heaters of any description (other than the wall mounted heater provided)
Cooking equipment, including toasters and rice cookers
Air-conditioning units
Washing machines or dryers
Electric blankets
No flammable liquids
Remember all electrical appliances in Australia are 240 volts. When using electrical equipment:
Check the safety tag; ensure that the next test/retest date recorded has not been passed.
Make sure mains cords are well-connected and in good condition.
Make sure extension cords are uncoiled and protected from undue wear, tear and
Use equipment only for its intended purpose.
Ensure electrical equipment is in good condition.
Use power-boards only with overload protection, double adaptors may not be used.
Do not position equipment where it will pose a hazard.
Unplug equipment before cleaning it.
Turn items OFF when not required. It is a safer practice to do so and the impact on the
environment can be reduced considerably if power consumption is cut.
Fire and Safety Alarms
Break Glass Alarms
Near most building exit doors and near lift foyers there are “break glass” alarms. If a resident of the
Hall encounters difficulties and needs immediate support, the break glass alarm can be used to call
for help. It will set off the fire alarm and the Duty Warden and/or Deputy Head of Residence or the
Community Coordinator on duty will be there within minutes. There are also break glass panels
attached to building exit doors which do not set off the fire alarm, but should also only be used in an
emergency. Careless or irresponsible triggering of alarms may result in a fine and/or disciplinary
Room Fire Doors
It is a serious offence if students remove or tamper with the screw to prevent the closer working or
making it jam against the door so that it doesn’t close fully. The type of screw used in these closers is
not a standard screw. If a student tampers with the door closer and the screw has to be replaced, the
charge for the replacement screw will be passed on to the resident concerned.
Under the Emergencies ACT 2004 Section 96 (3): “A person commits an offence if the person fixes a
fire door, smoke door or exit door in an open or closed position in a way that is not approved by the
chief officer (fire brigade).” This offence holds a max penalty 6 months prison, 50 penalty units or
both. Each room is a sole occupancy fire rated compartment, and the door is classed as a fire egress
door. The Emergencies Act 2004 can be found at http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/200428/20040701-14674/pdf/2004-28.pdf. This offence is a “strict liability office” which means the penalty
must be enforced and cannot be appealed.
Fire Response Equipment
Fire hoses, fire extinguishers and fire blankets are in place to protect people and property. Please do
not touch the equipment unless you need to use it for a fire. Please report any use or abuse of the
equipment to the Front Office.
Smoke and Heat Detectors
Detectors for heat and smoke are located throughout the building. The detectors are an important part
of our safety system and it is an offence to tamper with them or cover them in any way. Any such
action may result in the cancellation of your Occupancy Agreement.
Fire Alarm
During a fire alarm a loud signal will sound in the Hall. If this happens, please follow the directions
posted on the back of your room door and/or common area noticeboard. Please ensure you are
familiar with these procedures.
Should the alarm indicate that an evacuation must take place, please do so in an orderly and calm
manner. Congregate at the designated meeting point until the all clear is given.
There will be fire drills during the year. For your own safety, please treat them seriously.
False fire alarms caused by neglect and/or mischief will attract a fine. Intentional false alarms,
tampering with fire equipment (including the closing mechanism on your room door), or disobeying the
instructions of a Fire Warden can result in the termination of your Occupancy Agreement, and
residents will be held liable for any cost associated with inspecting, re-setting, or re-calibrating any
equipment which has been tampered with.
No items of any kind, including shoes, bicycles, shopping trolleys, baggage, boxes etc., are to be left
in the corridors or foyers of the floors, or any public area of Hall, as these constitute a safety issue in
the event of an evacuation.
Candles and incense
The use of candles and incense in rooms is prohibited.
Security Cameras
The Hall has a number of security cameras focused on key parts of the buildings and grounds. While
these can be of assistance in managing issues, the best defence is for all residents to maintain a
vigilant attitude towards Hall safety and security.
Hall Security
Hall security is the responsibility of all residents to ensure they remain vigilant at all times when
entering the blocks.
Front Office Hours
The front office is open between 9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Your mail should be addressed to:
(Your Name)
Burton and Garran Hall
Building 49, Daley Road
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 2601
Important mail is held behind the reception counter, email notification will be sent and can be
collected during office hours. Reception will also accept both internal and stamped external mail for
posting through the university system.
Faxes may be sent and received from the Office, but only during office hours. There is a charge
made for sending faxes, but no charge for receiving them. Faxes received for residents are placed in
the mail slots. Please ensure the sender puts your full name (in English) on incoming faxes.
Scanning is charged as per the Schedule of Fees.
Improving the Environment
Co-mingle recycling bins are provided in the kitchen, outside rubbish stations and some common
areas in the Hall. Compost bins are located on each kitchen bench; please ensure you only put
compostable food waste in these bins. Posters indicating appropriate material to be recycled are
situated close to each bin. Burton and Garran Hall has very quickly built a strong recycling and
environmental program. The residents have also formed a very active Burton and Garran Green
Group to address and advise on environmental issues within and around the Hall.
