Catastrophic Events - Troup County School System

[J.K. Nakata, U.S. Geological Survey]
Students in 7th grade should know that major geological events, such as earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, and mountain building, result from the movement of lithospheric plates.
They should be able to describe and predict the impact upon Earth of different catastrophic
events, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Teacher Background Information
The alteration of Earth systems from both human interaction and catastrophic natural events can have
devastating effects. Natural events can include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and gradual
processes such as weathering, erosion and deposition. Human alteration from misuse, overuse, or pollution
of natural resources can result in changes to soil, water, and air.
What is the Earth’s Interior like?
Until about 100 years ago, scientists believed that the Earth was one solid rock. But, through advances in
technology (machinery allowing them to drill deeper into Earth’s crust and sensitive instruments allowing
them to monitor Earth’s interior from the surface) they have been able to better infer what Earth’s interior is
like. In order to understand the impact of catastrophic events, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, we must
first understand what the Earth is composed of and how it behaves.
The Earth is divided into four main layers.
Located at the center of the Earth, the inner core is composed mostly of iron and nickel. It exists at such
a temperature (4,3000C) that should be molten, but it is under such extreme pressure it remains solid.
The outer core is composed of the same two metals and is molten at 3,7000C.
Teacher Background Information
Most of Earth’s mass (70-80%) is in the mantle, which is composed of silicon, oxygen, magnesium, iron,
aluminum, and calcium. The mantle is solid but can deform slowly in a plastic manner. The part of the
mantle near the crust, about 50-100 km down, is especially soft and plastic because the material is near
its melting point. This is referred to as the asthenosphere or the upper mantle. The mantle and crust
above are cool enough to be tough and elastic, and are known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere is
between about 100 and 250 kilometers deep. In total, the mantle comprises about 80 percent of the
volume of Earth and is about 2900 km thick. The lower mantle, totally solid, flows slowly, at a rate of a few
centimeters per year.
Earth’s crust is the solid, outer part of Earth that we live on. It is much thinner than the other layers with
an average depth of 30 to 40 km and is composed of the least dense minerals. The rock that makes up
the continental crust has been dated to be about 3.8 billion years old. Being relatively cold (compared to
the core and mantle) and thin (average depth of 30 - 40 km but as deep as 70 km beneath mountain
ranges and as shallow as 6-11 km beneath the oceans). The crust is rocky and brittle. It can fracture
during earthquakes or other movements.
Due to the temperature difference between the Earth’s surface and the outer core, and the ability of the
crystalline rocks at high pressure and temperature to undergo slow, creeping, viscous-like deformation over
millions of years, there is a convective circulation of material within the mantle: hot material rises from the
lower mantle, while cooler (and heavier) material sinks downward from the upper mantle. The latter often
occurs in the form of large-scale downward thrusting of the lithospheric plates at plate boundaries called
subduction zones. Convection within the Earth’s mantle is a chaotic process (in the sense of fluid dynamics),
which is thought to be an integral part of the motion of the lithospheric plates. Plate motion should not be
confused with the older term continental drift which applies purely to the movement of the crustal components
of the continents the movements of the lithosphere and the underlying mantle are coupled since the
descending lithosphere is the dominant driving force for convection in the mantle.
POSSIBLE MISCONCEPTION: Students may believe that the Earth’s mantle is liquid. They may also
believe that the plates are composed of crust only and “float” on top of a liquid mantle.
When the lithospheric plates move past one another or bump into each other, phenomena such as
earthquakes and volcanoes occur. The two-dimensional contact where two or more plates slide along each
other (either sideways or one plate sliding up when the other slides down) are called faults. It is along these
faults that earthquakes typically occur. Volcanoes form at locations where partial melting occurs just beneath
the lithosphere (such as a “hot spot” below a plate, or a fissure where two plates are coming apart such as
the mid-Atlantic rift). At locations where two plates collide, they can both buckle upward, forming mountain
ranges containing many smaller faults.
Teacher Background Information
What makes an earthquake occur?
