EMC Biotechnology - Science for the New Millenium






Subject : Industrial Biotechnology

Grade Level: 9-12

Course Title : Biotechnology I, 2 and 3

Course Code : 873600

Submission Title : Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium

Bid ID _______________________

Publisher : EMC Publishing

Publisher ID _________________










Biotechnology 1

Apply knowledge of the nature of science and scientific habits of mind to solve problems, and employ safe and effective use of laboratory technologies--The student will be able to:

Know that investigations are conducted to explore new phenomena, to check on previous results, to test how well a theory predicts, and to compare different theories.

Know that from time to time, major shifts occur in the scientific view of how the world works, but that more often, the changes that take place in the body of scientific knowledge are small modifications of prior knowledge.

Student text : p.5 (Biotechnology

Companies, p. 8 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), 1.2 (The Increasing

Variety of Biotechnology Products), p.14

(Developing Ideas for New Products), p. 300

(Using Good Fit to Test the Hypothesis)

Student text : p. 3-5 (Defining Biotechnology, p.422 (The Evolution of Science and the

Industry of Biotechnology)

4.03 Understand that no matter how well one theory fits observations, a new theory might fit them as well or better, or might fit a wider range of observations, because in science, the testing, revising, and occasional discarding of theories, new and old, never ends and leads to an increasingly better understanding of how things work in the

Student text : p. 18-23 (Doing Biotechnology:

Scientific Methodology in a Research











5.04 world, but not to absolute truth.

Know that the potential for bias exists within individuals and scientific teams, and therefore scientists are expected to seek out possible sources of bias in the design of their investigations and in their data analysis.

Student text: Bioethics at the end of each chapter addresses this issue. Selected examples : p.29 (Biotech Online), p.69

(Bioethics), p.101 (Bioethics), p.133


Understand that new ideas in science are limited by the context in which they are conceived, are often rejected by the scientific establishment, sometimes spring from unexpected findings, and usually grow slowly from many contributors.

Student text: p.18 (Genentech), p.27-29

(Biotechnology with a Conscience, Strategy for Values Clarification), p. 35 (How is the

Biotechnology Industry Improving your

Quality of Human Life?)

Understand that in the short run, new ideas that do not mesh well with mainstream ideas in science often encounter vigorous criticism and that in the long run, theories are judged by how they fit with other theories, the range of observations they explain, how well they explain observations, and how effective they are in predicting new findings.

Student text: p.28-29 (Strategies for Values

Clarification), p.37-39 (Using Animals in

Science and Industry), p. 338 (Examine the benefits and risks …)

Know that scientists assume that the universe is a vast system in which basic rules exist that may range from very simple to extremely complex but that scientists operate on the belief that the rules can be discovered by careful, systemic study.

Student text : 1.4 Doing Biotechnology:

Scientific Methodology in a Research Facility

Lab Manual : p.2-4 (How to Set Up a Legal

Scientific Notebook)

Understand the difference between laws and theories.

Demonstrate understanding of the roles of matter, energy, in the chemical processes of cells, organisms--The student will be able to:

Student text : p. 18 (Doing Biotechnology:

Scientific Methodology in a Research


Student text : p.86-89 (Solutions of Differing

Molar Concentrations)

Knows that the electron configuration in atoms determines how a substance reacts and how much energy is involved in its reactions.

Knows that the vast diversity of the properties of materials is primarily due to variations in the forces that hold molecules together.

Knows that a change from one phase of matter to another involves a gain or loss of energy.

Knows that connections (bonds) form between substances when outer- shell

Lab Manual

Structure is Affected by Environmental


Student text balance out)

: p.29 (2f How Molecular

: p.201 (+ and – charges











7.0 electrons are either transferred or shared between their atoms, changing the properties of substances.

Knows that the number and configuration of electrons will equal the number of protons in an electrically neutral atom and when an atom gains or loses electrons the charge is unbalanced.

Knows the difference between an element, a molecule, ion, and a compound

Knows that elements are arranged into groups and families based on similarities in electron structure and that their physical and chemical properties can be predicted.

Student text: p.45 (The organelles of cells are composed of molecules…) p.86 (Figure

3.27 and explanation)

Student text: p.86 (Figure 3.27 Periodic


Understand how knowledge of energy is fundamental to all the scientific disciplines

(e.g., the energy required for biological processes in living organisms and the energy required for the building, erosion, and rebuilding of the Earth).

Understand that there is conservation of mass and energy when matter is transformed.

Understand that biological systems obey the same laws of conservation as physical systems.

Knows that organisms respond to internal and external stimuli.

Lab Manual: p.29 (2f How Molecular

Structure is Affected by Environmental


Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and processes of the cell, with emphasis on reproduction and communication--The student will be able to:

Knows that body structures are uniquely designed and adapted for their function.

Knows that cell behavior can be affected by molecules from other parts of the organism or even from other organisms, and the environment.

Student text: p.5256 (“with an emphasis on the structure and function of the molecules most involved in biotechnology applications”), p.288-292 (“Plant organs contain specialized tissues and cells”)

Lab Manual: p.29 (2f How Molecular

Structure is Affected by Environmental


Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of biochemistry including protein synthesis and reproduction--The









10.0 student will be able to:

Know that body processes involve specific biochemical reactions governed by biochemical principles, and that pathways have been identified through advances in molecular analyses, which have led to better understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.

Know that membranes are sites for chemical synthesis and essential energy conversions.

Student text: Chapter 12: (PP.342-363)

Medical Biotechnologies. These issues are addressed repeatedly in the student text.

The following are cited as examples: p.10

(The Increasing Variety of Biotechnology

Products), p14-15 (Developing Ideas for New

Products and figure 1.20), p.18 (Genentech,

Inc.’s Product Pipeline), p.118 (Biotech

Online), p.141 (Antibody Producing

Companies), p.221-223 (An Overview of

Genetic Engineering)

Student text: p. 52-61 (The Molecules of


Know the complex interactions among the different kinds of molecules in the cell cause distinct cycles of activity governed by proteins.

Student text: p.136-137 (Protein Molecule

Structure); p. 52-61 (The Molecules of Cells)

Lab Manual: p.91 (Protein Isolation and

Analysis) p.151 (Recombinant Protein

Production) p.175 (Protein Product

Purification and Analysis)

Demonstrate an understanding of genetics, including the principles of, molecular basis, diversity, and applications to biotechnology--

The student will be able to:

Understands the mechanism of asexual and sexual reproduction and knows the different genetic advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.

Knows that every cell contains a “blueprint” coded in DNA molecules that specify how proteins are assembled to regulate cells.

Student text: p.282-285 (Plant breeding), p.

302 (Asexual Plant Propagation)

Lab Manual: p.203 (10f Asexual Plant

Propagation through Leaf and Stem

Cuttings), p.205 (Asexual Plant Propagation through Runners), 208 (Cloning African


Student text: p. 59 (“This blueprint of molecular construction is what some people call ‘the genetic code’”.) Chapter 4:

Introduction to Studying DNA, p.365 (Making

DNA Molecules)

Demonstrate an understanding of the levels of organization, from atoms to molecular DNA to organisms, classification, taxonomy--The student will be able to:

Knows that chemical elements that make up the molecules of living things are combined and recombined in different ways.

Student text: Chapter 2: The Raw Materials of Biotechnology. Specific examples:

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic

Acids p.384 (DNA Sequencing); p. 52-61

(The Molecules of Cells)

Demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of organisms, humans, and the environment--The student will be able to:












Understands the interconnectedness of the systems on Earth and the quality of life.

Knows of the great diversity and interdependence of living things.

Student text: Chapter 10 “Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology” (pp.280-315)

Student text: Chapter 10 “Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology” (pp.280-315)

Know that changes in a component of an ecosystem will have unpredictable and predictable effects on the entire system, but that the components of the system tend to react in a way that will restore the ecosystem to its original condition.

Student text: p.407-409 (Environmental

Biotechnology, Biofuels and Biodefense)

Demonstrate an understanding of genetic diversity, selection, adaptations, and changes through time--The student will be able to:

Understand the mechanisms of change

(e.g., mutation and natural selection) that lead to adaptations in a species and their ability to survive naturally in changing conditions and to increase species diversity.

Know of the great diversity and interdependence of living things.

Student text: p.118-119 (Site-Specific

Mutagenesis and Gene Therapy), p.133 (The

Promise of Gene Therapy), p. 224-225

(Probing DNA for Genes of Interest), p231

(RFLPs Can Reveal Disease Mutations), p.327 (Plant Genetic Engineering)

Student text: Chapter 10 “Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology” (pp.280-3150

Understands how genetic variation of offspring contributes to natural selection.

Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and ethical responsibilities associated with working with biological specimens for research or industry, bioethics--The student will be able to:

Student text: p.283 (Seeds: The Next

Generation of Biotech Products), p.358-359

(Gene Therapy and Other New Medical

Biotechnologies), Chapter 8.1: An Overview of Genetic Engineering (pp.221-226)

Understand the importance of a sense of responsibility, a commitment to peer review, truthful reporting of the methods and outcomes of investigations, and making the public aware of the findings.

Student text: All Bioethics discussions address this standard. The following is listed as example : p.101 (Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?)

Know that scientists first define then control conditions in order to obtain evidence, but when that is not possible for practical or ethical reasons, they try to observe a wide range of natural occurrences to discern patterns.

Student text: p27-29 (Moral Standards) p.

101 (Bioethics)

Know that performance testing is often conducted using small-scale models, computer simulations, or analogous systems to reduce the chance of system

Student text: p. 15 “much testing is done, as the procedures for small-, and the largescale production”, p. 16 (small-scale manufacturing)









14.03 failure.

Know that scientific knowledge is used by those who engage in design and technology to solve practical problems, taking human values and limitations into account.

Discuss the extended impact of involving animal and human subjects in research with respect to humane treatment, providing full disclosure to clinical trial participants, ensuring patient confidentiality, and obtaining familial consent.

Student text: p.18 (Genentech), p.27-29

(Biotechnology with a Conscience, Strategy for Values Clarification), p. 35 (How is the

Biotechnology Industry Improving your

Quality of Human Life?)

Student text: Found in most Bioethics sections at end of chapter. The following are cited as examples: p. 37 (Using

Animals in Science and Industry), p.69

(STOP! You cannot use THOSE cells) and

2.4 (The “New” Biotechnology)

Demonstrate an understanding of the connection between biotechnology, agricultural, food, and medical technologies and careers--The student will be able to:

Know that scientists can bring information, insights, and analytical skills to matters of public concern and help people understand the possible causes and effects of events.

Student text: p.271-272 (Marketing and

Sales); p27-29 (Bioethics) p. 101 (Bioethics)

Know that funds for science research come from federal government agencies, industry, and private foundations and that this funding often influences the areas of discovery.

Student text: p. 5-8 (Biotechnology

Companies, University and Government

Research Labs)

Demonstrate knowledge of the history, career fields, and benefits of biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Describe major historic developments in biotechnology fields such as pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, agriculture, diagnostics, industrial products, devices, instrumentation, and research and development.

Identify several products obtained through recombinant DNA technology and other biotechnology advances.

Describe the major steps in a product’s move through a company’s product pipeline.

Student text: p.8-11 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.166-169

(Modeling the Research and Development of a Potential Product), p.250 (Learn more about the significant discoveries…) p. 339

(Well, Hello Dolly), p. 411 (Synthetic Biology: the first synthetic cell), p.422-423 (The

Evolution of the Science and Industry of

Biotechnology), Chapter 10: Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology, Chapter 11:

Biotechnology in Agriculture, Chapter 12:

Medical Biotechnologies (pp.242-363)

Student text: p.11 (The Increasing Variety of

Biotechnology Products). p. 33 (Activity 1.2), p. 182-183 (Producing Recombinant DNA

Protein Products), p. 226 (Biotech Online)

Student text: p.16 (chart), p. 18 (Genentech,

Inc.’s Product Pipeline) p. 189 “Product

Pipeline Study”, p.258 (Manufacturing and

Protein Production)

14.04 Explain how companies decide on the research and development targets and potential products.

Student text: p.14: How Companies Select

Products to Manufacture, p.221223 (“The goal of genetic engineering is to produce organisms with new, improved characteristics…)












Illustrate examples of how biotechnology has led to benefits and risks to society and how biotechnical advances affect human lives on a personal level.

