Management Forecast Disaggregation and the Legal Environment: International Evidence Jeff Ng School of Accountancy The Chinese University of Hong Kong E-mail: Albert Tsang School of Accountancy The Chinese University of Hong Kong E-mail: Oktay Urcan College of Business University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign E-mail: October 2014 Abstract This study examines whether, and to what extent, investors from around the world value management forecast disaggregation (i.e., forecasts containing projections of multiple key line items) and which forecast item do investors value the most. Using a comprehensive dataset of international management forecasts collected from the original text of management forecasts from 30 countries, we find that more disaggregated forecasts are positively associated with greater stock market reaction. We also find that the positive stock market reaction associated with management forecast disaggregation varies with forecast items contained in each forecast. Specifically, we find that forecasts that contain sales or line items above the bottom-line net income are associated with greater stock market reactions, suggesting that these forecasts are perceived to be more informative by investors around the world. In addition, we also document stronger stock market reactions associated with disaggregated and sales forecasts in countries with stronger legal and regulatory environments. This evidence suggests that investors infer the credibility of forecasts from the expected litigation risk associated with the issuance of such forecasts in different countries. Further corroborating our results, we find that managers are less inclined to issue disaggregated or sales forecasts in countries with stronger legal environment. Keywords: disaggregated forecasts, institutional characteristics, credibility, legal and regulatory environment, litigation risk * Oktay Urcan gratefully acknowledges the support of London Business School RAMD Fund. Albert Tsang gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Research Grant Council of HKSAR. We acknowledge the helpful comments of seminar participants at the 2014 Global Issues in Accounting Conference hosted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler School of Business. Management Forecast Disaggregation and the Legal Environment: International Evidence 1. Introduction Voluntary management forecasts are issued by managers to establish or change market participants’ earnings expectations and are important for the functioning of capital markets. Prior research suggests that voluntary disclosures, including management forecasts, mitigate capital market resource misallocation by reducing the information asymmetry between firm insiders and investors (Healy and Palepu 2001, Hirst et al. 2008, Beyer et al. 2010). The existence and magnitude of the information asymmetry reduction effect of voluntary disclosures, however, depend on the perceived credibility of such disclosures (Jennings 1987; Mercer 2004; Gu and Li 2007).1 Management forecast disaggregation, i.e., forecasts containing projections of multiple forecast items (e.g. sales, EBITDA, operating income, pre-tax earnings, earnings before extraordinary items and discontinued operations, net income, among others), 2 is becoming a common managerial practice both in the U.S. and around the world and represents an important management forecast characteristic through which managers can enhance the credibility and perceived informativeness of their forecasts (Hirst et al. 2007, Hirst et al. 2008). However, evidence supporting the effectiveness of forecast disaggregation in playing an effective credibility-enhancing role in the U.S. is mixed. For 1 For example, Crawford and Sobel (1982) demonstrate analytically that in equilibrium, unverifiable disclosures are considered as untruthful and uninformative by market participants. Therefore, managers seeking to provide informative disclosure of private information need a mechanism for credibly committing to be truthful. Similar arguments can also be found in Stocken (2000). 2 To be concise, we use “forecast disaggregation” to refer to the degree with which management forecasts are disaggregated and “forecast items” to refer to the specific accounting performance items included in management forecasts throughout this paper. 1 example, while Hirst et al. (2007) experimentally show that forecast disaggregation is perceived by market participants as more credible suggesting that forecast disaggregation plays an effective credibility-enhancing role for management forecasts, 3 Chen et al. (2009) find that disaggregated forecasts are no better, and sometimes could even be worse in information quality, than aggregated earnings forecasts. Specifically, they find that earnings forecasts disclosed with other supplemental forecast items are more biased and less accurate than earnings forecasts without supplemental forecast items for bad news forecasts while they do not find any difference along these dimensions between aggregated and disaggregated good news forecasts.4 Prior studies suggest that legal and regulatory environments could play an important role influencing managers’ forecast practices because fear of potential legal liability associated with management forecasts is one of the major barriers deterring managers from making self-serving forecasts (Baginski et al. 2002, Hirst et al. 2008, Beyer et al. 2010). These studies suggest that investors may infer the informativeness and/or credibility of disaggregated forecasts from a country’s institutional environments. Given the mixed findings in the U.S., and the limited empirical evidence on the effect of country-level institutions on management forecasts, one of the major objectives of this study is to extend prior management forecast disaggregation studies (e.g., Han and Wild 1991, Hirst et al. 2007, Chen et al. 2009, Lansford et al. 2013) to an international 3 Consistent with Hirst et al. (2007), Lansford et al. (2013) find that forecast disaggregation leads to more timely analysts’ forecast revisions, and a larger reduction in analysts disagreement suggesting that forecast disaggregation enhances a firm’s information environment. 4 In a sample of annual management forecasts collected between 1978 and 1982, Han and Wild (1991) compare the stock market reaction to management earnings forecasts which include revenue forecasts with management forecasts which include only earnings forecasts. They document that earnings forecasts without revenue forecasts are more informative than those disclosed with revenue forecasts suggesting that more disaggregated forecasts may not be better than management forecasts with earnings forecasts alone (i.e., less disaggregated forecasts). 2 setting.5 Specifically, we empirically examine (1) whether and to what extent forecast disaggregation is perceived to be credible by investors from around the world, and (2) more importantly, whether and how country-level legal and regulatory environments affect forecast disaggregation and its credibility-enhancing role in different countries. While our first two research questions focus on the level of forecast disaggregation in different countries, another important and interesting question worth exploring is whether investors unequivocally assign similar credibility to different forecast items. Barton et al. (2010) examine the stock market response to different accounting performance measures internationally and find that the accounting performance measure that investors value the most in equity valuation depends on the ability of that measure to predict firms’ future cash flow in a country. Following the spirit of Barton et al. (2010), we investigate the possible differential stock market reaction to different forecast items and what explains the difference in managers’ forecast item choices. In other words, in this study, not only we examine the differences in forecast disaggregation, we also examine the forecast items that investors (managers) around the world value (forecast) the most. We examine these research questions using a comprehensive hand-collected data covering 60,067 management forecasts containing detailed forecast disaggregation and forecast items information issued by 8,560 unique firms from 30 countries spanning six years from 2004-2009. Specifically, we find that, after controlling for other major 5 Employing an international study offers a chance to take advantage of a greater variation in the institutional characteristics which could potentially affect managers’ voluntary disclosure decisions and in the management forecast practices across countries. For example, as our results reveal, managers in different countries not only issue management forecast with different levels of forecast disaggregation, but there is also substantial variation in the forecast items contained in their forecasts. In addition, results from an international setting are also likely to be more generalizable. 3 forecast properties including forecast precision, forecast horizon, forecast attribution and loss forecasts, forecast disaggregation is generally associated with stronger stock market reactions as measured by the absolute value of the two-day cumulative abnormal return and volume surrounding the management forecast window. This archival evidence supports the experimental findings of Hirst et al. (2007), suggesting that more disaggregated forecasts are generally perceived by investors to be more informative and credible. 6 More importantly, we find that the stock market reaction to management forecasts varies with forecast items. Specifically, we find that management forecasts that contain forecasts on sales or line items above the bottom-line net income (net income) are associated with stronger (weaker) stock market reactions. In addition, we find that the stock market response to forecast disaggregation and sales forecasts (and also forecasts of line items above net income) are more pronounced in countries characterized by stronger legal and regulatory regimes, i.e., where securities regulation enforcement is high, investor protection is strong, or where class-action lawsuits are permitted. We attribute this finding to the potentially higher expected litigation risk that firms face when they provide these forecasts in such countries. Finally, to further corroborating our argument, in additional forecast- and countrylevel analyses, we also find that although forecast disaggregation is perceived to be more credible and thus elicit stronger stock market reactions in countries with stronger expected litigation risk, managers in these countries are less likely to provide such forecasts. Similarly, while we find that investors generally perceive management 6 Although Hirst et al. (2007) provides experimental evidence that disaggregated forecasts are perceived by investors to be more credible, no such archival evidence exists. 4 forecasts containing sales forecasts or forecasts of other line items above net income to be more informative, managers tend to be less likely to issue these forecasts in countries where they are expected to face higher litigation risk after the issuance of management forecasts. Our paper advances the literature in several ways. First, although a large body of research examines the determinants and market reactions to management forecasts in the U.S., limited empirical evidence exists regarding the management forecast practices and their consequences internationally (see Hirst et al. 2008 for a review of the management forecast literature). 