When two plates as large as continents slide past (or over/under) each other, there are points along the fault
contact where tremendous pressure builds. After a threshold limit is reached, the release of that pressure
can be so massive that it causes an earthquake. This sudden movement of these two large places causes a
vibration that can be likened to a bell playing a single, very low note. This note may last for only a few
seconds, but for that time it is so low that it is felt as an earthquake. Depending on the depth and timing of the
pressure release, and the characteristics of the rocks on either side of the fault, the quake is felt as either an
up-and-down motion or as a side-to-side motion of the land surface. This vibration can shake large masses
of land hundreds of miles away from where it originated (the epicenter) or be so small so that it is never even
noticed. Although people can feel earthquakes in many places on the Earth, there are two parts of the world
where the majority of quakes take place. These locations have tall mountains (on the edge of the upper plate)
existing next to deep ocean bottoms (the edge of the lower plate is being subducted beneath the other). One
of these “belts” circles the Pacific Ocean and the other is the mountainous region next to the Mediterranean
Sea, a section of Northern Africa and Asia Minor and Southern Asia.
What are the effects of earthquakes?
Earthquakes are among the deadliest of natural catastrophes. The average death toll in the 20th century has
been 20,000 people annually. Most deaths are caused by the collapse of houses, bridges, and other
structures. Although buildings located along a fault may be torn apart, more damage is caused by the shaking
alone, which can topple structures far from the actual fault. Earthquakes also cause indirect damage through
landslides, fires, and the collapse of dams. The civil disorder that follows can lead to disruption of food and
water supplies and sanitation systems, causing starvation and the spread of disease. Earthquakes that occur
under or near the ocean can also generate tsunamis or seismic sea waves once called tidal waves. With
heights up to 15 m (50 ft.), these waves can cross an ocean in several hours, inflicting damage upon shores
far from the earthquake itself.
How are volcanoes formed?
There are about 1300 active volcanoes on the surface of the Earth. There are many more under the surface
of the oceans. Volcanoes have been divided into three main groups by scientists based on the material of the
volcano and its shape: shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and composite volcanoes. Volcanoes have different
shapes depending on the kind of material that comes out of the Earth as well as other factors. A single vent
may create a volcanic dome that usually exists inside an existing crater or on the side of a composite
volcano. Composite volcanoes or strato-volcanoes are usually tall, symmetrically shaped, with steep sides,
sometimes rising 10,000 feet high. They usually alternate lava and ash eruptions. (Mt. Fuji is a prime
example of a symmetrical composite volcano. Mt. St. Helens used to be symmetrical until it erupted in May
of 1980. Now it is an asymmetrical composite volcano). Shield volcanoes have a more flattened shape than
a composite volcano. Shield volcanoes form from very fluid lava and are made up almost exclusively of thin
rapidly flowing lavas that spread out. Shield cones are low, very broad, and gently sloping. Hawaiian
volcanoes are shield volcanoes. Cinder cones form from very violent, explosive eruptions or red, hot magma
cinders and ash. These layers of pyroclasts (fragments of volcanic rock blasted into the air from a vent or
fissure) settle around the main vent and build a steep sided cone. Very little lava is erupted from a cinder
cone. Mt. Vesuvius in Italy is a famous cinder cone. Volcanoes can have drastic effects on the surface
Teacher Background Information
of the Earth. These can happen over a short period of time such as the explosion of Mt. St. Helens (an
andesite volcano with sticky, explosive lava containing oceanic or continental crust) or over a longer amount
of time such as the development of the Hawaiian Islands (formed from a different zone and contains no
continental or oceanic crust melted into it). No matter how quickly these events happen they represent the
result of the same effect. Essentially this is the escape of molten rock and other materials from the mantle to
the surface of the Earth.
There are three main ways that volcanoes are made. One is where tectonic plates are pulling apart as along
mid-ocean ridges. This is how Iceland was formed. A second way is the kind caused by the subduction of
one of the dozen or so large plates under one of the other ones. Subduction happens when one plate slides
under another one. An example of this is when the Pacific plate is subducted under the North American plate.
A huge amount of pressure and heat is generated causing the rock to melt. This melted rock is forced up
through cracks in the crust to emerge as lava from a volcano. This helps to explain why the Pacific Rim is
surrounded by volcanoes.
Finally, some volcanoes are found far from the edge of plates. These are created over hotspots in the crust.