Recognize and practice safety procedures--The student will be able to:

Identifying a Potential Biotechnology

Product, Chapter 8: The Production of

Recombinant Biotechnology Product


Student text: Chapter 6: Identifying a

Potential Biotechnology Product (pp.164-

192), p.339 (Is Biotech Safe?)

Bioethics at the end of each chapter addresses this standard. The following is listed as an example: p. 192 (Limited

Medication: Who gets it?)

Identify safety symbols and signs.

Identify appropriate safety procedures and guidelines.

Demonstrate an understanding of the emergency procedures in case of fire, burn, chemical spill or other hazardous situations.

Recognize laboratory safety hazards and avoid them.

Locate and identify emergency equipment, including first aid.

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab

Student text: p. 96 (Hazardous Chemicals:

Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Student text: p. 96 (Hazardous Chemicals:

Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Use laboratory apparatus, materials, and technology in an appropriate and safe manner.

Locate a Material Safety Data Sheet

(MSDS) and use the information to operate in a safe manner.

Demonstrate knowledge of universal

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab. All lab situations mandate the use of all materials and technology in an appropriate and safe manner.

Student text: p.96 (Activity 3.3)

Lab Manual: p.249 (12c Using MSDS to

Recognize a Compound)

Lab Manual: p.4 (1b Laboratory Safety)












17.06 precautions for blood-borne pathogens.

Recognize and follows quality control procedures and regulatory guidelines--The student will be able to:

Identify the need for and function of regulatory agencies such as those in government, industry, and society.

Describe appropriate attire for different biotechnology workplaces including the office, laboratory and cleanroom environments.

Student text:


Lab Manual: p.6-8 (University and

Government Research Labs), p.17-18

(Regulations Governing Product p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Monitor, use, store and dispose of hazardous materials properly.

Clean, organize, and sterilize materials and equipment.

Demonstrate the ability to communicate and use interpersonal skills effectively--The student will be able to:

Lab Manual: All labs require adherence to safety procedures. The following is cited as an example: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Lab Manual: All labs require adherence to safety procedures. The following is cited as an example: p.74-76 (Sterile Techniques and Pouring Plates)

Follow all oral and written instructions.

Demonstrate good listening, writing, and verbal communication skills and procedures.

Appropriately use and respond to verbal and non-verbal cues.

Use correct spelling, grammar, and format in all written communication.

Use appropriate scientific terminology and abbreviations.

Recognize the importance of courtesy and respect and maintain good interpersonal relationships.

All text activities and labs require that the student follow oral and written instructions

All text activities and labs require that the student demonstrate good listening, writing, and verbal communication skills and procedures. The following is cited as an example: Student text: p. 187 (oral presentation), p.163 (write a supporting argument), p.392 (write a summary)

All lab activities require that the student follow oral and written instructions and respond to variations in procedures as reagents and conditions change.

All activities and labs require that the student demonstrate correct spelling, grammar and format in all written communication.

All activities and labs require that the student demonstrate use of appropriate scientific terminology. “Speaking

Biotech” is provided at the end of each chapter. Examples: p. 158, 214, 246

Recognizing the importance of courtesy and respect and maintaining good interpersonal relationships is necessary to complete all lab work as well as group





Read and discuss technical material.

Read and present a scientific paper for discussion, including an overview of the objective, experimental methods, results, and conclusions.

Apply basic skills in scientific inquiry, calculations, and analysis--The student will be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method. activities in text. Example: p. 187 (group activity)

This standard is addressed by many

Biotech Live and Biotech Online Activities as well as text activities. The following are provided as examples: p.32 (What is

Biotechnology), p. 35 (read about the biotechnology industry online), p.66

(compare nutritional data), p. 179 (Amazon

Hide and Seek), p.67 (Conducting

Exhaustive Research), p.68 (Using Scientific

Journals Online), p.68 (How to Read a

Scientific Journal Article)

Lab activities require an objective, experimental methods, results and conclusions. The following Lab Manual activities are provided as examples: Lab

Manual: p. 27 ( 2e Variation in Structure), P.

29 ((2f How Molecular Structure is Affected),

41 (3c Measuring Mass), 50 (3f Making


Lab Manual: p.2 (1a How to Set up a Legal

Scientific Notebook)

Student Text: p.19-22 (Scientific

Methodology in a Research Facility) p.7

(Figure 1.9)





Use the scientific method to conduct a valid experiment, including hypothesis formation, data collection, data analysis including results and discussion, and conclusion. following pages are provided as examples: Student text: p.173, 179, 183,

187. The following text activities are also provided: p.67 (Conducting Exhaustive

Research), p.68 (Using Scientific Journals

Online), p.68 (How to Read a Scientific

Journal Article)

Lab Manual activities address this standard. The following activities are provided as examples: p.178, 182, 184,

188, 190

Maintain a scientific notebook that includes all laboratory procedures, data, and conclusions.

Lab Manual: p.1-4 (How to set up a legal scientific notebook)

Properly and safely operate scientific equipment including graduates, hoods, microscopes, pipets, micropipets, electronic balance, pH meters, incubators, centrifuges, water baths, power supplies and

Student text: Chapter 3, p.307 (flow hoods)

Lab Manual: The labs require that the student properly and safely operate scientific equipment. The following are provided as examples: p.14 (water baths), p.22











19.01 electrophoresis chambers.

Make and use measurements in both traditional and metric units.

Measure time, temperature, distance, capacity and mass/weight.

(microscopes), p.32 (pipets), p.35, 40, 71

(graduates, hoods) p. 74,76 (incubators), p.130,132 (pH meters), p.85 (electrophoresis chambers and power supplies)

Student text: p. 93 (Lab Practices)

Lab Manual: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab)

Student text: p.82 (Solutions of a Given

Mass/Volume Concentration)

Lab Manual: Several labs require the use of measurement. The following are provided as examples: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab), p.253 (12e

Melting Point), p.9 (record this initial time in a chart)

Describe the relationship between 12 and

24 hour time and be able to convert between the two.

Make estimates and approximations in order to test the reasonableness of the result.

Evaluate the validity of results obtained during experimentation and product development.

Interpret and use graphs, charts and tables used to collect and analyze data.

Interpret quantitative and qualitative data.

Demonstrate ability to evaluate and draw conclusions.

Follow guidelines to prepare a scientific report.

Demonstrate knowledge of organism structure and function--The student will be able to:

Student text: p. 19 (Develop a testable hypothesis)

Application is made using lab manual

Evaluation of validity of results is demonstrated during lab procedures. The following is provided as an example:

Lab Manual: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab)

The interpretation and use of graphs is used throughout the text and lab manual.

The following are provided as examples:

Student Text: p. 192, p. 216 (make a data table) p.249 (find a Website that has a diagram), p.251 (pie chart), p.276 (flowchart),

Lab Manual: p.6 (1c Cheese Production),

179 (Using Ion Exchange), 266 (13d

Visualizing DNA on a Southern Blot)

The interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data is found throughout the lab manual. The following are provided as examples: Student text: p.298-299

Lab Manual: p.6 (1c Cheese Production),

35 (3b Measuring Very Small Volumes)

All labs in the lab manual have a Data

Analysis/Conclusion. The following pages are provided as examples: p.87,

96, 181, 215

Student text: p. 190 (study and report on a product)

Lab Manual: Chapter 1(Introduction to

Biotechnology Methodologies) pp.2-34

Recognize and distinguish between the following based upon the hierarchy of

Student text: p.43-44 (figure 2.5)

organization of organisms: atom, molecule, cells, tissue, organs, organ system, and organism.












Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Describe the cell (both prokaryotes and eukaryotes) as the basic unit of life.

Analyze the difference between plant and animal cells. p.132 (Activity 4.5), p. 240-241 (Mammalian

Cell Culture)

Lab Manual: p.17 (2b The Characteristics of

Model Organisms), p.71( 4e Making Media for Bacteria Cell Culture), p.76 (4g Bacteria

Cell Culture), p.17 (“yeast is easy to grow on solid or liquid media”).

Student text: p.107-111 (Prokaryotic DNA,

Eukaryotic DNA), p.143 (figure 5.14)

Student text: p. 46-51 (Cellular organization and processes) p.107-111 (Prokaryotic DNA,

Eukaryotic DNA), p.143 (figure 5.14)

Student text: p. 46-51 (Cellular organization and processes)

Describe cell structure and function. Student text: p. 46-51 (Cellular organization and processes)

Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. Student text: p.282 (meiosis) p.290


Describe the role of DNA, RNA, and ribosomes in protein synthesis.

Student text: p.142-146 (Overview of

Protein Synthesis), Chapter 5 (Introduction to

Studying Proteins): Example: p. 135

(“Explain the steps of transcription and translation in protein synthesis), p.418

(Chapter 14 Summary)

Utilize materials processing and standard laboratory operating procedures for biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Maintain a clean and organized work area. Lab Manual: p.1-6 (Basic laboratory safety rules)

Follow written protocols and oral directions to perform a variety of laboratory and technical tasks.

Determine appropriate equipment and units of measurement for a given task.

All labs follow a protocol that must be followed in order to perform the required tasks. p.

1 (“includes skills that are critical for safety such as following written and oral instructions”)

Student text: Chapter 3 (The Basic Skills of the Biotechnology Workplace) pp.70-101

Lab Manual: The labs require that the student determine appropriate equipment and unit of measurement. The following are provided as examples: p.14 (water baths), p.22 (microscopes), p.32 (measurements and pipets), p.35 (measurement), p.40

(measuring mass), p.71 (making media)















Discuss and perform disinfection and sterilization techniques.

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile Technique and

Pouring Plates)

Apply biotechnical materials analysis skills--

The student will be able to:

Isolate DNA from a variety of cells. Student text: p.116-117 (Isolating and

Manipulating DNA), p.321 (Isolating Genomic


Lab Manual: Chapter 4 (DNA Isolation and

Analysis) pp.102-133

Explain the principles involved in agarose gel electrophoresis. 120-123 (Components of

Gel Electrophoresis)

Prepare, load, run, visualize, and analyze

DNA samples on an agarose gel.

Lab Manual: p.82 (4i Making Agarose Gels for Separating and Analyzing DNA

Fragments), p. 85 (4j Using Gel

Electrophoresis to Study DNA Molecules)

Student text: p.124 (Biotech Online)

Describe the meaning in differences in DNA and peptide bands seen on agarose gels.

Lab Manual: p.82 (4i Making Agarose Gels for Separating and Analyzing DNA

Fragments), p.85 (4j Using Gel

Electrophoresis to Study DNA Molecules)

Lab Manual: p.82 (Making Agarose Gels for

Explain the difference between analyzing

PCR products on conventional gels vs. using a Realtime PCR system.

Discuss sources of environmental contamination and methods of detection in controlled environments.

Separating and Analyzing DNA Fragments), p.85 (4j Using Gel Electrophoresis to Study

DNA Molecules)

Student text: p.399 (A d vances in PCR

Speed Research and Development)

Lab Manual: p.269-270 (13e PCR Basics)

Student text: p.407-409 (Environmental

Biotechnology, Biofuels, Biodefense)

Demonstrates knowledge of basic chemistry as applied to biotechnology procedures--The student will be able to:

Recognize and provide labels for models of neutral atoms, ions, and isotopes.

Student text: p.407-409 (Environmental

Biotechnology, Biofuels, Biodefense)

Differentiate between atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, mixtures and solutions.

