Apologetics - Home - National Staff Conference

Helpful Resources
(with short descriptions)
Where to Start
Reasons to Believe, (anekopress.com/product/reasons-to-believe) written by pastors & campus ministers, contains
straightforward answers to tough questions. Includes two chapters from Navigator Darrell Dooyema.
C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity: introduction to major themes and a great book to discuss with a friend.
Tim Keller, Reason for God: good overview of many of the major questions and responses.
Josh McDowell, More than a Carpenter: very short book worth discussing with a friend on identity of Jesus.
Lee Stroble, The Case for Faith and The Case for Christ: helpful interviews with current scholars and thinkers.
David Horner, Mind Your Faith: Excellent primer on mind, faith, and character and a guide for thinking well.
Greg Koukl, Tactis: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions: Good book on methods.
“Closer to Truth,” Online video interviews with famous philosophers, scientists, and theologians on the
questions of God, consciousness, and cosmos. www.closertotruth.com 100’s of interviews with atheists,
Christians, and others. Look for interviews by Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, JP Moreland, Richard
Swinburne, and more.
Postmodernism, Truth, and The Bible
Douglas Groothuis, Truth Decay: how should Christians respond to Postmodernism?
J.P. Moreland, Love God with All Your Mind: you should read this book!
J.P. Moreland, Scaling the Secular City: excellent resource on truth, science, morality and Christian apologetics.
Francis Schaeffer, Escape from Reason and He is There and He is Not Silent
Craig Blomberg, Can We Still Believe the Bible? Responds to contemporary questions.
Science & Faith
Nancy Pearcy, The Soul of Science: Excellent book on the Christian origin of the Scientific Method.
William Dembski, Intelligent Design: a good introduction and argument for this theory.
Illustra Media, Unlocking the Mystery of Life, DVD: great movie on arguments of Intelligent Design.
The Discovery Institute (Intelligent Design): www.discovery.org Excellent material on Intelligent Design.
Michael Behe: Darwin’s Black Box
Francis Collins, The Language of God: head of the Human Genome Project argues for intelligent design in DNA.
Stephen Meyer, Signature in the Cell: a comprehensive volume, centering on the presence of information in the
cell (DNA) and the origins and evidence of information in the universe.
Thomas Nagel, Mind and Cosmos, Why the Materialist, Neo-Darwinist Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False:
leading atheist argues against naturalistic evolution.
Philosophical Writings:
Douglas Groothuis, Christian Apologetics: An excellent and accessible volume (quite comprehensive).
Alvin Plantinga, Warranted Christian Belief: for philosophy majors. 
J.P. Moreland & William Lane Craig, Philosophical Foundations for Christian Belief: large and comprehensive!
Craig Blomberg, The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Thomas Morris, God and the Philosophers: famous philosophers give their stories on why they believe in God.
William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith, 3rd ed.
Douglas Groothuis, On Jesus: describes the worldview and philosophy of Jesus including his use of logic.
Anthony Flew, There Is a God: leading atheist of this era changes his mind and argues for God’s existence.
World Religions
Nabeel Qureshi, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: a Muslim comes to Christ and shares his thoughtful journey.
Winfried Corduan, Neighboring Faiths: great resource to learn about other religions; has pictures. 
Dean Halverson, Handbook of World Religions: includes ideas of outreach to friends from each religion.
Harold Netland, Encountering Religious Pluralism: more philosophical writing on question of pluralism.
Please feel free to contact us for ideas on how to incorporate apologetics in your ministry!:
Dr. Darrell Dooyema, ddooyema@gmail.com / Eric McDonald, emcdonald05@gmail.com
Apologetics Workshop
National Staff Conference
November 2015
Introduction Notes
But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an
answer to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope you have, but do this
with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience
so that those who speak maliciously against your
good behavior in Christ may be ashamed.
Book(s) to Read:
1 Peter 3:15-16
What is apologetics?
Verse/Passage to Memorize:
Is it necessary?
Person to Pray for:
Is it biblical?
How do we answer tough questions?
How do we learn to ask tough questions?
Categories of Questions
Faith & Science: Is Science Opposed to God’s Existence?
Categories of Questions
Reliability of the Bible: Can we Trust the Bible?
Moral Questions: Do Christians Condemn Homosexuals?
Categories of Questions
Exclusivity of Christianity: Is Jesus the only way?
Categories of Questions
Problem of Evil: Why does God allow suffering & evil?