WORD file - Clatsop County Cultural Coalition


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

2015 Grant Guidelines and Information (page one)


The Clatsop County Cultural Coalition is funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust to award funds to projects that support, maintain, preserve and protect cultural programs in the visual and performing arts, heritage, and humanities in Clatsop County.

Applicant Eligibility

Individuals and groups located in Clatsop County are eligible to apply. It is not necessary to have

501(c)3 non-profit status.

Grant Funds

Grant funds are awarded in December 2015 to support activity occurring between January 1,

2016, and December 31, 2016. Grant funds are available up to $2,000 per project. A total of

$8,500-10,000 is awarded each grant cycle.

Clatsop County Coalition Funding Priorities

Raise the awareness of culture in the area of visual and performing arts, heritage, and humanities

 New or improved cultural programs

Consistent and comprehensive publicity and media coverage

An integration of arts, heritage, or humanities through activities for area youth and adult life-long learning

A plan to minimize scheduling conflicts

Support the preservation, functionality, and/or sustained usage of physical facilities for visual and performing arts, heritage, and/or humanities in Clatsop County.

Improvement of a facility

An increased number of cultural events

Increased audience size

Strengthen the overall health of existing non-profit organizations, schools, individuals, or businesses related to visual and performing arts, heritage, and/or humanities in Clatsop County.

A clear enhancement of the cultural community

Collaborative events with non-profit organizations

Plan for recruitment and retention of volunteers

A provision for training and development

Unallowable Uses of Coalition Grant Funds

Grants will not be used for personnel salaries, travel reimbursement, deficit reduction, contingency funds, interest on loans, fines or litigation costs, lobbying expenses, tuition for academic study or personal equipment acquisition. Requests for equipment purchases should address the disposition of the equipment at the conclusion of the project.


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

2015 Grant Guidelines and Information (page Two)

Application Requirements

* Submit a complete application using 12 point font. You are encouraged to download the application form from our website, www.clatsopculturalcoalition.org, and word process.

* Applications must be signed by an authorizing official (Chief Executive Officer and/or Board

Member or designee). Unsigned applications will not be accepted.

* All applicants must provide a detailed project budget showing anticipated expenses, revenues and/or contributions from individuals, governments, or businesses in support of the project.

The project budget must describe how budget figures were calculated.

* Non-profits should attach a copy of their IRS determination letter.

* Organizations should attach a copy of the Board of Directors roster including primary affiliations and contact information for each member.

* If requesting funding for a collaborative project, include a letter from participating individuals or organizations stating how they will collaborate in the project.

* If requesting funding to support activities in, or in partnership with K-12 schools or the community college, include a letter of support from the participating institution stating how they have been involved in planning and how they will participate in the project.


Completed applications including supplementary documents need to arrive prior to Sunday,

November 1, 2015. Fax, e-mailed, and hand-delivered applications will not be accepted.

Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed.

Mail all applications to:

Clatsop County Cultural Coalition

PO Box 864

Astoria OR 97103


All recipients will be required to complete a final expense and narrative evaluation prior to

August 1, 2016 (or later by prior arrangement). Photos of projects in progress are encouraged.

Applicants are encouraged to read the Clatsop County Cultural Coalition plan and FAQ which are online at www.clatsopculturalcoaltion.org and to attend one of the workshops offered by the Coalition in the fall prior to the application deadline. The workshops will be publicized in the media and on the website.

For more information, email “information@clatsopculturalcoalition.org” or call 503-325-2431.

Clatsop County


Applicant Information


Applicant Name



City, State, Zip

Daytime phone

E-mail address

Cultural Coalition

Grant Application Cover Sheet

Project Director/Contact Information (if different from applicant)



City, State Zip

Daytime Phone

E-mail address

_______________________________________ ______________________________________

Project Title (10 Words or Less) Date(s) of project or project duration

Total project cost Amount being requested

Check one or more as appropriate:

This project falls under:

____ Performing and Visual ARTS ___ HERITAGE ___ HUMANITIES

Did you receive Coalition funding last year? _____ For what purpose? _________

How many people will participate / be affected by this project? _________

Does your organization have non-profit status? (not necessary for application) _____

Are there other organizations or individuals involved directly with this project? ______

Please include:

* A copy of your IRS determination letter if your group is a non-profit

* A copy of your Board of Directors roster with contact information and primary affiliations

* A letter of collaboration from participating organizations or individuals

* A letter of support from participating institutions if you are requesting funds to partner with a school or college

I certify that the information contained in this grant application is correct and the governing board of this organization has approved submitting this grant application to the Clatsop County Cultural Trust.