Student text p.79 (solutions) p .86 (figure

3.27), p.98 (compounds)

Compare and contrast homogenous and heterogeneous solutions and suspensions.

Student text: p.99 (Activity 3.6 pH buffers) p.401 (Proteomics and NMR)

Determine chemical characteristics and reactivity based on electron configuration.

Demonstrate that the rate of chemical reactions depend on reactant concentration or temperature, or the presence of a

Student text: p.52-61 (The Molecules of


Student text: p.61-63 (The “New”















24.01 catalyst.

Explain how the electron configuration determines covalent and ionic bonds.

Lab Manual p.6 (1c Cheese Production: The

Evolution of Cheese making Technology)

Compare and contrast the variety of forces that hold matter together.

Utilizes basic knowledge of microbiology and blood-borne diseases, including AIDS--The student will be able to:

Differentiate between aerobic vs. anaerobic bacteria, viruses, bacteriophage, and mycoplasma.

Student text: p. 50 (Bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles, aerobic and anaerobic),p. 105 (Table 4.1 Sizes of the

Genomes from some model organisms), p.114-115 (bacteriophages)

Discuss microbial taxonomy and classification.

Practice aseptic techniques as required.

Student text: p.28 (microbial agents defined)

Lab Manual: p.88 (4k E. coli characterization/Gram stain)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques)

Discuss sterilization and isolation techniques.

Discuss techniques of inoculation and transfer of cultures.

Describe conditions that promote cell growth under aseptic conditions in the laboratory and workplace.

Identify "at risk" behaviors which promote the spread of diseases caused by blood borne pathogens.

Discuss differences between sterilization, decontamination, and disinfection.

Demonstrate proper protocol for the disposal of biohazardous waste and microorganisms.

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques)

Student text: Chapter 8 “The Production of a Recombinant Biotechnology Product pp.220-251, Figure 8.19, p. 240 (“after the initial inoculation”)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques); p.76 (4g Bacteria cell culture)

Student text: Chapter 8 “The Production of a Recombinant Biotechnology Product pp.220-251

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques); p.76 (4g Bacteria cell culture)

Student text : p.343-345 (pathogens or the cause of disease)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text: p. 66 (“Include examples of disinfectants”) p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques)

Lab Manual: Practiced throughout the entire lab manual

Demonstrate knowledge of legal and ethical responsibilities--The student will be able to:

Discuss ethical, legal and social issues raised by biotechnology.

Student text: p.27-29(Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the












26.06 best policy?) Is also covered in Bioethics sections in each chapter.

Demonstrate literacy and computer skills applicable to the biotechnology industry--The student will be able to:

Define terms and demonstrate basic computer skills.

Describe the uses of computers in the biotechnology industry.

Use the Internet to gather and share scientific and regulatory information.

Use spreadsheet software to calculate and analyze data.

Demonstrate employability skills--The student will be able to:

Many Biotech Live and Biotech Online require the use of computer skills. The following are provided as samples:

Student text: p. 32 (use the Internet)

Lab Manual : p.10 (use Excel), p.312 (Power

Point), p.36 (Word document)

Student text: p.23 (figure 1.31), p.26 (figure

1.35 and Biotech Online)

All Biotech Online activities in each chapter require students to go online.

The following are provided as examples: p.183, 238, 383

Lab Manual: p.10 (use Microsoft Excel)

Demonstrate appropriate responses to criticism and coaching from employer, supervisor, or other persons.

Student text: p. 416 (working well as a team member, having a pleasant, positive attitude and being easy to get along with)

Demonstrate appropriate methods for asking questions, and providing constructive criticism and feedback.

Student text: p.251 (“Committee members may ask questions following the presentations”)

Use several resources including the internet to gather information about job opportunities in the biotechnology field.

Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples: p.27,383, 415

Outline the opportunities for careers in biotechnology in health, industry, medicine, genetics, agriculture, etc.

Identify and demonstrate acceptable work habits and health habits.

Follow acceptable work habits, personal characteristics and hygiene habits for the biotechnology workplace.

Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)

Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p.183 (figure 6.27), 114 (figure

4.20), 270 (figure 9.3)

Student text: p.27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.416 (How to Prepare for a

Career in Biotechnology)

Lab Manual: p.4 (1b Laboratory Safety)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety

Rules), Environmental Health and Safety

Officer appears with each lab






Biotechnology 2

Apply knowledge of the nature of science and scientific habits of mind to solve problems, and employ safe and effective use of laboratory technologies--The student will be able to:

Know that investigations are conducted to explore new phenomena, to check on previous results, to test how well a theory predicts, and to compare different theories.

Know that from time to time, major shifts occur in the scientific view of how the world works, but that more often, the changes that take place in the body of scientific knowledge are small modifications of prior knowledge.

Student text : p.5 (Biotechnology

Companies, p. 8 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), 1.2 (The Increasing

Variety of Biotechnology Products), p.14

(Developing Ideas for New Products), p. 300

(Using Good Fit to Test the Hypothesis)

Student text : p. 3-5 (Defining Biotechnology, p.422 (The Evolution of Science and the

Industry of Biotechnology)

Understand that no matter how well one theory fits observations, a new theory might fit them as well or better, or might fit a wider range of observations, because in science, the testing, revising, and occasional discarding of theories, new and old, never ends and leads to an increasingly better understanding of how things work in the world, but not to absolute truth.

Student text : p. 18 (Doing Biotechnology:

Scientific Methodology in a Research


Know that the potential for bias exists within individuals and scientific teams, and therefore scientists are expected to seek out possible sources of bias in the design of their investigations and in their data analysis.

Student text: Bioethics at the end of each chapter addresses this issue. Selected examples : p.29 (Biotech Online), p.69

(Bioethics), p.101 (Bioethics), p.133




27.07 from many contributors.

Understand that in the short run, new ideas that do not mesh well with mainstream ideas in science often encounter vigorous criticism and that in the long run, theories are judged by how they fit with other theories, the range of observations they explain, how well they explain observations, and how effective they are in predicting new findings. for Values Clarification), p. 35 (How is the

Biotechnology Industry Improving your

Quality of Human Life?)

Student text: p.28-29 (Strategies for Values

Clarification), p.37-39 (Using Animals in

Science and Industry), p. 338 (Examine the benefits and risks …)

Know that scientists assume that the universe is a vast system in which basic rules exist that may range from very simple

Student text : p.19-23 (Doing Biotechnology:

Scientific Methodology in a Research


28.0 to extremely complex but that scientists operate on the

Demonstrate understanding of the chemical processes in biotechnology, pH, solutions, dilutions, molarity--The student will be able to:

Lab Manual : p.2-4 (How to Set Up a Legal

Scientific Notebook)


28.02 Understand how knowledge of energy is fundamental to all the scientific disciplines

(e.g., the energy required for biological processes in living organisms and the energy required for the building, erosion, and rebuilding of the Earth).


Mass/Volume Concentration)








Understands that biological systems obey the same laws of conservation as physical systems.

Organization and Processes)

Demonstrate an understanding of cell propagation, growth and cultures for biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Understand the mechanisms of asexual and sexual reproduction and know the different genetic advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction.

Student text: p.282-285 (Plant breeding), p.

302 (Asexual Plant Propagation)

Lab Manual: p.203(10f Asexual Plant

Propagation through Leaf and Stem

Cuttings), p.205 (10g Asexual Plant

Propagation through Runners), p.208 (10i

Cloning African Violets)

Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of biochemistry including protein synthesis, recombinants, and reproduction, analysis, western blot--The student will be able to:

Define monoclonal antibodies and hybridoma technology.

Student text: p.140 (defined), p.357-358, figure 12.23

Know the complex interactions among the different kinds of molecules in the cell cause distinct cycles of activity governed by

Student text: p.136-137 (Protein Molecule

Structure); p. 52-61 (The Molecules of Cells)

Lab Manual: Chapter 5 “Protein Isolation and Analysis pp.134-163; Chapter 8











34.0 proteins.

Know that cell behavior can be affected by molecules from other parts of the organism or even from other organisms.

“Recombinant Protein Production”pp.220-

251 ; Chapter 9 “Protein Product Purification and Analysis”pp.252-278

Lab Manual: p.29 “How Molecular Structure is Affected by Environmental Change”

Demonstrate an understanding of genetics and biotechnology, gene selection, transformation, analysis, PCR, northern and southern blot--The student will be able to:

Know that the chemical elements that make up the molecules of living things are combined and recombined in different ways.

Knows that every cell contains a “blueprint” coded in DNA molecules that specify how proteins are assembled to regulate cells.

Demonstrate a knowledge of the structure and function and reproduction of various organisms used as genetic models--The student will be able to:

Student text: Chapter 2: The Raw Materials of Biotechnology. Specific examples:

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic

Acids p.384 (DNA Sequencing); p. 52-61

(The Molecules of Cells)

Student text: p. 59 (“This blueprint of molecular construction is what some people call ‘the genetic code’”.) Chapter 4:

Introduction to Studying DNA pp.102-133, p.365 (Making DNA Molecules)

Know that body structures are uniquely designed and adapted for their function.

Describe animal models used in research, and the types of studies they are optimally used for.

Student text: p.5256 (“with an emphasis on the structure and function of the molecules most involved in biotechnology applications”), p.288-292 (“Plant organs contain specialized tissues and cells”)

Student text: p.4-6, Chapter 6, figure 6.1. . p.339 (Well Hello Dolly), p.363 (use internet to learn more about animals in biomedical research) This topic is covered in many of the Bioethics sections in each chapter. The following are provided as examples: p.69, p.133

Demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of organisms, humans, and the environment--The student will be able to:

Understands the interconnectedness of the systems on Earth and the quality of life.

Student text: Chapter 10 “Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology” pp.280-315

Know that changes in a component of an ecosystem will have unpredictable effects on the entire system, but that the components of the system tend to react in a way that will restore the ecosystem to its original condition.

Student text: p.407-409 (Environmental

Biotechnology, Biofuels and Biodefense)

Demonstrate an understanding of genetic










36.01 diversity, natural and genetic selection--The student will be able to:

Understand the mechanisms of change

(e.g., mutation and natural selection) that lead to adaptations in a species and their ability to survive naturally in changing conditions and to increase species diversity.

Know of the great diversity and interdependence of living things, and the value of biodiversity.

Understands how genetic variation of offspring contributes to natural selection.

Demonstrate an understanding of bioethics--

The student will be able to:

Student text: p.118-119 (Site-Specific

Mutagenesis and Gene Therapy), p.133 (The

Promise of Gene Therapy), p. 224-225

(Probing DNA for Genes of Interest), p231

(RFLPs Can Reveal Disease Mutations), p.327 (Plant Genetic Engineering)

Student text: Chapter 10 “Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology” (Example: P.291:

( “Different cells are found in different plant tissues and organs”)

Student text: p.283 (Seeds: The Next

Generation of Biotech Products), p.358-359

(Gene Therapy and Other New Medical

Biotechnologies), Chapter 8.1: An Overview of Genetic Engineering, p.221-225

Understand the importance of a sense of responsibility, a commitment to peer review, truthful reporting of the methods and outcomes of investigations, and making the public aware of the findings.

Student text: p.271-272 (Marketing and

Sales) All Bioethics discussions address this standard. The following is listed as example : p.101 (Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?)

Know that scientists first define then control conditions in order to obtain evidence, but when that is not possible for practical or ethical reasons, they try to observe a wide range of natural occurrences to discern patterns.

Student text: p27-29 (Moral Standards) p.

101 (Bioethics)

Know that performance testing is often conducted using small-scale models, computer simulations, or analogous systems to reduce the chance of system failure.

Student text: p. 15 “much testing is done, as the procedures for small-, and the largescale production”, p. 16 (small-scale manufacturing)

Know that scientific knowledge is used by those who engage in design and technology to solve practical problems, taking human values and limitations into account.

