CARNABY’S COCKATOO HABITAT SURVEY ASSESSMENT OF THE PERTH – PEEL REGION Prepared for Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Funded by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities through the Sustainable Regional Development Program June 2013 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on DOCUMENT TRACKING ITEM D E TA I L Project Name SEWPaC Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Habitat Assessment Perth-Peel Region Project Number 12PERECO-0055 Robert Browne-Cooper Project Manager (08) 9227 1070 ELA Suites 1&2 49 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 Prepared by Robert Browne-Cooper, Lewis Trotter, Teresa Gepp Approved by Teresa Gepp Status Final Version Number 6 Last saved on 8 February 2016 Cover photo Site photos taken during this assessment, Carnaby’s Cockatoo, Banksia woodland, and cockatoo foraging residues (Banksia flowers and pods) CITATION This report should be cited as ‘Eco Logical Australia 2013. Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Habitat Assessment of the Perth – Peel Region. Prepared for the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. CREATIVE COMMONS This report is licensed under Creative Commons ( Attribution 3.0 Australia licence ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document has been prepared by Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd with support from Erin Pears, Paul Keighley and Dave Osborn, David Mitchell, Teagan Johnston and Hugh Finn. Disclaimer This document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the contract between Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd and SEWPaC. The scope of services was defined in consultation with SEWPaC, by time and budgetary constraints imposed by the client, and the availability of reports and other data on the subject area. Changes to available information, legislation and schedules are made on an ongoing basis and readers should obtain up to date information. Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report and its supporting material by any third party. Information provided is not intended to be a substitute for site specific assessment or legal advice in relation to any matter. Unauthorised use of this report in any form is prohibited. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss of damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD i SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 1 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Strategic Assessment Overview ................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Habitat Assessment Objectives .................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Project Area ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Expert Consultation ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.2 Sample Site Selection ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Sample Points............................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Feeding Residue .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.5 Foraging Resource ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.6 Validation of Vegetation Communities ......................................................................................... 8 2.7 Opportunistic Searches for Roosts ............................................................................................... 8 2.8 Survey Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 9 3 Results ....................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Feeding Residue ........................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 Foraging Resources ................................................................................................................... 13 3.3 Validation of Vegetation Communities ....................................................................................... 15 3.4 Roost Survey .............................................................................................................................. 23 4 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 31 4.1 Feeding Residues ....................................................................................................................... 31 4.2 Foraging Resource ..................................................................................................................... 32 4.3 Validation of Vegetation Communities ....................................................................................... 32 5 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 33 5.1 Further data analysis .................................................................................................................. 33 5.2 Additional surveys ...................................................................................................................... 33 5.3 Additional guidance for proponents ............................................................................................ 33 References ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Appendix A: Sample Point Locations ................................................................................................. 35 Appendix B: Field survey data sheet .................................................................................................. 47 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD ii SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Appendix C: Foraging Habitat Assessment Raw Data ...................................................................... 48 Appendix D – Opportunistic Roost Survey data ................................................................................ 81 Appendix E: Site Photos ....................................................................................................................... 82 List of Figures Figure 1: Site Location map of Perth – Peel Region .................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Map of Perth-Peel site boundary and the survey sample locations .......................................... 11 Figure 3: Mean Banksia tree density for all survey localities ................................................................... 14 Figure 4: Mean Banksia pod density for all survey localities ................................................................... 14 Figure 5: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods or cones) – Perth North ..... 24 Figure 6: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods or cones) – Perth South ..... 25 Figure 7: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods and cones) – Peel region ... 26 Figure 8: Foraging Residue - Banksia flowers recorded .......................................................................... 27 Figure 9: Foraging Residue - Banksia pods quantities recorded ............................................................. 28 Figure 10: Foraging Resource Estimates - mean Banksia tree density (trees/m 2) .................................. 29 Figure 11: Foraging Resource Estimates - mean Banksia pod density (pods/m 2) .................................. 30 List of Tables Table 1: Survey locations and sample points ........................................................................................... 10 Table 2: Foraging Residue recorded within survey locations .................................................................. 12 Table 3: Validation of mapped vegetation types ...................................................................................... 16 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD iii SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Abbreviations Abbreviation Description CBD Central Business District DEC Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation ELA Eco Logical Australia EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 GIS Global Information System IBRA Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia MNES Matters of national environmental significance NP National park NR Nature Reserve NRM Natural Resource Management SCP Swan Coastal Plain SEWPaC Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities UCL Unallocated Crown Land WC Act Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD iv SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Executive Summary The Federal and Western Australian Governments are undertaking a comprehensive strategic assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions of Western Australia. The strategic assessment will facilitate a consistent 'big-picture' approach to environment and heritage protection as well as the types of land use development that will be allowed, and the conditions under which development may go ahead. The strategic assessment will enable a strategic approach to the management and protection of Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) within the Perth – Peel regions, with Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Calyporhynchus latirostris) being a key MNES for the regions. Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was consequently engaged by SEWPaC to conduct a Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat assessment to address key knowledge gaps in relation to the species’ habitat and use of habitat within the Perth and Peel Regions. The research has been identified as necessary to support regional planning and to contribute to determination of what measures need to be undertaken to ensure Carnaby’s Cockatoo persists in perpetuity in the Perth and Peel regions. Following commencement of the project it was determined that a focus on foraging habitat values and use, in order to provide information on potential foraging habitat resources value based on habitat modelling being undertaken by the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This report provides ecological and spatial data on Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat that will be used in habitat modelling and population viability analyses for long-term Carnaby’s Cockatoo Conservation. The objectives for the habitat assessment were to: Ground truth vegetation communities modelled by DEC as likely foraging habitat for Carnaby’s Cockatoo. Quantify Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat value within areas of remnant foraging habitat within the Perth and Peel regions. Determine Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat usage of remnant foraging habitat within the Perth and Peel regions. Provide additional opportunistic data on roost site usage. In accordance with methodologies approved by State and Federal Government 27 sample locations were selected comprising 333 points, across the Swan Coastal Plain. These were surveyed for Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat value and foraging evidence. The Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging plant species recorded during the field survey were compared to previous vegetation mapping which provided a basis for validating the modelled vegetation data. Foraging residues, either chewed banksia pods or flowers, were found to be extensive being recorded at 24 of the 27 localities surveyed. Of the 1665 Banksia trees searched during this survey, approximately 16 % of trees had some evidence of either recent or old banksia flower or pod foraging residue. The amount of foraging residue recorded was variable both within individual sample locations as well as across the Perth – Peel landscape. In terms of foraging resource, mean banksia tree density ranged from 266 to 534 trees per hectare across the localities surveyed. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 1 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Based on the results, Carnaby’s Cockatoo forages extensively throughout the Perth and Peel regions on Banksia attenuta and B. menziesii. Some differences observed in the spatial distribution of foraging residues may be due to the differences in foraging resource availability across the region. Even though there was a paucity of Carnaby’s Cockatoo presence observed during the survey, the extensive foraging residue, particularly in bushland areas south of the Swan River, indicates that Banksia attenuata flowers are an extensively utilized, albeit highly seasonal nectar and invertebrate food source. A lack of foraging evidence recorded within some areas surveyed that support Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging plant species is unlikely to be an absolute indication of actual usage. An absence of foraging activity may be attributed to other factors such as annual rainfall variability, fire or irregular foraging activity at a spatial or temporal level. Some variability between sample locations in Banksia pod density is likely to be due to fire history, water stress and possibly Phytophthora dieback. Other factors likely to be affecting Banksia pod density relate to productivity and growth habit caused by soil, topography and local climate. This may explain the variation observed across the Perth and Peel regions. There was a high level of conformity of the mapped vegetation communities in terms of important foraging species for Carnaby’s Cockatoo. For the most extensive and dominant foraging plant groups, Banksias and Eucalypts, these genera were identified on-ground extensively within all sites where they have been previously mapped. Based on the survey results, the Department of Environment and Conservation’s Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat modelling provides a broad scale but reliable tool for assessing foraging habitat; however there is some scope for enhancing the vegetation mapping at a finer scale based on spatial data on soils and topography. This is likely to identify additional areas of Banksia woodland at fine scale within areas currently mapped as lacking in foraging plant species. The implication being, those areas modelled as non-foraging habitat may in some areas include patches of foraging habitat, however implications that this may have on any future land planning within the Perth – Peel region would be site specific and a matter for DSEWPaC to assess. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 2 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Introduction 1 1. 1 St ra teg i c As s e s sm e nt O v e rv i ew The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) and the Western Australian Government is undertaking a comprehensive strategic assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions of Western Australia. This strategic assessment is to be undertaken in accordance with section 146 of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The strategic assessment will enable a strategic approach to the management and protection of Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) within the Perth and Peel regions; areas of high economic growth and land development. It will facilitate a consistent 'big-picture' approach to environment and heritage protection that provides certainty in the long term, by determining areas most appropriate for conservation protection and areas most suitable for sustainable development, as well as the types of land use development that will be allowed, and the conditions under which development may go ahead. Matters of National Environmental Significance to which the EPBC Act applies in the Perth and Peel Regions include: National heritage places Wetlands of international importance (Ramsar sites) Nationally threatened species and ecological communities; and Migratory species Of the nationally threatened species, Carnaby’s Cockatoo (Calyporhynchus latirostris) occurs throughout much of south-west Western Australia, including the Perth and Peel Regions and is listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act. This species is and will continue to be an important and high profile species of national significance that is the focus of Commonwealth environmental approvals for land development proposals within the Perth and Peel regions. 1. 2 H abi t at As s e s sm en t O b je ctiv es Eco Logical Australia (ELA) was engaged by SEWPaC to conduct a Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat assessment to provide information on potential foraging habitat resources value and use, based on habitat modelling undertaken by the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This report provides ecological data on Carnaby’s Cockatoo that will be used in habitat modelling and population viability analyses for long-term Carnaby’s Cockatoo conservation. The objectives for the habitat assessment were to: Ground truth vegetation communities modelled by DEC as likely foraging habitat for Carnaby’s Cockatoo. Quantify Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat value within areas of remnant foraging habitat within the Perth and Peel regions. Determine Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat usage of remnant foraging habitat within the Perth and Peel regions. Provide additional opportunistic data on roost site usage. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 3 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 1. 