7 Ball (2001), Bushman et al. (2004), and Bushman and Piotroski (2006) argue that difference in countries’ institutional infrastructures shape firms’ accounting and disclosure practices, suggesting that it is important to consider the effect of country-level institutions in understanding the variation in firms’ management forecast practices across countries. Furthermore, despite the importance of forecast disaggregation on investors’ credibility assessment of firms’ information, few prior studies have identified “either the circumstances under which disaggregated forecasts are provided or the characteristics of firms that provide such forecasts” (Hirst et al. 2008, page 328). Our study adds to this line of research by empirically examining whether and why forecast disaggregation varies across countries with different legal and regulatory environments. Thus, our study sheds light on the heterogeneity in the credibility- 7 A few notable exceptions include Baginski et al. (2002) who compare management forecasts between U.S. and Canadian firms, two otherwise similar business environments with different legal regimes and Kato et al. (2009) who examine management forecasts practice in Japan where management forecasts are effectively mandated. Although Radhakrishnan et al. (2012) examine variation in management forecast activities for firms from around the world, their main objective is to identify country-level variables that explain management forecast issuance decisions in different countries rather than the role of management forecasts in different countries and they do not examine cross-country variations in forecast disaggregation as we do. Specifically they find that country-level institutional factors related to business protection, investor protection, and information dissemination affect management forecasts issuance decisions. 5 enhancing effectiveness of forecast disaggregation, which in turn could have important practical implications.8 Our results show that a country’s legal institutions not only affect the channels through which forecast disaggregation enhances the credibility of such forecasts, they also explain the observed differences in management forecast practices across countries. Second, we extend the literature examining the information content of different accounting line items or performance measures. Accounting research has long shown that bottom-line earnings are informative (Ball and Brown 1968; Beaver 1968), as are the various components that make up earnings (Fairfield et al. 1996; Bartov and Mohanram 2014). By employing an international setting, Barton et al. (2010) extend this line of research and show that the reported financial statement performance measure that investors value the most in different countries depends on the predictive ability of that measure in the local context. We further extend these studies by examining differences in stock market reactions associated with different forecast items. By showing that the stock market reactions associated with management forecasts vary with forecast items, our findings complement the finding of Barton et al. (2010). Specifically, our study suggests that while there is no global consensus on the “best” performance measure reported on financial statements, investors around the world tend to react more strongly to certain forecast items (e.g., forecasts containing sales and/or items above the bottom-line net income). 8 A better understanding of the variation in the credibility-enhancing effect of forecast disaggregation in different countries can help managers make better forecast decisions that are more likely to optimize the value of their forecasts and help firms reap capital market benefits. 6 Finally, our results also add to the literature examining the importance of firmlevel transparency in an international setting. While Lang et al. (2012) show that firmlevel transparency matters more in countries where investor protection and disclosure requirements are lower,9 our results suggest that firm-level voluntary disclosures, which potentially suffer from higher self-serving or managerial opportunism concerns, could be associated with weaker stock market reactions, especially in countries with weaker institutional characteristics. Our results, together with the findings of Lang et al. (2012), suggest that the quantity of voluntary disclosures itself may be insufficient in improving stock market transparency. Rather, it is the country-level institutional regimes which plays important roles in enhancing the credibility of additional voluntary disclosures (such as disaggregated forecasts and forecasts of specific performance items). The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. We review the literature and develop our hypotheses in Section 2. We describe our data and sample in Section 3. Section 4 discusses our research design. Section 5 presents the main empirical results and additional analysis. Finally, in Section 6 we summarize and conclude. 2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development A growing body of empirical research examines the information content of management forecasts. For example, recent studies examine how the market reacts to management forecasts in the U.S. and document that such forecasts have the potential to affect stock prices (Pownall et al. 1993) and analysts’ forecasts (Baginski and Hassell 1990), and to reduce information asymmetry (Coller and Yohn 1997; Shroff et al. 2013), 9 Lang et al. (2012) measure firm-level transparency by less earnings management, better accounting standards, higher quality auditors, more analysts following, and higher analyst forecast accuracy. 7 cost of capital (Frankel et al. 1995, Shroff et al. 2013), and firms’ expected litigation costs (Skinner 1994, Kasznik and Lev 1995). Recent research further examines the role of forecast disaggregation, a forecast characteristic over which managers have substantial control, and find that the informativeness of forecast disaggregation depends on managers’ incentives for issuing such disclosures. For example, Hirst et al. (2007) show that by issuing disaggregated forecasts that pre-commit managers to a specific path via which firms plan to achieve their earnings target, managers can mitigate investors’ skepticism regarding their credibility, which in turn increases the perceived credibility of their forecasts. Similarly, Trueman (1986) argues that disaggregated forecasts that contain supplemental information may signal that managers have better information or superior forecasting ability. Both studies suggest that forecast disaggregation could enhance the credibility or perceived informativeness of voluntarily issued management forecasts. Evidence on the role of forecast disaggregation in the U.S., however, is inconclusive with other studies suggesting that disaggregated forecasts may be selfserving and less informative to investors. For example, Chen et al. (2009) find that disaggregated bad news forecasts are significantly less accurate and more optimistically biased than aggregated earnings forecasts and Han and Wild (1991) find that disaggregated earnings forecasts disclosed with revenue forecasts are less informative than aggregated earnings forecasts. Taken together, it is not clear from existing research whether disaggregated forecasts are more informative for capital market participants. Accordingly, we derive our first hypothesis, stated in the null, as follows: Hypothesis 1: The stock market reaction associated with management forecasts does not vary with the degree of forecast disaggregation. 8 Management forecasts vary not only in the level of disaggregation (i.e., the number of items included in a forecast), but also in the choice of forecast items. However, whether different forecast items have different value relevance to investors is largely unexplored.10 As a result, in this study we also examine whether and how the stock market reactions vary with different forecast items. The link between various financial statement line items and stock returns has long been established in the accounting literature (see, for example, Holthausen and Watts 2001 for a review). 11 In an examination of the informativeness of different earnings components, Swaminathan and Weintrop (1991) find that equity market participants react more strongly to revenue surprises than expense surprises during earnings announcement windows, potentially because revenues surprises are perceived to be more persistent or because revenue manipulation is easier to detect.12 More recently, Barton et al. (2010) examine the stock market response to different accounting performance measures using an international setting and find that the accounting performance measure that investors value the most for equity valuation varies around the world. However, in contrast to Swaminathan and Weintrop (1991) who suggest that revenue should be more value relevant, Barton et al. (2010) find that both sales and net income have relatively less 10 One exception is Wasley and Wu (2006), who show that managers tend to provide cash flow forecasts to enhance the credibility of good news forecasts. While Barton et al. (2010) investigate the value relevance of different accounting performance items disclosed on financial statements around the world, they do not examine the value relevance of forecasts of different performance items. 11 For example, prior research examines the value relevance of earnings (Ball and Brown 1968), losses (Hayn 1995), accruals and cash flows (Sloan 1996, Barth et al. 1999), revenues (Swaminathan and Weintrop 1991, Ertimur et al. 2003), and depreciation (Kang and Zhao 2010). 12 In a follow-up paper, Jegadeesh and Livnat (2006) find that the stock market reacts to both revenue and earnings surprises on earnings announcement days. They further document that in the second part of their sample period (1996 to 2003), revenue surprises predict higher abnormal returns than earnings surprises. 9 significant association with stock returns then performance measures near the center of the income statement in most countries (Barton et al. 2010, Figure 1, page 777). Based on the discussion above, to the extent that sales manipulations are easier to detect ex-post and represent a less noisy performance measure (Ertimur et al. 2003), one can predict that management forecasts containing sales forecasts may be associated with higher stock market reaction than forecast of bottom-line earnings. On the other hand, following the finding of Barton et al. (2010), it is also possible that sales forecasts could be valued less or indifferently from the bottom-line earnings forecasts by global investors. Accordingly, we derive our second hypothesis, stated in the null, as follows: Hypothesis 2: The stock market reaction associated with management forecasts does not vary with the forecast items included in the forecast. Prior literature has long established that expected litigation risk can potentially reduce managers’ incentives to provide forward-looking disclosures (Graham et al. 2005, Rogers and Van Buskirk 2009). Prior research also suggests that country-level institutions, such as the legal environment, differ widely across countries, and could be an important determinant of the differences in voluntary disclosures, including management forecasts, across countries (Baginski et al. 2002). However, ex ante, whether and how country-level legal and regulatory environments affect managers’ forecast disaggregation and the stock market reactions associated with such forecasts is not clear. On one hand, in a country where managers face a higher expected threat of litigation (such as in countries where investors are better protected through stronger public enforcement and legal environment), forecast disaggregation, which presumably subject managers to higher litigation risk, could play a more effective role in signaling 10 the credibility of firms’ forecasts. As a result, forecast disaggregation in these countries could elicit higher stock market reactions, which in turn increases firms’ likelihood to issue disaggregated forecasts.13 On the other hand, a stronger legal environment imposes costs on issuing opportunistic management forecasts. 