Student text: p.18 (Genentech), p.27-29

(Biotechnology with a Conscience, Strategy for Values Clarification), p. 35 (How is the

Biotechnology Industry Improving your

Quality of Human Life?)

Demonstrate and understanding of the connection between Biotechnology, agricultural, food, and medical technologies and careers--The student will be able to:

Know that funds for science research come from federal government agencies, industry, and private foundations and that this funding often influences the areas of

Student text: p. 5-8 (Biotechnology

Companies, University and Government

Research Labs)




37.0 discovery.

Know that scientists can bring information, insights, and analytical skills to matters of public concern and help people understand the possible causes and effects of events.

Student text: p.271-272 (Marketing and

Sales); p27-29 (Moral Standards) p. 101


Discuss how scientists contribute to and promote science-based policy in US government.

Discuss the correlation between scientific discovery and product development, based on societal benefit vs. financial benefit to a company.

Demonstrate knowledge of the history, career fields, and benefits of biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Student text: p. 5-8 (Biotechnology

Companies, University and Government

Research Labs)

Student text: p.14-19 “How Companies

Se lect Products to Manufacture” Example: p.15 “Does the product meet a critical need?

Is the market large enough to produce enough sales?”








Compare the developments in two biotechnology fields and make predictions for future developments in those areas.

Identify several local biotechnology companies specializing in the production of pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, industrial products, and research instruments and reagents.

Compare the benefits of products derived from biotechnological advances (including

DNA technology), to an environment devoid of biotechnological products or applications.

Demonstrate knowledge of various career fields in the biotechnology industry, including but not limited to research and development, pre-clinical and clinical trials, manufacturing, facilities and equipment, quality control, quality assurance, regulatory affairs, marketing, and sales.

Student text: p.165-168(Sources of

Potential Products), p.179-181 (Looking for

New Products in Nature), p. 179 (Biotech


Student text p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), Activity 1.1 on p.32, p.311 (Plant Biotech Companies) p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in

Biotechnology) Chapter 6 (Identifying a

Potential Biotechnology Product) pp.164-192

Student text: p. 8 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p. 10-14(The

Increasing Variety of Biotechnology

Products), p.14 (Developing Ideas for New

Products), p.117 (Recombinant DNA

Technology), p. 165-169 (Sources of

Potential Products), p. 178-181 (Looking for

New Products in Nature), p.179 (Biotech


Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology),

Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples: p.27, 383, 415

Recognize and practice safety procedures--The student will be able to:

Define Biological Safety Levels 1 through 4 and their differences.














Describe appropriate attire for Biological

Safety Levels 1 through 4.

Identify potential biohazards and relate how to deal with a variety of biohazards.

Use appropriate safety procedures and guidelines and demonstrate knowledge of emergency procedures.

Maintain equipment and material logs for all apparatus, materials, and technology.

Maintain Material Safety Data Sheet

(MSDS) notebook and appropriately reference for each activity.

Student text: p. 96 (Hazardous Chemicals:

Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

All labs require the use of appropriate safety procedures and guidelines. Lab

Manual: Environmental Health and Safety

Officer appears with each lab

All labs require that the student maintain equipment and material logs. The following is provided as example: p.4 (1b

Laboratory Safety)

Student text: p.96 (Activity 3.3)

Lab Manual: p.249 (12c Using MSDS)

Lab Manual: p.4 (1b Laboratory Safety) Follow approved protocols for all activities which may cause exposure to blood-borne pathogens.

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile Techniques) Describe strategies used in a cleanroom to minimize the introduction of contaminating microorganisms or particulates.

Recognize and follows quality control procedures and regulatory guidelines--The student will be able to:

Describe the need for and function of regulatory agencies such as those in government, industry, and society.

Student text: p. 5-8 (Biotechnology

Companies, University and Government

Research Labs)

Discuss quality control and assurance with respect to documentation

Discuss quality control in relation to inspection results and specifications, procedures, testing methods, process control, regulatory specifications and documentation, and internal audits

The student is expected to assure quality control with respect to documentation with all lab activities. Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab.

The student is expected to assure quality control with respect to documentation with all lab activities.

Utilize quality control methods in relation to hazardous and non-hazardous materials.

Demonstrate the ability to communicate and use interpersonal skills effectively--The student

The student is expected to utilize quality control methods in relation to all hazardous and non-hazardous materials in the lab situation. Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab.










41.03 will be able to:

Demonstrate ability to give and follow oral and written directions.

Recognize potential errors in protocol and address them with colleagues and the appropriate supervisor.

Maintain thorough documentation of tasks and procedures.

Work effectively in a research, manufacturing, quality control, or quality assurance team with a defined responsibility.

Incorporate appropriate scientific terminology and abbreviations into all technical documents.

Prepare, analyze, and discuss technical material.

All text activities and labs require that the student follow oral and written instructions

Student text: p.96 (Learn how to access laboratory protocols from databases).

Protocol is addressed throughout the text.

The following pages are provided as examples: 156 (last sentence of 4th paragraph), 176 (3 rd paragraph), 189 (last paragraph), 195 (“new protocols must be considered”) All labs require that the student recognize potential errors in protocol and technique and address them.

All labs require that the student maintain documentation of tasks and procedures.

The Legal Scientific Notebook is on page

2 of the Lab Manual.

All labs require that the student work effectively with quality control and may require that the student have a defined responsibility.

All activities and labs require that the student demonstrate use of appropriate scientific terminology. “Speaking

Biotech” is provided at the end of each chapter. Examples: p. 158, 214, 246 .

This standard is addressed by many

Biotech Live and Biotech Online

Activities. The following are provided as examples: p.32 (What is Biotechnology), p.

35 (read about the biotechnology industry online), p.66 (compare nutritional data), p.

179 (answer questions), p.67(Conducting

Exhaustive Research), p.68 (Using Scientific

Journals Online), p.68 (How to Read a

Scientific Journal Article)

Apply basic skills in scientific inquiry, calculations, and analysis--The student will be able to:

Develop scientific questions, hypotheses, and experimental plans.

Properly and safely operate scientific equipment including mixers, analytical balances, stirrers, shakers, conductivity meters, and a hemocytometer.

Calculate ratios used for making chemical

Lab Manual activities address this standard. The following activities are provided as examples: p.178, 182, 184,

188, 190

Throughout lab manual. The following are provided as examples: p.14 (mixer), p.31,

41 and 49 (analytical balance), p.51 (stirrers)

Lab Manual: p.266 (13d Making Dilutions of

Concentrated Solutions)










42.0 dilutions or plate counting.

Compose a thorough concluding statement outlining the results of an experiment with evidence, explanations, error analysis, and practical applications.

Evaluate scientific reports with wellsupported, clearly presented opinions.

Consistently analyze and properly uses a variety of valid literature resources.

Set-up and maintain a legal scientific notebook that includes an account of all laboratory procedures, data, conclusions, and appropriate signatures.

Lab Manual activities address this standard. The following activities are provided as examples: p.177 (9b Dialysis of Proteins), p.

182 (9d Using Ion-Exchange),

184 (9e Identifying Amylase), p.188 (10a

Flower Morphology), p.190 (10b Seed


Student text: p.67-68 (Activities 2.4, 2.3)

Lab Manual: p.1-4 (How to set up a legal scientific notebook)

Biotech Live and Biotech Online in every chapter meets this standard. The following pages are provided as examples: Student text: p.173, 179, 183,


Lab Manual: p.1-4 (How to set up a legal scientific notebook) and all lab write-ups throughout the lab manual

Measure time, temperature, distance, capacity, mass/weight, flow rates and growth rates.

Use 24 hour time in all documents.

Lab Manual: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab)

Create graphs, charts and tables used to record, analyze, and convey scientific data.

Critically analyze quantitative and qualitative data.

Student text:

Figure 13.21)

p. 46-50 (Cellular

Organization and Processes), p.59-61

(Nucleic Acids) p.103-106 (DNA Structure and Function) p.365-367 (DNA and

Chromosomes), p. 380 (Figure 13.20 and

Lab manual : p.63-90 (DNA Isolation &


The interpretation and use of graphs is used throughout the text and lab manual.

The following are provided as examples:

Student Text: p. 192, p. 216 (make a data table) p.249 (find a Website that has a diagram), p.251 (pie chart), p.276 (flowchart),

Lab Manual: p.6 (1c, Cheese Production) p.94 (5b The Action of Different Enzymes), p.

179 (9c Using Ion Exchange), p.266 (13d

Visualizing DNA)

Student text: p. 19 (quantitative define), p.173

The interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data is found throughout the lab manual. The following are provided as examples:

Lab Manual: p.6 (1c Cheese Production), p.35 (3b Measuring Very Small Volumes), p.

94 (5b the Action of Different Enzymes)

Organize and communicate clear, concise written and oral reports of scientific findings.

Demonstrate knowledge of organism structure

All labs require that the student organize and communicate their scientific findings in a clear,concise written or oral report













43.04 and function--The student will be able to:

Discuss the makeup of chromosomes. Student text: p. 46-50 (Cellular

Organization and Processes), p.59-61

(Nucleic Acids) p.103-106 (DNA Structure and Function) p.365-367 (DNA and

Chromosomes), p. 380 (Figure 13.20 and

Figure 13.21)

Lab manual : p.63-90 (DNA Isolation &


Discuss the process of nucleic acid transfer. Lab Manual: p.263 (13c Conducting a

Southern Blot)

Describe the relationship of cellular science and biotechnology.

Describe how enzymes regulate all aspects of protein synthesis

Student text:

Components), p.103-107 (DNA Structure and

Function) p.41-46 (Organisms and their

Student text: p.142-147 (The Production of


Explain how the structure of nucleic acid affects its isolation from cells and solutions.

Describe how cells are engineered to express recombinant proteins.

Student text: p. 45, 59-60 (Nucleic Acids)

Lab Manual: p.65 (4b Pulling DNA), p. 79

(4h DNA Extraction), p.218 (11c Developing an Optimal Extraction), p. 272 (13f Extracting

DNA from Human Cells), p. 277 (13h

Confirming the Amylase Gene)

Student text: p.142-147(The Production of


Identify groups of proteins based on their functions, citing specific examples of proteins in each group.

Use the Internet to find information about the structure and function of specific proteins.

Student text:: p.142-147 (The Production of


Lab Manual: p.103 (5f Characterizing

Proteins using PAGE)

Student text: p. 156 (Biotech online), p.180

(Biotech Live)

Utilize materials processing and standard laboratory operating procedures for biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Maintain a professional laboratory space following standard operating procedures.

Perform a variety of biological tests and chemical assays, collect data, perform calculations and statistical analysis.

Discuss classification, composition and preparation of culture media.

Discuss collection and handling of specimens for fungal, bacterial, mammalian

All labs require that the student maintain a professional laboratory space following standard operating procedures.

All labs encompass a variety of biological tests and chemical assays, the collection of data, calculations and statistical analysis.

Student text: p. 132 (Compare and contrast ingredients required by bacteria cells and human cells in culture)

Student text: p. 109-116 (Bacteria cell culture, Mammalian Cell Culture, Viral DNA),









44.07 cells and viral specimens, and parasites. p.132 (Activity 4.5), p. 240-241 (Mammalian

Cell Culture)

Lab Manual: p. 17 (2b The Characteristics of Model Organisms), p. 71 (4e Making

Media for Bacteria Culture), p. 76 (4g

Bacteria Cell Culture)

Prepare and examine specimens, and identify ova and parasites as indicated.

Apply biotechnical materials analysis skills--

The student will be able to:

Isolate DNA from cells and analyze its purity and concentration.

Outline the steps in production, product testing, and delivery of a product made through recombinant DNA technology.

Student text: p.116-117 (Isolating and

Manipulating DNA), p.321 (Isolating Genomic


Lab Manual: Chapter 4 (DNA Isolation and

Analysis) pp. 102-125

Student text: p. 117 (Recombinant DNA


Outline the steps in production, product testing, and delivery of a product made through recombinant DNA technology.

