Creative thinking - Assuring Graduate Capabilities

Adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and acknowledged with thanks. See Assuring Graduate Capabilities
Definition: Creative thinking is the capacity to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways and the experience of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way characterized by a high degree of innovation.
Novice to Competent categories
Acquiring Competencies
Refers to acquiring knowledge and skills
within a particular field of study.
Curiosity and Risk taking
May include personal risk (fear of
embarrassment or rejection) or risk of
failure in completing assignment.
Students after their first year can …
List and describe: Successfully reproduce an
appropriate exemplar by listing relevant
independent aspects and describing their effects.
Students after their second year can …
Relate and adapt: Successfully adapt appropriate
exemplars by integrating one or more related
independent aspects into an original structure.
Graduates can …
Reflect, explain and hypothesise: Reflect on what
has been discovered and generate hypotheses that
explain the causes of relevant aspects in a particular
field of study.
Stay strictly within the guidelines of the assignment. Include some new directions or approaches but stay Explore new directions or approaches to the
within the guidelines of the assignment.
assignment, which may differ from those suggested
in the course. Formulate and logically defend an
informed opinion supported by relevant facts or
experience that has been generated by themselves
or by others.
Embracing Contradictions
Acknowledge (mention in passing) alternate,
divergent or contradictory perspectives or ideas.
Include (recognize the value of) alternate,
Incorporate alternate, divergent or contradictory
divergent, or contradictory perspectives or ideas in perspectives or ideas in an exploratory way and
a small way.
debate their benefits and shortfalls.
Innovative Thinking
Reformulate a collection of available ideas.
Experiment with creating a novel or unique idea,
question, format or product.
Create a novel or unique idea, question, format, or
Compare and contrast different ideas or solutions
and connect them in novel ways.
Synthesize new concepts by assembling existing
ideas or solutions into a coherent and unique
Novelty or uniqueness (of idea, claim,
question, form, etc.)
Connecting, Synthesizing,
Recognize existing connections among ideas or
Suggest different ways in which a firm could take
advantage of an identified marketing opportunity,
but not necessarily be able to evaluate those
options through appropriate application of relevant
Generate original ideas, examples, personal
Complete a task given an incomplete or
experiences or observations, and explain how those rudimentary outline of what is required, such as
support or contradict the content of an academic developing an advertising brief for an agency based
article or lecture.
on a broad marketing strategy outline.
Support for this resource has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in this resource
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. Last updated May 2011.