3 P roj e ct Ar e a The project area for the Strategic Assessment consists of the Perth and Peel regions, incorporating all land within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Region Scheme (Perth Region) and the Peel Region Scheme planning instruments as well as the pine plantations and adjacent conservation land to the North. The Strategic Assessment project area extends from the City of Wanneroo in the north, to the Shire of Waroona to the south and including the local government areas of Murray, Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Armadale, Kalamunda, Mundaring and Swan as the eastern boundaries. The project area includes the two IBRA regions of the Swan Coastal Plain and Jarrah Forest. The soils of the Perth and Peel region include the Quindalup, Spearwood and Bassendean Dunes of the Swan Coastal Plain, the Darling Scarp and Plateau, and the Pinjarra Plains (Peel Development Commission 2012; Perth Region NRM 2013). The Swan Coastal Plain is characterised by its dominating Banksia and Tuart woodlands on sandy soils. The Jarrah Forest includes Marri-Wandoo woodlands and a mosaic of Jarrah forests on Mesozoic sediments (DEC 2013). The Perth and Peel region is defined to have a ‘Mediterranean’ climate with hot dry summers and cool wet winters. Average summer temperatures range from a maximum of 29°C and minimum of 17°C but can reach over 38°C. Winter temperatures average from a maximum of 18°C and minimum of 9°C (Peel Development Commission 2012; Perth Web Pty Ltd 2013). The region is a major economic centre of Western Australia and has a high economic growth and land development. There is increasing pressures on land clearing for residential and industrial development to cater for the growing population (Department of Planning 2010). © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 4 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 1: Site Location map of Perth – Peel Region © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 5 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on 2 Methodology 2. 1 Ex pe rt Co ns ult at ion To ensure the survey was undertaken in accordance with methodologies approved by State and Federal Government representatives, the survey methodology and site selection process for the foraging habitat survey was prepared in consultation with personnel from SEWPaC including Paul Keighley, and the DEC including David Mitchell, Teagan Johnston and Clayton Sanders. Other expert advice was sought from Tamara Kabat (BirdLife Australia), Tony Kirkby (WA Museum) and Hugh Finn (Murdoch University). 2. 2 Sa mp le Sit e S e le ct i on Sample sites were selected from a prioritisation process required due to the extensive study area and time and resource constraints for the study. Five broad areas within the Perth and Peel regions were identified as areas of interest to be surveyed; these being the northern Swan Coastal Plain (SCP), the southern SCP, Peel, Perth Hills and Southern Hills. It was determined that the northern and southern SCP and Peel areas were the highest priority for assessment, with the Perth and Southern Hills to be assessed only if time permitted. The northern SCP has extensive areas modelled as Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat and potential roosting habitat. Data is required on whether this habitat is being utilised. The southern SCP and Peel areas have highly fragmented remnants of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat. More data is needed about usage and therefore the significance of these bushland remnants for Carnaby’s Cockatoo. Perth and Southern Hills forests provide an extensive, but different assemblage of potential foraging habitats compared to the woodlands and shrublands of the Coastal Plain. Additional data is required on foraging and roosting habitat usage of these areas within Darling Range, however field assessment is complicated by use of the habitat by other species (including other black cockatoo species) and the difficulties of differentiating between them. Effort therefore focussed on assessment of sites on the Swan Coastal Plain, also reflecting the higher land use and development pressures compared to the forest region which is largely State forest under management by DEC. A total of 27 high priority sites were selected for surveying for Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat and foraging evidence across the Swan Coastal Plain of the Perth – Peel regions. This survey effort was a compromise between allowing extensive coverage of the Perth and Peel regions, and providing adequate sample size to allow some statistical analysis. The localities of these sites are shown in Figure 2. Sites were selected based on the considerations discussed below. Location of Sample Sites All sites were located within the Perth and Peel Regions with the exception of the locality: Muchea 2 in the Northern Swan Coastal Plain, where some sample points were located to the proximal eastern edge of the Perth and Peel Regions boundary. This area was included following discussion with David Mitchell (DEC) confirming the relevance of this area to the habitat assessment. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 6 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Habitat Sampling sites were selected based on spatial data on foraging habitat available from the DEC (Glossop 2011). This spatial data set is derived from the mapping of vegetation that contains plant species known to be preferred foraging plants for Carnaby’s Cockatoo as listed by Groom (2011). Land Tenure Land Tenure was a primary consideration in access, logistics, field efficiency and project reserves, Regional Parks, State forest and avoided for logistical considerations such as related time constraints. sample site selection for the purposes of maximising site timelines. Sites chosen included National Parks, Nature Unallocated Crown Land (UCL). Private property was the necessity to gain permission for land access and the Accessibility Sample sites were chosen based on accessibility by 4WD vehicle. In order to minimise edge effects however, sample points were located at least 10 metres from any vehicle track. Time Available The amount of survey that could be undertaken was influenced by the relatively short timeframe set for the project from inception to completion of reporting. 2. 3 S a mpl e P oint s For the 27 selected survey localities shown in Table 1, a total of 333 point locations (sample points) were chosen within Banksia woodland communities as mapped by Glossop et al (2011). At each sample point the GPS position was logged and the nearest five Banksia trees were assessed in terms of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging value and foraging residue. This gave a total of 1665 individual trees sampled during this survey with approximately equal amount of survey effort north and south of the Swan River, with 840 and 825 trees assessed respectively. The spatial arrangement and number of sample points at each of the 27 sites was determined primarily by the extent of bushland within each respective site. That is, based on Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat modelled (Glossop 2011), patch size and extent is highly variable across the Perth and Peel regions. For example the northern areas have extensive and highly connected areas dominated by Banksia attenuata – B.menziesii woodland, whereas southern bushland areas are highly fragmented and occur as comparatively small remnant patches within an extensively developed landscape. In addition, some bushland areas sampled comprised a mosaic of vegetation types including vegetation lacking Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging plant species. Therefore the number of points sampled within each locality varied from 6 to 18 sample points based on the area of available bushland and the distribution of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat. There was a minimum of 50 metre spacing between each sample point. 2. 4 F e edi ng R es idu e The survey was carried out from 7 to 28 March 2013 which coincided with Carnaby’s Cockatoo nonbreeding season. Searches were carried out below each of the five nearest mature (pod bearing) Banksia trees to identify Carnaby’s Cockatoo feeding residue (chewed pods or flowers) and qualify the presence, and quantify the amount and age, of foraging habitat usage at each sample point. The location and amount of chewed Banksia flowers and pods (foraging residues) where detected was © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 7 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on recorded for all sample points. All data collected at each sample point was recorded on a field data sheet (Appendix B) and is summarised in Table 1. Identification of foraging residues as that of Carnaby’s Cockatoo was based on well documented known foraging species, beak and chew patterns, and based on experience of direct observation of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging activity, as well as other locally occurring species. This allowed for a high level of certainty in foraging residue identification. At a number of sites, fallen limbs of adjacent Banksia trees resulted in numerous fallen banksia flowers being present. Careful assessment of fallen flowers was completed to determine if they were feeding residue or the result of tree fall. For a some sample points located in vegetation communities comprising Marri (Corymbia calophylla) Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) woodlands, the foraging resource was calculated primarily for the Banksia trees present to allow direct comparisons of survey localities, and due to the unreliability of estimating pods and blossom on tall Gum tree species. Photographs were taken of foraging residues and other observations recorded for later confirmation where required, and a selection of these are included as Appendix E. 2. 