Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 & 4 Curriculum Overview- Autumn Term
We will link our literacy learning to our theme “From Stone
Age to Iron Age”. We will link spelling and reading skills to
two class texts this term “The Stone Age Boy” by Satoshi
Kitamura and “Stig of the Dump” by Clive King. In reading,
we will learn about information texts, recounts, poetry, and
telling stories. When we write, we will continue to use
capital letters, full stops, question and exclamation marks
and use a wider range of connectives to link our ideas. We
will use adjectives and adverbs to describe both in writing
and in composing poetry. We will continue to learn using
the classroom and also the outdoor environment.
In our maths work, we will continue to work practically
using number to add, subtract, multiply and share. We will
calculate money amounts and change, answering
practical problems. We will continue to count in regular
amounts, multiplying and dividing with and without
remainders. We will also develop skills in doubling and
halving both mentally and in written form. We will measure
weights, heights and volume and in telling the time. We
will learn about the properties of shapes and how to
present information in different ways.
We will be studying The Stone Age, The Bronze Age and
The Iron Age. We will find out about fossils of the past and
the chronology of prehistoric periods of time. We will learn
about how these prehistoric people lived, where they lived
and how they hunted and looked after each other. We will
look at the pagan religion rituals they followed and also
study the creation of Stonehenge. Our trip to Flag Fen will
also introduce causeway and boat building as well as the
importance of artefacts of these times too.
For geography we will study the emergence of prehistoric
settlements and communities. We will look at maps and
atlases to find where in Britain people of the past settled
and reasons why they chose particular sites. We will study
Skara Brae as an ancient site and community and
compare the choices of where people settle, both in the
past and in present times.
IT- Information Technology
We will continue to use computers to find out information
about Prehistoric times, creating leaflets using word
processing skills. We will learn keyboard and mouse skills
too. We will use Google Earth to help find out about areas
around Britain and world, linking our findings to our topic
on The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
In Science this half term we will learn about rocks and
soils. We will learn about the origins of different rocks
and group these based on their characteristics. We
will also learn how fossils are formed, studying the
different creatures and plants of the past. We will learn
how different soils are made, finding out about their
filtering and draining qualities. We will use observation
and comparing skills, labelling as well as finding out
about the construction of the Earth.
Next half term, we will study the human digestive
system, concentrating on the function of different teeth,
and comparing these with other animals. We will learn
the function of different organs in the body and how we
can look after our health. We will again use observation
and labelling skills as well as set up and implement our
own experiments, using measuring and tables to find
conclusions to our experiments.
DT- Design Technology
We will make “useful” items from junk modelling- based on
ideas from ”Stig of the Dump”. We will also make a model
of Bronze Age housing to make a village community and
make a class model of Stonehenge.
We will learn skills in planning, measuring carefully,
adapting our ideas and making using a range of different
materials. We will then evaluate our practical work
Art and Design
This term we will make clay pots at Flag Fen, make
detailed sketches of ancient artefacts, make cave
paintings and create pieces of ancient jewellery using
modelling materials. We will learn skills in developing line
drawings and create effects when painting, choosing and
using different media to create art and in deciding and
adapting art ideas. We will also make close observations
of works of art in order to learn the related techniques.
PE- Gym, Games and Dance
In indoor PE lessons this term, we will be learning
gymnastics skills. We will practise rolling, jumping and
balancing on different parts of our bodies, performing
sequences and adapting our movements for fluidity and
when working with a partner. We will achieve this using
different types of PE equipment, thinking about health and
safety throughout these activities.
In outdoor PE, we will be learning football skills: kicking,
scoring and throwing in with accuracy as well as being
part of a team, taking on different roles and learn how to
tackle, gain possession of the ball and defend. …
PSHE- Personal, Social, Health Education
This half term, we will be developing our thinking around
the school’s Golden Rules and how important they are in
day to day school life.
Next half term we will be discussing ideas around
friendships, bullying and developing our perception of right
and wrong.
This will help us strive to think about others and their
needs, as well as our own.
RE- Religious Education
This half term we will be learning about the Jewish faithparticularly the importance of the family to the Jewish
faith. We will learn about different Jewish foods and
festivals such as Pesach. We will find out about God’s
importance to Jews and some of the Torah’s teachings
around the story of Abraham and Moses.
Next half term we will study a topic entitled “Is it fair?” Thi
is a multi-faith unit, studying different scenarios and the
how the perception of fairness is shown. We will discuss
and debate these issues, both from religious viewpoints
but also personal views.
This half term we will be exploring rhythmic patterns
through listening and practising songs, poems, raps and in
a range of musical pieces. We will then create our own
rhythmic patterns, performing it to our classmates.
Next half term we will develop our understanding of the
class orchestra. We will listen, identify and appreciate
different musical instruments…