The Hallwide email is B&G’s newsletter; it helps keep residents up to date with what’s going on
around the Hall. Contributions and suggestion from all residents are welcome – go to Redbacks.org
for more details.
The Hall has a dedicated team of contract cleaners who ensure, with the support of students, that all
areas of the buildings and grounds are maintained at a high standard of cleanliness.
Official Communication
The Hall may communicate with you in a variety of ways to keep you informed. The Redbacks
website (Redbacks.org) has a wealth of information about current events. Official communication
from the Hall will be in writing and sent to you as an email to your university email account. It is
important that you check this account regularly; notification will include offers for accommodation,
meeting requests with staff.
All maintenance issues can be reported by logging onto Redback.org and selecting ‘Current
Resident’ ‘from the menu and then selecting ‘Fix it .
Some limited long-term storage is available on floors (trunk rooms). You may only store suitcases and
boxes that you do not need to have regular access to. Access to these rooms can be arranged
through the Senior Resident on Duty before 11pm.
“E-Block,” also affords provision for longer-term storage for returning residents only. Storage boxes
for purchase are available from the Front Office. Central Block offers storage for larger items, e.g.
fridges, suitcases, and large boxes for returning residents only. Access to these storage facilities are
as follows:
E Block: 11.00am and 9.00pm daily.
Central Block: 10.30am weekdays only
Storage process for residents
Visit Redbacks.org > Current Residents > Storage and submit an applications.
Once submitted, this will send your application to Burton and Garran Hall office staff.
You will soon receive an email advising if your storage application has been successful. If it has, you
will need to collect the barcode labels from the Front Office and place them on all items that you are
storing. If these are not attached to your storage at the time you drop it off, it will not be stored.
You will also receive a spare barcode label which you will need to retain and present (along with
photo ID) when you are collecting your storage.
Items are placed in storage by residents at their own risk. No furniture will be stored by the
hall. All items must be labelled with full name, room number and date of return.
(Refer to previous information under ‘The Redback Lounge’ pg 15)
Each residential room has a telephone with a voice mail (answering machine) system. Residents of
the Hall are able to make internal calls, or calls to the ANU campus (excluding the affiliated Colleges),
free of charge.
To activate your telephone for local and long distance calls, you will need to make a deposit on your
telephone account. You can put money on your telephone account through the Front Office during
normal working hours. When you have exhausted the amount credited to your phone account, the
system will automatically disallow all but internal and emergency calls.
Residents can dial Lifeline on 131114 and Emergency on 000 regardless of credit status on their
room extension (you will still need to dial 0 to get an outside line first).
Unisafe Bus
During the academic year, the University operates a free after-hours on campus bus service from
Monday to Friday. The timetable is available online:
Public Transport
The bus stop is directly outside B&G. The bus takes about 10 minutes to travel to the city centre and
20 minutes to the Belconnen Shopping Centre. University students pay about half of the full fare on
presenting their student identification card. Bus tickets can be pre-purchased at a newsagency. For
timetables and the bus route map please go to the ACTION Bus Website:
The Burton and Garran Hall Bus
The Hall has a mini-bus, which takes residents on shopping trips throughout the academic year. A
sign-up sheet is located at the bottom of the main stairs in Central Block. For details go to
Redbacks.org and click on services to sign-up.
IT access and support
Your access to the Internet is provided through the University and you are subject to all relevant
University Statutes, rules, orders, policies and procedures governing use of information technology
resources as well as other applicable laws.
Please note that the ANU requires all residents wanting connection to the Internet to have installed:
An up-to-date virus scanner; and
All current security patches for your operating system.
To help you protect your machine the University provides a free virus scanner to all staff and students
as well as providing local copies of security patches for operating systems. It is also recommended
that you turn on, or install, a personal firewall blocking as much network traffic as possible. For more
information on how to secure your machine and to download your free virus scanner please visit the
web site http://security.anu.edu.au.
The Hall has IT assistants available to check your machine and will be able to advise you how to get it
ready for connection to the network. To contact the IT team, please log a request online at
After you have connected, you will need to continually monitor your computer and ensure that it is
kept up to date.
Residents must not extend their local network with hubs, switches or wireless LAN access points,
according to the ANU’s Networks Operation Policy.
The security of your machine is not the responsibility of the Hall. The Internet has never been, and
probably never will be, secure. It is your responsibility to ensure that your virus scanner is up to date
and your computer has the latest operating system updates. Failure to do so may result in Internet
access being revoked by the University.
University IT networks may not be used to copy or distribute copyright material without the permission
of the copyright holder. Breaches can lead to immediate sanctions and suspension from the network
and action by the University under the University’s IT policies and Discipline Rules.
Please see these sites for more information on relevant University IT policies:
Wireless Network Access
Residents can access the ANU wireless network from most parts of Central Block. To use the network
you will need:
• A laptop or Portable Electronics Device with built-in 802.11b or 802.11g wireless capability or a
laptop and plug-in 802.11b or 802.11g wireless card.
• Wireless drivers for your operating system.
Your wireless network connection should be configured to obtain an IP address and DNS server
address automatically.
