Parent Involvement Policy English

Club Hill Elementary School
Parent Involvement Policy
Club Hill Elementary School recognizes
that a child’s education is a responsibility
shared by the school and family during the
entire period the child spends in school. To
support the goal that all children succeed
academically and in life. The school and
parents must work together as partners.
An annual meeting has been scheduled to
inform parents of the school’s
participation in Title I, to explain the Title I
requirements, and the right of parents to
be involved. The school invites all parents
and will encourage them to attend.
The Annual Title I Meetings at Club Hill
Elementary for the 2015-2016 school year
have been scheduled during the first six
weeks of school and parents will be
notified using the school messenger, the
monthly calendar, the Tuesday folder, and
the marquee. The meetings have been or
will be held on the following dates:
August 24, 2015 @ 8:30 am
Parent Coffee with Administration
September 1, 2015 @ 3:30 pm
Campus Improvement Team
September 1, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
PTA meeting
Parents will be involved in the planning,
review, and improvement of Club Hill
parental involvement policy in an
organized, ongoing, and timely manner.
Every effort will be made to invite all Club
Hill parents to the meetings listed and to
encourage them to give us input in the
development of the parental involvement
CIT (Campus Improvement Team)
PTA meetings
Teacher-Parent conferences
The Cougar Chronicle
Parent Coffee with Administrators
Parents will be provided information
about Title I programs in a variety of ways,
in a language and format that is easy to
understand. Alternative formats will be
provided to individuals with disabilities
upon request. Parents should expect to
receive information in the following ways:
School messenger
Monthly newsletters
Kiosk in the main hallway
Tuesday folders
Monthly calendar
PTA Meetings
CIT meetings
Parent-teacher conferences
Fliers sent home
education of their children will be provided
at the parent’s request. The school will
respond to any such suggestions as soon
as possible. Parents who make requests
will be given the opportunity to meet:
If the school wide plan is not satisfactory
to parents of children attending Club Hill
Elementary, we will submit those written
parent comments to the district.
Information provided to parents about the
Title I programs include a description and
explanation of the school’s curriculum,
assessments, and achievement levels
which children are expected to reach. The
school will give parents this information in
the following ways:
The annual Title I meetings
Parent-teacher conferences
Tuesday folders
Parent Coffee with Administrators
throughout the year
Monthly newsletters
Progress reports
Report Cards
On-line grade book
Each parent will receive a report
about their child’s performance on
the State assessments
Opportunities for meetings for parents to
give suggestions and to participate, as
appropriate, in decisions about the
Through pre-arranged meetings with
the Title I Parent Involvement Liaison
(Ms. Prince)
Through pre-arranged meetings with
teachers which may include the Title I
Parent Involvement Liaison, the
principal, and other staff as
Through meetings with the Student
Support Team
Though meetings with the counselor
and/or administrators
Parents of children attending Club Hill
Elementary may submit comments in
writing to their child’s teacher, the
Title I Parent Involvement Liaison, or
the principal.
In order to build and support a strong
partnership between the school, parents,
and community, and to improve student
achievement, Club Hill Elementary School
will do the following:
Club Hill Elementary School will help
parents better understand state and
district standards, assessments, and how
to monitor their child’s progress in the
following ways:
The annual Title I meetings
Parent-teacher conferences
Tuesday folders
Parent University Classes
Monthly newsletters
Progress reports
Report Cards
On-line grade book
Each parent will receive a report
about their child’s performance on
the State assessments
Materials and training will be provided to
parents to help students become more
successful through:
PTA Meetings
Parent University Classes
Tuesday folders
Parent-teacher conferences
The campus Parent Involvement Liaison
will make sure that information related to
school and parent programs, meetings,
and other activities is sent in a format that
parents can easily understand, and
whenever reasonably possible, in a
language that parents can understand.
Community organizations and businesses
are encouraged to participate in parental
involvement activities.
Funds set aside for parental
involvement will be spent on the
agreed upon activities
Materials and refreshments will be
provided when possible
How to reach out to parents
Club Hill Elementary School will work with
the following involvement programs when
 Head Start
 Parent Coffee with Administrators
 Family Fitness Night
 Parent University
 Donuts with Dad
 AR Night
 Veterans Day
 Grandparents’ Day
 STEAM Challenge Day
 Porch Party
 Cinco De Mayo
 Field Day
 AR Night
appointment. Parents who need to
request a home visit may contact the
Title I Parent Involvement Liaison or
their child’s teacher.
Reasonable support for parental
involvement activities will be provided.
Professional development for teachers,
principals, and other school staff will be
provided, with the assistance of parents in
the following areas:
Literacy Training will be provided and
funded by Title I.
AR Night
Volunteers will be trained to assist with
parental involvement activities.
Campus Volunteer Training
For parents who are unable to attend
parental involvement activities at school,
there will be home visits and meetings at
alternative locations provided.
We will recruit local businesses to
volunteer on our Campus
Improvement Team
Partnerships with organizations and
businesses are coordinated through
the BEST Foundation
Club Hill Elementary School is committed
to the success of students. We will work
together with parents to make sure that
our Title I program is effective in
developing students who achieve.
Shared Responsibilities for High Student
Academic Achievement:
As a part of the Campus Parent
Involvement Policy, a School-Parent
Contract will be developed jointly with
parents. This contract will outline how
parents, the entire school staff, and
students will work together for improved
student achievement.
Home visits for parents with
disabilities will be arranged by
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