5 F or ag ing R e sou rc e At every sample point data was recorded for the five Banksia trees nearest the sample point. For each of the five Banksia trees the number of buds, flowers (both fresh and senescent), and pods on trees (both open and closed) was recorded. This data allowed for calculation of estimates of foraging resource characteristics including resource density trees and pods per m 2. Density was calculated based the circular area (m2) in which the banksias were sampled. For example, for a survey point where the furthest of the five banksias was 10 metres, then the radius of this sample area was 10 metres, then the sample area = π x 102 = 314 m2. Tree density in this example is therefore 5 trees per 314 m2, or approximately 159 trees per hectare. For the vast majority of the 333 points sampled Banksia attenuata – B. menziesii woodlands was the dominant component, however some sample points were located within low Banksia sessilis shrublands, where the density of B.sessilis foraging resource and foraging residue searches were based on a search of a 10 x 10 metre quadrat around each sample point. 2. 6 V al id at io n of V ege t at i on C om mun iti e s The Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging plant species recorded during the field survey at each sample point were compared to the vegetation descriptions accompanying the spatial data on foraging habitat mapped by Glossop (2011). Some mapped vegetation types that were surveyed during this study were not accompanied by a description of the dominant vegetation. For these sites, the vegetation codes were sourced from the Directory of Bush Forever Sites (Government of Western Australia 2000). Table 3 presents a comparison of the current mapped vegetation for the Perth and Peel Regions with the on-ground survey results for all sites surveyed, together with comments on whether the mapped vegetation conforms to the vegetation recorded during the survey. This provided a basis for validating the modelled spatial data. 2. 7 O p po rt un is t i c S ea r c he s f o r R o ost s Searches for Carnaby’s Cockatoo roost sites were carried out on an opportunistic basis as a secondary priority within this foraging habitat assessment. Using previously mapped confirmed and potential roost site from the 2012 Great Cocky Count (Kabat 2012) several locations were selected where there is a lack of known roosts. Within the vicinity of these locations, a position in the landscape such as hill top © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 8 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on or expansive wetland was chosen having a wide view of the surrounding landscape. These locations were visited during late afternoon for approximately half an hour to the time of sunset. The surrounding landscape, particularly the bushland canopy was scanned using binoculars to detect Carnaby’s Cockatoo in the general area. Where Cockatoos were recorded, the time, direction of flight and approximate number of birds was recorded. 2. 8 Su rv e y Li mit at i on s Banksia Flowering Periods The survey period was in March which does not coincide with peak flowering periods of some of the dominant Banksia species. The flowering period of Banksia attenuata peaks from January to February and flowering had finished in a number of northern sites surveyed. Consequently at some sites flowers on trees were at a late stage and other senescent flowers were disregarded. The presence of Pine plantations throughout the Perth and Peel regions, especially the northern Swan Coastal Plain, will have an effect on the seasonal foraging activity of Carnaby’s Cockatoo. Saunders (1974) found extensive feeding by Carnaby’s Cockatoo on the Gnangara pine plantations during the summer – autumn period, which coincides with pine seed production. Therefore there is likely to be a reduction of observable feeding activity of Carnaby’s Cockatoo on native Banksia pods during the survey period due to heavy preference for pine seed by Carnaby’s Cockatoo over this period. Decay of feeding residue Detection of old chewed banksia pods and flowers, and conclusions as to their being foraging evidence, may be unreliable due to the disintegration of pods caused by decomposition and termites. As fallen Banksia pods and flowers age, it becomes progressively challenging to positively identify those chewed by Carnaby’s Cockatoos due to the causes mentioned (RBC, pers.obs). Therefore data on presence of old feeding residue can only account to feeding activity in the short-term and cannot provide information on feeding activity over the medium and long-term. Flower Residue Identification The confirmation of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging residues based on flower spikes (inflorescences) can be difficult. Banksia attenuata and B.menziesii inflorescences can fall from trees as they age or due to adjacent tree or limbs falling, of due to water stress. Therefore, assessment of fallen Banksia flowers can be less reliable than identifying chewed Banksia pods. Identification of foraging flower residues as that of Carnaby’s Cockatoo was based on experience of direct observation of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging activity, as well as the documented food preference of Carnaby’s Cockatoo and other locally occurring species. This allowed for a high level of certainty in foraging residue identification. Flower residue data in this report provides a reliable indication of foraging evidence rather than an absolute value. Fire History Detection of foraging residues can be inaccurate in areas where recent fire may have destroyed foraging residue. In addition, the subsequent growth of exotic grass following fire can further reduce detectability. Fire is likely to be a relevant factor for several survey localities in which recent fire history was inferred from presence of indicator species. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 9 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Table 1: Survey locations and sample points Number of sample Number of points Banksia trees Survey locality assessed 1. Wilbinga - State Forest 18 90 2. Two Rocks – State Forest 18 90 3. Gingin West - Military Road – State Forest 18 90 4. Yanchep National Park 18 90 5. Yeal 1 – State Forest 15 75 6. Yeal 2 – State Forest 15 75 7. Muchea 1 – State Forest 15 75 8. Muchea 2 – State Forest 15 75 9. Melaleuca Park – Nature Reserve 18 90 10. Warbrook Road State Forest 18 90 11. Bulla Nature Reserve 12 60 12. Coronation Road West - UCL 12 60 13. Old Bunbury Road 12 60 14. Kooljerrenup Nature Reserve 12 60 15. Nine Mile Lake Nature Reserve 12 60 16. Brownes Road 6 30 17. Lake Mealup Nature Reserve 12 60 18. Carrabungup Nature Reserve 9 45 19. Austin Bay Nature Reserve 12 60 20. Thompsons Lake Reserve 6 30 21. Harry Waring Reserve 6 30 22. Beeliar Regional Park 6 30 23. Jandakot Regional Park 6 30 24. Leda Nature Reserve 12 60 25. Cardup Nature Reserve 6 30 26. Rockingham Lakes 12 60 27. Rockingham Lakes Regional Park 12 60 Total 333 1665 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 10 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 2: Map of Perth-Peel site boundary and the survey sample locations © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 11 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on 3 Results The foraging habitat assessment results are summarised in Table 2. This includes feeding residues (chewed banksia flowers and pods counted) and foraging resources presented as tree and pod densities. 3. 