It is strongly recommend that you install some form of personal firewall (e.g. ZoneAlarm), and up to
date anti-virus software (e.g. Sophos).
To connect to the network, simply:
• Make sure that wireless networking is activated on your laptop.
• Once it is activated, start a web browser and go to any web page. Your browser will connect to the
secure ANU Wireless logon page.
• Enter your Uni ID and password and select the “Login User” button. If your login is successful, you
will be redirected to your web page. If you have JavaScript enabled on your browser, a logout window
will pop-up.
• You may need to authenticate a second time for the ANU web cache.
• If you do not see the logon page, try turning off any web proxy settings in your browser.
For more detailed information go to http://wireless.anu.edu.au/howto.html.
Policies & procedures
Academic Expectations
The Hall exists to support the academic endeavours and personal development of its residents by
maintaining suitable community values and assistance and guidance to individuals. The Hall expects
that having been offered a place at The Australian National University, you have the skills and ability
required to achieve academic success. We know also that conditions change and events happen that
make study difficult and in some cases, impossible at certain times. We require you to meet with the
Deputy Head of Residence, one of the Community Coordinators or the Head of Residence if your
academic results are a cause for concern.
We encourage you to be proactive if you start to struggle with your studies. Take advantage of the
Hall’s Academic Support Program and chat to the Deputy Head of Residence. Invariably, problems
are best dealt with early.
Residents should be aware that The Australian National University has stringent standards regarding
academic progress that may affect your enrolment and therefore your eligibility for residency in the
Hall. More information can be found at:
With increasing awareness of the links between smoking and the three diseases that cause most
deaths in Australia (ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and lung cancer), Australian
laws and regulations continue to restrict the places and areas in which people are permitted to smoke.
Second-hand smoke/passive smoking, where non-smokers breathe in the tobacco smoke of others,
can lead to harmful health effects.
The Australian National University maintains a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited in all
University buildings and vehicles in addition to those locations where smoking is legally prohibited or
otherwise restricted by the ACT Smoke-Free Public Places Act 2003. This includes your room and all
other places inside the Hall, and applies to all residents, guests, and staff.
Persons who wish to smoke outside the Hall are required, while smoking, to keep at least 15 metres
away from any entranceway, doorway, window or ventilation intake of the building, and are strongly
urged to use any designated outdoor smoking area (DOSA) determined by the Hall. The Hall will seek
to ensure that such an area is as safe and as comfortable as possible.
If you feel you must smoke, please ensure that
You do not smoke in a way that people are unable to come and go from the Hall without
walking through your cigarette smoke;
Cigarette smoke does not blow into the rooms of residents or staff;
You dispose of your cigarette butts responsibly; and
You do not make any noise, especially late at night, which will disturb your fellow
As far as possible, the Hall will make available information about appropriate quit-smoking programs
and will support any resident who seeks to undertake such a program for their better health and wellbeing.
As residents of the ACT, residents of an ANU Hall of Residence are subject to the applicable laws of
the Commonwealth of Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.
The Australian National University Statutes, Rules, Orders, policies and procedures apply to all
students of the University and residents in Halls and can be found on the University’s website
The provisions contained in the Occupancy Agreement and Hall Handbook applies to all Hall
Authorised Office-bearers for the purposes of discipline in the Hall include the Head of Residence or
General Manager, the Deputy Head of Residence, the Administration Manager, the Community
Coordinators and Senior Residents.
Action via internal procedures
By Rule 4.1 of the Halls of Residence Rules 2005 (‘the Rules’) the University’s Council has vested
responsibility in the Head of Residence for the good management and leadership of the Hall, for
discipline in the Hall and for the well-being of its residents. This is subject only to the direction of the
Vice-Chancellor or his or her nominee.
If behaviour of a resident who is also a student of the University is not of a level sufficient to constitute
misconduct under the Discipline Rules (i.e. the behaviour is minor and is limited to the living
environment within the Hall) or the resident is not a student of the University, then the disciplinary
matter will be considered and a finding made by the Head of Residence. By virtue of these discipline
procedures and in accordance with provisions in the Occupancy Agreement, the Head of Residence
may take any action considered necessary in the circumstances, and it may include immediate
termination of residency, removal from the Hall, probation, a , demand for repayment of costs
incurred through damage, imposition of community service or request for apology. The Head of
Residence will endeavour to provide the resident with a decision in writing within three (3) working
days of the behaviour being advised to the Head of Residence.
Except in cases where the decision of the Head of Residence has resulted in exclusion of a resident,
a resident may, if he/she is not willing to accept the decision of the Head of Residence, within seven
(7) days of receiving the written decision from the Head of Residence, seek a review of the decision.
A review must be sought in writing. An intra-Hall panel comprising the Deputy Head of Residence,
Community Coordinator and a resident of the Hall (or equivalent roles where applicable), will be
convened within three (3) working days to conduct a review.