Hotspots are the points on the crust of the Earth where the hot magma reaches the crust. At these points, the
magma burns a hole in the crust like a blow torch. Some of the magma escapes through this hole to the
surface. In the case of the Hawaiian Islands, they are constantly being pulled over this stationary hotspot by
the movement of the plate they are on. The hotspot continues to melt its way up to the surface creating
another in the chain of islands we know as Hawaii.
What are the effects of volcanic eruptions?
Some of the power of volcanic explosions comes from the huge amount of carbon dioxide gas that is
dissolved in the magma. Remember that magma is molten rock before it comes to the surface. As the
magma gets closer to the surface the pressure on it drops and the gas dissolved in it starts to form bubbles.
They get bigger and bigger until they force the magma out of the volcano. However, the most important
element in an explosive eruption may be water. As the pressure drops, the superheated water is allowed to
flash into steam at something like 6000 times the volume.
What are lahars?
Some volcanic eruptions result in dangerous mudslides known as lahars. Throughout history, lahars have
killed many more people than volcanic eruptions themselves. Looking and behaving a lot like concrete, they
are fluid when moving, then solid when stopped. Lahars move quickly down a mountain frequently reaching
speeds between 20 and 40 miles per hour. They pack a powerful destructive force capable of moving great
quantities of debris (house-size boulders, trees, etc.) for long distances in a short amount of time. They have
been recorded moving several dozen meters in just one second. The result of lahars is usually a deposit of
sediment that can range anywhere from a few yards to hundreds of yards thick.
POSSIBLE MISCONCEPTION: Students may not understand that deposition can also be considered a
constructive force such as when depositing sediment to build up land. It is believed that the Isthmus of
Panama was created primarily from the combined constructive forces of erosion and deposition.
Suggested Time: 15 Minutes
If students are having difficulty understanding the layers of Earth you
might want to try this very basic activity. Students will create an edible
model of the Earth's interior to aid in learning about the three main
parts of the Earth. This activity may be especially helpful for ELL
students and other students that may not understand how the Earth is
Teacher Guide
Red hot candies
Marshmallow (large)
Melted chocolate
Small sheet of wax paper
First take a red hot candy, which represents the core of the Earth and squeeze it into the center of a
marshmallow, which represents the mantle.
Then take the filled marshmallow, stick a toothpick in it, and plunge it into melted chocolate. Use a crock
pot or microwave to melt the chocolate, which hardens as it cools to become the thin crust of the Earth.
Place the chocolate covered marshmallow on wax paper to harden. Then eat.
Show students a picture of the Earth’s layers. Have them compare the picture of Earth's layers to their
Similarities: They both have a center core that is red hot. The middle is also mushy and soft just like the
material that makes up the Earth's mantle. The thin outside layer around the marshmallow was a hot liquid
but became a thin solid surface when it cooled just like the Earth's crust.
Differences: The crust on the model is uniform thickness the Earth’s crust is not; the red hot candy, which
represents the core, does not have a solid inner core and a liquid outer core.
Assessment: Students draw a picture of the Earth's layers and label the core, mantle, and crust.
Be sure to check for food allergies and food restrictions list. Some dietary and religious
restrictions will not allow students to eat marshmallows since they are made with cow’s hooves.
This is also a good opportunity to review with students when it is proper and acceptable to “eat”
in the lab or during science and when it is not.
Suggested Time: 45 Minutes
Teaching Guide
For each group:
In this activity students will simulate liquefaction and discover what
happens to land when an earthquake shakes it up. You may decide
to do this activity as a demonstration or in small groups.
Heavy metal pan
Smooth brick
Rubber mallet
Fill the pan about 3/4 full with sand.
Place the pan on a level surface. Pour water into the pan to just
below the surface of the sand.
Insert the brick, skinny end up, into the wet sand so it resembles a building.
Let the pan stand for a few minutes, allowing the water and sand to settle.
Now, gently tap the side of the pan with the rubber mallet.
Notice what happens to the sand and the brick.
What happened?
Students should notice that the sand got all squishy and the brick fell over. Mixing water with the sand allows
the sand grains to settle until they touch each other. There will be water in pore space between the grains,
but the mixture will behave as a solid.
By striking the container with the mallet, the sand is squeezed (or sheared) closer together. In order to do
this, the particles have to push the water between them out of their way. In the case of an earthquake
(simulated by striking the container with the mallet), the squeezing done by the shockwave happens very
quickly and the water does not have time to flow out of the way of the sand particles. This results in the
particles pushing on the water and causing an increase in water pressure as the particles try to move into a
denser configuration.