1 F e edi ng R es idu e Foraging residue, as either fallen chewed Banksia pods or flowers, was found to be extensive with residue recorded at 24 of the 27 localities surveyed. Of the 1665 Banksia trees assessed during this survey, approximately 16 % of trees had some evidence of either recent or old banksia flower or pod residue. Very little of the foraging residue was chewed pods, with approximately 96 % of all residue recorded being fallen flower spikes. The amount of feeding residue recorded was variable both within individual sample locations as well as across the Perth – Peel landscape. Figures 8 and 9 and Table 3 show proportionately more Banksia flower residues recorded south of the Swan River with approximately 85 % compared to only 15 % in the north. Comparison of Banksia pod residues shows a more even banksia pod residue distribution of 56 and 44 % respectively. Table 2: Foraging Residue recorded within survey locations Number of Number of Foraging residues Foraging resource density Banksia trees with recorded estimates trees foraging assessed residue Survey Locality Banksia Banksia Banksia Banksia flowers pods trees/ha pods/ha 1. Wilbinga 90 0 0 0 446 13861 2. Two Rocks 90 3 0 3 534 15498 3. Gingin West - Military Road 90 1 0 2 370 13478 4. Yanchep National Park 90 8 0 13 266 5119 5. Yeal 1 75 13 66 0 354 13469 6. Yeal 2 75 6 26 0 383 15456 7. Muchea 1 75 12 22 0 329 9942 8. Muchea 2 75 6 11 0 439 6771 9. Melaleuca Park N. R. 90 19 25 7 395 5829 10. Warbrook Road 90 14 16 2 422 7819 11. Bulla Nature Reserve 60 30 51 2 334 10559 12. Coronation Road 60 9 28 0 343 8825 13. Old Bunbury Road 60 33 113 7 459 12320 14. Kooljerrenup N.R 60 9 43 0 431 8868 15. Nine Mile Lake N. R. 60 35 228 4 334 14974 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 12 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Number of Number of Foraging residues Foraging resource density Banksia trees with recorded estimates trees foraging assessed residue Survey Locality Banksia Banksia Banksia Banksia flowers pods trees/ha pods/ha 16. Brownes Road 30 0 0 0 334 13439 17. Lake Mealup N.R. 60 13 46 0 343 17195 18. Carrabungup N.R. 45 4 42 0 382 25238 19. Austin Bay Nature Reserve 60 7 15 0 487 23241 20. Thompsons Lake Reserve 30 8 21 5 419 21582 21. Harry Waring Reserve 30 4 27 0 334 16217 22. Beeliar Regional Park 30 0 0 0 334 15754 23. Jandakot Regional Park 30 10 104 3 334 14533 24. Leda Nature Reserve 60 2 11 0 328 19727 25. Cardup Nature Reserve 30 2 11 0 314 20951 26. Rockingham Lakes 60 8 125 0 297 16567 60 11 40 0 477 28022 1665 267 1060 48 -------------- ________ 27. Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Total 3. 2 F or ag ing R e sou rc e s Mean Banksia tree density, based primarily on B. attenuata and B.menziesii being the two dominant species, ranged from 266 to 534 trees per hectare across the localities surveyed. There was no difference in mean tree density between sites in the north compared to sites south of the Swan River. In comparison the mean Banksia pod density across the sites surveyed (Figure 3) showed a greater variability ranging from 5119 to 28022 pods per hectare between survey localities. Survey localities on the northern Swan Coastal Plain had comparatively lower mean pod density than sites south of the Swan River with 10724 compared to 16941 pods per hectare. The Banksia tree and pod densities for all survey localities are presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 13 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Mean Banksia Tree Density for all localities surveyed 600 Banksia Tree Density (Trees/ha) 500 400 300 200 100 0 Figure 3: Mean Banksia tree density for all survey localities 30000 Mean Banksia Pod Density for all localities surveyed Banksia Pod Density (pods/ha) 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Figure 4: Mean Banksia pod density for all survey localities © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 14 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 3. 3 V al id at io n of V ege t at i on Com mun iti e s This survey assessed 27 localities in terms of their conformity with previous vegetation mapping by Glossop (2011). Table 3 provides an assessment of vegetation conformity with mapping, including foraging resource value as mean banksia tree and pod density, and foraging residue recorded. There was a high level of conformity of the mapped vegetation communities in terms of important foraging species for Carnaby’s Cockatoo. For the most extensive and dominant foraging plant groups, Banksias Eucalypts, these Genera were identified on-ground extensively within all sites where they have been previously mapped. Some inconsistency between mapped vegetation and on-ground assessment was found for vegetation communities mapped in lowland areas, or other areas of poor drainage. For example, sample points within Austin Bay Nature Reserve were recorded to have B.attenuata and B.menziesii present at a density of 487 trees per hectare. However the mapped vegetation description at the sample points is sedgelands with Banksia littoralis Low woodland, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla and scattered Eucalyptus gomphocephala. This description is accurate for much of the vegetation within Austin Bay Nature Reserve, however some patches of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat occur and this non-conformity is likely to relate to mapping scale. The DEC Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat modelling provides a broad scale but reliable tool for assessing foraging habitat; however there is some scope for enhancing the DEC vegetation mapping at finer scale based on soil and topography. This is likely to identify additional fine scale Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat within areas currently mapped as lacking in foraging plant species. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 15 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Table 3: Validation of mapped vegetation types For localities having more than one vegetation type (VEGCODE) the mean foraging resource value is across the locality. On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality Austin Bay NR VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 15 487 23241 0 334 15754 0 334 13439 35 334 10559 order of dominance (pods & flowers) Open to Closed Sedgelands of Baumea Conforms broadly juncea, Gahnia trifida, Lepidosperma with modelled longitudinale, Juncus kraussii or Baumea 211Va_V1a Cockatoo foraging B. attenuata vaginalis with Banksia littoralis Low Woodland, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla vegetation but Banksia spp occur B. grandis in eastern portion of Forest and scattered Eucalyptus Austin Bay nature gomphocephala Reserve Open Forest to woodland of Eucalyptus gomphocephala, E. marginata and E. Beeliar Regional 211Sp2 Park calophylla and combinations of these over Banksia attenuata, B.menziesii and A. fraseriana Low Woodland with X. preissii B. menziesii B. attenuata Conforms with modelled vegetation B. grandis and M. riedlei Low Shrubland Brownes Road 32 Guildford Complex: Open forest of C. calophylla Conforms with C.calophylla, E.marginata, E.wandoo* E. marginata modelled vegetation B. attenuata B. ilicifolia Southern River Complex: Bulla NR 42 C. calophylla, E. marginata, Banksia spp, fringing wetlands* B. grandis Conforms with C. calophylla modelled vegetation E. marginate © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 16 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 11 314 20951 42 382 25238 28 343 8825 order of dominance (pods & flowers) B. attenuata Cardup NR 32 Guildford Complex: Open forest of B. menziesii Conforms with C.calophylla, E.marginata, E.wandoo* B. grandis modelled vegetation C. calophylla Conforms broadly Cardup NR 212Bs__B1a B. attenuata with modelled Forest to Woodland of Eucalyptus B. menziesii vegetation but marginata & Corymbia calophylla B. grandis Banksia spp occur C. calophylla within site in patches Carrabungup NR 57 Vasse Complex: Eucalyptus B. attenuata Banksia spp occur gomphocephala, E, marginata, C. calophylla in batches within C.calophylla, E.rudis, Melaleuca spp* B. grandis site C. calophylla Conforms broadly Serpentine River Complex: Coronation Road West 35 Melaleuca shrubs and E.rudis fringing streams* B. attenuata vegetation but B. grandis E. marginata Coronation Road West 40 Cannington Complex: Mosaic of C. calophylla adjacent vegetation complexes, B. attenuata Eucalyptus, Banksia, Melaleuca* E. marginata © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD with modelled Banksia spp occur in patches Conforms with modelled vegetation 17 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality Coronation Road West VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) 42 Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 2 370 13478 27 334 16217 107 334 14533 43 431 8868 46 343 17195 order of dominance Southern River Complex: C. calophylla, C. calophylla E. marginata, Banksia spp, fringing B. attenuata wetlands* E. marginata (pods & flowers) Conforms with modelled vegetation B. attenuata Gingin west Military Road 212Bs__Wy Woodland of Banksia spp., Melaleuca spp. & E. rudis over sedges B. menziesii Conforms with modelled vegetation B. ilicifolia Open Forest to Woodland of E. Harry Waring Reserve gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. 