The panel will consider the facts of the matter that led to disciplinary consideration and the resident
penalised may present submissions to the panel. The panel can interview witnesses but cannot
compel their attendance to do so. Having considered the material before it, the panel will make a
written report to the Head of Residence giving its view on the appropriateness of the findings of the
Head of Residence. This report will set out the material considered, the reasoning given and
comment upon the appropriateness of the penalty that was imposed by the Head of Residence. The
Head of Residence will consider the report of the panel and determine whether to uphold his/her
original decision or to vary it.
Consistent with the Halls of Residence Rules making the responsibility of the Head of Residence
subject to the direction of the Vice-Chancellor or his or her nominee, in cases where a resident has
sought a review of the decision of the Head of Residence, the final decision of the Head of Residence
along with the written report from the panel will be provided by the Head of Residence to the
Vice-Chancellor or his or her nominee as soon as practicable after any final decision is made by the
Head of Residence. Having considered the decision and the report of the panel, the Vice-Chancellor
or his or her nominee may direct the Head of Residence to make a different decision if the ViceChancellor or nominee does not consider the penalty imposed is appropriate in all the circumstances.
The decision of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee will be final and will be communicated in writing to the
Where the original decision or reconsidered decision of the Head of Residence has resulted in
exclusion of the student, the Head of Residence will immediately notify the matter to the
Vice-Chancellor or nominee. The resident will have the right to make any request for review
regarding exclusion from the Hall directly to the Vice-Chancellor or his or her nominee (unless the
exclusion is on the basis of non-payment of rent in which case no internal avenue of review is
available). The decision of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee having reviewed the matter will be final
and will be communicated to the resident in writing.
Disciplinary findings under these procedures and the University’s Discipline Rules 2011 (as amended)
will be taken into account when considering re-admission of the resident to the Hall or to another Hall
administered by the University.
Action under the Discipline Rules
If behaviour of a resident who is also a student of the University is of a level sufficient to constitute
misconduct within the meaning of Rule 3.1 of the Discipline Rules 2011 (as amended), the Head of
Residence, as prescribed authority for the purposes of the Discipline Rules, will assess the nature of
the behaviour and may take immediate action in accordance with Rule 6. The Head of Residence will
hold an inquiry and make a finding in accordance with the procedures set out in the Discipline Rules.
If the resident wishes, the resident can appeal the decision of the Head of Residence to the Appeals
Committee as provided in Rule 19.1 of the Discipline Rules.
Equal Opportunity
Send to Tana for checkingEquity policies
There are several equity policies located on the ANU Equity policy website at New policy find out what
it is to assist students with their specific needs or responsibilities. These policies are:
Equal Opportunity
Indigenous Employment
Assessment Arrangements for Students from Language Backgrounds Other Than English
Disclosure of Information by Students with a Disability or Illness
Work, Study and Family Responsibilities
Children on Campus
Prevention of discrimination, harassment and bullying
The ANU has a procedure on the ‘Prevention of Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying’ and is
committed to ensuring that staff and students are treated with integrity and respect, recognising all
members of ANU have the right to work and study in an environment free from discrimination,
harassment and bullying. The ANU, including its halls of residence, will not tolerate discrimination,
harassment and bullying behaviour under any circumstances and will take action against any staff
member or student who is found to have breached this policy. This policy explains that: Bullying is
repeated unreasonable and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace or education environment which
comprises behaviour that intimidates, offends, degrades, insults or humiliates an employee or
student. This can be physical or psychological behaviour.
Discrimination can occur when someone, or a group of people, is treated less favourably than another
person or group because of a specified attribute such as their race, colour, national or ethnic origin,
sex, pregnancy, breastfeeding, relationship status, carer status, age, tran sexuality, disability,
sexuality, union affiliation, religious or political conviction or any other characteristic specified.
Harassment can occur when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted or humiliated because of
their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, sex including sexual harassment, disability, sexuality, or
any characteristic specified under human rights legislation. It can also happen if someone is working
in a hostile - or intimidating - environment. The behaviours can be overt or subtle, verbal, non-verbal
or physical.
Further information and explanations on discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment,
and bullying is available at the Policies website. In addition, training programs can be provided on
equity policies including the prevention of discrimination and harassment. Refer to the ANU Policies
website for more information: Link changed find out what it is
The University has established a Student Complaint Resolution policy and procedure at Changed
URL for the resolution of complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying.
Residents are encouraged to come forward with a complaint in the knowledge that a responsible
Officer will take prompt and effective action to resolve it. The responsible Officers are the Head of
Residence, Deputy Head and the Administration Manager at Burton & Garran Hall. Complaints are
considered seriously, expeditiously and sensitively, with due regard to procedural fairness and
confidentiality. Students may also seek advice from:
The ANU Students Association (ANUSA)
The Postgraduate and Research Students Association (PARSA)
Senior Residents who are also trained contact people for issues of harassment.
Applicable University Legislative Instruments (as amended)
Halls of Residence Statute 2005: Needs new link inserting here Halls of Residence Rules 2005:
Discipline Statute 2005: http://about.anu.edu.au/__documents/statutes/disciplinestatute.pdf
Discipline Rules 2011: http://about.anu.edu.au/__documents/rules/disciplinerules.pdf
Health and Wellness
Students come to ANU Halls of Residence and Colleges at an age where they are making life
management choices with regard to such matters as relationships, alcohol and drug use, study and
work patterns and health maintenance.