Prepare, load, run, visualize, and analyze protein samples on a polyacrylamide or agarose gel.

Prepare protein solutions and dilutions at specific concentrations and pH.

Use protein indicator solutions to identify the presence and concentration of protein in solution.

Describe the meaning in differences in DNA and peptide bands seen on polyacrylamide or agarose gels.

Student text : p.120-123 (Components of Gel

Electrophoresis), p.142-146 (The Production of Proteins) p.151-154 (Studying Proteins)

Lab Manual: p.82 (4iMaking Agarose Gels for Separating and Analyzing DNA

Fragments), p.85 (4j Using Gel

Electrophoresis to Study DNA Molecules)

Student text: 120-123 (Components of Gel


Lab Manual: p.82 (4iMaking Agarose Gels for Separating and Analyzing DNA

Fragments), p.85 (4j Using Gel

Electrophoresis to Study DNA Molecules), p.

99 (5d Testing for the Presence of Protein)

Lab Manual: p. 94 (5b The Action of

Different Enzymes), p.97 (5c Developing an

Assay), p.99 (5d Testing for the Presence of

Protein), p. 137 (7e Making an Appropriate

Buffer), p. 141 (7g Determining the

Concentration of Amylase), p. 144 (7h Using the UV Spec)

Lab Manual: p.99 (5d Testing for the

Presence of Protein), p.141 (7g Determining the Concentration of Amylase), p.144 (7h

Using the UV Spec)

Student text: 120-123 (Components of Gel


Lab Manual: p. 82(4i Making Agarose Gels for Separating and Analyzing DNA

Fragments), p.85 (4jUsing Gel

Electrophoresis to Study DNA Molecules), p.

184 (9e Identifying Amylase)














Prepare and maintain plate and broth cultures of bacteria. Explain how polyacrilymide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) is used with column chromatography to monitor protein product.

Describe the steps in harvesting protein product from fermentation cell culture.

Outline the steps of using a visible light spectrophotometer.

Prepare a serial dilution of protein and measure absorbance at a given wavelength.

Use a standard curve to determine the concentration of an unknown protein solution.

Student text: p.120-121 (Components of

Gel Electrophoresis), 176-77 (Western blots),

260-261 (Column Chromatography)

Lab Manual: p.103 (5f Charaterizing

Proteins by PAGE), p. 108 (5g Studying

Muscle Proteins via SDS-PAGE), p. 179 (9c

Using Ion-Exchange to Separate), p.182 (9d

Using Ion-Exchange to Purify)

Student text : p.132 Activity 4.5 (Compare and contrast ingredients required by bacteria cells and human cells in culture)

Student text: p. 216 Activity 7.1 (Using the


Lab Manual: p.130 (7a Learning to Use the

Spectrophotometer), p.132 (7b Using the

Spectrophotometer), p. 139 (7f Using the

Spectrophotometer to Study Amylase), p.141

(7g Determining the Concentration of

Amylase), p. 144 (7h Using the UV Spec)

Lab Manual: p.141(7g Determining the

Concentration), p.144(7h Using the UV

Specs) 9e (Identifying Amylase)

Lab Manual: p.120 (6e Western Blot), 7g

(Determining the Concentration), p.144 (7h

Using the UV Specs)

Explain the protocol and application for isolating plasmids.

Explain the process and application of inserting genes that code for antibiotic resistance into a plasmid.

Demonstrate the ability to culture, propagate, and harvest bacteria.

Understand the bacterial growth stages in culture.

Understand components of growth media such as energy source, and antibiotics, and incubation parameters: time, temp, atmospheric concentration.

Lab Manual: p.167 (8f Alkaline Cell Lysis),

8g (Using a Miniprep Kit), p. 184(9e

Identifying Amylase)

Student text: p. 108 (Prokaryotic DNA and

R plasmids)

Lab Manual: p. 155 (8b Restriction

Digestion), p.159 (8c Transformation of E. coli)

Lab Manual: p.76(4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p. 159 (8c Transformation of E. coli), p.163

(8d Growing and Monitoring Bacterial

Cultures), p. 166 (8e Scaling-Up)

Lab Manual: p.163 (8d Growing and

Monitoring Bacterial Cultures), p. 166 (8e


Student text : p.132

Activity 4.5 (Human

Cells are Fussy Eaters)

Explain the process of utilizing restriction enzymes and DNA ligase to insert a new gene into a plasmid.

Student text: p. 228-229 (Making

Recombinant DNA)

Explain the process of replicating plasmids. Student text: p. 242-243 (Retrieving


Practice environmental monitoring using agar plates.












Demonstrates knowledge of basic chemistry as applied to biotechnology procedures--The student will be able to:

Use the periodic table to predict valence electron configuration, and physical and chemical characteristics of elements.

Student text:

Table) p.86 (Figure 3.27 Periodic

Use the periodic table to calculate molarity. Student text: p.86 (Figure 3.27 Periodic


Chapter 3 (The Basic Skills of the

Biotechnology Workplace) pp.70-101

Lab Manual: p. 55 (3g Making Solutions), p.117 (6d Direct ELISA), p.120 (6e (Western blot), p.179 (9c Using Ion-Exchange), p.182

(9d Using Ion-Exchange to Purify)

Balance equations to show that there is a conservation of matter. Explain hydrogen and polar bonding.

Discuss and use techniques that identify and separate components of a homogenous mixture.

Explain and use the function of pH in the preservation, purification, and functioning of proteins.

Student text: p. 99 Activity 3.6 (pH, buffer and solution preparation)

Lab Manual: p. 29 (2f How Molecular

Structure is Affected by Environmental

Change), p. 137 (7e making an Appropriate

Buffer), p. 167 (8f Alkaline Cell Lysis), p. 171

(8g Using a Miniprep Kit)

Lab Manual: p.134 (7c Measuring the pH of Use pH paper or pH meter to measure and adjust pH. Solutions), p.136 (7d Demonstration of buffer

Efficacy), p. 179 (9c Using Ion Exchange), p.

182 (9d Using Ion-Exchange to Purify)

Student text: p.84-86 (Solutions of differing Calculate how to prepare solutions based on % mass/volume. % Mass/Volume Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p. 50 (3f Making Solutions of differing % Mass/Volume Concentrations)

Student text: p.86-89 (Solutions of differing Calculate how to prepare solutions based on molar concentrations. Molarity Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p. 55 (3g Making Solutions of differing Molarity Concentrations)

Student text: p.86-89 (Solutions of differing Use stoichiometry and molarity to prepare solutions of any volume and concentration Molarity Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p. 55 (3g Making Solutions of differing Molarity Concentrations)

Prepare dilutions of concentrated solutions. Student text: p.89-91 (Dilutions of

Concentrated Solutions)












Lab Manual: p.59 (3h Making Dilutions of

Concentrated Solutions)

Utilizes basic knowledge of microbiology and blood-borne diseases, including AIDS--The student will be able to:

Discuss bacterial metabolism, reproduction, cell structures and their functions.

Perform microbiology techniques in controlled environments.

Student text: p.46-60 (Cellular Organization and Processes, The Molecules of Cells)

Lab Manual: p. 17 (2b The Characteristics of

Model Organisms), p.76 (4g Bacteria Cell

Culture), p. 159(8c Transformation of E. coli)

Lab Manual: p. 76 (4g E. coli Cell Culture)

Demonstrate techniques of microscope use related to oil immersion and slide preparation.

Discuss uses for different microscopy methods, including light, fluorescent, phasecontrast, and electron.

Lab Manual: p. 22 (2c Using a Compound

Light Microscope), p. 25 (2d Making

Microscopic Measurements), p. 88 (4k E. coli characterization/Gram stain)

Student text: p. 41-46 (Organisms and their


Demonstrate the preparation and interpretation of Gram stains.

Lab Manual: p.88 (4k E. coli characterization/Gram stain)

Perform various preparation and staining techniques.

Lab Manual: p. 22(2c Using a Compound

Light Microscope), p. 25 (2d Making

Microscopic Measurements), p. 85 (4j Using

Gel Electrophoresis), p. 88 (4k

Characterizing E. coli) , p. 117 (6d Direct

ELISA), p. 120 (6e Western Blot)

Perform disinfection and aseptic techniques. Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: All labs require sterile techniques. The following are provided as example: p. 74(4f Sterile Technique and

Pouring Plates), p.17 (2b using a sterile

Perform sterilization and isolation techniques.

Prepare artificial culture media. hood), p.76 (4g Do all work in a sterile laminar flow hood), p.159 (8c Use sterile techniques throughout the procedure).

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p.74(4fSterile techniques), p.76

(4g Bacteria Cell Cultures), p. 159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 208 (10i

Cloning African Violets)

Lab Manual: p. 71 (4e Making Media), p.

208 (10i Cloning African Violets)

Perform techniques of inoculation and transfer of cultures.

Lab Manual: p. 76 (4g Bacteria Cell

Cultures), p.159 (8c Transformation of E.












Use various methods to monitor the growth of cell cultures.

Discuss the immune system and the normal immune response.

Perform antigen and antibody testing.

Discuss methods that utilize the antigen/antibody complex as tools for research, diagnosis, and testing.

Discuss the ABO, Rh and other blood group systems. coli), p.163 (8d Growing and Monitoring

Bacterial Cultures), p.166 (8e Scaling-Up)

Lab Manual: p.159 (8c Transformation of E. coli), p.163 (8d Growing and Monitoring

Bacterial Cultures), p. 166 (8e Scaling-Up)

Student text: p. 352-355(Creating

Pharmaceuticals by Protein/Antibody


Lab Manual: p.92 (5a The Specificity of


Lab Manual: p.92 (5a The Specificity of

Antibodies) , p.117 (6d Direct ELISA), p. 231

(11i Using an ELISA), p.233(11j Using a

Western Blot)

Student text: p. 139 (Function of Antibody

Proteins), p.172-175 (Enzyme Linked

Immunosorbent Assay), p.176-177 (Western


Lab Manual: p. 92 (5a The Specificity of

Antibodies) , p.117 (6d Direct ELISA), 11i

(Using an ELISA), p.233 (11j Using a

Western Blot)

Distinguish between fact and fallacy about the transmission and treatment of diseases caused by blood borne pathogens including

Hepatitis B.

Student text: p. 324 (Plant-Made

Pharmaceuticals) p.345 (pathogenesis)

Identify community resources and services available to the individuals with diseases caused by blood borne pathogens.

Demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of, including testing.

Describe how blood-borne pathogens are avoided in manufacturing.

Demonstrate knowledge of legal and ethical responsibilities--The student will be able to:

Student text : p. 7-8, p.32 (question 10), p.

68 (Activity 2.5), p.138-139, p.343-345

(pathogens or the cause of disease) p.192

(Limited Medication: Who gets it?

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text : p.343-345 (pathogens or the cause of disease)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Recognize ethical issues of the biotechnology workplace such as employee privacy, employee safety, animal testing, etc.

Student text: p.27-29(Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?), p.363 (Animal Testing of














Provide examples of the appropriate professional traits of a worker in biotechnology

Outline the proper protocol for reporting unsafe or unethical behavior.

Demonstrate literacy and computer skills applicable to the biotechnology industry--The student will be able to:

Companies, University and Government

Research Labs)

Student text: p. 27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.101 (Scientific Honesty)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text: p.27-29(Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?)

Use the Internet to gather and share scientific and regulatory information.

Use a variety of methods including literature searches in libraries, in computer databases, and on-line for gathering background information, making observations, and collecting and organizing data.

Many Biotech Online activities are used to gather scientific information. The following are provided as examples: p.270, 230

Biotech Live and Biotech Online in every chapter meets this standard. The following pages are provided as examples: Student text: p.173, 179, 183,


Use a computer spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation programs to collect, analyze and report information or data.