211Sp1 B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation calophylla and combinations of these over B. attenuata, B. menziesii and Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Jandakot Regional Bassendean Complex Central and South: 44 Park B. menziesii C. calophylla, E. marginata, A. fraseriana, B. grandis* B. attenuata and B. menziesii occur B. attenuata within site B. attenuata Cannington Complex: Kooljerrenup NR 40 Mosaic of adjacent vegetation complexes, Eucalyptus, Banksia, Melaleuca* B. grandis Conforms with C. calophylla modelled vegetation E. marginata Lake Mealup Res. 211Sp2 Open Forest to woodland of E. B. attenuata gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. B. ilicifolia Conforms with C. calophylla modelled vegetation calophylla and combinations of these over Banksia attenuata, B.menziesii and A. fraseriana Low Woodland with X. preissii © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD E. marginata 18 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 11 328 19727 32 395 5829 22 329 9942 11 439 6771 order of dominance (pods & flowers) and M. riedlei Low Shrubland Banksia attenuata and B. menziesii dominated Low Open Forest with Leda NR 211Sp_Ban Allocasuarina fraseriana and B. grandis B. attenuata Conforms with and scattered Eucalyptus marginata and B. grandis modelled vegetation E. gomphocephala Open Forest to Woodland of Eucalyptus gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. Leda NR 211Sp1 calophylla and combinations of these over B.attenuata Banksia attenuata, Banksia menziesii and Conforms with modelled vegetation Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Melaleuca Park 212Bs__Ja B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation Woodland of Banksia spp. B. menziesii Muchea 1 212Bs__Ja Woodland of Banksia spp. B. attenuata Conforms with modelled vegetation B. ilicifolia B. attenuata Muchea 2 212Bs__G Woodland of Banksia spp. with scattered Corymbia calophylla & Melaleuca spp. B. menziesii Conforms with modelled vegetation B. grandis Muchea 2 212Bs__Ja B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation Woodland of Banksia spp. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 19 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality Muchea 2 VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) 212Bs__P Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 232 334 14974 120 459 12320 125 297 16567 40 477 28022 26 419 21582 order of dominance (pods & flowers) Woodland of E. rudis, Melaleuca spp. & B. attenuata Conforms with Banksia spp. over sedges & reeds B. menziesii modelled vegetation B. ilicifolia Southern River Complex: Nine Mile Lake NR 42 C. calophylla, E. marginata, Banksia spp, fringing wetlands* B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation Open Forest to Woodland of E. Old Bunbury Road gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. 211Sp1 calophylla and combinations of these over B. attenuata B. attenuata, B. menziesii and Conforms with modelled vegetation Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland B. attenuata and B. menziesii dominated Rockingham Lakes 211Sp_Ban Low Open Forest with Allocasuarina B. attenuata Conforms with fraseriana and B. grandis and scattered B. sessilis modelled vegetation Low Open Forest with Allocasuarina B. attenuata Conforms with fraseriana and B. grandis and scattered B. menziesii modelled vegetation E. marginata and E. gomphocephala Rockingham Lakes Regional B. attenuata and B. menziesii dominated 211Sp_Ban Park E. marginata and E. gomphocephala B. attenuata and B. menziesii dominated Thompsons Lake 211Sp_Ban Low Open Forest with Allocasuarina fraseriana and B. grandis and scattered E. marginata and E. gomphocephala © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD B. attenuata B. menziesii Conforms with modelled vegetation B. grandis 20 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 3 534 15498 18 422 7819 0 446 13861 13 266 5119 order of dominance (pods & flowers) Open Heath dominated by Melaleuca cardiophylla, M. huegleii and Banksia Two Rocks 211Sp__Kls_ 406 sessilis, with M. systena, Calothamnus B. attenuata quadrifidus, Acacia spp., Rhagodia baccata, Hardenbergia comptoniana, B. attenuata and B. menziesii occur B. menziesii within site. Westringia dampieri and combinations of these. Open Forest to Woodland of E. Two Rocks 211Sp1 gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. B. attenuata calophylla and combinations of these over B. menziesii B. attenuata, B. menziesii and B. sessilis Conforms with modelled vegetation Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Warbrook Road 212Bs__Ja B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation Woodland of Banksia spp. Open Forest to Woodland of E. Wilbinga 211Sp1 gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. B. attenuata calophylla and combinations of these over B. menziesii B. attenuata, B. menziesii and B. ilicifolia Conforms with modelled vegetation Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Open Shrub Mallee of E. petrensis, E. foecunda and E. decipiens over Closed Yanchep NP B. attenuata 211Sp__Kls_ Tall Scrub to Open Heath dominated by B. menziesii 288-381 Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, B. sessilis Melaleuca huegelii, M. systena and E. marginata B. attenuata and B. menziesii occur within site combinations of these, with Calothamnus © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 21 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on On-ground survey results for Habitat Assessment Locality VEGCODE Vegetation Descriptions (DEC habitat as per DEC mapping mapping) (Glossop 2011) Cockatoo foraging Conformity with Total foraging Mean Banksia Mean Banksia species recorded in modelled vegetation residue Tree Density pod density 354 13469 383 15456 order of dominance (pods & flowers) quadrifidus, Hakea trifurcata Open Forest to Woodland of E. Yanchep NP 211Sp1 gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. B. attenuata calophylla and combinations of these over B. menziesii B. attenuata, B. menziesii and B. grandis Conforms with modelled vegetation Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Yeal 1 43 Bassendean Complex North: Banksia - E. B. attenuata Conforms with todtiana woodlands * B. menziesii modelled vegetation B. attenuata Conforms with Open Forest to Woodland of E. gomphocephala, E. marginata and C. Yeal 1 211Sp1 calophylla and combinations of these over B. menziesii modelled vegetation Woodland of Banksia spp., Melaleuca B. attenuata Conforms with spp. & E. rudis over sedges B. menziesii modelled vegetation B. attenuata Conforms with B. menziesii modelled vegetation B. attenuata, B. menziesii and 66 Allocasuarina fraseriana Low Woodland Yeal 1 Yeal 2 212Bs__Wy 212Bs__Ja Woodland of Banksia spp. 26 *vegetation description taken from the Directory of Bush Forever Sites (Government of Western Australia 2000) © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 22 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on 3. 4 Roo st Su rv e y Data from the roost surveys is presented as Appendix D. One potentially new roost site was identified within the Muchea west area (386760E 6512840N). Approximately 300 Carnaby’s Cockatoos were followed and observed settling down to roost within pine trees on the eastern edge of a large plantation bordering native Banksia woodland. This roost is located approximately 4.8 kilometres north of a known roost at the Pinjar Gas Turbine along the Pinjar – Cataby power line. This site is accessible from the south via Water Road. Another known roost is located approximately 2.4 kilometres south-east, and given their proximity these roosts might represent an extended roosting area, and this requires verification. No drinking water source was observed at the new location; however water is available at the turbine site. The only other possible roosting behaviour observed was a pair of Carnaby’s Cockatoos recorded opportunistically in the Stakehill area (385500E 6404500N). These birds appeared to be heading towards the Lakelands – Paganoni Swamp area and given the time of day, presumably they were heading towards their night roost. There does not appear to be a known roost in this location based on the 2012 Great Cocky Count (Kabat 2012) although there are several potential or unconfirmed roosts in this area. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 23 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Figure 5: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods or cones) – Perth North © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 24 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 6: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods or cones) – Perth South © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 25 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 7: Carnaby’s Cockatoo Foraging Residue Locations (chewed pods and cones) – Peel region © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 26 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Figure 8: Foraging Residue - Banksia flowers recorded © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 27 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 9: Foraging Residue - Banksia pods quantities recorded © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 28 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 10: Foraging Resource Estimates - mean Banksia tree density (trees/m2) © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 29 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Figure 11: Foraging Resource Estimates - mean Banksia pod density (pods/m2) © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 30 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 4 Discussion 4. 