The Halls of Residence admit concomitant responsibility to empower residents to make informed
decisions about these complex issues. The Halls of Residence will conduct seminars and discussion
groups, with the aim of assisting residents to make thoughtful choices.
The Halls of Residence also recognise the need to promote individual good health and general wellbeing in their respective communities. Poor diet, skewed sleeping habits, over-commitment and
inadequate exercise and recreation, can often combine to significantly undermine academic
performance and potential. The Halls will actively promote and provide programs and opportunities for
understanding and improving intellectual functioning and mental/physical health. The Halls will liaise
with the University Counselling Centre and the Academic Skills and Learning Centre to support
pastoral and academic goals, and with organisations such as the ANU Sport and Recreation
Association and ACT Health as well as the ANU Health Service to find relevant and appropriate
responses to student health and wellness issues (e.g. a quit-smoking program in a Hall). The Halls
will also work to provide a greater range of non-alcoholic based social events to assist in the same
goal (e.g. a night at the local theatre, group entry in a fun run, a ski weekend).
Emergency Medical Procedures/Transport to Hospital
The non-emergency transport to hospital is a private matter. Where appropriate, the Hall will
recommend the use of a taxi. Where a resident chooses to be taken to hospital in a private vehicle,
the Hall will recommend that a friend, in addition to the driver, also travel with the person seeking
medical care.
The only appropriate transport in an emergency is an ambulance. Ambulance costs are the
responsibility of the person seeking medical care. It is highly recommended that Residents have
health cover that includes ambulance travel.
If staff/Residential Scholars accompany a resident to a hospital there is no requirement for them to
remain after medical care has commenced.
Residents can dial Lifeline on 131114 and Emergency on 000 regardless of credit status on their
room extension (you will still need to dial 0 to get an outside line first)
Informing Emergency Contact Person(s)
As a general rule, informing the nominated emergency contact person(s) is at the option of the
resident. However, in cases where there is grave concern for the health or well-being of a resident,
the Head of Residence may contact the emergency contact person(s) nominated by a resident in their
Occupancy Agreement.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Residents who have a recognised problem with the consumption of alcohol will be encouraged by
Halls to seek professional counselling and advice. Halls will treat such residents with empathy and
support, however inappropriate behaviour caused by the over-consumption of alcohol or any other
drug in a Hall will be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary provisions contained in the
Occupancy Agreement and Hall Handbooks.
Residents are required to be aware of, and abide by, the legislation regulating liquor on the
University’s campus.
Each of us is aware of the danger of possessing, selling or using illegal drugs. The seriousness of
such offences means that any resident who uses illegal drugs may be required to leave the Hall and
may not be readmitted in subsequent years. Residents trying to sell drugs on the premises, or
possessing them for sale, will be excluded immediately with the matter being referred to the police.
The Halls of Residence do not tolerate the possession or consumption of illegal drugs within the Hall,
its grounds, or the grounds of the University. A Resident who breaches this policy may have his/her
Occupancy Agreement terminated immediately. Whether the Occupancy Agreement is terminated is
at the discretion of the Head of Residence, acting reasonably in the circumstances.
Should any resident self-refer, seeking assistance to overcome addiction to an illegal substance, or if
a resident is having problems with dependence to prescribed drugs (sleeping tablets etc.), Halls will
take all reasonable action within the law to provide support during this process.
Underage Residents
The Halls of Residence are dynamic communities made up primarily of adults, and there is limited
capacity to adequately support and safeguard underage residents. Accordingly, students who will not
reach 18 by the end of the forthcoming academic year will not necessarily be admitted as residents of
a Hall. In determining whether to admit students who fall within this age category, the Head of
Residence will take into consideration the background and maturity of the student, and the availability
of alternative University approved accommodation.
The Head of Residence or Deputy Head will meet with all incoming residents who are less than
eighteen years of age to inform them about specific programs in place to assist them during this
transition phase to adulthood.
Heads of Residences will ensure that appropriate alcohol-free functions are provided so that
underage residents are able to be included in the structured aspect of the social life in their
Short-term Illness
Halls accept the possibility that residents may suffer a debilitating illness that is neither communicable
nor notifiable, for a short time. In such cases, the Halls undertake to extend every reasonable support,
and to encourage residents in the pursuit of their studies.
Psychological Distress
Where a resident seems to be showing signs of significant psychological distress (such as selfharming behaviour, symptoms of a psychotic episode or suicidal ideation), a designated staff member
will attempt to ensure that appropriate support is made available. This may include consultation with
and/or referral to health or counselling services including ACT Mental Health, University Counselling
Centre, ANU Health Service or another health service provider. A ‘Safety Plan’ may also be
developed in collaboration with the resident. As with a medical emergency, where there is grave
concern for the health or well-being of a resident, the Head of Residence may contact the emergency
contact person(s) nominated by a resident in their Occupancy Agreement.