Demonstrate employability skills--The student will be able to:

Many Biotech Live and Biotech Online require the use of computer skills. The following are provided as samples:

Student text: p. 188 and 312 (Power Point), p.36 (Word document)

Lab Manual : p.10 (use Excel)

Conduct a job search.

Develop a portfolio that demonstrates proficiency in specific biotechnology workplace tasks including writing samples and performance-based lab and computer skills.

Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples: p.26, 311, 383, 415

Student text: p. 416-417 (Prepare for a

Career in Biotech…)

Lab Manual: The entire student notebook is the best portfolio for placement in a biotechnology facility.

Describe the opportunities for careers in biotechnology in health, industry, medicine, genetics, agriculture, etc.

Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)

Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p.183 (Figure 6.27), 114 (Figure

4.20), 270 (Figure 9.30)

Bioethics), p.101 (Scientific Honesty)











Analyze the impact that work and health habits play in the biotechnology industry.

Recognize appropriate professional behavior.

Explain the roles of different departments and the employees within each department at an industry site.

Describe the departmental functions in a typical biotechnology company.

Student text: p.27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.416 (How to Prepare for a

Career in Biotechnology)

Student text: p. 27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.101 (Scientific Honesty)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)

Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p.183, 114, 136, 152, 270

Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)

Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p.183, 114, 136, 152, 270

Biotechnology 3

History, career fields, and benefits of biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Identify a recent advancement in a biotechnological tool or method, and compare it to its predecessor.

Select and evaluate the potential of a product based on industry criteria.

Explain how biotechnology practices, procedures, and philosophies have evolved to current high technology and integrated disciplines.

Student text : p.5 (Biotechnology

Companies, p. 8 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), 1.2 (The Increasing

Variety of Biotechnology Products), p.14

(Developing Ideas for New Products), p. 300

(Using Good Fit to Test the Hypothesis)

Student text: p.271-273 (Marketing and

Sales) Section 1.3 (How Companies Select

Products to Manufacture) p. 34 Activity 1.3

(Investing in Biotechnology)

Student text: p.422-423 (The Evolution of the Science and Industry of Biotechnology)

Illustrate examples of how biotechnology has led to benefits and risks to society and how biotechnical advances affect human lives on a personal level.

Graph a history timeline with medical advances due to technology advances.

Student text: p.356-359 (Recent Advances in Medical Biotechnology) p.27-29

(Biotechnology with a Conscience, Strategy for Values Clarification), p. 35 (How is the

Biotechnology Industry Improving your

Quality of Human Life?)

Student text: p. 312 (Make a timeline), p.422-423 (The Evolution of the Science and

Industry of Biotechnology)














Research and analyze career opportunities available in biotechnology and select the career pathway best suited to your interests, abilities, and objectives.

Student text: p.8-11 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.166-169

(Modeling the Research and Development of a Potential Product), p.250 (Learn more about the significant discoveries…) p. 339

(Well, Hello Dolly), p. 411 (Synthetic Biology: the first synthetic cell), p.422-423 (The

Evolution of the Science and Industry of

Biotechnology), Chapter 10: Introduction to

Plant Biotechnology pp.280-315, Chapter 11:

Biotechnology in Agriculture pp.316-333,

Chapter 12: Medical Biotechnologies pp.342-


Plant Biotechnology) pp.280-315, Chapter 11

(Biotechnology in Agriculture), pp.316-333 p.407-408 (Environmental Biotechnology)

Safety procedures--The student will be able to:

Identify safety symbols and signs. Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Use appropriate safety procedures and guidelines.

Demonstrate an understanding of the emergency procedures in case of fire, burn, chemical spill or other hazardous situations.

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab

Student text: p. 96 (Hazardous Chemicals:

Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Recognize laboratory safety hazards and avoid them.

Locate and be able to use emergency equipment, including first aid.

Student text: p. 96 (Hazardous Chemicals:

Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Environmental Health and Safety Officer appears with each lab

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

Identify potential biohazards and relate how to deal with a variety of biohazards.

Use laboratory apparatus, materials, and technology in an appropriate and safe manner.

Locate a Material Safety Data Sheet

(MSDS) and use the information to operate in a safe manner.

Student text: p. 66 (Biohazards: Knowing when you have one)

Lab Manual: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers)

All labs require the appropriate and safe use of laboratory apparatus, materials and technology. Environmental Health and

Safety Officer appears with each lab.

Student text: p.96 (Activity 3.3)

Lab Manual: p. 249(12c Using MSDS to

Recognize a Compound)

Follow universal precautions for blood-borne pathogens.

Lab Manual: p.4 (1b Lab Safety), p. 74(4f

Sterile Technique)

Quality control procedures and regulatory guidelines--The student will be able to:










Evaluate the need for and function of regulatory agencies such as those in government, industry, and society.

Understand that all products intended to be used for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, must go through a regulatory approval process that is based on documented research and testing to ensure the product is safe and efficacious (works).

Student text: p.6-8 (University and

Government Research Labs), p.17-18

(Regulations Governing Product


Student text: p.14-18 (How Companies

Select Products to Manufacture)

Describe the purpose of current Good

Manufacturing Practices, and how they are supported by guidances from the

International Organization for


Analyze experimental data and/or manufacturing processing documentation from the perspective of quality assurance.

Student Text: p.238-242 (Fermentation,

Manufacturing, and GMP), p. 249-250 (GMP:

It Makes Good Sense Cents), p. 269-271

(Product Quality Control)

Lab Manual: p. 253(12e Melting Point

Determinations for Quality Control)

Student text: p 2, 25-26 (Finding a position as a quality control analyst), p. 31, 133, 241, and throughout Chapter 8 (The Production of a Recombinant Biotechnology Product), p.269-271 (Product Quality Control)

Addressed throughout the lab manual.

Lab Manual: p.253 (12e Melting Pot

Determinations for Quality Control)

Discuss quality control in relation to inspection results and specifications, procedures, testing methods, process control, regulatory specifications and documentation, and internal audits.

Monitor, use, store and dispose of hazardous materials properly.

Check and maintain equipment and logs.

Clean, organize, and sterilize materials.

Manage material and supply inventories.

Lab Manual: All labs require adherence to safety procedures regarding hazardous materials. The following is cited as an example: p.4-6 (Laboratory Safety:

Protecting Yourself and Your Coworkers) p.

71 (4e Making Media for Bacteria Culture), p.

79 (4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p.159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 163 (8d

Growing and Monitoring Bacterial Cultures), p. 166 (8e Scaling-Up E. coli), p. 182 (9d

Using Ion-Exchange)

Student text: p. 95 Activity 3.1 (Maintaining

Stock Areas using Inventory Logs)

Student text: p. 242 (Figure 8.28) All labs require that students clean, organize and sterilize materials. The following is cited as an example: p.74-76 (Sterile Techniques and Pouring Plates), p.4 (1b Laboratory

Safety), p.71 (4e Making Media for Bacteria

Culture), p. 74(4f Sterile Techniques), p.76

(4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p. 159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 163 (8d

Growing and Monitoring Bacteria Cultures)

Student text: p. 95 Activity 3.1 (Maintaining

Stock Areas using Inventory Logs)










Define/chart the process of receiving an unqualified (or qualified) raw material and follow it through the manufacturing process into the finished product.

Communicate and use interpersonal skills effectively--The student will be able to:

All labs require that students manage materials and supply inventories.

Student text: p.258 (Figure 9.7), p. 95 (Create an inventory log), and throughout Chapters. 8 (The Production of a

Recombinant Biotechnology Product) pp.

220-245 and 9 (Bringing a Biotechnology

Product to Market) pp.252-273

Follow all oral and written instructions.

Demonstrate ability to give oral and written directions.

Demonstrate good listening, writing, and verbal communication skills and procedures.

Recognize potential errors in protocol and address them with colleagues and the appropriate supervisor.

Maintain thorough documentation of tasks and procedures.

Work effectively in a research, manufacturing, quality control, or quality assurance team with a defined responsibility.

All text activities and labs require that the student follow oral and written instructions. Lab Manual: p.1 (“includes skills that are critical for safety such as following written and oral instructions”)

All text activities and labs require that the student follow oral and written instructions. Lab Manual: p.1 (“includes skills that are critical for safety such as following written and oral instructions”)

All text activities and labs require that the student demonstrate good listening, writing, and verbal communication skills and procedures. The following is cited as an example: Student text: p. 187 (oral presentation), p.163 (write a supporting argument), p.392 (write a summary)

Student text: p.96 (Learn how to access laboratory protocols from databases).

Protocol is addressed throughout the text.

The following pages are provided as examples: 14 (2 nd paragraph), 156 (4 th paragraph), 176 (3 rd paragraph), 189 (Activity

8.4), 195 (1 st paragraph) All labs require that the student recognize potential errors in protocol and technique and address them.

Lab Manual: p.255 (12f Testing a Protocol:

Extraction of Salicin from Willow) Several text activities and labs require that the students work as teams to write protocol. p.2 (The following protocol will help you set up and maintain a legal scientific notebook).

All labs require that students document tasks and procedures. p.2 (1a How to Set

Up a Legal Scientific Notebook)

Covered in all labs. All labs require that students work in teams of 2-4 demonstrating teamwork and quality control.

Develop basic observational skills and related documentation strategies in written

All labs require that students make and record their observations in written format. P.2 (1a How to Set Up a Legal










57.03 and oral form.

Underst and the applicability of Koch’s postulates.

Consistently analyze and properly uses valid literature resources.

Scientific Notebook) Some text activities require that the student make an oral presentation. The following are cited as examples: p.189-191 (Activity 6.4), 251

(Activity 8.4)

Identify characteristics of successful and unsuccessful communication.

Appropriately use and respond to verbal and non-verbal cues.

Use correct spelling, grammar, and format in all written communication.

Use appropriate scientific terminology and abbreviations.

Recognize the importance of courtesy and respect and maintain good interpersonal relationships.

Interpret technical material and prepare a journal article related to the development of a process or product on which the student has worked.

All lab activities require that the student follow oral and written instructions and respond to variations in procedures as reagents and conditions change.

All activities and labs require that the student demonstrate correct spelling, grammar and format in all written communication.

All activities and labs require that the student demonstrate use of appropriate sc ientific terminology. “Speaking

Biotech” is provided at the end of each chapter. Examples: p. 158, 214, 246

Recognizing the importance of courtesy and respect and maintaining good interpersonal relationships is necessary to complete all lab work as well as group activities in text. Example: p. 187 (group activity)

Student Text: p. 67-68 : 2.4 (Conducting

Exhaustive Research), 2.5 (Using Scientific

Journals Online), 2.6 (How to Read a

Scientific Journal Article)

Basic skills in scientific inquiry, calculations, and analysis--The student will be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method in general and biotechnology research in manufacturing and quality control.

Student Text: p.19-22 (Scientific

Methodology in a Research Facility) p.7

(Figure 1.9), Activities on p. 67-68: 2.4

(Conducting Exhaustive Research), 2.5

(Using Scientific Journals Online), 2.6 (How to Read a Scientific Journal Article)

Lab Manual: p.2 (1a How to Set up a Legal

Scientific Notebook)

Student text: p. 423 (Robert Koch published findings that microorganisms cause disease.)

Many Biotech Live and Biotech Online in every chapter meets this standard. The following text activities are also provided as examples: p. 67-68: 2.4 (Conducting

Exhaustive Research), 2.5 (Using Scientific

Journals Online), 2.6 (How to Read a

Scientific Journal Article)











Set-up and maintain a legal scientific notebook that includes an account of all laboratory procedures, data, conclusions, and appropriate signatures.

Lab Manual: p.1-4 (How to set up a legal scientific notebook)

Properly and safely operate scientific equipment including graduates, hoods, microscopes, pipets, micropipets, electronic balance, pH meters, incubators, centrifuges, water baths, power supplies and electrophoresis chambers.

Properly and safely operate scientific equipment including mixers, analytical balances, stirrers, shakers, conductivity meters, and a hemocytometer.