14 As a result, aggregated forecasts may be sufficiently credible and additional disclosures through disaggregation for signaling the credibility of forecasts may be less necessary. 15 In addition, given that disclosure requirements and information environments are generally rich in countries with a strong legal environment, commitments to an increased level of disclosure, such as forecast disaggregation, could have limited capital market benefits (Bailey et al. 2006), thereby reducing firms’ likelihood to issue disaggregated forecasts. In contrast, from the demand side, in countries with weaker institutions and legal regimes where managers are more likely to issue self-serving forecasts, investors may require more information to evaluate the credibility of management forecasts, which in turn, leads to a higher demand for and greater stock market reactions associated with disaggregated forecasts. Consistent with this view, Lang et al. (2012) find that financial transparency matters more when investor uncertainty is greater. 13 Hirst et al. (2007) suggest that by providing disaggregated forecasts, managers signal the credibility of such forecasts by limiting their ability to manage components of earnings to achieve the forecast. The idea behind this conjecture is similar to Dutta and Gigler (2002) who analytically show that managers precommit to lower earnings management when they constrain themselves in term of opportunities for subsequent earnings management. 14 These costs include potential litigation risk and other costs. For example, Lansford et al. (2013) show that disaggregated forecasts create additional targets which, if missed, are associated with higher stock market penalties than aggregated forecasts. 15 Consistent with this argument, Ball et al. (2012) show that better quality of financial reporting and voluntary disclosure is complementary (i.e., higher quality of financial reporting could have the potential to lend credibility to firms’ voluntary disclosure). Rogers and Stocken (2005) show that managers’ likelihood of issuing self-serving forecasts is moderated by investors’ ability to detect such misrepresentation. 11 In the end, whether and how the stock markets’ reactions associated with disaggregated forecasts and managers’ decision to issue disaggregated forecasts vary across countries with different legal environments is an empirical question that we examine in this study. Based on the above discussions, we develop our last two hypotheses, both in null form, as follows: Hypothesis 3: A country’s legal and regulatory environment has no effect on the association between stock market reaction and management forecasts with different levels of forecast disaggregation / forecast items. Hypothesis 4: A country’s legal and regulatory environment has no effect on the likelihood of issuing management forecasts with different levels of forecast disaggregation / forecast items in different countries. 3. Sample and Descriptive Statistics We obtain a comprehensive sample of management forecasts data from S&P Capital IQ (CIQ hereafter) that provides the original text of management forecasts for firms across a large number of countries/regions starting from year 2004 – the first year CIQ started providing a comprehensive coverage for international firms. According to CIQ, the raw text forecasts are extracted from various sources, such as newspapers, regulatory filings, subscriptions and announcements of transactions. We exclude all firmyear observations with missing firm-level control variables and also exclude countries/regions missing country-level variables. We further exclude Japan because management forecasts in Japan are de facto mandatory (Kato et al. 2009). Our final sample consists of 30 countries during our sample period of 2004-2009, representing 8,560 unique firms issuing a total of 60,067 individual management forecasts. 16 16 Since the data-collection process requires extensive resources and effort, our sample ends in 2009. Examples of disaggregated forecasts can be found in the Appendix. 12 To obtain detailed information on forecast disaggregation and forecast items, we manually identify and collect all of the performance measures included in each forecast. Because we are interested in items that are likely to be important to investors globally, we start with the accounting items identified by Barton et al. (2010), namely (1) SALES, (2) EBITDA (operating earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation, and amortization), (3) OPINC (operating income before income taxes), (4) IBTAX (income before income taxes), (5) IBXIDO (income before extraordinary items and discontinued operations), and (6) NI (net income). For completeness, we also identify and add additional forecast items, which include forecasts of capital expenditure, cash flow, expenses, and other balance sheet items (such as debt forecast and forecast on short- or long-term investments). 17 We then code the total number of unique performance measures included in each forecast as NUMITEMS, where a larger value indicates a more disaggregated forecast. Similarly, we also code an indicator variable, MULITEMS, which equals one for each forecast that contains multiple performance measures, and zero otherwise. 18 Panel A of Table 2 provides the descriptive statistics of our variables of interests by country. From columns 1 and 2, we observe that 37,268 (3,543) forecasts (forecasting firms) are from the U.S. representing 62 percent (41 percent) of the worldwide total.19 17 Our results (Table 2) show that there are indeed a non-trivial number of forecasts containing each of these items. 18 Forecasts often include several related forecast items (e.g., earnings, earnings per share, and earnings growth). Because the underlying performance measure of such forecast items is the same (i.e., earnings), these are coded as one unique item. All of the forecast items are coded into one of 10 unique measures (sales, EBITDA, operating income, pre-tax earnings, earnings before extraordinary items and discontinued operations, net income, balance sheet items, capital expenditure, cash flow, and expenses). For our full sample, the average NUMITEMS is 1.56, suggesting that many management forecasts contain more than one performance measure. The worldwide average of MULITEMS is 47.85 percent, indicating that nearly half of the management forecasts worldwide are disaggregated forecasts. 19 Our conclusions remain the same with and without the U.S. sample included in our analyses. 13 Other well-represented countries in our sample include Germany (6.1 percent), Australia (5 percent), the U.K. (3.1 percent), France (3 percent), and Canada (2.5 percent). The average level of forecast disaggregation (NUMITEMS in column 3) in each country ranges from 1.11 (Hong Kong) to 1.77 (Greece) and the average percentage of forecasts that are disaggregated (MULITEMS in column 4) ranges from 9.29 (Hong Kong) to 62.54 (Finland). The remaining columns in Panel A of Table 2 show the likelihood with which each item is included in a forecast in each country. Consistent with prior studies, the results indicate that net income and sales are the two most commonly forecasted performance measures around the world. Specifically, we find that on average, 68.8 percent of forecasts include net income (NI in column 10) and about 59.6 percent of forecasts include sales (SALES in column 5). Because other items are included in forecasts at a much lower frequency on average, we combine earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), operating income (OPINC), pre-tax income (IBTAX), and income before extraordinary items and discontinued operations (IBXIDO), i.e., the middle four items reported on firms’ income statements, included in a total of 18.11 percent of forecasts worldwide, into a single measure called MID4 in our analysis. Similarly, we combine the remaining items, included in a total of 8.1 percent of forecasts, which include balance sheet items (BS), capital expenditure (CAPEX), cash flows (CASHFLOW), and expenses (EXPENSE) into a summary measure labeled OTHERS. 20 Panel B of Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics of major forecast variables by industry. The Computers industry is most heavily represented with 10,397 forecasts (17.4 20 These overall statistics are in line with those documented by extant studies. For example, Hirst et al. (2007, page 814, footnote 2) show that about 71% of forecasts (in the US) contain earnings and revenue forecasts, with 29% of forecasts containing forecasts of other line items. 14 percent) and with the highest average level of forecast disaggregation measured by the number of items included in each forecasts (each forecast contains 1.73 items on average). This finding is consistent with Gu and Li (2007) who suggest that investors have more credibility concerns regarding the voluntary disclosures made by high-tech firms. Other well-represented industries include the Services (8.7 percent) and Transportation (6.9 percent) industries. The variation in the likelihood that various performance measures are included in a forecast across industries is also notable. For example, while approximately 86.7 percent of forecasts from firms in the Computers industry include sales (SALES) projections, only 13.5 and 19.5 percent of such forecasts are issued by firms in the Utilities and Financial industries, respectively. More than half of firms from all industries tend to forecast net income (NI), with firms from the Financial and Utility industries most likely do so (88.6 percent and 83.8 percent, respectively). The Extractive industry tends to have the lowest likelihood of forecasting either sales (28.2 percent) or net income (50.1 percent), but have the highest likelihood of forecasting capital expenditure (28.8 percent) and/or cash flows (6.8 percent). Panel C of Table 2 provides descriptive statistics of major forecast variables across years. A monotonic increase in the total number of management forecasts across years suggests that management forecasts is becoming a more important channel of voluntary disclosure around the world during our sample period of 2004 to 2009. Consistent with the idea that the recent financial crisis increased firms’ uncertainty regarding their future performance, we see a decline in sales and net income forecasts in 2009 and an increase 15 in the forecast of liquidity-related measures such as capital expenditures (CAPEX) and cash flows (CASHFLOW). Table 3 provides correlations among our variables of interest. The significant negative correlation between sales and net income forecasts (-0.22 for both Pearson and Spearman) suggests that globally, firms tend to forecast either one of these two items rather than both in their forecasts. The larger correlation between NUMITEMS (MULITEMS) and SALES than that between NUMITEMS and NI also suggests that the level of forecast disaggregation (the likelihood of issuing disaggregated forecasts) tends to be more positively associated with sales forecasts than with net income forecasts. On average, the level of forecast disaggregation is positively associated with the absolute value of market-adjusted return (ABSCAR) during the [0,1] window, where day 0 is the management forecast date, indicating that disaggregated forecasts are informative to investors in general. In addition, the significantly positive (negative) correlation between sales (net income) forecasts and ABSCAR provides preliminary evidence that investors value sales forecasts more than net income forecasts. 