RC Circuit

RC Circuits
RC Circuits
Pre-lab questions
1. What is the meaning of the time constant, RC?
2. Show that RC has units of time.
3. Why isn’t the time constant defined to be the time it takes the capacitor to become fully
charged or discharged?
4. Explain conceptually why the time constant is larger for increased resistance.
5. Why can’t we use a multimeter to measure the voltage for the circuits used in the simulations
(if we built the equivalent circuit)?
6. Draw and label a graph that shows the voltage across a capacitor that is charging and
discharging (for the circuit diagramed in figure 1).
The goal in this lab is to observe the time-varying voltages in several simple circuits involving a
capacitor and resistor. In the first part, you will use very simple tools to measure the voltage as a
function of time: a multimeter and a stopwatch. Your lab write-up will deal primarily with data
taken in this part.
In the second part of the lab, you will use a computer simulation to supplement the data you
collected in part 1. Typically, this measurement would be performed with an oscilloscope in an
electronics lab. The oscilloscope is a much more sophisticated and powerful laboratory instrument –
it allows scientists to observe the time dependent behavior of an RC circuit on a *much* faster
timescale. While it is a powerful tool, there is a bit of learning curve to using it which would detract
from the focus on the time constants in question. Your observations in this part will be qualitative.
Part 1. Capacitor Discharging Through a Resistor
You will measure the voltage across a
capacitor as a function of time as the
capacitor discharges through a resistor.
The simple circuit you will use is shown
in Figure 1. The capacitor, C, is an
electrolytic capacitor of approximately
1000  F, but be sure to check with the
capacitance meter the actual capacitance
Figure 1
of the part given to you. The resistor is a
variable resistor (resistor substitution box). You can choose the resistance based on the settings of
the different knobs and check the actual resistance with the multimeter. Choose a resistance that will
allow you to measure a decay curve in approximately 5 minutes. DMM in the figure represents the
digital multimeter used to measure DC voltage across the capacitor. The idea is simple: by closing
switch S, you will charge up the capacitor to approximately 10 volts using the adjustable power
supply. The capacitor is connected in parallel with a resistor, so that when you open the switch the
capacitor will begin discharging through the resistor. Using a stopwatch and multimeter, you will
RC Circuits
record the capacitor voltage approximately every 20 seconds until the capacitor has almost
completely discharged. The goal is to examine the exponential decay of this RC circuit.
Part 2. More Series RC circuits (and a simulation)
2 switch
Figure 2
We shall use an online simulator to study the rapid charging and discharging of a capacitor in a
simple RC circuit similar to the one shown in Fig. 2. In place of the multimeter used in the first part
of lab, the simulation has a voltage display to measure the voltage across the capacitor.
Assume the capacitor has zero charge on its plates and the switch is then put in position 1 as
shown. This puts the resistor and capacitor in series with the power supply. Current flows and the
capacitor charges up. How does the magnitude of the resistance affect the speed of charging?
When the switch is initially switched to position 1, current will flow easily and the charge Q on
the capacitor will build up quickly. Simultaneously, the potential difference across the capacitor
increases until it equals the potential difference applied to the circuit from the power supply, Vemf .
Current will then no longer flow. If on the other hand, R is large, then a smaller current flows initially
and it takes a longer time for the capacitor to charge.
RC Circuits
It can be shown theoretically that the voltage across the charging capacitor in the circuit described
above is:
VC  Vemf (1  et / RC ) .
This discussion is correct only for the charging of the capacitor. What happens if the switch is
now moved to position 2? This takes the power supply out of the circuit. The capacitor now
discharges through the resistor until there is no potential difference between the plates. This is the
same situation you studied in Part 1. The voltage across the discharging capacitor is given by:
VC  Vemf et / RC .
Why find the time constant? The time constant is a characteristic of all exponential curves and
tells us, in a single number, how fast or slow the curve is rising or decaying. For any exponential
function, knowing the time constant tells us how long it takes for that function to fall to 1/e, or
~37%, of its initial value for a decay; or how long it will take for a rising exponential function to
reach (1–1/e), or ~63% of its final value. For example, under ideal conditions, the number of
bacteria in a culture grows exponentially, and the growth can be described by an exponential
equation: N(t) = Noekt, where No is the number of bacteria initially present, N(t) is the number
present some time t later, and k is the time constant, indicating how fast the culture will grow.
Part 1. Capacitor Discharging Through a Resistor
1. Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. 1 using banana plug cables. NOTE THE CAPACITOR
HAS + AND – LEADS. Be sure the + end is connected to the positive (RED) connector on the power
supply and the – end is connected to the negative (BLACK) connector. THE CAPACITOR WILL
2. Charge the capacitor: turn on the power supply with the control knob fully counterclockwise
(zero), close the switch and then turn up the power supply until the voltage across the capacitor and
resistor is approximately 10 volts, as indicated on the multimeter.
3. When the control knob is set where you want it, record V0, the charged capacitor voltage.
4. Open the switch and at successive intervals of approximately 20 seconds (20 s, 40 s, 60 s,
etc.), record the voltage. Continue taking readings until you feel you have enough data to plot the
decay curve.
Part 2. Simulation
1. Access the PhET web site, click on simulations and choose Circuit Construction Kit: DC &AC
from the Electricity, Magnets and Circuits sublist.
2. Build an RC circuit similar to this example that will allow a capacitor to charge and discharge.
Include an ammeter as well as two voltmeters in your circuit:
RC Circuits
3. Charge the capacitor – describe qualitatively what happens to the voltage and the current
through the capacitor with respect to time.
4. Now discharge the capacitor (how?) and sketch a graph of voltage vs. time for the resistor
and capacitor.
5. Predict the changes to the graph if the resistor value were to be increased or decreased.
Right click on the resistor and change the value to see if your prediction is correct. Make a
new qualitative graph of the effects of at least 3 changes to resistance.
6. Now predict what happens if you change the value of the capacitance. Again, test your
theory by right clicking on the capacitor to make that change.
7. Further open investigations. Make at least two more circuits with the simulation. Look at
the effect of having at least two capacitors in series and in parallel. Sketch the circuit you
build and record the voltage vs. time over each capacitor. What happens, qualitatively, if
you change the values of the capacitances?
1. Make a plot of ln Vc V0  vs. t from the data obtained in Part 1.
2. The equation for the capacitor voltage as a function of time is given as VC  V0 e  t / RC . Make a
least-squares linear fit of your plot of ln Vc V0  vs. t. Identify the parameters used in the fit to the
equation for the exponential decay of the capacitor voltage.
3. For part two, how accurate are your time constants from the oscilloscopes? Do your
measured time constants match the predicted values based on the recorded R and C values? How
precise is the measurement?
1. Compare the value of the time constant obtained to the predicted value, computed from the
known values of R and C.
2. Is the agreement to within the accuracy of the value for RC measured using the capacitance
and multimeter?
3. What are some uses for capacitors in the real world? List examples of at least three practical
applications for capacitors.
4. What general statements can you make after working with the simulation?
5. What did you learn from this lab that may benefit you in the future?
6. How would you improve this lab in the future?