Student text: Chapter 3, p.307 (flow hoods)

Lab Manual: The labs require that the student properly and safely operate scientific equipment. The following are provided as examples: p.14 (2a water baths), p.22 (2c microscopes), p.32 (3a pipets), p. 35, 40, 71

(3b, 3c, 4e: graduates, hoods) p.74, 76 (4f,

4g: incubators), p. 130, 132(7a, 7b: pH meters), p. 85 (4j electrophoresis chambers and power supplies)

Throughout lab manual. The following are provided as examples: p.14 (mixer), p.31,

41 and 49 (analytical balance), p.51 (stirrers)

Describe how to properly and safely use scientific equipment including spectrophotometer, autoclave, thermocycler, plate reader/fluorometer, and sterile hood/ biosafety cabinet.

Understand why sometimes equipment is dedicated to one specific room, assay, or process.

Describe how to properly and safely use scientific equipment including polarimeter, chart recorder, particle counter, and hybridization oven.

Student text: p. 136 (Figure 5.1), p.216

(Activity 7.1 Visual Spectrophotometry


Throughout the Lab manual: The following are provided as examples: p.34 and 47 (spectrophotometer), p.72

(autoclave ), p.231 (“This color change can be measured using a spectrophotometer in an ELISA plate reader), p.279 (Program the thermocycler to run the following…)

Lab Manual: p.69 (4d EtBr Dot Test: A

Quick Test for DNA in Samples), p. 85 (4j

Making Agarose Gels for Separating and

Analyzing DNA Fragments)

Make and use measurements in both traditional and metric units.

Calculate ratios used for making chemical dilutions or plate counting.

Measure time, temperature, distance, capacity, mass/weight, flow rates and growth rates.

Describe the relationship between 12 and

24 hour time and be able to convert

Student text: p. 93 (Lab Practices)

Lab Manual: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab) All lab activities require metric measurements and use trade terminology and equipment.

Lab Manual : p. 31, Chapter 3, p.59 (3h

Making Dilutions of Concentrated Solutions)

Lab Manual: p.35 (3b Measuring very small volumes in a Biotechnology Lab), p. 17 (2b

Growing E.coli, aspergillus and yeast cells and chart growth); throughout lab manual









58.01 between the two.

Make estimates and approximations in order to test the reasonableness of the result.

Evaluate the validity of results obtained during experimentation and product development.

Interpret and create graphs, charts and tables used to collect and analyze data.

Interpret and critically analyze quantitative and qualitative data.

Demonstrate ability to evaluate and draw conclusions.

Organize and communicate clear, concise written and oral reports of scientific findings.

Evaluate scientific reports with wellsupported, clearly presented opinions.

Monitor scientific equipment by conducting and documenting preventative maintenance and calibration.

Organism structure and function--The student will be able to:

Student text: p. 19 (Develop a testable hypothesis)

Application is made using lab manual.

The following are provided as examples: p.35 (3b Measuring Very Small Volumes), p.17 (2b Growing E. coli)

All labs require that the student recognize potential errors in protocol and technique and address them, uses averages and several do statistical analysis. For example, p. 194 (10d

Wisconsin Fast Plants), p.200 (10e how Can

You Determine If the WFP Data is Good

Enough) .

All labs require that the student complete a data analysis and conclusion to evaluate the validity of results.

The interpretation and use of graphs is used throughout the text and lab manual.

The following are provided as examples:

Student Text: p. 192 (Bioethics), p. 216

(make a data table) p.249 (find a Website that has a diagram), p.251 (pie chart), p.276


Lab Manual: p. 6(1c Cheese Production), p.

179 (9c Using Ion Exchange) , p.268(13d

Visualizing DNA)

The interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data is found throughout the lab manual. The following are provided as examples: Student text: p.298-299

(Statistical Analysis of Data)

Lab Manual: p.6(1c Cheese Production), p.35 (3b Measuring Very Small Volumes)

All labs in the lab manual have a Data

Analysis/Conclusion. The following pages in the lab manual are provided as examples of the Data

Analysis/Conclusion: p.87, 96, 181, 215

All labs require that the student organize and communicate their scientific findings in a clear,concise written or oral report

Student Text: p 7 (Figure 1.9), 19-36

(Scientific Methodology in a Research

Facility); p.67-68 (Activity 2.5 Conducting

Research, Using Scientific Journals)

Lab Manual: p.44 (calibration). p.135 (pH

Meter Calibration),

Discuss the makeup of chromosomes. Student text: p. 46-50 (Cellular

Organization and Processes), p.59-61

(Nucleic Acids) p.103-106 (DNA Structure









Explain how the structure of nucleic acid affects its isolation from cells and solutions. and Function) p.365-367 (DNA and

Chromosomes), p. 380 (Figure 13.20 and

Figure 13.21)

Lab manual : p.63-90 (DNA Isolation &


Discuss the process of nucleic acid transfer. Student text: p.45 (defined in margin), 59-61

(Nucleic Acids and Processes)

Lab Manual: p. 261 (13 b Separating DNA

Fragments), p.266 (13d Visualizing DNA)

Describe the relationship of cellular science and biotechnology.

Student text: Chapter 2 (The Raw Materials of Biotechnology) pp. 40-63: p.41

(Organisms and Their Compounds, p. 103

(DNA Structure and Function)

Lab manual : p. 63 Chapter 4 (DNA Isolation

Describe how cells are engineered to express recombinant proteins.

& Analysis) and the following labs: p.65 (4b

Pulling DNA out of Solutions), p.79 (4h DNA

Extraction), p. 218 (11c Developing an

Optimul Extraction), p. 272 (13f Extracting

DNA), p.277(13h Confirming the Amylase


Student text: p. 61-63(The “New”

Biotechnology),p. 182-183 (Producing

Recombinant DNA), p.221-226 (An Overview of Genetic Engineering), p. 227-234

(Transforming Cells)

Lab Manual: p. 159 (8c Transformation)

Materials processing and standard laboratory operating procedures for biotechnology--The student will be able to:

Maintain a clean and organized work area. All labs must be conducted in a clean, organized work area. Lab manual: p.5

(Maintain a clean and sterile…). The following labs are provided as examples: p.

17(2b using a sterile hood), p. 76(4g Do all work in a sterile laminar flow hood), p.159

Follow written protocols and oral directions to perform a variety of laboratory and technical tasks

(8c Use sterile techniques throughout the procedure).

Student text: p.96 (Learn how to access laboratory protocols from databases).

Protocol is addressed throughout the text.

Determine appropriate equipment and units of measurement for a given task.

The following pages are provided as examples: p.156, 176, 189, 195, p. 182-183

(Limited Medication: Who gets it?)

All labs necessitate that the student follow the written protocol and oral directions from the instructor in order to complete the technical task. p.1 (“includes skills that are critical for safety such as following written and oral instructions”)

For each lab, the student must determine the appropriate equipment and units of









Discuss the various sections of a Standard

Operating Procedure (SOP), with respect to safety, equipment, reagents, procedural steps, result analysis, reporting, and troubleshooting.

Perform a variety of biological tests and chemical assays, collect data, perform calculations and statistical analysis.

Discuss and perform disinfection and sterilization techniques. measurement required to complete the lab.

Student Text: p 98-99 (Writing a SOP); p.183 (Figure 6.27)

Lab Manual: All labs require that the student follow SOP in order to complete the given task. Environmental Health and

Safety Officer appears with each lab

Student text: p. 169-172 (The Use of


Lab Manual: Many labs meet this standard. The following are provided as example: p. 94 (5b The Action of Different

Enzymes), p. 113 (6b Assaying for Starch and Sugar), p. 115 (6c Assaying for Amylase

Activity), p. 117 (6d Direct ELISA), p. 227

(11g Isolation of HRP), p. 229 (11h

Colormetric Assay), p. 284 (14b Biofuel

Enzyme Assay)

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: All labs require sterile techniques. The following are provided as example: p.74 (4f Sterile Technique and

Pouring Plates), p. 17(2b using a sterile hood), p.76 (4g Do all work in a sterile laminar flow hood), p. 159 (8c Use sterile techniques throughout the procedure).

Discuss collection and handling of specimens for fungal, bacterial, mammalian cells and viral specimens.

Prepare and examine specimens, and identify ova and parasites as indicated. ingredients required by bacteria cells and human cells in culture)

Lab Manual: p.71 (4e Making Media for

Bacteria Culture), p.76 (4g Bacteria Cell


Student text: p. 109-116 (Bacteria cell culture, Mammalian Cell Culture, Viral DNA), p.132 (Activity 4.5), p. 240-241 (Mammalian

Cell Culture)

Lab Manual: p. 17 (2b The Characteristics of Model Organisms), p. 76(4g bacteria), p.159 (8c Transformation of E. coli), p.155

(8d Growing and Monitoring Bacterial


Biotechnical materials analysis skills--The student will be able to:

Outline the steps in cell culture, sterile Student text: p. 109-116 (Bacteria cell culture, Mammalian Cell Culture, Viral DNA),








60.09 technique, and media preparation.

Describe the characteristics of proteins that allow for their purification after cloning transformed cells

Explain how polyacrilymide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) is used with column chromatography to monitor protein product.

Describe the steps in harvesting protein product from fermentation cell culture.

Summarize the steps in manufacturing and product testing and FDA approval for new drugs produced through genetic engineering. p.132 (Activity 4.5), p. 240-241 (Mammalian

Cell Culture) p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p. 76(4g Bacteria Cell

Culture), p. 159 (8c Transformation of E. coli) p. 208(10i Cloning African Violets)

Student text: p.231-233 (Performing a


Lab Manual: Chapter 9 (Protein Product

Purification) pp.252-273

Student text: p.121 (Figure 4.29 and Figure

4.30), 152 (1 st paragraph), p. 253 (Discuss the variables used to optimize column chromatography) p.255 (Purification is usually accomplished through a process called column chromatography), 260-268


Lab Manual: p. 103 (5f Characterizing

Proteins by PAGE), p. 108 (5g Studying

Muscle Proteins via SDS-PAGE), p. 184 (9e


Student text: p.254-258 (Downstream

Manufacturing: Recovery and Purification)

Lab Manual: p.176 (9a Harvesting Amylase from Bacterial Cultures), p. 177(9b Dialysis of Proteins into Different Buffers)

Student text: p.14-15 (How Companies

Select Products to Manufacture)

Outline the steps of using a visible light spectrophotometer.

Prepare a serial dilution of protein and measure absorbance at a given wavelength.

Use a standard curve to determine the concentration of an unknown protein solution.

Do a linear regression to calculate protein concentration using a computer spreadsheet.

Student text: p. 195-200 (Using the

Spectrophotometer to Detect Molecules)

Lab Manual: p. 130 (7a Learning to Use the


Lab Manual: p. 99 (5d Testing for the

Presence of Protein in Solution), p. 144 (7h

Using the UV Spec to Study Colorless

Protein Samples)

Student text: p. 135-142 (The Structure and

Function of Proteins), p. 209-211 (Using the

Spectrophotometer to Measure Protein


Lab Manual: p.99 (5d Testing for the

Presence of Protein in Solution)

Student text: p.135-142 (The Structure and

Function of Proteins), p.209-211 (Using the

Spectrophotometer to Measure Protein




Discuss techniques of chemistry related to standardization of procedure and use of standards, blanks and controls.

Explain the protocol and application for isolating plasmids.

Lab Manual: p.99 (5d Testing for the

Presence of Protein in Solution), p.144 (7h

Using the UV Spec to Study Colorless

Protein Samples)

The techniques of chemistry related to the standardization of procedure and use of standards, blanks and controls are used throughout lab manual. The following are provided as examples: p. 45

(3e Making Solutions), p. 50 (3f making

Solutions),p. 55 (3g Making Solutions), p. 59

(3h Making Dilutions), p. 132 (7b Using the

Spectrophotometer), p. 141 (7g Determining the Concentration), p. 144 (7h Using the UV


Lab Manual: p. 171 (8g Using a Miniprep

Kit for Plasmid Isolation)








Explain the process and application of inserting genes that code for antibiotic resistance into a plasmid.