This increased pressure causes the force at the contact points between the sand particles to decrease, and if
the pressure is high enough it can reduce the interparticle forces to zero, essentially trying to “float” the sand
particles away from each other for a very short time. This is known as liquefaction. The loss of strength
occurs because there is no contact between the grains of sand; the mixture of sand is suspended in water for
a short time.
Extension: This activity can be repeated with smaller centimeter cubes placed around the “building”. Have
students notice what happens to smaller structures during an earthquake.
Note: This is a special situation with weak rock and water and would not happen in solid rock.
Suggested Time: 90 Minutes
Begin by reading “When the Catfish Shakes” from Dangerous Planet:
Natural Disasters that Changed History (pages 38 – 41) about the 1923
earthquake which struck Kanto, Japan. As you read, lead a discussion
of what caused the damage (fires, aftershocks, falling structures, etc.)
Elicit ideas on how the damage might have been prevented. Pictures
of the damage caused by this 7.8 quake can be found at:
Teaching Guide
For teacher:
Dangerous Planet: Natural
Disasters That Changed
For each group:
Internet access
Now show students a slideshow of damage caused by the October 17, 1989 earthquake in Loma Prieta,
California and discuss the damages seen.
Note: If you do not have access to the Internet, these pictures will be on the accompanying CD.
In this lesson, students will consider the threats that natural disasters like volcanoes and earthquakes pose
for humans. They will then compare and contrast two disasters.
Ask students why they think some earthquakes and volcanic eruptions harm people and damage property,
while other similar events do not. List students' responses on the board or overhead; save the list for later
use. The list will likely include ideas such as the intensity or magnitude of the event, the number of people
living near the event, methods of warning about the event, and level of preparedness for the event.
Break the class into at least four small groups. Assign each group to research and take notes about a set of
natural disasters listed below (two earthquakes, or two volcanic eruptions) on the Catastrophic Event
template. More than one group can research the same set of events. These questions can guide students'
When did the event occur?
Where did it occur?
What were the characteristics of the event?
How many people were injured or killed?
What kind of property was damaged? What was the cost of the property damage?
Suggested catastrophic events for student to compare:
Izmit, Turkey, on August 17, 1999
Loma Prieta, California, on October 17, 1989
Earthquake comparisons,
Teaching Guide
Soufriere Hills, Montserrat, in 1997
Mount Pelée, Martinique, on May 8, 1902:
Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines in 1991
In addition to earthquakes and volcanoes, you may allow students to research catastrophic destruction
caused by other forces of nature, such as tornados, hurricanes, flash floods and tsunamis. Here are some
suggested events. They should still compare two different sets of events, using the same graphic organizer
to take notes.
Tornadoes -
In Kansas, on May 3, 1999. Search by selecting: State: Kansas; Begin Date: 05/03/1999; All
Counties; Event Type: Tornadoes; F4 Tornadoes
In Arkansas, on January 21, 1999. Search by selecting: State: Arkansas; Begin Date: 01/21/1999; All
Counties; Event Type: Tornadoes; F4 Tornadoes
Hurricane Wilma – October 19, 2005
Hurricane Katrina – August 29, 2005
Hurricane Camille – August 17, 1969
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean – July 17, 2006
Tsunami in Sumatra, Indonesia – December 26, 2004
Tsunami in Papua, New Guinea – July 17, 1998
Note: If computers or the internet are not available, these pages can be printed out for student use or library
books can be used.
Teaching Guide
Date of occurrence:
Description of event:
Measurement of event:
Damage caused:
Impact on Human Life:
Other information:
Summary of findings:
Suggested Time: 45 Minutes
As groups finish their research, provide chart paper or poster board. Each group
should write the names of the two events at the top of the paper. Then each
group should make a table, Venn diagram (with illustrations, if desired), or
illustrate in another way the similarities and differences between the two events.
Teaching Guide
For each group:
Chart paper
Discuss and summarize students' findings. Even though groups studied two completely different kinds of
natural disasters, students likely gathered data on common aspects, which may include
different periods in history - advances were made in scientific understanding, prediction capabilities,
and community preparedness
level of preparation
time of day or year
Refer back to the class list of responses to the opening question: "Why do some earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions harm people and property, while other similar events do not?" Ask students which, if any, of their
original responses do not seem to apply to their research findings. Would they reconsider any of their original
answers? Can they add anything to their original list?