4. Research Design 4.1 Forecast Disaggregation and Stock Market Reaction To test our first hypothesis (H1) and examine the potential credibility-enhancing effect of forecast disaggregation in a global setting, we first investigate the stock market reaction to the level of forecast disaggregation after controlling for various other forecast properties and estimate the following OLS regression model: π΄π΅ππΆπ΄π = π½0 + π½1 ππππΌππΈππ + ππ‘βππ πΉππππππ π‘ πππππππ‘πππ + ππ‘βππ πΆπππ‘ππππ + πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦, ππππ, πππ πΌπππ’π π‘ππ¦ πΌππππππ‘πππ + π 16 (1) In Equation (1), β1 is our coefficient of interest estimating the relation between the number of unique performance items included in a forecast (NUMITEMS) and the stock market reaction to each forecast measured by absolute value of cumulative two-day abnormal return (ABSCAR).21 We control for other forecast characteristics because prior research suggests they potentially affect the perceived informativeness of disaggregated forecasts. These control variables are defined in detail in Table 1 and include: (1) FLOSS, an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if a firm forecasts a loss and 0 otherwise, because Hutton et al. (2003) show that bad news forecasts tend to be more informative than good news forecasts; (2) FPREC, a categorical variable increasing with the level of forecast precision, because more precise (e.g., point) forecasts are generally perceived to reflect greater managerial certainty relative to less precise (e.g., range) forecasts (Hughes and Pae 2004); (3) FHORI, a categorical variable increasing with management forecast horizon, because Pownall et al. (1993) suggest that interim and annual forecasts could be associated with different informativeness; and (4) FATTR, an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if a forecast includes either internal or external attribution and 0 otherwise, because Baginski et al. (2004) find that attributions affect the informativeness of forecasts made by U.S. firms. Other control variables, identified from prior management forecast studies, include log assets to control for firm size (LNASSET), the number of analysts following a firm to control for overall information environment (ANALYST), whether a firm has a Big 4 auditor to control for audit quality (BIG4), the percentage holding of institutional investors (IO), whether a firm is in the high tech industry (HITECH), whether a firm reports a loss (LOSS), the number of exchanges on which a 21 In a robustness test (see Table 8), we also employ a different measure of stock market reaction using abnormal trading volume surrounding the management forecast date and find consistent conclusions. 17 stock is listed to control for market listings (STKEXCH), and whether a firm is crosslisted in the U.S. as an ADR to control for U.S. listings (ADR). We also include country, industry, and year indicators in the model and cluster all standard errors by both firm and year.22 4.2 Which Forecast Items Do Investors Around the World Value the Most? To test hypothesis (H2) and examine the possible variation in the stock market reactions to management forecasts containing different forecast items, we augment model (1) and estimate the following model: π΄π΅ππΆπ΄π = π½0 + π½1 ππ΄πΏπΈπ + π½2 ππΌπ·4 + π½3 ππΌ + π½4 ππππΌππΈππ + ππ‘βππ πΉππππππ π‘ πππππππ‘πππ + ππ‘βππ πΆπππ‘ππππ + πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦, ππππ, πππ πΌπππ’π π‘ππ¦ πΌππππππ‘πππ + π (2) In Equation (2), SALES, MID4, and NI are indicator variables for whether a management forecast contains sales, the four intermediate items on the income statement (EBITDA, OPINC, IBTAX, and IBXIDO), and net income, respectively. All other variables are defined as in Equation (1). By including these three indicator variables in the same model, we treat forecasts containing OTHERS as the benchmark sample. 4.3 Country-level Institutions and the Effect of Forecast Disaggregation To formally test our third hypothesis (H3), we investigate whether, and how, a country’s legal and regulatory environments affect the stock market reactions associated with forecast disaggregation. Specifically, we estimate the following regression model: π΄π΅ππΆπ΄π = π½0 + π½1 ππππΌππΈππ + π½2 ππππΌππΈππ ∗ πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦ ππππππππ + πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦ ππππππππ + ππ‘βππ πΉππππππ π‘ πππππππ‘πππ + ππ‘βππ πΆπππ‘ππππ + πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦, ππππ, πππ πΌπππ’π π‘ππ¦ πΌππππππ‘πππ + π (3) 22 For robustness, we also cluster the standard errors by both country and year, or by both industry and year. In all these settings, the results are quantitatively similar. 18 In Equation (3), Country Variable is alternatively measured by one of three variables capturing the strength of a country’s legal regime from different perspectives: 1) the public enforcement index (ENFORCE), an index representing the public enforcement of securities regulation, from La Porta et al. (2006); 2) the investor protection index (INVPRO), an index capturing country-level disclosure requirement, liability standards, and anti-director rights for the protection of investors, from La Porta et al. (2006); or 3) an indicator variable for whether class-action lawsuits are permitted in a country (CLASSACT) from Leuz (2010). Each of these variables likely captures the strength of the legal environment in a country with a higher value indicating a higher expected litigation risk associated with disaggregated forecasts. 4.4 Country-level Institutions and Managers’ Forecasts Activities To examine whether and how a country’s legal and regulatory environments affect managers’ likelihood of issuing disaggregated forecasts – measured by the number of forecast items – and forecast item choice, we estimate the following regression model: ππππΌππΈππ (ππΏπ) ππ ππ΄πΏπΈπ/ ππΌπ·4/ ππΌ/ πππ»πΈπ π (πΏππππ π‘ππ) = π½0 + π½1 πΆππ’ππ‘ππ¦ ππππππππ + ππ‘βππ πΆπππ‘ππππ + ππππ, πππ πΌπππ’π π‘ππ¦ πΌππππππ‘πππ + π (4) In Equation (4), in addition to the control variables discussed in Equation (1), we further include other variables that are potentially related to firms’ decisions to issue disaggregated forecasts. Specifically, we include global industry competition (INTCOMP), measured by each industry’s Herfindahl index across all sample countries in a given year multiplied by (-1) to control for firms’ proprietary costs arising from international level competition, because theory suggests that proprietary costs are an important deterrent to management forecasts (Verrecchia 1983). We also include 19 EQUITY, an indicator variable that is equal to 1 if a firm issues equity during a year and 0 otherwise to capture firms’ external financing needs because firms with higher external financing needs tend to issue better quality voluntary disclosures (Dhaliwal et al. 2011). We include LEVERAGE to control for the information demand from debt-holders. We also include the number of geographical segments (SEGMENT) and market-to-book ratio (MB) to control for firms’ operational complexity and uncertainty perceived by both managers and investors. Presumably, investors demand better quality voluntary disclosure when they face greater information uncertainty (Lang et al. 2012). However, at the same time, managers operating in an uncertain environment have greater difficulty in providing more disaggregated forecasts. Finally, given that a firm’s forecast behavior might also be affected by the forecast behavior of its competitors, we include the percentage of firms issuing disaggregated forecasts (INTFORECAST) across all firms within the same industry around the world in a given year as an additional determinant of disaggregated forecasts.23 5. Empirical Results 5.1 Stock Market Reaction and Forecast Disaggregation 5.1.1 Univariate Results Panel A of Table 4 presents univariate analysis of the relation between stock market reactions and forecast disaggregation. In particular, it tabulates the total number and percentage of forecasts by the number of items included within a forecast (i.e., level of forecast disaggregation), and also reports the average absolute cumulative two-day 23 In robustness, we include analyst forecast error as an additional control in Equation (4) on a sub-sample of firms with available analyst forecast data. Our results remain quantitatively unchanged. 20 abnormal return (ABSCAR) around the forecast window for three different sample groups. The first group reports these statistics for all forecasts in our sample (all forecasts); the second group excludes forecasts that are bundled with earnings releases (standalone forecasts); and the third group excludes forecasts from U.S. firms (non-U.S. forecasts). Results show that across these three samples, a large percentage of forecasts are disaggregated (between 40 and 48 percent). Notably, the stock market reaction to disaggregated forecasts increases monotonically with the number of items included in the forecast in all three groups. Thus, the univariate results provide preliminary support to the possible credibility-enhancing effect of disaggregated forecasts as perceived by investors from around the world. 5.1.2 Regression Results Panel B of Table 4 reports OLS regression estimates based on Equation (1) to formally test H1. Our results consistently show that forecast disaggregation (i.e., NUMITEMS) is positive and significantly related to ABSCAR across all three samples (all forecasts, standalone forecasts, and non-U.S. forecasts), indicating that the stock market response to a management forecast is stronger when forecasts are more disaggregated. In terms of economic magnitude, adding one more item to a management forecast increases ABSCAR between 0.176 and 0.336 percent. The estimated results on other forecast properties are generally consistent with findings from prior studies. For example, our result shows that loss forecasts, more precise forecasts, and forecasts issued with attribution tend to be associated with stronger stock market reactions. We also find that forecasts with a shorter horizon (i.e. interim 21 forecasts), which tend to be timelier than those with a longer horizon (i.e., annual forecasts), are associated with stronger stock market reactions. To better understand the relation between forecast disaggregation and the stock market response to management forecasts, we further decompose NUMITEMS into the specific number of unique items included in a forecast. More specifically, we create indicator variables ITEM_EQ_2, ITEM_EQ_3, and ITEM_GE_4, where ITEM_EQ_2 and ITEM_EQ_3 are indicator variables that take the value of 1 if a management forecast includes exactly two and three unique items, respectively, and ITEM_GE_4 is an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if a management forecast includes four or more unique items. We re-estimate Equation (1) with NUMITEMS replaced by ITEM_EQ_2, ITEM_EQ_3, and ITEM_GE_4, and report these estimates in Panel C of Table 4. Consistent with Table 4 Panel B, we find that forecasts containing more performance items elicit significantly stronger stock market reactions than forecasts containing only a single performance item (i.e., the benchmark sample of this regression). Taken together, results from Table 4 reject Hypothesis 1 and provide evidence which is consistent with Hirst et al. (2007) and support the conjecture of a positive credibility-enhancing effect of forecast disaggregation. 