History: - Create an early times timeline of the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages. Carry out research using non-fictions texts, websites and our own timeline. Learn about how bronze and later iron materials were created and their advantages. Learn about prehistoric burial mounds, including Stonehenge. Predict and mime what the monument may have been used for. - PE: - Progressive Sports planning Create Stone Age hunting dance routines. Geography: - Locate different areas within Great - Britain and Europe where significant prehistoric sites have been found. Recall and use the 4 points of a compass. Use grid references to find a point on a map. Set In Stone & What’s the Attraction? (Activities) DT: Continue to locally agreed syllabus for RE. Build a Stone Age shelter, using materials available and considering the purpose of the shelter and how to build it. Literacy Reading - - Become familiar with non-fiction books and how they can provide us with more information about prehistoric life. Consider the reliability of such sources and why information about these eras can be vague. Writing - Produce an information pamphlet for time travellers visiting the Stone Age. Write a newspaper report set in the Stone Age. Prepare a recipe card for a Stone Age dish. Grammar - Use inverted commas (speech marks) when writing a newspaper report. Speaking & Listening - Work collaboratively to create a prehistoric role play. Carry out a presentation about the Stone Age. - - Look at and become familiar with early cave paintings from the Stone Age era in Britain and Europe. Start to plan our own Stone Age frieze, having researched and created our own paints from pigments. Create a sketches and collages of journeys around school. Computing: - PPA planning Create our own Stone Age computer game. MFL (French): - Broaden our French vocabulary, learning days of the week, colours and some simple sentences. Music: - RE: Art: - Preparation for St Anne’s Concert in November. Compose the opening to a piece of music to accompany Stone Age hunters. Numeracy (Singapore Maths) Number - Working on place value, competently recognising and partitioning three digit numbers. - Adding and subtracting three digit numbers with 1-digit, 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. - Recalling multiplication facts (x4, x8) - Practise recognising and ordering number to 1000. Measurement - Telling the time using analogue clocks. Geometry - Recognise and describe 3-D shapes in different orientations. Science - - - Consider how prehistoric people would have got their nutrition and compare this to the types of food we eat today. Look into how tool s and objects from the distant past have become fossilised over the years. Identify the direction of north by using a magnet. Experiment to see how much force it takes to move objects over different surfaces. Investigate and report what happens when two magnets interact. Explore which metals are not magnetic and why.