Use the rubric attached or create your own to evaluate students' work based on the amount of detail and
accuracy in oral and written presentations and on the use of research. Students should have compared data
for natural disasters, analyzed the magnitude and impacts of these events, and identified and compared past
and current knowledge about a natural hazard, and cited how the impacts of that hazard might be minimized
with scientific research.
Teaching Guide
Catastrophic Events
Student Name:
Internet Use
Quality of
Comparison of
Teacher Name:
Successfully uses
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Usually able to use
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Occasionally able to
use suggested
internet links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Needs assistance or
supervision to use
suggested internet
links and/or to
navigate within these
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It includes
several supporting
details and/or
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It provides 1-2
supporting details
and/or examples.
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. No details
and/or examples are
Information has little
or nothing to do with
the main topic.
Graphic organizer is
accurate, neat and
Graphic organizer is
accurate and
Graphic organizer is
accurate and most
sections have been
Graphic organizer
has inaccuracies or
has not been
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat,
accurate and clearly
compare the two
events researched
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat,
accurate and
compare the two
events researched.
Diagrams and
illustrations are
accurate and show
some comparisons
between the events
Diagrams and
illustrations are not
accurate OR do not
compare the events
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented in the
desired format.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but a
few are not in the
desired format.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but
many are not in the
desired format.
Some sources are
not accurately
Final Grade -
Suggested Time: 45 Minutes
Teaching Guide
For each group:
Begin by showing students pictures of damage caused by the August
18,1999 earthquake in Golcuk, Turkey:
80 sugar cubes, or
2 shallow cardboard
1 metric ruler
1 pair of scissors
Discuss with students why they think the mosque, built during the Ottoman
Empire (1300 – 1900) might have survived this earthquake, while those
built during the modern era did not. It is interesting to note that Turkish
leaders now believe that many contractors of the modern buildings
succumbed to bribes and used inferior materials and did not follow the
architects’ designs for creating “earthquake proof” buildings.
Graph paper
10-20 marbles
4 short rubber bands
Stapler or duct tape
The object of this activity is to teach students that one of the main causes of damage in an earthquake is the
collapse of buildings not strong enough to withstand the shaking. They will model some of the investigations
that engineers and architects go through to try to design buildings rigid enough to withstand the shock, but
flexible enough to “give” a little under the stress.
Student Directions:
Build a shake tray
1. Place one cardboard box on a table and, with the scissors,
cut the bottom out of the second box so that it fits inside the
first box with a 2-cm clearance around each side.
2. Place the marbles in the first box and rest the cut piece of
cardboard on top of them.
3. Use the stapler or tape to attach one rubber band to each
inside corners of the first box and then to the corners of the
cardboard insert. The rubber bands should be taut, but not
4. To start the tray shaking, pull the insert toward one side of
the box and let it go.
Teaching Guide
Create an earthquake-proof building
1. Using the sugar cubes as building elements, assemble several structures that each measure at least two
sugar cubes high. Each structure must be different. You must have space inside of your structure that
would represent the space people would use. Illustrate each of your structures on your graph paper.
2. Mark the center of the shake tray with a “X” to represent the epicenter. Place the structure on the shake
tray an equal distance from the epicenter. Shake the tray to see how they stand up to your quake.
Record the order in which the buildings fell.
3. Hold a design competition with your friends. See who can build an earthquake-proof structure using the
most materials.
Questions for students:
1. What structural shapes seem to survive quakes best? Can you think of any existing buildings that use this
type of design?
2. What type of earthquake motion was your shake tray simulating? Are there other motions in a quake?
How might you duplicate them?
3. Do you think that it is possible to build an earthquake-proof structure? Why or why not?
4. How does the amount of shaking time affect building damage?
5. How does the strength of the shaking affect building damage?
Note: Students don't really need the marbles, but they make an impression as they move around in the box.
The rubber bands hold the inside tray up without any problem. Students should find out that the more space
between the inner tray and outer box the greater the "earthquake".