5.2 Stock Market Response and Specific Forecast Items 5.2.1 Univariate Results Next, we examine whether stock market reactions vary with forecast items (H2). In Panel A of Table 5, we tabulate the mean ABSCAR of forecasts by whether they include SALES, MID4, NI, and OTHERS. We also report the difference in ABSCAR and 22 indicate whether such differences are significant based on a t-test of the difference in means across the two groups. Results from Table 5 Panel A indicate that forecasts containing SALES, MID4, or OTHERS, on average, have stronger stock market reactions than those forecasts that do not contain any of these items while forecasts containing NI tends to have relatively weaker stock market reactions than those that do not contain NI. These results suggest that while all forecast items are generally informative to investors, forecast of sales and other line items above the bottom-line net income are perceived to be more informative than forecasts of the bottom-line net income in general. 5.2.2 Regression Results Regression estimates of Equation (2) are reported in Panel B of Table 5. Consistent with the univariate results, regression estimates presented in Table 5 Panel B suggest that across all samples, management forecasts are particularly informative when they include a sales forecast, but relatively less informative when net income is included after controlling for forecast disaggregation. The coefficient on MID4, i.e., forecasts that include EBITDA, operating income, pre-tax income, and income before extraordinary and discontinued items, is positive but insignificant for the main sample, but becomes significant when the U.S. forecasts are omitted. Likewise, the coefficient on NI becomes insignificant when the U.S. sample is omitted.24 These results are in line with the findings of Barton et al. (2010), suggesting that different performance measures could be of different importance to investors in different countries. 24 We note that NUMITEMS is no longer significantly associated with stock market reaction when we include forecast items (i.e., SALES, MID4 and NI). In additional analysis, instead of including all three forecast items together into Equation (2), we include each of these forecast items (i.e., SALES, MID4, and NI) one by one to examine the effect of forecast items on the estimated coefficient of NUMITEMS. We find an insignificantly positive association between NUMITEMS and ABSCAR only when SALES is included in Equation (2). This result suggests that the perceived higher credibility associated with forecast disaggregation is more likely to be driven by disaggregated forecasts containing future sales projection. 23 5.3 Country-level Institutional Environments and Forecast Disaggregation Given that forecast disaggregation (and also forecasts containing SALES and MID4) seems to play an important role in enhancing the credibility of management forecasts, an important question to examine next is the channel through which forecast disaggregation achieves such a role. To do this, we examine the effect of country-level legal environment on the credibility-enhancing effect of forecast disaggregation and forecast items across countries (H3). Specifically, we interact NUMITEMS and forecasted income statement items (SALES, MID4, and NI) with the country-level institutions variables that are likely to capture differences in legal and regulatory environments across countries (Equation (3)). In particular, we include interaction terms with ENFORCE, INVPRO, and CLASSACT. 25 These results are reported in Table 6, Panel A. We consistently find a positive and significant estimated coefficient on the interaction term between NUMITEMS and each of the three different measures of country-level legal institutions, indicating a greater credibility-enhancing effect of forecast disaggregation in countries where public enforcement of securities litigation is stronger, where investor protection is more robust, or where class-action lawsuits are permitted. Results of the interactions between our income statement items and the countrylevel legal environment variables are reported in Panel B of Table 6. Consistent with Table 5 Panel B, we find that when ENFORCE, INVPRO, and CLASSACT are higher, forecasts that include SALES and MID4 are associated with stronger stock market responses. However we do not find significant coefficients on NI and its interaction terms 25 We report the results using the sample of all forecasts. Our conclusion remains the same when we reestimate Equation (3) with the other two samples (i.e., standalone forecasts and non-U.S. forecasts samples). 24 with any of the three country-level variables, suggesting that the stock market reactions associated with forecasts containing bottom-line net income do not vary with countrylevel legal environment. These results reject Hypothesis 3 and suggest that the strength of a country’s legal and regulatory regime does have a significant impact on the perceived credibility of forecast disaggregation and forecasts of specific items, especially when the forecasts contain projections on future sales or other above-the-bottom line items. Taken together, our results suggest that it is important to take country-level institutional factors into account when examining the implication of management forecasts. 5.4 Examining the Possible Determinants of Forecast Disaggregation Given our findings that forecast disaggregation (and also forecasts containing SALES and MID4) is (are) associated with stronger stock market reactions, especially in countries with higher expected litigation risk, one may conjecture that managers from these countries should be more likely to issue such forecasts to help firms obtain more capital market benefits. On the other hand, it is also possible that firms tend to refrain from issuing these forecasts because of a higher litigation cost concern associated with such forecasts. We test this hypothesis (H4) in Table 7, employing both forecast-level and country-level estimation. In Panel A of Table 7, columns 1 to 3 (columns 4 to 6) estimate forecast-level (country-level) regressions of the relation between NUMITEMS (the percentage of forecasts that are disaggregated, i.e., the percentage of observations where MULITEMS = 1 for each country) and our legal environment variables. 26 Inconsistent with the 26 Since NUMITEMS is a count variable, we repeat the forecast-level tests using either Poisson or Tobit regressions. Results are qualitatively similar. In country-level regressions, we replace all variables using the mean value of each variable for all firm-years within a country. We also multiply the country-level 25 conjecture that firms may be more likely to provide disaggregated forecasts in countries where disaggregated forecasts are more value-relevant, we find that ENFORCE, INVPRO, and CLASSACT are all significantly and negatively associated with forecast disaggregation after controlling for a wide range of variables that likely affect a manager’s incentive to issue forecasts with different levels of disaggregation, suggesting that a strong legal environment keeps managers away from issuing disaggregated forecasts. Results from our control variables also reveal some interesting observations. For example, larger firms (LNASSET) and firms listed on more stock exchanges (STKEXCH), i.e., firms with relatively richer information environments, are less likely to issue disaggregated forecasts. Firms with larger analyst following (ANALYST) and more institutional ownership (IO), however, are more likely to issue disaggregated forecasts. Together, these results suggest firms with more transparent information environments (e.g., larger firms and firms traded on more exchanges) reduce the need to supply additional voluntary disclosures, whereas various market participants (e.g., analysts and institutional investors) are likely to demand such disclosures. In Panel B of Table 7, we estimate forecast- and country-level regressions of the relation between SALES, MID4, NI, and OTHERS and country-level legal environment measured by ENFORCE. 27 We find that despite the potential benefits of forecasts containing SALES and MID4 items, strong regulatory enforcement is associated with fewer SALES and MID4 forecasts, but more NI and OTHERS forecasts. The finding that dependent variable by 100 to convert the country-level mean to percentage of firms issuing disaggregated forecast or sales forecasts. 27 For simplicity, we only presents the results of ENFORCE. Result using either of the other two alternative country-level legal and regulatory environment measures (INVPRO or CLASSACT) yields the same conclusion. 26 OTHERS is positively associated with regulatory enforcement is not surprising, given that these other forecast items tend to include information that is relatively less likely to drive managers’ litigation risk concern. Together, these results suggest that the expected litigation risk associated with management forecasts is a major factor deterring managers from issuing forecasts that are perceived to be more informative by investors. Our result also shows that various firm characteristics are associated with the disclosure of specific forecast items. For example, larger firms are less likely to forecast SALES and MID4, but such firms are more likely to issue NI and OTHERS. Interestingly, firms in the high-technology industry (HITECH) and firms whose industry counterparts worldwide issue more disaggregated forecasts (INTFORECAST) are more likely to issue SALES and MID4 forecasts, but less likely to issue NI forecasts. When firms report a loss, they are more likely to issue all four categories of forecast items, consistent with the notion that uncertain firm performance increases demand for firm-specific information. 5.5 Additional Analysis and Robustness Tests 5.5.1 Additional Control Variables Hutton et al. (2003) analyze a sample of 278 management forecasts issued between 1993 and 1997 and find that forecast disaggregation increases stock market reactions to good news earnings forecasts, but not bad news earnings forecasts. They interpret these results as evidence that forecast disaggregation increases the credibility of good news forecasts. In additional analysis, we further add five forecast properties to Equation (4) to examine whether and how other forecast properties affect forecast disaggregation. In particular, we add growth forecasts (FGROWTH), an indicator variable that takes the value of 1 if a forecast is a growth forecast and 0 otherwise, loss forecasts 27 (FLOSS), forecast precision (FPREC), forecast horizon (FHORI), and forecast attribution (FATTR). Consistent with Hutton et al. (2003), untabulated result shows that growth forecasts tend to be more disaggregated. In addition, we also find that more precise forecasts, forecasts with attribution, and forecasts with shorter horizons tend to be more disaggregated. These results suggest that disaggregated forecasts tend to be associated with better quality information. In an additional analysis limited to a subsample of forecasts over an annual horizon (FHORI =3), in which we are able to identify the actual earnings realization date (i.e., earnings announcement date), we also include a forecast timeliness variable. Specifically we add FTIME which refers to the difference in time between the forecast date and the earnings announcement date into our regression. While we do not find that forecast timeliness is positively associated with stock market reaction associated with forecasts, we continue to find a significant and positive association between the variable of interest, NUMITEMS and ABSCAR. Prior studies also show that prior forecast accuracy affects the perceived credibility of current forecasts (Williams 1996). Given the difficulty in matching a management forecast’s deviation from the actual earnings realization in an international setting because of the large variation in forecast properties, such as forecast items, forecast horizon, and forecast precision, we use the average ABSCAR associated with all forecasts issued by a firm during the previous year of a forecast to proxy for the perceived forecasts accuracy (FACCU) of the firm’s forecasts. In the 2005-2009 subsample, consistent with prior studies, we find a positive and significant association between the perceived forecast accuracy and stock market reaction (estimated coefficient 28 = 0.565, t-value =4.27). More importantly, including this variable into our regression does not quantitatively change our result or conclusion on forecast disaggregation. Moreover, in additional test, we also control for the possible differences in earnings expectations of different firms in examining the stock market reaction associated with forecast disaggregation. Specifically we include the absolute value of the change in EPS from year t to t+1 scaled by the absolute value of EPS in year t to proxy for investors’ future earnings expectation at year t (ΔEPS). Consistent with higher expected future earnings is associated with stronger stock market reaction, we find a postive and significant estiamted coefficient for ΔEPS (estimated coefficient =0.058, t-value =6.40). However, including this variable does not quantitatively change our results, and we continue to find a positive and significant association between NUMITEMS and ABSCAR. 