Long-term Illness/Disability
In addition to communicable diseases, which may have a direct impact on the operation of a Hall,
residents occasionally suffer from long-term illnesses or disabilities. Where a resident suffers from a
long-term illness or disability that imposes a significant burden upon the Hall, and it is unreasonable
for the Hall to continue to make further adjustments for this illness or disability, the Hall reserves the
right to terminate a resident’s Occupancy Agreement.
Before considering whether to terminate a Occupancy Agreement, the Hall will:
Advise the resident of the impact that their illness has upon the operation of the Hall and the
other residents; and
Hold discussions with other relevant areas of the University, including Disability Services Unit,
the University Health Service and their academic area to examine alternative methods and
reasonable adjustments that will enable the Hall to assist in the management of the illness.
See also the Disclosure of Information by Students with a Disability or Illness Policy:
Only if the above discussions/resultant actions do not produce a reasonable and appropriate
management process will the Head of Residence exercise their discretion to terminate the Occupancy
Disease in Hall
Communicable Disease
In the case of contracting an infectious disease such as measles, a resident should, if possible, leave
the Hall for the infectious period. If this is not possible, the resident is to cooperate with the Hall to
ensure in-house isolation by:
Restricting himself/herself to his/her own study bedroom and a dedicated bathroom area;
Avoiding common areas of the Hall;
Excluding himself/herself from any Hall activities during the infectious period;
Careful hand washing etc. if the infection is contagious by that route; and
Care with coughing, sneezing in common areas, etc.
The Hall will provide assistance with the provision of meals and other personal needs, within the
capacity of the Hall. The Head of Residence or Deputy Head will advise the resident of the statutory
or recommended period of isolation.
If there is a breakout of an infectious disease involving a significant number of residents, the Head of
Residence will seek medical advice from University Health Service about how best to contain it.
Notifiable Disease
Where a person has a reasonable suspicion that a resident has a notifiable disease, they will refer the
matter to the Head of Residence. Where the Head of Residence reasonably believes the resident has
a notifiable disease, the Head of Residence will refer the resident to the University's Health Service or
the resident’s own GP for a medical assessment of whether the resident has a notifiable disease.
If the resident does have a notifiable disease the Health Service or GP is required to report the
disease in accordance with the Public Health Act 1997. They (or the Chief Health Officer of the ACT)
may direct the University (and the Hall) on how any public health aspect of the disease is to be
managed within the University or Hall, where applicable.
If a resident fails to attend a GP examination on request of the Head of Residence, they may be
excluded from the Hall until such time as they obtain medical advice demonstrating that they do not
pose a disease risk to other residents.
If a resident who does attend a GP examination is required to leave the Hall because they have a
communicable disease, their return to the Hall is dependent on them obtaining medical advice
demonstrating that they are fit to return to Hall and present minimal or no risk to fellow residents.
Where a resident is required to leave Hall because they have a communicable disease, the Hall will
provide reasonable assistance to enable the resident to locate suitable alternative accommodation.
Financial hardship for relocation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
IT Access and Support
Your access to the Internet is provided through the University and you are subject to all relevant
University Statutes, rules, orders, policies and procedures governing use of information technology
resources as well as other applicable laws. A guide for connecting your computer to the ANU network
is available from the front office of the Hall.
Please note that the ANU requires all residents wanting connection to the Internet to have installed:
An up-to-date virus scanner; and
All current security patches for your operating system.
To help you protect your machine the University provides a free virus scanner to all staff and students
as well as providing local copies of security patches for operating systems. It is also recommended
that you turn on, or install, a personal firewall blocking as much network traffic as possible. For more
information on how to secure your machine and to download your free virus scanner please visit the
web site http://security.anu.edu.au/advice/device.php.
Local IT assistants are available to check your machine and will be able to advise you how to get it
ready for connection to the network. After you have connected you will need to continually monitor
your computer and ensure that it is kept up to date.
Modems cannot be used in the Hall, as the phones operate on the ANU’s PABX system. The PABX is
incompatible with modems and may damage your equipment due to its high voltage.
Residents must not extend their local network with hubs, switches or wireless LAN access points,
according to the ANU’s Networks Operation Policy.
The security of your machine is not the responsibility of the Hall. The Internet has never been and
probably never will be secure, it is your responsibility to ensure that your virus scanner is up to date
and your computer has the latest operating system updates. Failure to do so may result in internet
access being revoked by the University.
University IT networks may not be used to copy or distribute copyright material without the permission
of the copyright holder. Breaches can lead to immediate sanctions and suspension from the network
and action by the University under the University’s IT policies and Discipline Rules.
Please see these sites for more information on relevant University IT policies:
The Hall encourages a responsible attitude towards the use of liquor in the Hall community as
outlined in the Liquor in ANU Halls of Residence policy.
The Hall reminds residents and their guests that they each share a duty of care toward fellow
residents and guests within the Hall, in all situations including events and functions where liquor is
made available.
This approach is intended to allow residents to live and socialise happily in the Hall, respecting the
rights of other residents.