Have students try varying the amount of time and the strength of the shaking by pulling on the side of the
cardboard for longer periods of time or creating more tautness.
Let students experiment with the spacing between the shake tray and the box to see what effect it has on
the structures.
Show students National Geographic’s Forces of Nature. At this site students can try to build a building
that will withstand an earthquake. - click on
“Earthquakes” in the Interactive box on the left side of the page.
Teaching Guide
“Whose Fault Is It?” Rubric
Structure functions
extraordinarily well,
holding up under
atypical stresses.
Structure functions
well, holding up
under typical
Structure functions
pretty well, but
deteriorates under
typical stresses.
Fatal flaws in
function with
complete failure
under typical
Data taken several
times in a careful,
reliable manner.
Data taken twice in a
careful, reliable
Data taken once in
a careful, reliable
Data not taken
carefully OR not
taken in a reliable
Directions were
followed and
creatively modified
in ways that made
them even better.
Directions were
followed and there
was an attempt at
creative modification
to make them even
Directions were
Directions were not
followed which led to
a structure that
performed poorly.
Plan is neat with
measurements and
labeling for all
Plan is neat with
clear measurements
and labeling for most
Plan provides clear
measurements and
labeling for most
Plan does not show
clearly or is
inadequately labeled.
Several entries
made and all are
dated and neatly.
Several entries are
made and most of
the entries are dated
and neatly entered.
Several entries are
made and most of
the entries are
dated and legible.
Few entries are
made AND/OR
many entries are not
dated or very difficult
to read.
Data Collection
Journal/Log Appearance
Teaching Guide
Volcanoes (The Wonders of Our World)
Neil Morris. Crabtree Publishing Co., 1995.
Written at about a fourth grade level, this book has dramatic full-color photos of eruptions such as Mount St. Helens help show how
volcanoes are created, different kinds of eruptions and cone formations, and why tsunamis often follow. ISBN 0865058385
Volcanoes in Human History: The Far-Reaching Effects of Major Eruptions
Jelle Zeilinga de Boer. Princeton University Press, 2004.
The book covers nine volcanic systems, their eruptions and the resulting historical fallout: The Hawaiian Islands, Thera, Mou nt
Vesuvius, Iceland, Mount Tambora, Krakatau, Mount Pelee, Tristan da Cunha, and Mount St. Helens. ISBN 0691118388
Dangerous Planet: Natural Disasters That Changed History
Bryn Barnard. Princeton University Press, 2004.
This text describes each occurrence and discusses how the course of history was affected by it, and to what degree. Events range
from the devastating asteroid impact some 65 million years ago to the kamikaze winds that foiled invasions of Japan in 1274 and
1281 and the apocalyptic storm that staggered Edward III's army on the fields of France in 1360. Colorful illustrations, many full page,
accompany the text, which ends with the what-if effects of global warming. ISBN 0375822496
Hurricanes, Tsunamis, and Other Natural Disasters
Andrew Langley. Kingfisher, 2006.
In a largely pictorial style, this volume covers the causes and impacts of natural disasters. Four chapters, each divided into roughly
half a dozen double-page sections, cover earthquakes and tsunamis; volcanoes; storms, floods, and snow; and droughts, fires, and
diseases. Chapters all end with a half-page summary of the main ideas as well as short lists of print and Web resources, definitions,
and places to go for exhibits. ISBN 0753459752
Hurricane & Tornado
Volcanoes & Earthquakes
DK Publishing, 2004.
DK Publishing, 2004.
Both of these DK Eyewitness books contain the gorgeous graphics and outstanding design that characterize this series. As usual,
coverage is primarily visual, with brief introductory text and informative captions. The account starts with an overall perspective
showing how volcanoes and earthquakes occur, with related events like steam vents and boiling mud. Effects on humans and
attempts to measure and predict these events are treated.
Hurricanes & Tornado ISBN 075660690X, Volcanoes & Earthquakes ISBN 0756607353
Natural Hazards: Earth's Processes as Hazards, Disasters, and Catastrophes
Edward A. Keller. Prentice Hall, 2007.