5.5.2 Abnormal Stock Market Trading Volume Our primary analyses examine the relation between ABSCAR and forecast disaggregation and various forecast items. For robustness, we also re-estimate our main results by replacing ABSCAR with abnormal trading volume (ABNVOL), defined as the average trading volume during the two-day forecast window [0,1] scaled by the average trading volume over the 100-day trading window of [-120,-21]. These results are presented in Table 8. In particular, we find that abnormal volume around the forecast date is higher when forecasts are more disaggregated (Model 1), and also increases monotonically with the number of items included in the forecast (Model 2). We also find that forecasts of SALES, MID4, and NI are all positively associated with abnormal volume with SALES (NI) forecasts exhibiting the highest (lowest) abnormal volume (Model 3). Furthermore, we also obtain consistent results (untabulated) on the effect of 29 country-level legal and regulatory environments on the stock market reaction associated with forecast disaggregation and specific forecast items (i.e., Sales forecasts and forecasts of line items above the bottom-line net income) using ABNVOL. 5.5.3 Annual/Fama-MacBeth Regressions One potential issue with pooling firms across years and countries is that the significance levels of the regression statistics may be overstated because of serial autocorrelation (DeFond and Hung 2004). To address this issue and control for the potential correlation across years, we perform an additional sensitivity test by estimating Fama-MacBeth regressions. Specifically, we re-estimate our models (Equation 1 and 2) for each year separately and obtain the mean of the estimated coefficient across the six yearly regressions. We then divide the mean of the estimated coefficient by the standard error of the coefficients (Fama and MacBeth 1973) and find results consistent with our previous findings reported in Tables 4 and 5. 6. Conclusion Prior studies suggest that management forecast disaggregation has the potential to alter investors’ judgments. In this study, we examine the stock market reaction to forecast disaggregation using an international setting and find that investors around the world generally perceive disaggregated forecasts to be more credible. We also examine the possible differences in stock market reactions to different forecast items and find that forecasts containing performance measures that are less aggregated and/or subjected to a lower likelihood of earnings manipulation (i.e., sales and line items above the bottom-line 30 net income) are perceived by investors to be more informative and thus elicit stronger stock market reactions. In addition, we provide evidence on the cross-sectional variation of forecast disaggregation and show that the effect of disaggregated forecasts on stock market reaction is conditional on a country’s institutional factors, in particular, factors related to a country’s legal and regulatory environments. We attribute this finding to a higher expected litigation risk associated with issuing disaggregated forecasts in these countries. Further supporting our argument, we find that managers are less inclined to issue disaggregated forecasts in countries with strong legal and regulatory environments, even though such forecasts are perceived to be more valuable by investors. In the same vein, we find that a strong legal environment also deters managers from issuing forecasts containing sales and line items above the bottom-line net income. 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(PSE:MAXS) • Date: July 2, 2008 • Source: PR Newswire • Max’s Group, Inc. has provided earnings guidance for the year 2008. The company expects that net income may hit PHP 60 million to PHP 90 million, or almost 43% over a year ago with consolidated revenues reaching PHP 1.8 to PHP 2.1 billion, or 31.25% higher year on year. System-wide sales would reach PHP 2.2 billion to PHP 2.6 billion by year-end. The company has earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of PHP 330 million. 36 TABLE 1 Variable Definitions Main Variables Variable Definition NUMITEMS The total number of unique performance measures contained in a forecast. MULITEMS An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains multiple performances measures, and 0 otherwise. SALES An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains sales, and 0 otherwise. MID4 An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains any of the four performance measures disclosed in the middle part of an income statement (i.e. EBITDA = 1, OPINC = 1, IBTAX = 1 or IBXIDO = 1), and 0 otherwise. NI An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains net income, and 0 otherwise. OTHERS An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains any other forecast item (i.e. Capital Expenditure, Cash Flow, Expense, or Other Balance Sheet items), and 0 otherwise. ITEM_EQ_2 An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains two performance measures (NUMITEMS = 2), and 0 otherwise. ITEM_EQ_3 An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains three performance measures (NUMITEMS = 3), and 0 otherwise. ITEM_GE_4 An indicator variable equal to 1 if a forecast contains four or more performance measures (NUMITEMS >= 4), and 0 otherwise. ABSCAR The absolute value of the two-day cumulative market-adjusted abnormal return during [0, 1], with day 0 as the management forecast date. ABNVOL Average trading volume during the firm’s earnings forecast announcement window [0, 1], scaled by the average trading volume over the 100-day trading window [-120, -21]. Other Forecast Properties FLOSS An indicator variable equal to 1 if a firm issues a loss forecast in a given year, and 0 otherwise. FPREC A precision score of 1, 2, 3, or 4 is assigned to qualitative, min or max, range and point forecast, respectively. FPREC is the mean forecast precision score for a firm in a given year. FHORI A forecast horizon score of 1, 2, or 3 is assigned to a firm who issues quarterly, semi-annual, and annual forecast, respectively. FHORI is the average forecast horizon score for a firm in a given year. FATTR An indicator variable equal to 1 if any management forecast issued by a firm in a year is accompanied by either an internal or external attribution (i.e. provides further explanation of controllable or uncontrollable reasons for the expected performance), and 0 otherwise. All Other Variables LNASSET The natural logarithm of total assets at the beginning of the fiscal year. ANALYST The number of analysts following each firm in each year. BIG4 An indicator variable equal to 1 if the firm is audited by a Big 4 Auditor, and 0 otherwise. IO The percentage of shares (end-of-year) held by institutional investors. HITECH An indicator variable equal to 1 if the firm is in a high-tech industry (SIC 2833-2836, 87318734, 7371-7379, 3570-3577, and 3600-3674), and 0 otherwise. LOSS An indicator variable equal to 1 if the firm reports a loss, and 0 otherwise. STKEXCH The total number of actively traded stock exchanges on which a firm is listed in each year during the sample period (including the primary stock exchange). ADR An indicator variable equal to 1 if a firm is cross-listed on any stock exchanges in the U.S., and 0 otherwise. ENFORCE Public enforcement index of five sub-indices on public enforcement of securities regulation (supervisor characteristics index, rule-making power index, investigative powers index, orders index, and criminal index) taken from La Porta et al. (2006). INVPRO The principal component of three investor protection indices measured by disclosure, liability standards, and anti-director rights taken from La Porta et al. (2006). CLASSACT An indicator equal to 1 if class-action lawsuits are available in a country, and 0 otherwise, taken from Leuz (2010). 37 TABLE 2 Descriptive Statistics of Forecast Variables Panel A: Forecast Statistics by Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IBTAX IBXIDO NI BS MID4 Country 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand UK USA No. of Forecasts No. of Firms NUM ITEMS MUL ITEMS % 3,022 385 301 97 1,521 1,235 985 1,823 3,690 153 700 384 205 119 624 444 457 357 166 261 315 283 419 312 328 764 436 1,180 1,833 37,268 60,067 540 57 64 52 363 128 105 302 459 60 418 107 23 34 134 248 65 70 64 75 172 122 103 78 101 147 96 222 608 3,543 8,560 1.31 1.49 1.54 1.40 1.57 1.67 1.70 1.38 1.65 1.77 1.11 1.29 1.17 1.60 1.68 1.29 1.35 1.29 1.39 1.17 1.29 1.16 1.58 1.63 1.34 1.60 1.38 1.36 1.33 1.62 1.56 25.98 43.90 44.19 34.02 46.55 54.98 62.54 34.01 56.75 60.13 9.29 25.78 15.12 53.78 50.80 27.48 32.39 24.37 33.73 16.09 27.62 14.13 52.03 47.44 31.10 51.31 33.26 33.47 28.21 52.96 47.85 SALES EBITDA OPINC % % % % % % % 25.08 53.51 66.11 61.86 63.05 54.41 76.65 68.73 70.19 58.17 18.43 49.22 11.22 66.39 61.54 56.31 44.86 19.33 59.64 23.75 37.46 13.43 83.53 56.73 52.74 67.80 66.28 54.24 45.44 63.48 59.64 13.10 6.23 17.94 20.62 11.05 6.56 3.96 5.49 9.32 17.65 0.43 1.04 1.95 1.68 28.21 2.03 10.50 14.85 30.12 0.38 1.27 2.47 1.67 31.73 5.49 6.81 1.61 1.27 5.56 6.25 7.06 10.69 27.53 21.93 4.12 4.54 25.18 30.25 21.72 29.27 7.84 1.57 3.13 20.49 4.20 19.87 0.90 16.85 7.00 10.84 0.00 2.86 2.47 14.32 7.37 18.29 28.66 7.57 3.64 7.97 5.41 9.32 2.45 3.64 0.66 0.00 0.92 14.25 1.93 0.27 5.09 9.80 0.57 0.52 2.93 0.84 0.80 0.68 0.66 2.52 2.41 0.00 1.59 0.00 0.24 0.32 3.05 0.39 5.50 0.00 6.16 0.33 1.37 0.17 0.52 0.66 0.00 0.33 1.13 0.81 0.27 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 2.30 0.00 1.77 0.48 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 0.36 0.36 75.84 52.73 41.86 40.21 52.07 60.49 50.36 37.90 48.86 78.43 83.14 71.88 77.07 82.35 53.04 66.67 60.18 81.23 28.31 83.91 83.81 90.81 57.04 64.42 49.09 52.75 55.73 75.25 58.48 74.41 68.82 0.33 0.26 1.66 1.03 1.05 0.89 0.51 0.27 0.19 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.49 0.00 2.24 0.23 0.44 0.56 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.32 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.17 2.62 0.31 0.42 38 12 13 OTHERS CASH CAPEX FLOW % % 1.13 1.04 2.66 9.28 14.00 0.97 2.54 0.55 0.11 0.00 5.29 2.60 0.00 0.84 0.00 1.13 0.88 2.52 4.22 4.98 0.95 2.83 0.48 0.64 2.13 0.39 1.38 0.51 2.78 5.70 4.36 0.93 1.82 0.00 0.00 8.15 1.78 2.23 1.59 0.54 0.65 0.14 0.00 0.00 2.52 0.48 0.45 0.66 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.32 1.06 0.00 0.32 1.22 0.92 0.00 0.08 1.53 2.96 2.35 14 EXPENSE % 0.33 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.85 0.57 0.41 0.11 0.24 0.65 0.00 0.26 1.46 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.28 1.20 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.26 0.00 0.34 0.22 1.34 0.95 Panel B: Forecast Statistics by Industry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MID4 