Exam Word Requirements

Ordinary Diploma in Commerce – Year Two (2)
Industrial Relations
Examination Requirement Words
Below is a common list of keywords often found in examination questions.
To state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of something. To state the precise
meaning of a word or sense of a word.
As such, the student is expected to use key phrases and words that capture the meaning, sense
or nature of the word or phrase as given in theory.
E.g. Define Legal Strike – A strike endorsed and approved by the union’s executive after giving
the required notice. (Key words and phrases are in bold and underlined)
To make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing
relevant facts. To make plain or comprehensible. State reasons or justifications for something,
Say how and why something occurred. Include different interpretations of results and causes of
something. Give evidence to explain a particular statement.
The student is expected to expound on theory to make clearer to the reader while still
maintaining key terms and phrases in their explanation. It also means to expand on key words
and phrases used in a definition.
E.g. Explain the term Legal Strike – A legal strike is where the union’s executive after exhausting
all the other possible options to resolve an industrial dispute decides to request the union
members to withdraw their labour after giving management notice of at least 3 days.
(Underlined and bolded phrases matches those of the definition)
To express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing. To say or announce clearly,
carefully and definitely. Give an example of something.
This is similar to defining a term or phrase in that the student is expected to clearly give what
that phrase or term means without using too many words. It also means give the exact meaning
of a word or phrase without giving to much explanation.
E.g. State one type of strike – One type of strike is a Legal Strike.
To establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is. To ascertain the origin, nature,
or definitive characteristics of something.
This is similar to stating something.
To examine or consider (a subject) in speech or writing. To give information, ideas, opinions,
etc., about (something) in writing or speech. To give opposing arguments; analyse advantages
and disadvantages, present pros and Cons.
The student is expected to consider several aspects of a theory or concept and identify
relationships, connections, contrasts, advantages and disadvantages so that the examiner is
convinced that the student has an understanding of the concept or theory.
E.g. Discuss what is a strike – A strike by definition is the withdrawal of labour by workers when
there is a trade dispute. This is usually the last resort taken by the union’s executive after
exhausting all possible negotiations and other industrial action, along with giving the required
notice of at least 72 hours to management. This usually puts pressure on management meet
the demands of the union since there is a loss of production time, revenue and profits.
However, because the workers have withdrawn their labour, they will lose pay for the days that
they are off the job. The union is usually expected to compensate workers for the loss in salary
during the strike. Strikes can also result in violent protests by workers if their demands are not
after a while. Strikes however, if managed properly can be very effective in producing the
desired results of better working conditions and increased wages and salaries. (Notice the
definition-sentence 1, explanation - sentence 2 and comparison – sentence 3-6)
A number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the
other. A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined one after the
The examiner expects that the student will state consecutively (and maybe in order) names,
words, or other items as presented in the theory without offering any explanation or definitions.
E.g. List the different types of strikes. Types of strikes are:
(a) Economic Strikes
(b) Unfair Labor Practice Strike
(c) Wildcat Strikes
(d) Sympathy Strike
(e) Jurisdictional Strike
(f) Lockout
List and Explain To state consecutively names, words or other items and thereafter expound or make clear each
name, word or other item on the list.
The student is not expected to define the main term. They are only required to state the
different aspects of the term and explain them
E.g. List and Explain the different types of strikes. The types of strikes are as follows:
(a) Economic Strikes - Intended to resolve a “Bargaining Impasse”. It Can only occur in
connection with contract negotiations.
(b) Unfair Labor Practice Strike - Purpose is to force the employer to cease committing what the
union believes to be unfair labor practices. . It may or may not occur during negotiations.
Describe or Outline
To give a detailed account, Include significant characteristics, traits that tell a story about the
issue in question. To convey an idea or impression of something or to characterize something.
The examiner expects that the student reports on a particular topic, event or theory, while
taking special care to include significant facts and/or characteristics.
E.g. Describe the Enmore Martyrs Strike. By 1948, most sugar workers in Guyana were giving
support to the Guyana Industrial Workers Union (GIWU). On 22 April 1948, cane cutters, backed
by the union, went on strike demanding the abolishment of the existing "cut and load" system in
the fields. This reaping system which forced cane cutters had to load the sugar punts with the
cane they cut, was not popular among cane cutters. It was introduced in 1945, and from time to
time workers had gone on strike to demand that it should be changed. As part of the demands
of the 1948 strike, the cane cutters called for the replacement of "cut and load" with a "cut and
drop" system by which the cane cutters should cut the cane, but other workers would load the
cut cane into the punts for shipment to the factory. (Notice date of event, reason for the event,
actors in the event etc.)
To recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different. To make distinctions;
Student should show the difference between two terms and uses such terms as “while”, “On the
other hand”, “in contrast”, “conversely” etc.
E.g. Differentiate between a legal strike and an illegal strike – A legal strike is one which is
approved by the union’s executive who gives the required notices. On the other hand an illegal
strike is one take without prior appropriate approvals and notice.
 The Free Online Dictionary
 The Oxford Dictionary
 The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
 Wikipedia.com
 Oxford University –
 Types of Strike - www.uh.edu/~wagon/LR_STRIKES.ppt
 The Enmore Martyrs - www.guyana.org/features/guyanastory/chapter119.html
Troy J Wishart