This book is an excellent source for Earth science information about hazardous Earth processes which affect virtually everyone living
on this planet. Interesting and well-written, this book includes broad coverage of many natural hazards, including earthquakes,
volcanoes, flooding, landslides, coastal erosion, extreme weather, and wildfires. ISBN 0130309575
The Great Earthquake and Firestorms of 1906: How San Francisco Nearly Destroyed Itself
Philip Fradkin. University of California Press, 2006
The earthquake and fires that decimated San Francisco in April, 1906, constitute this country's worst urban catastrophe to da te. More
than five hundred city blocks were flattened or burned. Fradkin's account starts out as an environmental history but evolves into a
parable about human response to cataclysm. ISBN 0520248201
Earthquakes in Human History: The Far-Reaching Effects of Seismic Disruptions
Jelle Zeilinga de Boer. Princeton University Press, 2007.
Earthquakes in Human History provides us with evidence that natural phenomena, in this case earthquakes, can sometimes have long-term
historical consequences in changing the fate of cultures. With examples ranging from biblical to modern times, they show how destructive
earthquakes have interacted with wars, religious beliefs, and political movements in changing history. ISBN 0691127867
Reviews courtesy of
Teaching Guide
How Volcanoes Work -- - This site is sponsored by NASA
and explains the science behind volcanoes and the volcanic process.
Natural Disasters - - This ThinkQuest site allows students to
work through a series of activities to develop an understanding of earthquakes, volcanoes hurricanes,
tsunamis, and drought.
The Disaster Area - - This FEMA site separates fact from fiction about
nine different disasters including tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, flash floods and thunderstorms. It also
has a section on preparing for each of these potential disasters.
Faultline - - This site from Exploratorium looks closely at
the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. It also discusses what, if anything, scientists have learned since then
about the causes of Earthquakes and damage control.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology - - This site includes scientific research and
background information for teachers and students, as well as posters and activities for the teacher to use in
the classroom.
Red hot candy
Marshmallow (large)
Melted chocolate
Small sheet of wax paper
For each group:
□ Heavy metal pan
□ Sand
□ Water
□ Smooth brick
□ Rubber mallet
For teacher:
□ Dangerous Planet: Natural Disasters That Changed History
For each group:
□ Internet access
For each group:
□ Chart paper
□ Markers
For each group:
□ 1 box of sugar cubes
□ Metric ruler
□ 2 shallow cardboard boxes
□ 1 Pair of scissors
□ 10-20 marbles
□ 4 short rubber bands
□ Stapler or tape
□ Graph paper
Teaching Guide
Date of occurrence:
Description of event:
Measurement of event:
Damage caused:
Death toll:
Other information:
Summary of findings:
Look at the picture above. During this 1999 earthquake in Golcuk, Turkey, (which registered a magnitude of
7.4 on the Richter Scale) nearly 40,000 people died, and more than 130,000 were injured. Thousands of
homes and utilities were destroyed in a 250 square kilometer area. Very modern buildings were totally
destroyed, while the very old mosque pictured above, which was likely built around 1400, during the Ottoman
Empire, was virtually undamaged. According to investigators, this mosque, like many other buildings
constructed during this time period, remained intact because of their structure.
Why do some buildings survive while others fall to the ground?
In this activity you and your group will test different building designs to see if you can create a model that will
survive the stress of an earthquake.
First, you will need to build a shake tray to simulate an earthquake. Then, your group will work together to
develop an “earthquake-proof” structure that can stand the force of your simulated earthquake. Good Luck.
Build a shake tray
1. Place one cardboard box on a table and, with the scissors,
cut the bottom out of the second box so that it fits inside the
first box with a 2-cm clearance around each side.
2. Place the marbles in the first box and rest the cut piece of
cardboard on top of them.
3. Use the stapler to attach one rubber band to each inside
corners of the first box and then to the corners of the
cardboard insert. The rubber bands should be taut, but not
4. To start the tray shaking, pull the insert toward one side of
the box and let it go.
Create an earthquake-proof building
1. Using the sugar cubes as building elements, assemble several structures that each measure at least two
sugar cubes high. Each structure must be different. You must have space inside of your structure that
would represent the space people would use. Illustrate each of your structures on your graph paper.
2. Mark the center of the shake tray with a “X” to represent the epicenter. Place the structure on the shake
tray an equal distance from the epicenter. Shake the tray to see how they stand up to your quake.
Record the order in which the buildings fell.
3. Hold a design competition with your friends. See who can build an earthquake-proof structure using the
most materials.