Industry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Mining/Construction Food Textiles/Print/Publish Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Extractive Manf: Rubber/glass/etc Manf: Metal Manf: Machinery Manf: Electrical Equipment Manf: Transport Equipment Manf: Instruments Manf: Misc. Computers Transportation Utilities Retail:Wholesale Retail: Misc Retail: Restaurant Financial Insurance/Real Estate Services Others No. of Forecasts No. of Firms NUM ITEMS 13 14 OTHERS MUL ITEMS SALES EBITDA OPINC IBTAX IBXIDO NI BS CAPEX CASH FLOW EXPENSE % % % % % % % % % % % 2,032 1,767 2,867 1,808 2,478 1,214 403 280 420 251 346 325 1.42 1.49 1.57 1.53 1.58 1.32 36.22 40.12 49.25 46.52 51.41 26.69 45.28 44.43 57.87 51.05 69.94 28.17 7.04 6.11 5.79 8.46 3.75 9.80 6.74 11.94 9.14 10.40 7.79 4.78 2.36 1.08 1.53 1.49 0.73 0.16 0.34 0.85 0.38 0.28 0.12 0.00 69.44 75.72 72.34 71.79 67.96 50.08 0.54 0.51 0.45 0.28 1.05 1.15 7.23 5.32 5.79 5.37 2.02 28.83 1.62 1.81 2.58 2.65 2.42 6.75 0.89 0.40 0.87 0.50 1.61 0.74 1,413 221 1.61 54.49 64.47 7.64 7.86 1.42 0.50 71.48 0.71 4.18 1.63 1.06 1,632 2,405 266 304 1.46 1.62 39.89 53.97 47.00 68.11 6.07 3.83 11.52 14.39 1.59 2.00 0.18 0.12 69.18 66.32 0.74 0.12 5.64 4.41 2.45 1.46 0.92 0.62 2,597 336 1.62 54.87 77.63 3.31 12.75 1.12 0.27 61.03 0.23 2.04 1.96 1.08 1,713 199 1.57 47.64 68.07 3.04 12.73 1.23 0.23 62.05 0.58 3.68 3.15 0.64 3,386 558 10,397 4,166 2,215 1,937 3,857 829 3,318 1,235 5,219 1,024 60,067 352 70 1,229 576 235 307 378 68 641 333 747 273 8,560 1.72 1.64 1.73 1.50 1.21 1.55 1.51 1.60 1.25 1.39 1.69 1.39 1.56 64.50 55.73 63.44 39.63 17.11 47.13 43.14 50.78 21.34 31.42 55.82 34.96 47.85 81.66 71.33 86.73 51.13 13.54 56.07 48.17 56.21 19.50 37.49 64.59 45.12 59.64 3.28 6.45 6.41 17.52 9.75 5.89 5.44 3.38 1.45 8.02 13.72 4.79 7.06 10.66 8.78 12.39 9.34 4.20 7.69 5.29 5.19 6.45 4.86 8.12 8.20 9.32 0.83 2.33 0.82 1.75 0.45 1.65 1.22 1.33 2.47 2.75 1.67 2.05 1.37 0.18 0.00 0.29 0.43 0.32 0.46 0.36 0.36 0.45 0.40 0.80 0.49 0.36 70.32 69.00 59.67 56.82 83.79 75.17 77.44 79.01 88.55 72.47 70.78 71.09 68.82 0.47 0.18 0.16 0.38 0.36 0.52 0.36 0.24 0.48 0.40 0.48 0.59 0.42 1.59 3.05 1.90 7.15 5.06 4.29 6.40 6.76 0.69 1.62 3.89 2.83 4.36 1.68 2.15 1.91 2.88 2.48 2.32 2.20 1.81 1.15 7.04 2.74 2.54 2.35 0.74 0.54 1.16 0.96 0.14 0.57 1.09 1.45 1.36 1.30 1.07 0.29 0.95 39 Panel C: Forecast Statistics by Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 2 3 4 5 No. of Forecasts NUMITEMS MULITEMS % SALES % EBITDA % 8,336 7,949 8,725 10,290 11,246 13,521 60,067 1.50 1.48 1.54 1.58 1.57 1.63 1.56 45.71 44.99 48.73 49.01 50.13 47.50 47.85 57.79 60.03 63.74 61.63 63.36 53.29 59.64 2.96 4.32 5.97 7.43 9.50 9.60 7.06 6 7 MID4 OPINC IBTAX % % 4.73 4.28 7.19 13.87 9.47 12.93 9.32 40 0.71 0.69 0.68 4.43 0.84 0.75 1.37 8 9 10 11 CAPEX % 12 OTHERS CASH FLOW % IBXIDO % NI % BS % 0.05 0.09 0.07 1.22 0.07 0.50 0.36 81.23 78.12 75.05 61.52 72.34 54.34 68.82 0.29 0.00 0.06 0.45 0.02 1.32 0.42 13 EXPENSE % 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.00 19.21 4.36 0.59 0.08 0.40 0.73 0.67 8.68 2.35 0.72 0.06 0.61 2.63 0.06 1.28 0.95 TABLE 3 Correlation Matrix 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ABSCAR NUMITEMS MULITEMS SALES MID4 NI OTHERS FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.01 -0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 -0.11 0.02 -0.21 -0.14 -0.08 0.00 0.09 0.07 -0.11 -0.02 2 0.10 0.89 0.56 0.42 0.25 0.19 0.02 0.17 -0.08 0.03 -0.10 -0.02 0.00 0.08 0.11 0.04 -0.05 -0.03 3 0.10 0.97 0.62 0.30 0.27 0.05 0.02 0.17 -0.11 0.02 -0.13 -0.02 -0.01 0.08 0.14 0.06 -0.07 -0.03 4 0.12 0.61 0.62 0.06 -0.22 -0.15 -0.06 0.10 -0.15 0.00 -0.27 -0.04 -0.12 -0.02 0.25 0.09 -0.07 -0.03 5 0.01 0.37 0.30 0.06 -0.32 0.01 -0.04 0.01 0.11 0.01 -0.02 0.00 -0.03 -0.11 0.01 -0.03 0.07 0.04 6 -0.02 0.27 0.27 -0.22 -0.32 -0.21 0.13 0.12 -0.09 0.02 0.11 0.04 0.11 0.16 -0.08 0.05 -0.07 -0.02 7 0.04 0.11 0.05 -0.15 0.01 -0.21 -0.01 -0.01 0.06 0.01 0.06 -0.05 0.05 0.10 -0.04 -0.09 0.01 -0.03 8 0.04 0.02 0.02 -0.06 -0.04 0.13 -0.01 0.00 -0.09 0.04 -0.10 -0.07 -0.03 -0.07 0.06 0.26 -0.03 -0.01 9 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.10 0.01 0.12 -0.01 0.00 -0.14 0.02 0.00 -0.01 0.10 0.20 0.07 0.05 -0.08 -0.04 10 -0.13 -0.10 -0.11 -0.15 0.11 -0.09 0.06 -0.10 -0.14 -0.03 0.06 -0.01 -0.02 -0.21 -0.15 -0.10 0.10 0.06 11 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 -0.03 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 -0.20 -0.12 -0.14 -0.27 -0.02 0.11 0.07 -0.11 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.59 0.40 0.34 -0.17 -0.17 0.52 0.09 13 -0.10 0.01 0.00 -0.06 -0.01 0.09 -0.02 -0.07 0.05 -0.04 -0.01 0.59 0.35 0.20 0.07 -0.09 0.50 0.07 14 -0.05 -0.01 -0.01 -0.12 -0.03 0.11 0.05 -0.03 0.10 -0.02 0.00 0.39 0.46 0.35 0.04 -0.03 0.16 0.02 15 0.05 0.08 0.08 -0.02 -0.10 0.15 0.09 -0.07 0.19 -0.20 0.00 0.35 0.33 0.34 0.02 -0.05 0.04 -0.05 16 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.25 0.01 -0.08 -0.04 0.06 0.07 -0.15 -0.02 -0.18 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.11 0.03 -0.02 17 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.09 -0.03 0.05 -0.09 0.26 0.06 -0.10 0.00 -0.18 -0.09 -0.03 -0.06 0.11 -0.10 -0.02 18 -0.09 -0.04 -0.04 -0.06 0.07 -0.06 0.26 -0.03 -0.06 0.07 0.00 0.46 0.38 0.20 0.12 0.06 -0.09 19 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 0.04 -0.02 -0.03 -0.01 -0.04 0.06 0.00 0.09 0.06 0.02 -0.04 -0.02 -0.02 0.19 0.22 Table 3 reports the correlation matrix between our variables of interest. Pearson (Spearman) correlation coefficients are reported below (above) the 45 degree line. Coefficients in bold indicate that the estimated correlation is statistically different from 0 at better than the 10% significance level. 41 TABLE 4 Forecast Disaggregation and Stock Market Reactions Panel A - ABSCAR by Number of Forecast Items (NUMITEMS) 1 2 All Forecasts Standalone Forecasts Num. of Forecast Items =1 =2 =3 ≥4 N % 31,325 24,549 3,628 565 60,067 52.15 40.87 6.04 0.94 ABSCAR 5.38 6.48 6.63 7.08 N % 12,811 7,402 1,043 127 21,383 59.91 34.62 4.88 0.59 ABSCAR 5.44 6.61 6.64 9.51 3 Non-US Forecasts N % 13,795 7,683 1,191 130 22,799 60.51 33.70 5.22 0.57 ABSCAR 4.52 4.81 4.92 5.84 Panel B – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between ABSCAR and NUMITEMS Dependent Variable = N (Countries) N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Intercept NUMITEMS FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering ABSCAR 1 All Forecasts 30 60,067 11.43 2 Standalone Forecasts 30 21,383 14.36 3 Non-US Forecasts 29 22,799 8.20 Coef t Value Coef t Value Coef t Value 9.590*** 0.262*** 0.418*** 0.095*** -0.260*** 0.344*** -0.559*** 0.010*** -0.220*** -0.007*** 0.085 0.360*** 0.171*** 0.289 28.92 5.73 2.62 4.60 -7.62 3.59 -23.54 3.40 -2.53 -5.73 0.46 3.69 5.94 1.40 10.565*** 0.336*** 0.120 0.242*** -0.391*** 0.458*** -0.624*** -0.005 -0.129 -0.012*** 0.052 0.949*** 0.165*** 0.072 20.95 4.00 0.46 6.66 -6.87 2.88 -16.06 -1.18 -0.88 -5.28 0.15 3.62 3.89 0.25 5.054*** 0.176*** 0.869*** 0.181*** -0.163*** 0.238* -0.268*** -0.003 -0.368*** 0.006*** 1.035*** 0.541*** 0.135*** 0.254 13.55 2.61 3.48 5.58 -2.69 1.74 -8.29 -0.88 -3.09 2.84 3.96 3.11 3.71 1.23 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year 42 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Panel C – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between ABSCAR and Indicators Representing the Number of Forecast Items Dependent Variable = ABSCAR 1 All Forecasts 2 Standalone Forecasts 3 Non-US Forecasts 30 60,067 11.43 30 21,383 14.37 29 22,799 8.20 N (Countries) N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Intercept ITEM_EQ_2 ITEM_EQ_3 ITEM_GE_4 FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering Coef t Value Coef t Value Coef t Value 9.823*** 0.319*** 0.407*** 0.891*** 0.416*** 0.094*** -0.259*** 0.343*** -0.558*** 0.010*** -0.219*** -0.007*** 0.086 0.362*** 0.171*** 0.288 30.19 5.25 3.23 2.68 2.61 4.57 -7.58 3.58 -23.45 3.39 -2.52 -5.76 0.46 3.71 5.93 1.40 10.898*** 0.345*** 0.479** 1.935*** 0.117 0.241 -0.391*** 0.456*** -0.624*** -0.005 -0.128 -0.012*** 0.049 0.955*** 0.165*** 0.066 22.19 3.21 1.97 2.55 0.45 6.64 -6.86 2.87 -16.04 -1.17 -0.87 -5.28 0.14 3.64 3.88 0.23 5.234*** 0.161* 0.383** 0.560 0.869*** 0.181*** -0.163*** 0.239* -0.269*** -0.003 -0.368*** 0.006*** 1.036*** 0.541*** 0.135*** 0.254 14.38 1.86 2.01 1.05 3.47 5.58 -2.69 1.74 -8.30 -0.88 -3.10 2.83 3.97 3.11 3.71 1.24 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Table 4 tabulates the relation between the stock market response surrounding management forecasts and forecast disaggregation. Panel A tabulates the frequency (N) and percentage (%) of forecasts by the categorical variable indicating the number of items included in each forecast (NUMITEMS). Panel B tabulates the OLS regression estimates of the relation between NUMITEMS and ABSCAR. Panel C tabulates the OLS regression estimates of the relation between ABSCAR and indicator variables representing the specific number of items included in each forecast. Standalone forecasts are forecasts NOT bundled with earnings announcement. Non-U.S. forecasts are forecasts from non-US firms. ***, **, and * indicate that the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively (two-tailed test). All firm-level continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and the 99th percentiles. Country, Industry and Year indicators are included in all regressions. Standard errors are clustered by both firm and year. All variables are defined in Table 1. 43 TABLE 5 Specific Forecast Items and Stock Market Reactions Panel A - ABSCAR by Specific Forecast Items 1 2 All Forecasts Standalone Forecasts 3 Non-US Forecasts Forecast Item = Yes No diff (Yes - No) Yes No diff (Yes - No) Yes No SALES MID4 NI OTHERS 6.513 6.064 5.775 6.806 5.045 5.891 6.242 5.851 1.468*** 0.173** -0.467*** 0.955*** 6.645 6.250 5.712 6.951 5.119 5.860 6.393 5.853 1.526*** 0.390*** -0.681*** 1.098*** 4.697 4.985 4.562 5.221 4.573 4.515 4.754 4.615 44 diff (Yes - No) 0.124* 0.470*** -0.192*** 0.606*** Panel B – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between ABSCAR and Specific Forecast Items Dependent Variable = ABSCAR 1 All Forecasts 2 Standalone Forecasts 3 Non-US Forecasts 30 60,067 11.43 30 21,383 14.36 29 22,799 8.85 N (Countries) N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Coef Intercept SALES MID4 NI NUMITEMS FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering 9.590*** 0.738*** 0.152 -0.518*** 0.140 0.418*** 0.095*** -0.260*** 0.344*** -0.559*** 0.010*** -0.220*** -0.007*** 0.085 0.360*** 0.171*** 0.289 t Value 28.92 6.60 1.17 -4.58 1.42 2.62 4.60 -7.62 3.59 -23.54 3.40 -2.53 -5.73 0.46 3.69 5.94 1.40 Coef t Value Coef 10.565*** 0.773*** 0.190 -0.510*** 0.282 0.120 0.242*** -0.391*** 0.458*** -0.624*** -0.005 -0.129 -0.012*** 0.052 0.949*** 0.165*** 0.072 20.95 3.82 0.82 -2.53 1.57 0.46 6.66 -6.87 2.88 -16.06 -1.18 -0.88 -5.28 0.15 3.62 3.89 0.25 5.270*** 0.367** 0.568*** 0.093 -0.109 0.770*** 0.179*** -0.134** 0.238* -0.304*** -0.003 -0.367*** 0.005** 0.975*** 0.470*** 0.102*** 0.223 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year t Value 14.62 2.03 2.99 0.53 -0.68 3.15 5.62 -2.26 1.75 -9.47 -0.85 -3.18 2.37 3.81 2.78 2.84 1.10 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Table 5 tabulates the relation between the stock market response surrounding management forecasts and the inclusion of specific performance items in a forecast. Panel A tabulates the ABSCAR when a specific performance items is included in a forecast (Yes) and when it is not (No) and the difference in ABSCAR between these two types of forecasts. Panel B tabulates the OLS regression estimates of the relation between NUMITEMS and an indicator variable for when sales (SALES), the middle 4 items on the income statement (MID4), or net income (NI), is included in a forecast. Standalone forecasts are forecasts NOT bundled with earnings announcement. Non-US forecasts are forecasts from non-US firms. ***, **, and * indicate that the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively (two-tailed test). All firm-level continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and the 99th percentiles. Country, Industry and Year indicators are included in all regressions. Standard errors are clustered by both firm and year. All variables are defined in Table 1. 