______________________________________ __________________________

Signature of Chief Executive Officer or Main Applicant Date

_____________________________________ ___________________________

Name of Chief Executive Officer or Main Applicant (printed ) Title


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

Grant Application -1

Please answer the following questions as concisely as possible using 12 pt. font. You are encouraged to download the form and word process. You may create additional space as necessary. If a question doesn’t apply to you, write “Not Applicable.”


Organization Name:

Organization’s Mission (mission statement - 50 words or less):

Organization’s History (briefly describe your organization’s history, 150 words maximum):

Programs and Services

(briefly describe your organization’s programs and services, 150 words maximum):

Organizational Structure:

Number of Board Members: _______

Number of Paid Staff: ________

Number of Volunteers: ________


Project Title (10 words or less):

Project Summary (50 words or less):

Project Description: (150 words maximum per response; be brief and concise.)

1. What is the overall goal of your project and who is the target audience?

2. What are the specific activities for which you seek funding?

3. What is the timeframe in which these activities will take place?

4. Please list personnel responsible for this project and briefly describe their qualifications.

5. How does your project address the Clatsop County Cultural Coalition Priorities? (The three priorities and sub-goals are included in the cover sheet. 150 words per priority maximum)


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

Grant Application -2


If applicable, what will cooperating groups provide?

7. If collaborating with other groups, what cooperative planning has already taken place?

8. How will your proposed project benefit the community?

9. What will happen to this project if the full amount is not awarded? Can it move forward with partial funding?

10 . How will you promote this project and the Coalition’s involvement in it?

Reminder - please include:

* A copy of your IRS determination letter if your group is a non-profit

* A copy of your Board of Directors roster with contact information and primary affiliations

* A letter of collaboration from participating organizations or individuals

* A letter of support from participating institutions if you are requesting funds to partner with a school or college

* A completed Project Budget


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

Required Project Budget

Proposed budget for :______________________________________

Title of your Project

Please limit your budget summary to the project at hand. We do not need your financial statement for the entire year.

Make sure your budget is clear, reasonable, and supports your project.


Salary: Cost for hourly or salaried employees

Travel and Per Diem : Travel, lodging, and food. For mileage, use your organization’s mileage rate or the state rate.

Contractual Services: Utilizing individuals or groups on a contract basis that are not part of an organization’s personnel, i.e. rental of a space, hiring a theater troupe or band, etc.

Supplies/Materials: Items that are consumed, distributed, or used, such as refreshments, programs or paint

Equipment: Items like audiovisual equipment or computers

NOTE: Include a brief description and calculations for each line item. Please attend a workshop or contact the information number in the grant information sheet if you need help with this form.





Other Contributions of Funds, Goods, and Services

(specify sources)

Cultural Trust




Salaries Not allowed

Not allowed Travel and Per

Diem Costs



Supplies and




Totals should agree right to left and top to bottom and with the figures submitted on the first page of the application.


Clatsop County

Cultural Coalition

Evaluation and Review

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your application. It is to your benefit to address these areas in your narrative.

Quality and Significance of Program/Project (40 points)

* quality and significance of program/ project

* alignment with Clatsop Cultural Coalition grant categories (visual and performing arts, heritage, humanities)

* thoroughness of planning

* likelihood that project will succeed

* completeness of information supplied on application and in attachments

Community Impact and Public Benefit (30 points)

* Relevance to Clatsop Cultural Coalition’s goals and funding priorities

* benefit to community

* increased local access to culture

Organization Management and Program (30 points)

* appropriateness of budget

* qualifications of project personnel

* evidence of sound financial planning

* evidence of community support and collaboration through matching funds or in-kind services

* likelihood that project is feasible logistically and financially

