Meiosis Internet Investigation Name

Meiosis Internet Investigation
Name _________________________
Date _______________ Per. _____
Start here:
1. Mitosis is cell division that produces __________ cells.
2. How many chromosome pairs does the parent cell have? _______________ How many total
chromosomes? __________
3. How many pairs of chromosomes do the daughter cells have? ___________ How many total
chromosomes? __________
1. Meiosis is cell division used to produce __________ and __________ cells.
2. The “parent” cell that will undergo meiosis is shown to have chromosome pairs.
How many chromosomes does the cell have? _____ How many chromosome pairs? _____
3. True or False? After the chromosomes (DNA) have replicated, the cell is now said to have 12
4. What is the name for the area where two identical DNA molecules (chromatids) are held together?
Hint: it’s shown as a black dot and is labeled in the diagram. _______________________________
5. At the beginning of meiosis, chromosomes find their partners and crossing-over can happen. Based on the
animation, what do you think “crossing-over” means?
6. After the chromosomes separate, how many chromosomes end up at each “pole” of the cell? _____
7. Since there are no chromosome pairs in each of the daughter cells formed, the daughter cells are
_______________ (diploid or haploid?). The website doesn’t give you this answer! You have to think.
8. Follow what happens in the animation. After the one cell has divided to form two, summarize what
happens in the next few phases.
9. How many daughter cells are there at the end of meiosis? _____
10. Each daughter cell has _____ chromosomes in its nucleus. How does this compare to the original number
of chromosomes in the “parent” cell? Hint: compare to question #2.
Navigate to
o Click on “Unique features of Meiosis”.
1. List the 3 unique features of Meiosis (not found in Mitosis):
● .
Keep going!
1. List the locations in the body where Mitosis occurs and the locations where Meiosis occurs.
● On the menu on the left side, click “Mitosis: Introduction”.
2. Describe what Mitosis is used for in the body.
● On the menu on the left side, click “stages of Mitosis” to advance to the picture of the cell undergoing
Mitosis. “Slide” the button shown below the picture towards the right to advance through the phases
of mitosis.
3. What structures form between the centrioles (centrosomes) during prophase? ____________________
4. A total of _____ chromosomes are shown in the illustrated parent cell. The daughter cells that are
produced each have _____ chromosomes.
● On the menu on the left side, click “Meiosis: Introduction” to move on to the information about
5. In the picture of the karyotype of the parent cell before meiosis one chromosome in each pair is pink, while
the other is blue. What is this color variation meant to represent? Use the key to help you.
6. In the daughter cell pictures, some chromosomes have both blue and pink portions (i.e. the whole
chromosome is not a single color). Name the process that causes this to occur.
● On the menu on the left side, click “stages of meiosis I”. “Slide” the button shown below the picture
towards the right to advance through the phases of meiosis I.
7. A total of _____ chromosomes are shown in the illustrated parent cell. The two cells that are produced by
meiosis I each have _____ chromosomes, which means that they are _____________________ (haploid
or diploid?).
● On the menu on the left side, click “stages of meiosis II”. “Slide” the button shown below the picture
towards the right to advance through meiosis II.
8. A total of _____ chromosomes are shown in the illustrated cells at prophase II.
9. True or False? The chromosome number of a cell is reduced by ½ during meiosis II.