45 TABLE 6 Country-level Institutions and the Stock Market Reactions of Forecast Disaggregation and Specific Forecast Items Panel A – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between ABSCAR and the Interaction of NUMITEMS and Country-level Institutional Variables Dependent Variable = ABSCAR 1 60,067 11.45 N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Coef 2 60,067 11.46 t Value Coef 3 60,067 11.45 t Value Coef t Value Intercept 11.631*** 12.74 11.640*** 11.86 5.639*** 18.19 NUMITEMS NUMITEMS * ENFORCE NUMITEMS * INVPRO NUMITEMS * CLASSACT ENFORCE INVPRO CLASSACT FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR -0.317*** 0.749*** -2.93 5.03 -0.226*** -2.70 -0.116* -1.65 0.599*** 5.51 Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering -2.440*** 0.405*** 0.093*** -0.258*** 0.343*** -0.560*** 0.009*** -0.221*** -0.007*** 0.087 0.357*** 0.171*** 0.291 0.459*** 5.28 3.826*** 0.405*** 0.089*** -0.252*** 0.344*** -0.560*** 0.009*** -0.217*** -0.007*** 0.091 0.349*** 0.181*** 0.310 21.27 2.54 4.32 -7.36 3.59 -23.58 3.12 -2.50 -5.78 0.49 3.59 6.34 1.50 -2.53 2.54 4.49 -7.55 3.58 -23.58 3.34 -2.55 -5.71 0.47 3.66 5.94 1.41 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year -2.229** -2.38 0.402*** 0.092*** -0.258*** 0.342*** -0.560*** 0.009*** -0.223*** -0.007*** 0.085 0.357*** 0.171*** 0.289 2.52 4.46 -7.56 3.57 -23.57 3.28 -2.57 -5.71 0.46 3.66 5.96 1.40 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year 46 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Panel B – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between ABSCAR and the Interaction of Specific Forecast Items and Country-level Institutional Variables Dependent Variable = 1 60,067 11.52 N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Intercept SALES SALES * ENFORCE SALES * INVPRO SALES * CLASSACT MID4 MID4 * ENFORCE MID4 * INVPRO MID4 * CLASSACT NI NI * ENFORCE NI * INVPRO NI * CLASSACT ENFORCE INVPRO CLASSACT FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering ABSCAR 2 60,067 11.53 Coef t Value Coef t Value 11.072*** -0.601*** 1.244*** 12.01 -3.69 5.77 -0.109 0.588** 11.177*** -0.512*** 11.30 -4.13 1.083*** 6.96 -0.61 2.18 -0.013 -0.09 0.428** 0.155 -0.373 0.90 -1.53 3 60,067 11.50 Coef t Value 5.609*** -0.190* 17.56 -1.85 0.674*** 0.019 5.53 0.16 2.11 0.042 0.32 -0.230 -1.29 0.382** -0.165 2.39 -1.50 0.047 -1.633* -1.615* 0.540*** 0.103*** -0.251*** 0.350*** -0.542*** 0.009*** -0.187** -0.006*** 0.070 0.320*** 0.158*** 0.299 0.34 -1.68 3.36 4.98 -7.34 3.66 -22.68 3.02 -2.15 -5.10 0.38 3.27 5.49 1.45 0.538*** 0.102*** -0.248*** 0.348*** -0.540*** 0.008*** -0.186** -0.006*** 0.072 0.316*** 0.155*** 0.293 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year -1.71 3.35 4.96 -7.26 3.64 -22.56 2.82 -2.15 -5.05 0.39 3.23 5.41 1.43 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year 3.996*** 0.532*** 0.098*** -0.245*** 0.350*** -0.542*** 0.008*** -0.193** -0.007*** 0.077 0.321*** 0.167*** 0.315 20.80 3.31 4.75 -7.15 3.65 -22.64 2.88 -2.23 -5.26 0.41 3.29 5.87 1.53 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Table 6 reports the regression estimates of the relation between ABSCAR and the interaction between forecast disaggregation (NUMITEMS, Panel A) or specific forecast items (Panel B) and three variables representing the strength of regulatory enforcement (ENFORCE), the level of investor protection (INVPRO), or an indicator for whether classaction lawsuits are available in a country (CLASSACT). ***, **, and * indicate that the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively (two-tailed test). All firm-level continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and the 99th percentiles. Country, Industry and Year indicators are included in all regressions. Standard errors are clustered by both firm and year. All variables are defined in Table 1. 47 TABLE 7 Country-level Determinants of Forecast Disaggregation and Forecasts of Specific Items Panel A – OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between Country-level Institutional Variables and Forecast Disaggregation 1 2 NUMITEMS (Forecast-level) 3 4 OLS OLS OLS OLS N (Total Obs.) 60,067 60,067 60,067 30 30 30 Adj. R-sqr (%) 9.24 9.05 9.11 50.62 55.34 56.95 Dep Var = Model Coef Intercept ENFORCE t Value 1.317*** -0.171*** 39.16 -10.14 INVPRO Coef t Value 1.238*** 38.05 -0.072*** -5.17 CLASSACT Coef 5 % MULITEMS > 1 (Country-level) OLS t Value Coef t Value 38.87 95.972 -37.657*** 1.47 -3.19 1.227*** 6 Coef OLS t Value 51.714 0.83 -37.210*** -3.03 -0.93 -2.403 -0.74 Coef t Value 41.003 0.96 -27.350*** -4.71 3.101 1.47 -0.069*** -7.34 LNASSET -0.009*** -3.52 -0.008*** -3.33 -0.008*** -3.28 -2.975 ANALYST 0.002*** 4.91 0.002*** 4.82 0.002*** 4.84 0.032 0.08 -0.028 -0.07 0.333 0.91 BIG4 0.008 0.83 0.007 0.74 0.007 0.77 -0.004 -0.04 -0.081 -0.72 -0.278** -2.85 IO 0.002*** 13.68 0.002*** 12.01 0.002*** 12.74 -0.076 -0.31 -0.103 -0.42 0.042 0.22 HITECH 0.045*** 2.52 0.042** 2.33 0.043** 2.39 0.237 0.72 0.338 1.02 0.861*** 3.04 LOSS 0.103*** 10.78 0.101*** 10.53 0.100*** 10.40 0.416 0.74 1.035 1.71 -0.575 -1.04 STKEXCH -0.030*** -7.90 -0.027*** -7.00 -0.026*** -6.98 -3.126 -0.44 -1.575 -0.21 -6.138 -1.11 ADR -0.028 -1.13 -0.024 -0.96 -0.025 -0.98 -3.008** -2.43 -3.926*** -2.90 -4.410*** -4.04 INTCOMP 0.138*** 3.34 0.139*** 3.37 0.134*** 3.26 1.750* 1.79 0.673 0.72 1.141 1.71 EQUITY -0.009 -0.64 -0.012 -0.91 -0.010 -0.75 0.571 0.81 0.362 0.53 1.905*** 2.97 LEVERAGE 0.014 0.66 0.016 0.73 0.016 0.74 1.681** 2.47 1.297* 1.78 1.213** 2.50 SEGMENT -0.003* -1.66 -0.003 -1.46 -0.003 -1.29 3.612 0.78 8.316* 1.94 12.797*** 3.62 MB 0.002* 1.63 0.002 1.50 0.002 1.51 3.777 0.82 7.558 1.60 4.278 1.20 INTFORECAST 0.011*** 29.23 0.011*** 29.06 0.011*** 29.25 0.823 1.61 0.080 0.15 0.143 0.36 Year Indicators Yes Yes Yes No No No Industry Indicators Yes Yes Yes No No No Firm & Year Firm & Year Firm & Year No No No SE Clustering 48 Panel B - OLS Regression Estimates of the Relation between Country-level Institutional Variables and Inclusion of Specific Items in Forecasts Dep Var = 1 2 SALES MID4 3 4 5 6 NI OTHERS % SALES % MID4 (Forecast-level) Model 7 8 % NI % OTHERS (Country-level) Logistic Logistic Logistic Logistic OLS OLS OLS OLS N (Total Obs.) 60,067 60,067 60,067 60,067 30 30 30 30 N (Dep Var =1) Pesodo/ Adj. R-sqr (%) 35,823 10,424 41,341 4,362 29.70 17.04 Coef Pr > ChiSq ENFORCE 0.698*** -0.500*** LNASSET 17.89 41.22 Coef Pr > ChiSq Coef Pr > ChiSq 0.00 0.00 -1.265*** -2.426*** 0.00 0.00 -0.015 1.260*** 0.88 0.00 -0.182*** 0.00 -0.032*** 0.00 0.131*** ANALYST 0.014*** 0.00 0.001 0.73 BIG4 -0.380*** 0.00 0.113*** 0.00 IO 0.003*** 0.00 -0.002*** HITECH 0.223*** 0.00 0.178*** LOSS 0.265*** 0.00 STKEXCH -0.020** ADR -0.128* INTCOMP 63.21 77.74 37.94 Coef -7.460*** 0.00 -34.172 -0.43 -43.823 -1.47 127.283* 1.79 11.076 1.08 0.00 1.944*** 0.096*** 0.00 0.00 -34.650*** 2.371 -3.45 0.83 -44.301*** 0.229 -7.45 0.14 42.337*** -6.273* 3.06 -1.95 -1.454 1.025* -0.76 2.11 -0.004*** 0.00 -0.014*** 0.00 0.121 0.33 0.032 0.16 0.188 0.40 -0.125 -1.65 0.161*** 0.00 0.480*** 0.00 -0.342*** -3.18 -0.078 -1.40 0.232* 1.85 0.022 1.15 0.00 0.005*** 0.00 0.008*** 0.00 0.198 0.97 -0.310** -2.42 -0.262 -0.97 0.084* 2.11 0.00 -0.158*** 0.00 0.332*** 0.00 0.864*** 3.21 -0.188 -0.96 -0.567 -1.26 0.099 1.13 0.250*** 0.00 0.077*** 0.01 0.753*** 0.00 0.209 0.42 1.479*** 4.47 -0.415 -0.57 0.161 1.46 0.05 -0.001 0.96 -0.112*** 0.00 -0.062*** 0.00 -17.462*** -2.68 10.154*** 2.64 20.574** 2.54 -2.076 -1.77 0.08 0.149* 0.06 -0.094 0.18 -0.667*** 0.01 -1.640 -1.23 -1.306* -1.80 -2.531* -1.80 0.033 0.15 0.450*** 0.00 1.011*** 0.00 -0.517*** 0.00 0.178 0.47 -0.407 -0.42 -0.093 -0.20 0.478 0.47 0.105 0.69 EQUITY 0.017 0.63 0.192*** 0.00 -0.241*** 0.00 0.149*** 0.01 -0.259 -0.40 1.520*** 3.88 -0.919 -1.12 0.367*** 2.83 LEVERAGE -0.359*** 0.00 1.115*** 0.00 -0.809*** 0.00 1.018*** 0.00 1.748*** 2.73 0.565 1.48 -0.332 -0.44 -0.005 -0.04 SEGMENT 0.016*** 0.00 -0.009 0.14 -0.029*** 0.00 0.007 0.51 10.185*** 2.79 2.958 1.29 -9.129 -1.72 0.526 0.68 MB 0.020*** 0.00 0.005* 0.09 -0.011*** 0.00 0.009* 0.07 2.574 0.66 13.679*** 5.99 -0.831 -0.14 -0.196 -0.21 INTFORECAST 0.037*** 0.00 0.025*** 0.00 0.001 0.64 -0.005** 0.02 0.913 1.36 0.096 0.34 -0.202 -0.31 -0.268*** -2.70 Intercept Coef t Value Coef t Value 39.30 Pr > ChiSq t Value Coef t Value Coef Year Indicators Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Industry Indicators Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Firm & Year Firm & Year Firm & Year Firm & Year No No No No SE Clustering Table 7 tabulates the regression estimates equating country-level variables and forecast disaggregation (Panel A) or forecasts of specific items (Panel B). Panel A includes countrylevel variables representing regulatory enforcement (ENFORCE), investor protection (INVPRO), and whether class-action lawsuits are available (CLASSACT). Panel B only tabulates the results for ENFORCE, but estimates from using INVPRO or CLASSACT are consistent. In each Panel, we report the results from both forecast- and country-level regressions. In country-level regressions, we replace all variables using the mean value of each variable for all firm-years within a country. % (MULITEMS = 1) represents the percent of forecasts that are disaggregated in each country. Similarly, % SALES represents the percent of forecasts containing sales forecasts. ***, **, and * indicate that the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively (two-tailed test). 49 TABLE 8 Robustness Test - Forecast Disaggregation and Abnormal Trading Volume Dependent Variable = ABNVOL 1 58,709 3.33 N (Total Obs.) R-square (%) Coef Intercept NUMITEMS ITEM_EQ_2 ITEM_EQ_3 ITEM_GE_4 SALES MID4 NI FLOSS FPREC FHORI FATTR LNASSET ANALYST BIG4 IO HITECH LOSS STKEXCH ADR Country Indicators Year Indicators Industry Indicators SE Clustering 4.294*** 0.144*** 0.012 0.038*** -0.052*** 0.134** -0.220*** 0.002 -0.087 -0.001 -0.098 -0.148** -0.044*** -0.271*** 2 58,709 3.33 t Value 14.98 4.91 0.12 2.85 -2.57 2.05 -14.25 1.38 -1.40 -1.42 -0.78 -2.33 -2.78 -3.42 Coef t Value 4.410*** 15.51 0.197*** 0.237*** 0.290** 4.93 2.68 2.05 0.011 0.037*** -0.051*** 0.135** -0.219*** 0.002 -0.086 -0.001 -0.098 -0.147** -0.044*** -0.271*** Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year 3 58,709 3.33 0.10 2.78 -2.49 2.05 -14.15 1.36 -1.39 -1.47 -0.78 -2.32 -2.79 -3.42 Yes Yes Yes Firm & Year Coef t Value 4.270*** -0.067 14.85 -1.46 0.352*** 0.288*** 0.190*** -0.030 0.035*** -0.050*** 0.134** -0.225*** 0.002 -0.087 -0.001 -0.091 -0.141** -0.042*** -0.266*** 6.42 3.65 3.49 -0.28 2.62 -2.46 2.04 -14.14 1.50 -1.41 -1.53 -0.73 -2.23 -2.59 -3.36 No Yes Yes Firm & Year Table 8 reports OLS regression estimates of the relation between the abnormal trading volume around a forecast (ABNVOL) and 1) forecast disaggregation (NUMITEMS, column 1), 2) indicator variables for the number of forecast items (column 2), or 3) indicator variables for the inclusion of specific forecast items (column 3). ***, **, and * indicate that the estimated coefficients are statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively (two-tailed test). All firm-level continuous variables are winsorized at the 1 st and the 99th percentiles. Country, Industry and Year indicators are included in all regressions. Standard errors are clustered by both firm and year. All variables are defined in Table 1. 50