The objective of this approach is to enable those residents to enjoy liquor responsibly and in
moderation. Equally, the Hall is respectful of those residents who choose not to consume liquor. Thus,
there is an obligation upon Hall residents who consume liquor to do so responsibly and with
consideration for others.
The Hall will be responsive to the needs of residents with liquor related problems through appropriate
support and referral mechanisms.
Liquor Statute
Within the University, the sale, supply, consumption and advertising of liquor is regulated by the
Liquor Statute 2007, as amended. Residents should be aware that:
1. Liquor may only be sold or supplied at the Hall to a resident or guest who is 18 years or over.
A person under 18 years of age must not purchase, be served or supplied with, or consume
liquor in the Hall. A list of under-age residents of the Hall, together with their photos, will be
made available to persons serving liquor.
2. If there are reasonable grounds for believing that a resident or guest is intoxicated, liquor
must not be sold or served to that resident or guest. Reasonable grounds for believing
(regardless of the actual belief of the bar assistant) that an individual is intoxicated are if the
person’s speech, balance, coordination or behaviour is seriously affected by the consumption
of liquor.
3. Liquor must not be consumed in any public area of the Hall between 12 midnight and 12
Midday, unless the Head of Residence gives prior written approval.
4. Functions and events where liquor is consumed must not be advertised without the written
approval of the Head of Residence (where the advertising occurs within Hall premises) and
the Director, Facilities and Services (where the advertising occurs in other parts of the
University), and must not promote or encourage consumption of liquor as the primary purpose
of a function or an event.
5. Non-alcoholic drinks must be available at all functions and events where liquor is served.
6. No resident may use a home brewing kit or make any form of alcoholic beverage on Hall
Binge and excessive alcohol consumption is not allowed in an ANU Hall of Residence. Examples
include consumption of slabs or casks of wine, and hard spirits.
The Hall office maintains a student file for each resident at the Hall. Residents are responsible for
ensuring that information in their personal file is correct and current. This information is vital in the
case of an emergency. Each new resident in the Hall must have their photo taken by the Hall office at
the beginning of the year. All information kept regarding residents is stored under the ANU Privacy
Room policy (your room)
Accommodation during Vacations
Hall accommodation is often required for external guests, conference/sporting groups during summer
vacation periods. However, if the nature of your program work or personal circumstances requires
that you stay at Hall, accommodation may be provided for you depending on availability. You must
apply on the form provided by the date advertised as accommodation is limited.
Re-Admissions Policy
The governing principle for readmission of residents within ANU Halls of Residence is to ensure that
the Halls maintain a culture of mutual respect among resident members, a positive educational and
social ethos, and due regard for ANU strategic plans. The Halls of Residence are also committed to
the preservation of a balanced and diverse community.
Residents sign a contract for a maximum of up to one year. Readmission is not automatic and is
subject to a reapplication process, which is outlined below.
Readmission of a resident to an ANU Hall of Residence is subject to the resident’s:
Observation of ANU policies and procedures (including the Discipline Rules) and the relevant Hall of
Residence’s conduct requirements that are listed in the Occupancy Agreement and Handbook,
including but not limited to clauses pertaining to misconduct, noise, cleanliness, community safety,
alcohol and tobacco, satisfactory academic performance, as defined under the Academic Progress
Rules (for undergraduate and graduate coursework students) and the Research Award Rules (for
postgraduate research students), fulfilment of the resident’s financial and other obligations, as
outlined in the Occupancy Agreement, full-time enrolment and a commitment to full-time enrolment for
the following academic year.
The readmission process may also take into account a positive attitude to community living,
leadership and leadership potential, and the record of participation in such things as student
government, sports, learning communities and other purposeful activities.
Readmission is to be decided on an individual resident basis according to the above considerations.
When a resident is not readmitted, the Hall of Residence must provide the resident with the reasons
for its decisions, including reference to the considerations taken into account when making the
Where a resident has been offered readmission to a Hall of Residence, the resident’s readmission will
be subject to:
Continued observation of ANU Statutes, rules, orders, policies and procedures (including the
Discipline Rules) and the relevant Hall of Residence’s conduct requirements that are listed in the
Occupancy Agreement and this Handbook; satisfactory academic performance (as defined in
paragraph 1.1(b) above), which will be monitored at the end of each semester; and the resident
maintaining a full-time enrolment.
Please refer to the University Accommodation website for a full description of the Re-Admissions
Use of Room
Terms and Conditions of Residence have been provided to you separately as part of the offer
documentation. In addition to those Terms and Conditions, the following simple, common sense rules
apply to use of your room:
Fire regulations prohibit cooking, burning of candles or incense, or the use of electric
radiators, electric blankets, or any other heating device in rooms.
Please do not use sticky tape, or put stickers on any surface (as they are very hard to
remove). Use a removable adhesive, such as Blu-Tack, if you want to put a poster up in
your room.
You cannot bring your own furniture to the Hall; without express permission from the
Head of Residence.This includes a mattress.
You must not enter the ledge outside your room, nor place any items on the ledge.