Demonstrate the ability to culture, propagate, and harvest bacteria.

Student text: p. 108 (Prokaryotic DNA and

R plasmids), p. 361 (Activity 12.1 Antibiotic


Student text: p.107-116 (Sources of DNA), p.116-119 (Isolating and Manipulating DNA)

Lab Manual: p. 76 (4g Bacteria Cell

Culture), p.159 (8c E. coli), p. 163 (8d

Growing and Monitoring Bacteria Cultures), p. 166 (8e Scaling-Up E. coli), p. 273 (13g

DNA Typing)

Student text: Chapter 8: Recombinant

Protein Production pp.220-245

Explain the process of utilizing restriction enzymes and DNA ligase to insert a new gene into a plasmid.

Explain the process of replicating plasmids. Student text: p. 107-109 (Sources of DNA), p. 231-243 (Retrieving Plasmids after


Lab Manual: p. 159 (8c Transformation of

E. coli) p. 163 (8d Growing and Monitoring

Practice environmental monitoring using agar plates.

Bacterial Cultures)

Discuss sources of environmental contamination and methods of detection in controlled environments.

Demonstrate knowledge of and perform enzyme assays.

Student text: p.407-409 (Environmental

Biotechnology, Biofuels, Biodefense)

Lab Manual: p. 282 (14a Biomediation)

Student text: p.169-172 (The Use of

Assays), p. 172-175 (Enzyme-Linked

Immunosorbent Assay)

Lab Manual: p. 92 (5a The Specificity of

Antibodies) , p. 94 (5b The Action of Different

Enzymes), p. 115 (6c Assaying for Amylase),











61.10 p. 117 (6d Direct ELISA), p. 227 (11g

Isolation of HRP), p. 229 (11h Colormetric

Assay), p. 284 (14b Biofuel Enzyme Assay)

Basic chemistry as applied to biotechnology procedures--The student will be able to:

Use the periodic table to predict valence electron configuration, and physical and chemical characteristics of elements.

Student text:

Table) p.86 (Figure 3.27 Periodic

Use the periodic table to calculate molarity. Student text: p.86-89 (Solutions of Differing

Molar Concentrations), p.86 (Figure 3.27

Periodic Table)

Lab Manual: p. 55 (3g Making Solutions), p.

Balance equations to show that there is a conservation of matter.

117 (6d Direct ELISA), p.120 (6e Western

Blot), p. 179 (9c Using Ion-Exchange), p. 182

(9d Using Ion-Exchange To Purify Amylase)

Explain hydrogen and polar bonding.

Discuss and use techniques that identify and separate components of a homogenous mixture.

Explain and use the function of pH in the preservation, purification, and functioning of proteins.

Use pH paper or pH meter to measure and adjust pHSC.

Calculate how to prepare solutions based on % mass/volume.

Calculate how to prepare solutions based on molar concentrations.

Use stoichiometry and molarity to prepare solutions of any volume and concentration.

Student text: p.200-203 (Introduction to pH), p. 216 Activity 7.2 (Phun at Home with pH), p. 99 Activity 3.6 (pH, Buffer and Solution


Lab Manual: p. 29 (2f How Molecular

Structure is Affected), p.137 (7e Making an

Appropriate Buffer), p. 167 (8f Alkaline Cell

Lysis), p. 171(8g Using a Miniprep Kit

Lab Manual: p.134 (7c Measuring the pH of

Solutions). Several labs use pH paper. The following are provided as examples: p. 64

(4a Making Solutions), p. 134 (7c Measuring pH), p. 136 (7d Demonstration of the Buffer

Efficacy), p. 179 (9c Using Ion-Exchange), p.

182 (9d Using Ion-Exchange)

Student text: p.84-86 (Solutions of Differing

%Mass/Volume Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p. 50 (3f Making Solutions of

Differing % Mass/Volume Concentration)

Student text: p. 86-89 (Solutions of

Differing Molar Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p. 55 (3g Making Solutions

Student text: p. 86-89 (Solutions of

Differing Molar Concentrations)

Lab Manual: p.55 (3g Making Solutions of

Differing Molarity Concentrations)














Prepare dilutions of concentrated solutions. Student text: p. 89-91 (Dilutions of

Concentrated Solutions)

Lab Manual: p. 59 (3h Making Dilutions of

Microbiology and blood-borne diseases, including AIDS--The student will be able to:

Concentrated Solutions)

Discuss microbial taxonomy and classification.

Perform microbiology techniques in controlled environments.

Perform disinfection techniques.

Practice aseptic techniques as required.

Perform sterilization techniques

Discuss isolation techniques.

Prepare artificial culture media.

Discuss techniques of inoculation and transfer of cultures

Use various methods to monitor the growth of cell cultures.

Describe conditions that promote cell growth under aseptic conditions in the laboratory and workplace.

Lab Manual: p. 76 (4g Bacteria Cell

Culture), p. 88(4k E. coli characterization/Gram stain)

Lab Manual: p. 74 (4f Sterile techniques), p.

76 (4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p. 159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 208 (10i

Cloning African Violets)

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p. 74 (4f Sterile techniques), p.

76 (4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p. 159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 208 (10i

Cloning African Violets)

Student text: p.110 (Sterile technique is the process of doing something without contamination)

Lab Manual: p. 74 (4f Sterile techniques), p.

76 (4g Bacteria Cell Culture), p. 159 (8c

Transformation of E. coli), p. 208 (10i

Cloning African Violets)

Lab Manual: Chapter 5 “Protein Isolation and Analysis ” p.91-110

The following labs is provided as example: p.76 (4g Cell Culture)

Lab Manual: p. 71 (4e Making Media for

Bacteria Cell Culture), p.208 (10i Cloning

African Violets)

Lab Manual: p. 74(4f Sterile techniques) p.

76 (4g Bacterial Cell Culture), p.159 (8c

Transformation of E.coli with Amylase), p.163 (8d Growing and Monitoring Bacterial

Cultures), p. 166 (8e Scaling up E.coli


Lab Manual: p.159 (8c Transformation of

E.coli with Amylase), p. 163 (8d Growing and

Monitoring Bacterial Cultures), p.166 (8e

Scaling up E.coli Cultures)

Lab Manual: p.74 (4f Sterile techniques p.76 (4g Bacterial Cell Culture)

Discuss methods for the isolation, purification, and quantification of DNA and

Student text: p. 107-116(Sources of DNA), p.116-119 (Isolating and Manipulating DNA)











63.06 plasmid DNA.

Perform antigen and antibody testing.

Lab Manual: p.63-90 (DNA Isolation and

Analysis), p. 171 (8g Plasmid Isolation)

Student text: p.139 (The Function of

Antibody Proteins) p.169-172 (The Use of

Assays), p. 172-175 (Enzyme-Linked

Immunosorbent Assay)

Lab Manual: p. 92 (5a The Specificity of

Antibodies: A Simulation)

Identify community resources and services available to the individuals with diseases caused by blood borne pathogens.

Demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of AIDS, including testing.

Describe how blood-borne pathogens are avoided in manufacturing.

Legal and ethical responsibilities--The student will be able to:

Student text : p. 7-8 (3 rd paragraph), p.32

(question 10), p. 68 (Activity 2.5), p.138-139

(Function of Structural Proteins), p.343-345

(pathogens or the cause of disease) p.192

(Limited Medication: Who gets it?

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text : p.343-345 (pathogens or the cause of disease)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Investigate an ethical, social, or legal issues facing biotechnology today and suggest an approach to solving it.

Provide examples of the appropriate professional traits of a worker in biotechnology.

Outline the proper protocol for reporting unsafe or unethical behavior.

Describe a Code of Ethics consistent with the biotechnology industry

Discuss the importance of maintaining confidentiality of information, including computer information.

Recognize and report illegal and unethical practices of health care workers.

Student text: Bioethics at the end of each chapter addresses this issue. Selected examples : p.29 (Biotech Online), p.69

(Bioethics), p.101 (Bioethics), p.133

(Bioethics), p.192 (Limited Medication: Who gets is?)

Student text: p. 27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.101 (Scientific Honesty)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text: p.27-29 (Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?) Bioethics also appear at end of every chapter

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic laboratory Safety


Student text: p.27-29 (Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?) Bioethics also appear at end of every chapter

Student text: p.27-29 (Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?) Bioethics also appear at end of every chapter

Student text: p.27-29 (Biotechnology with a

Conscience), p.101 (Is Honesty always the best policy?) Bioethics also appear at end of every chapter














Literacy and computer skills applicable to the biotechnology industry--The student will be able to:

Use the Internet to gather and share scientific and regulatory information.

Use a computer spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation programs to collect, analyze and report information or data.

Use a variety of methods including literature searches in libraries, in computer databases, and on-line for gathering background information, making observations, and collecting and organizing data.

Many Biotech Online activities are used to gather scientific information. The following are provided as examples: p.270, 230

Many Biotech Live and Biotech Online require the use of computer skills. The following are provided as samples:

Student text: p. 188 and 312 (Power Point), p.36 (Word document)

Lab Manual : p.10 (use Excel)

Student text: Many Biotech Online activities are used to gather scientific information. The following are provided as examples: p.68, 270, 230

Employability skills--The student will be able to:

Conduct a job search.

Use several resources including the Internet to gather information about job opportunities in the biotechnology field.

Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples: p.26, 311, 383, 415

Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples: p.27, 383, 415

Student text: p.417(Resume for a

Biotechnology Laboratory Position)

Create an appropriate resume for use in applying for job opportunities in a biotechnology company.

Use ‘keywords’ in a resume to match job description and rank higher when analyzed by resume scanning software.

Complete a job application form correctly.

Student text: Many Biotech Online activities meet this standard. The following are provided as examples:

383, 415 p.26,

Identify documents that may be required when applying for a job.

Develop a portfolio that demonstrates proficiency in specific biotechnology workplace tasks including writing samples and performance-based lab and computer skills.

Identify or demonstrate appropriate responses to criticism from employer, supervisor, or other persons.

Student text: p.416-417 (Prepare for a

Career in Biotechnology) p.417 (Biotech

Online Resume)

Student text: p.416-417 (Prepare for a

Career in Biotechnology)

Lab Manual: The complete student notebook is the best portfolio for placement in a biotechnology facility.






Evaluate the overall condition of personal work habits and health habits and the effect,

(if any) these habits might have in the biotechnology workplace.

Recognize appropriate professional behavior.

Explain the roles of different departments and the employees within each department at an industry site.

Describe the departmental functions in a typical biotechnology company.

Demonstrate knowledge of how to make job changes appropriately.

Collection of student activities and labs will demonstrate proficiency in biotechnology workplace habits and will include writing samples, labs and computer skills. The following are provided as examples: Biotech Online

Activities, Lab Manual, Biotech Live Activities

Student text: p. 27 (Moral Standards and

Bioethics), p.101 (Scientific Honesty), p.416-

417 (How to Prepare for a Career)

Lab Manual: p.4-5 (Basic Laboratory Safety


Student text: p.23-26 (Biotech Careers), p.26 (“Scientific positions in most biotechnology companies fall into one of four categories”) p. 416 (How to Prepare for a

Career in Biotechnology) Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p .


(Figure 4.20), 183 (Figure 6.27), 270 (Figure


Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)

Various job descriptions throughout entire text. The following are provided as examples: p .

114 (Figure 4.20), 183 (Figure

6.27), 270 (Figure 9.30)

Student text: p.8-9 (Growth in the

Biotechnology Industry), p.22-24 (Careers in the Biotechnology Industry), p. 26 (“Why might having laboratory experience be a benefit for a nonscientific employee at a biotechnology company?”) p.416-417 (How to Prepare for a Career in Biotechnology)
