Chem 1110 - Xavier University of Louisiana

CHEM 1110/1110D
Chemistry I
Lecture: TR 9:25-10:40, 37-160
Fall 2012
Recitation: M 10:00-11:30 36-103
Instructor: Dr. Teresa Birdwhistell
Office: 37-341
ph: 520-7370
Office Hours: M 9-10; W 9-11; R 1:30-3:30
Course description: Stoichiometry, atomic theory, molecular structure and
bonding, chemical reactions, physical properties, thermochemistry, periodic trends,
gas laws, and intermolecular forces. Three lecture hours and one recitation per
Prerequisites: completion of all developmental math requirements with a grade of
C or better.
Corequisites: CHEM 1110, CHEM 1110D, and CHEM 1111L.
Additional detail: This course sequence is designed for students who are
interested in a career and/or advanced study in chemistry or chemistry-related
fields. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of the concepts
underlying each of the topics covered, and developing strong reasoning skills. This
sequence is recommended for students majoring in Chemistry (ACS certified),
Biochemistry, or Chemical Engineering. Students in other majors who are
interested in a more challenging chemistry experience may also choose this course
sequence with permission of the instructor.
Required text and materials:
1. Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, Lemay, Bursten, Murphy, and
Woodward, 12th ed.
2. Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student by Harold Levine (Amsco School
Publications, Inc., 1983, 3rd or 4th ed.
3. Calculator with logs, trig functions, and scientific notation (must be nonprogrammable).
4. Framework molecular model kit made by Prentice Hall. This kit will be
usable with all subsequent chemistry courses.
Course objectives:
Upon completing the Chemistry I-II sequence, a student should:
1. Have a perspective of the scope of modern chemistry and its implications for
2. Have an understanding of the scientific method and how it is used to answer
questions in science.
3. Display mastery of those concepts of chemistry needed to succeed in upper
level chemistry and chemistry-based courses.
CHEM 1110/1110D
Chemistry I
Fall 2012
General requirements: You must be registered for CHEM 1110, CHEM 1110D, and
CHEM 1111L in order to receive credit for CHEM 1110. The lecture will meet 3h
per week. Students will also be required to complete online homework assignments
on a weekly basis. The recitation will meet once a week for 90 minutes. The
recitation will serve as a bridge between lecture and lab. It will be used to discuss
the upcoming lab and the results of the previous lab in detail. Lab quizzes will be
administered during the recitation instead of in the lab so that students have the
maximum amount of time to work on their experiments during the lab. Vocabulary
quizzes will also be administered weekly during the recitation period. After the
quizzes and lecture, students will participate in peer-led problem solving sessions
involving material from both lecture and lab.
Attendance Policy: The university attendance policy for non-degree credit and
1000 level courses states that absence is considered excessive when the number of
absences exceeds twice the number of times the class meets per week. This means
that six absences is the maximum number of absences allowed for MWF lectures
and four absences is the maximum number of absences allowed for TR lectures. The
total number of absences includes days missed for any reason including illness, late
registration, or late enrollment in the course. Excessive absences will result in the
grade of FE (failure because of excessive absence). The university attendance policy
is stated in the university catalog.
Academic misconduct: Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to
1. using unauthorized materials in completion of an exam, quiz, or assignment;
2. assisting or gaining assistance from an unauthorized source during an exam,
quiz, or assignment;
3. providing assistance to another student in a manner not authorized by the
4. obtaining an examination or assignment in an unauthorized manner;
5. using material from a source without giving proper citation;
6. improperly fabricating or altering data;
7. submitting work to one class that is substantially similar to work submitted
for another class without prior approval from the instructors involved;
8. submitting written work that is not completely one’s own or allowing others
to submit one’s work;
9. destroying or altering the work of another student;
10. committing any other violation of academic integrity as described in course
Disciplinary sanctions for academic misconduct include academic censure, academic
suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the University. The full text of the College
of Arts and Sciences’ Academic Integrity Policy can be found at
CHEM 1110/1110D
Chemistry I
Fall 2012
Students with disabilities: It is the policy of Xavier University of Louisiana to
accommodate individuals with disabilities pursuant to federal law and the
University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities. It is the responsibility
of the student to present documentation to the instructor that clearly outlines all
necessary accommodations. Any student requiring accommodations should contact
Ms. Sheila August in the Counseling and Wellness Center in Building 15. After the
student has received his/her accommodation form, he/she should meet with the
instructor to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as soon as possible.
The accommodations will begin the date the form is received by the instructor.
Evacuation Policy: In the event that classes are cancelled due to a hurricane
evacuation, assignments and other course materials will be posted on Blackboard.
Students should access the Blackboard site as soon as possible following such an
Final course grades will be assigned on a 10-pt scale
Hour exams
3 x 100pts
300 pts
Online homework
11 x 20 pts
Lecture points
20 pts
20 pts
Vocabulary quizzes
9 x 5 pts
45 pts
Recitation problems
11 x 20 pts
220 pts
Final exam
200 pts
200 pts
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below
1005 pts