Noise must be kept to a reasonable level at all times but particularly after 10pm. Be
aware of the time if you are talking with friends in your room, playing music, or on the
phone. Nobody likes having to wake the Senior Resident on Call at 2am to ask someone
to keep things quiet – least of all the Resident on Call! The Head of Residence will follow
through on every complaint.
Do not leave any items, particularly shoes, outside your room. These constitute a major
hazard in case of evacuation, and will be confiscated on sight.
To discourage pests, any foodstuffs kept in your room must be stored in sealed
containers and your room bin must be emptied regularly and before you leave the Hall for
any extended period.
There are a few other policies worthy of note:
The Hall reserves the right to conduct periodic room inspections. These will be advertised
with at least 24 hours’ notice. A resident whose room fails inspection will be given the
opportunity to bring it to standard. If it is still in an unacceptable state after re-inspection,
the Hall will clean the room and charge the resident a fee. Residents must give access to
their rooms for inspection and maintenance purposes.
The Hall reserves the right to move a resident to another room, at the Head of
Residence’s discretion. You cannot change room without the permission of the Head of
Cooking in your Room
Cooking in rooms is strictly prohibited due to the fire risk it causes.
Decorating your Room
We encourage residents to personalise their rooms, but this must be done with only blu tack no thumb
pins or sticky tape. To use these could result in a charge being applied to your account on departure
of your room.
Residents may invite a short-term guest to stay in their room provided the Front Office is notified of
the visit. The maximum period guests are allowed to stay is three nights per semester. Charges are
made on a per-night basis. Office staff must be notified prior to midday in order to arrange for a
folding bed. Residents are responsible for the behaviour of their guests in the buildings and grounds
of the Hall.
Do not allow strangers into the Hall
The Hall is not a public area, and individuals are admitted only at the invitation of a resident.
Strangers in the Hall who are not accompanied by residents will be asked to leave.
Arrivals and Departures
Residents are asked to contact the Admissions Officer at least 48 hours (work‐days) prior to arrival to
confirm their reservation.
At the end of an Occupancy Agreement, residents are required to vacate their room by 10.00am on
the date of departure. If leaving prior to the end of the Occupancy Agreement (remember termination
penalties apply), please confirm your departure with the Front Office a minimum of 4 weeks prior to
The following must be completed upon departure:
Your room must be left neat, clean, dusted and vacuumed.
All blutack, postersand stickers must be removed from all surfaces and fittings.
You must ensure you empty and clean out your kitchen cupboard and fridge basket. If
you have used a space in a freezer, please ensure this is also cleaned out prior to your
Failure to adequately clean your room or kitchen cupboard and/or basket will result in a
cleaning fee being deducted from your refundable deposit.
It is your responsibility to arrange for your mail to be redirected to your new address.
Forms are available from the Front Office.
Your room and kitchen cupboard and fridge basket will be checked after your departure
by either Front Office staff or a Senior Resident.
Your refundable deposit will be processed after your departure. Departing residents must complete a
‘refund request form’. This process usually takes between 4‐6 weeks.
After checking out, previous residents of Hall may not for any period of time – move into a friend’s
room at Hall or live in Central Block areas. This is considered to be trespassing and offenders will be
asked to leave.
Student ID Card
Your Student ID card will open communal areas such as the:
 Computer Lab
 Laundries
 External doors (to each block)
If you lose your student card, please report this to the Front Office or to the Senior Resident on Duty
so that access can be removed to protect hall security. A replacement student ID card can be
organised through ANU Exchange and a temporary card and be obtained from the front office.
Room Inventory
All residents of Hall are required to inspect and verify the condition of their room, furnishings and
fixtures upon arrival. Please report any deficiencies on the Room Inventory Form you received in your
Welcome Pack. This form must be completed and returned to the Front Office within 48 hours of your
arrival. On departure, the resident's room will be inspected and any damage/loss etc, except for "fair
wear and tear", will be noted and charged directly to the resident.
Each resident's fully furnished single room is centrally heated and carpeted. The Hall provides:
Single bed frame and mattress
Mattress protector
One bedside table
Curtains, fly-screen
Desk and chair
Telephone with voicemail
Internet Connection
Bookcase or bookshelves
Wall corkboard
A waste paper bin
Hand basin
Keeping your room clean and tidy and in good condition is your responsibility.
What to bring with you
You will need to bring (or purchase on arrival in Canberra):
 Cooking and eating utensils and equipment.
 Towels, pillows, linen and either blankets or a doona; and
 Coat hangers.
Useful, but not essential items to bring include:
 Computer;
 Bar fridge;
 TV, music player (no sub woofers), DVD player; and
 Bicycle, helmet (compulsory in Australia), and bike lock, preferably a D-bolt’ lock.
For those of you not able to bring linen, packages are available for purchase at the Hall and can be
organise prior to arrival.
Room Changes
Room changes are only made under extenuating circumstance and if rooms are vacant. Permission
must be sought from the Head of Hall through contacting the Admissions Officer.
Room Checks
The Hall reserves the right to undertake room inspections in the interest of health & safety. Room
inspection are conducted once each semester.