Lessons 1 to 3 on Biotechnology and DNA - Biology

Lesson 1:
Use the following page on the IWB - http://biology-stlukes.wikispaces.com/Week+1++What+is+Biotechnology%3F+What+is+DNA%3F
Using this lesson
1. What are the characteristics of Living Things? (write on the board)
2. Discuss and then view website http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/CURR/Science/sciber00/7th/classify/living/2.htm
3. List Order of Magnitude - Organism to Organ to Tissue to Cell to Nucleus to
Chromosomes to Genes to DNA to Molecules to Atoms
4. Discuss and then view and read zoom animation
5. Watch – “What is in Cells You Tube Video” (3.10min)
6. Use Textbook resources in the room to define the following terms:
Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Mitochondrion
Share definitions of these on the board.
Watch “Biotechnology Video” (4.42min)
Discuss what Biotechnology means to you – using the Appendix 1 – Prompt Cards
Vote as a class which ones are biotechnology
Hand-out Worksheet #1 (Review of Definitions of Biotechnology and the 4 reading
11. Complete worksheet in groups of 2 or 3.
Lesson 2:
Organise the desks to make a line diagonally across the room (needs to be about 6 metres long)
Hand out laminated cards to the class
The must match the cards and produce a timeline.
Students must then write in the notebooks which of these events are the three most important
scientifically and why (then can use resources in the room to justify their answer).
Conduct the making yoghurt experiment
Go back to their prompt cards from the previous lesson and refine their biotechnology answers from
the information they have discovered in this lesson
Lesson 3
Check the Yoghurt the students produced yesterday.
Note in their books the consistency of the products; the smell of the products
Clean their equipment
Questions on the whiteboard:
What is DNA?
What does it do?
How does it work?
Why is it so important?
Watch Clickview Video – Discovering DNA
And complete worksheet.
Stop video every minute or so to allow students to write their answers.