Name That Organ Pre-Test

Name ________________________
Date _____________
“Name That Organ” Pretest
Match the organ to its correct description. Write the corresponding letter on the
line next to the number below.
___1. bones
A. organ that processes information
___2. muscles
B. largest organ in body
___3. brain
C. support your body
___4. skin
D. sight, sound, touch, and smell
___5. lungs
E. help your body move
___6. heart
F. muscular bag that mashes food into liquid
___7. stomach
G. digests food and absorbs nutrients
___8. liver
H. makes new organisms
___9. pancreas
I. stores and releases urine from body
___10. kidneys
J. spongy organs that expand to fill with air
___11. bladder
K. makes fluids released into small intestine
___12. small intestine
L. pumps blood through body
___13. sensory organs
M. makes fluid called bile that helps body digest fat
___14. reproductive organs
N. remove waste from blood
___15. large intestine
O. absorbs water and minerals and leaves wastes
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“Name That Organ” Pretest – Answer Key
C 1. bones
A. organ that processes information
E 2. muscles
B. largest organ in body
A 3. brain
C. support your body
B 4. skin
D. sight, sound, touch, and smell
J 5. lungs
E. help your body move
L 6. heart
F. muscular bag that mashes food into liquid
F 7. stomach
G. digests food and absorbs nutrients
M 8. liver
H. makes new organisms
K 9. pancreas
I. stores and releases urine from body
N 10. kidneys
J. spongy organs that expand to fill with air
I 11. bladder
K. makes fluids released into small intestine
G 12. small intestine
L. pumps blood through body
D 13. sensory organs
M. makes fluid called bile that helps body digest fat
H 14. reproductive organs
N. remove waste from blood
O 15. large intestine
O. absorbs water and minerals and leaves wastes
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