1 F e edi ng R es idu e s Carnaby’s Cockatoo is known to move west into the higher rainfall coastal areas following breeding (Saunders and Ingram 1995) with the seasonal arrival of large flocks commencing in late summer following fledging. Based on this movement pattern, it would be expected that substantial numbers of birds could be observed opportunistically across the Perth and Peel regions in autumn. This survey was carried out in March 2013, however during the survey no Carnaby’s Cockatoos were opportunistically observed foraging on native plant species. Further, only two pairs were observed south of the Swan River, which accounts for 17 of the 27 localities surveyed. The only foraging activity observed was within the northern pine plantations, and pine cone feeding residues were recorded throughout the surveyed area in large plantations, as well as from single and small stands of pine trees. Stock (2013) determined cockatoos feed on exotic pine trees commencing in January or later, and peaking in April to May, coinciding with maturity of pine cones. Therefore this survey was carried out at a time when Carnaby’s Cockatoos are feeding intensively on pine cones. The timing of foraging residue surveys is likely to detect more foraging behaviour and more recent foraging evidence when food sources are ripe (or optimal for Carnaby’s Cockatoo) and when pine seeds are seasonally unavailable. This study was not intended to investigate pine trees as a foraging resource, however opportunistic searches of pine trees was carried out during the field assessment, and fresh foraging evidence on pine cones was noted at all areas where pines were checked. Given the significance of the pine plantations as a seasonal food source, patterns of Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging activity are expected to change with the continual removal of most of Perth’s pine plantations. Based on the results, Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging activity is geographically extensive within the PerthPeel region on B.attenuta and B.menziesii. In tern of foraging intensity, of the 1665 Banksia trees assessed during this survey, approximately 16 % of trees had some evidence of either recent or old banksia flower or pod residue. Additional data would be required to enable comparison allowing conclusions to be drawn about cockatoo spatial reliance of a foraging resource in a particular area or vegetation community. Carnaby’s Cockatoo range widely across the Perth – Peel region and availably food resourced are widely used, however usage will vary spatially and temporally due to many factors such as seasonal availability of both native and pines, together with the daily and annual movement patterns of Carnaby’s Cockatoos. The high number of B.attenuata flower residues recorded and some southern sites e.g. Nine Mile Lake, Rockingham and Jandakot, may be due to the more limited foraging resources in this highly fragmented landscape in comparison with the extensive Banksia woodlands occurring on the Northern Swan Coastal Plain. Even though there was a paucity of Carnaby’s Cockatoo presence during the survey, the recent and extensive foraging residue, particularly in some bushland areas south of the Swan River, indicates that Banksia attenuata flowers are a seasonally utilized source of food (nectar and invertebrates). A lack of foraging evidence recorded within areas supporting known CBC foraging species is unlikely to be an absolute indication of actual usage of that area. An absence of foraging activity can be attributed to other factors such as rainfall variability, fire or irregular foraging activity at a spatial or temporal level. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 31 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 4. 2 F or ag ing R e sou rc e Some variability between sample locations in Banksia pod density is likely to be due to fire history, water stress and possibly Phytophthora dieback. Yanchep National Park showed the lowest mean pod density however it is unclear whether fire is the main reason for pod density variation because for many localities, the approximate time span since the last fire varied across respective localities and ranged from recently burned (within 12 months) to approximately 10 years unburned. However it is likely that a major factor effecting Banksia pod density is due to the variation in productivity and growth habit caused by soil, topography and local climate. This may explain the variation observed across the Perth – Peel area with Banksia attenuata at the northern extent (Muchea) appearing stunted and with few pods, compared with southern sites such as Rockingham Lakes Regional Park. Figures 10 and 11 indicate that Banksia tree density is less variable across the Perth and Peel regions, while Banksia pod density is far more variable and appears to be lower in northern areas. This indicates that areas with similar tree density may still have very different Banksia pod density. Whilst Banksia pod density provides an indication of the potential foraging resource availability, it may not directly translate to habitat value. Valentine and Stock (2008) have highlighted some limitations of comparing Carnaby’s Cockatoo food resources across banksia woodlands and provide some assumptions including uniformity of banksia woodland density, and variability of tree productivity and seed nutritional value. The data presented in this report shows highly variable density of both trees and productivity (pods and flowers). Estimates of tree density probably provide more reliable data than pod density estimates however pod density may provide more accurate foraging resource comparisons. 4. 3 V al id at io n of V ege t at i on Com mun iti e s The DEC Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat modelling provides a broad scale but reliable tool for assessing the presence of foraging habitat. This is supported by the presence and density of foraging plant species, and by the identification of foraging residues within the vegetation communities surveyed. However, the results of this study show some inconsistency between mapped vegetation and on-ground assessment. This appears to be relevant to mapping scale for vegetation communities associated with wetland vegetation associations generally. There may be some scope for enhancing the habitat mapping via reviewing these at a desktop level at finer scale based on soil and topography. This is likely to identify some additional Carnaby’s Cockatoo foraging habitat on a finer scale. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 32 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on 5 Recommendations 5. 1 F urt he r da t a a na l ys i s Further data analysis of the data set provided by the study could be undertaken to compare the habitat values and usage such as banksia pod density and foraging residue presence compared between DEC mapped vegetation communities, or banksia pod density and foraging residue presence compared between sub-regions (Perth North, Perth South and Peel). 5. 2 Ad d it io na l su rv e ys Additional surveys for foraging residues could be undertaken in winter and spring. During the period when Carnaby’s Cockatoo are not feeding on pine cones, and when native foraging plant species provide seasonally available foraging resources. 5. 3 Ad d it io na l gui dan c e f o r p ro pon ent s Additional guidance could be provided to proponents on measuring potential value of habitat for Carnaby’s Cockatoo, for input into the EPBC Act offsets guide. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 33 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on References Department of Environment and Conservation 2013. A visual guide to the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) in WA. Accessed on 19/04/13 at Department of Planning, 2010. Directions 2031 and Beyond; Metropolitan Planning Beyond the Horizon. Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth. Groom, C. 2011. Plants used by Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo. Department of Environment and Conservation 15 April 2011. List prepared by Christine Groom, Glossop, B., Clarke, K., Mitchell, D., and Barrett, G. 2011. Methods for mapping of Carnaby’s Cockatoo habitat. Government of Western Australia, Department of Environment and Conservation. Government of Western Australia 2000. Bush Forever Volume 2. Directory of Bush Forever Sites. Department of Environmental Protection. Kabat, T.J., Barrett, G. and Kabat, A.P. 2012. Great Cocky Count: Identification of roost sites for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) and population count for the DEC Swan Region. Peel Development Commission 2012. Peel Profile September 2012. Accessed on 18/04/13 at Perth Region NRM 2013. Perth Region NRM Sub-Regions. Accessed on 19/04/13 Perth Web Pty Ltd 2013. About Perth – Climate. Accessed on 19/04/13 at at Saunders, D.A., and Ingram, J.A. 1995. Birds of Southwestern Australia: an atlas of changes in distribution and abundance of the Wheatbelt avifauna. Surry Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, NSW. 304p. Stock, W.D., Hugh, F., Parker, J., and Dods, K. 2013. Pine as Fast Food: Foraging Ecology of and Endangered Cockatoo in the Forest landscape. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61145. Doi:1371/journal.pone.0061145. Valentine, L.E. and Stock, W. 2008. Food Resources of Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) in the Gnangara Sustainability Strategy study area. . © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 34 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Appendix A: Sample Point Locations GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Wilbinga 1-1 -31.379685 115.63342 6527511.2 370051.66 Wilbinga 1-2 -31.379631 115.63395 6527517.8 370102.33 Wilbinga 1-3 -31.379621 115.63451 6527519.6 370155.84 Wilbinga 1-4 -31.375115 115.63338 6528017.7 370041.94 Wilbinga 1-5 -31.374975 115.6339 6528033.8 370091.42 Wilbinga 1-6 -31.37487 115.63442 6528046 370140.57 Wilbinga 1-7 -31.370321 115.6333 6528549 370027.39 Wilbinga 1-8 -31.3703 115.63382 6528551.9 370076.77 Wilbinga 1-9 -31.37033 115.63431 6528549.1 370124.29 Wilbinga 1-10 -31.366855 115.63343 6528933.3 370035.41 Wilbinga 1-11 -31.366829 115.63395 6528936.8 370084.93 Wilbinga 1-12 -31.366775 115.63455 6528943.5 370141.72 Wilbinga 1-13 -31.363191 115.63339 6529339.4 370026.76 Wilbinga 1-14 -31.36316 115.63393 6529343.5 370077.9 Wilbinga 1-15 -31.363157 115.63444 6529344.4 370126.28 Wilbinga 1-16 -31.35841 115.63352 6529869.6 370032.72 Wilbinga 1-17 -31.358318 115.63406 6529880.4 370083.21 Wilbinga 1-18 -31.358206 115.63458 6529893.4 370133.3 Two Rocks 2-1 -31.437963 115.66136 6521084 372787.58 Two Rocks 2-2 -31.438421 115.6613 6521033 372782.56 Two Rocks 2-3 -31.438875 115.66123 6520982.6 372776.21 Two Rocks 2-4 -31.437649 115.65513 6521111.5 372195.07 Two Rocks 2-5 -31.438112 115.65507 6521060.1 372190.57 Two Rocks 2-6 -31.438549 115.65501 6521011.6 372185.24 Two Rocks 2-7 -31.437637 115.65025 6521107.2 371731.74 Two Rocks 2-8 -31.43809 115.65034 6521057 371740.55 Two Rocks 2-9 -31.438497 115.65041 6521012 371747.99 Two Rocks 2-10 -31.437687 115.6445 6521094.9 371184.61 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 35 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Two Rocks 2-11 -31.438175 115.64448 6521040.8 371184.24 Two Rocks 2-12 -31.438616 115.64443 6520991.8 371180.02 Two Rocks 2-13 -31.437544 115.63915 6521104.4 370676.2 Two Rocks 2-14 -31.437981 115.63933 6521056.2 370693.68 Two Rocks 2-15 -31.438455 115.63942 6521003.8 370702.93 Two Rocks 2-16 -31.437599 115.63332 6521091.4 370121.96 Two Rocks 2-17 -31.438044 115.63326 6521042.1 370116.91 Two Rocks 2-18 -31.438499 115.63311 6520991.4 370104.13 Gingin west - Military Road 3-1 -31.405372 115.70996 6524751.7 377364.05 Gingin west - Military Road 3-2 -31.405816 115.70989 6524702.5 377357.97 Gingin west - Military Road 3-3 -31.406272 115.70999 6524652.1 377368.1 Gingin west - Military Road 3-4 -31.404715 115.71383 6524828.9 377731.06 Gingin west - Military Road 3-5 -31.405184 115.71391 6524777 377739.18 Gingin west - Military Road 3-6 -31.405585 115.7141 6524732.7 377757.92 Gingin west - Military Road 3-7 -31.404327 115.71638 6524874.7 377973.02 Gingin west - Military Road 3-8 -31.404788 115.71646 6524823.7 377981.62 Gingin west - Military Road 3-9 -31.405246 115.71657 6524773.1 377992.05 Gingin west - Military Road 3-10 -31.403812 115.71955 6524935.4 378273.61 Gingin west - Military Road 3-11 -31.404231 115.7197 6524889.1 378288.91 Gingin west - Military Road 3-12 -31.404704 115.71983 6524836.8 378302 Gingin west - Military Road 3-13 -31.403342 115.72257 6524990.8 378560.43 Gingin west - Military Road 3-14 -31.403802 115.72271 6524939.9 378574.61 Gingin west - Military Road 3-15 -31.40424 115.72272 6524891.4 378575.77 Gingin west - Military Road 3-16 -31.402834 115.72581 6525050.7 378868.26 Gingin west - Military Road 3-17 -31.403282 115.72589 6525001.1 378875.72 Gingin west - Military Road 3-18 -31.403779 115.72597 6524946.1 378884.28 Yanchep NP 4-1 -31.501281 115.71152 6514122.4 377637.03 Yanchep NP 4-2 -31.501168 115.711 6514134.3 377587.87 Yanchep NP 4-3 -31.501163 115.71046 6514134.3 377536.57 Yanchep NP 4-4 -31.507777 115.6993 6513388.6 376485.24 Yanchep NP 4-5 -31.507719 115.69876 6513394.4 376434.03 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 36 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Yanchep NP 4-6 -31.50764 115.69823 6513402.6 376383.63 Yanchep NP 4-7 -31.517863 115.7006 6512272.1 376621.72 Yanchep NP 4-8 -31.51781 115.70113 6512278.6 376672.43 Yanchep NP 4-9 -31.517865 115.70168 6512273.1 376724.99 Yanchep NP 4-10 -31.533407 115.70257 6510551.3 376829.04 Yanchep NP 4-11 -31.533633 115.70305 6510526.8 376874.97 Yanchep NP 4-12 -31.533949 115.70342 6510492.2 376911.29 Yanchep NP 4-13 -31.545692 115.71897 6509207.9 378402.35 Yanchep NP 4-14 -31.545936 115.71845 6509180.3 378352.95 Yanchep NP 4-15 -31.546251 115.71813 6509145 378323.09 Yanchep NP 4-16 -31.559747 115.70855 6507638.2 377431.34 Yanchep NP 4-17 -31.559685 115.70912 6507645.8 377485.28 Yanchep NP 4-18 -31.559738 115.70959 6507640.4 377530.22 Yeal 1 5-1 -31.437898 115.74492 6521184.9 380728.64 Yeal 1 5-2 -31.43836 115.74495 6521133.8 380732.05 Yeal 1 5-3 -31.438799 115.74499 6521085.1 380736.72 Yeal 1 5-4 -31.437821 115.75529 6521204.7 381714.92 Yeal 1 5-5 -31.438265 115.75542 6521155.6 381727.81 Yeal 1 5-6 -31.438735 115.75546 6521103.5 381731.46 Yeal 1 5-7 -31.437681 115.77156 6521237.6 383260.44 Yeal 1 5-8 -31.438138 115.77161 6521187 383266.33 Yeal 1 5-9 -31.438643 115.77156 6521130.9 383261.84 Yeal 1 5-10 -31.437546 115.78762 6521269.5 384787.16 Yeal 1 5-11 -31.438008 115.78775 6521218.4 384799.38 Yeal 1 5-12 -31.438455 115.78772 6521168.9 384797.22 Yeal 1 5-13 -31.437347 115.80327 6521307.9 386273.63 Yeal 1 5-14 -31.437809 115.80336 6521256.8 386283.4 Yeal 1 5-15 -31.43824 115.80347 6521209.1 386293.67 Yeal 2 6-1 -31.478228 115.78988 6516762.5 385050.92 Yeal 2 6-2 -31.478589 115.79017 6516722.8 385079.21 Yeal 2 6-3 -31.478901 115.79059 6516688.6 385119.38 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 37 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Yeal 2 6-4 -31.477753 115.80596 6516831.9 386578.24 Yeal 2 6-5 -31.478244 115.80602 6516777.5 386584.93 Yeal 2 6-6 -31.478674 115.80605 6516729.9 386587.98 Yeal 2 6-7 -31.477581 115.82137 6516866.8 388041.75 Yeal 2 6-8 -31.478054 115.82142 6516814.4 388046.98 Yeal 2 6-9 -31.4785 115.82142 6516765 388047.93 Yeal 2 6-10 -31.477341 115.83694 6516909.2 389521.05 Yeal 2 6-11 -31.477802 115.83698 6516858.1 389524.84 Yeal 2 6-12 -31.478245 115.83696 6516809 389524.11 Yeal 2 6-13 -31.477185 115.851 6516940.6 390856.23 Yeal 2 6-14 -31.477636 115.85098 6516890.6 390855.05 Yeal 2 6-15 -31.478078 115.85095 6516841.5 390852.58 Muchea 1 7-1 -31.514214 115.81391 6512798.6 387376.95 Muchea 1 7-2 -31.513745 115.8138 6512850.4 387365.83 Muchea 1 7-3 -31.513319 115.81378 6512897.7 387363.81 Muchea 1 7-4 -31.514209 115.82223 6512807.7 388167.5 Muchea 1 7-5 -31.513739 115.82213 6512859.6 388156.83 Muchea 1 7-6 -31.513322 115.82208 6512905.8 388152.21 Muchea 1 7-7 -31.514047 115.8326 6512836.1 389151.29 Muchea 1 7-8 -31.513588 115.83268 6512887.1 389158.8 Muchea 1 7-9 -31.51312 115.83273 6512939 389162.93 Muchea 1 7-10 -31.513886 115.84345 6512864.9 390182.11 Muchea 1 7-11 -31.513423 115.84352 6512916.3 390188.4 Muchea 1 7-12 -31.512987 115.84356 6512964.6 390190.98 Muchea 1 7-13 -31.513807 115.85321 6512883.4 391108.45 Muchea 1 7-14 -31.513383 115.85336 6512930.6 391122.13 Muchea 1 7-15 -31.51294 115.85344 6512979.7 391129.44 Muchea 2 8-1 -31.571831 115.87626 6506474.5 393363.24 Muchea 2 8-2 -31.571368 115.87629 6506525.8 393365.26 Muchea 2 8-3 -31.570912 115.87636 6506576.4 393371.41 Muchea 2 8-4 -31.572075 115.86052 6506432 391870.26 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 38 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Muchea 2 8-5 -31.571633 115.86049 6506481 391867.02 Muchea 2 8-6 -31.571165 115.86052 6506532.8 391868.92 Muchea 2 8-7 -31.572419 115.84438 6506377.8 390338.42 Muchea 2 8-8 -31.57196 115.84436 6506428.6 390336.17 Muchea 2 8-9 -31.57154 115.84442 6506475.2 390341.62 Muchea 2 8-10 -31.572749 115.82922 6506325.9 388900.7 Muchea 2 8-11 -31.572293 115.82924 6506376.5 388901.32 Muchea 2 8-12 -31.571859 115.82921 6506424.6 388898.56 Muchea 2 8-13 -31.573692 115.81047 6506202.2 387122.18 Muchea 2 8-14 -31.573231 115.81048 6506253.3 387122.02 Muchea 2 8-15 -31.572797 115.81052 6506301.5 387125.49 Melaleuca Park 9-1 -31.679595 115.89329 6494545.8 395100.51 Melaleuca Park 9-2 -31.679647 115.89279 6494539.6 395053.22 Melaleuca Park 9-3 -31.679803 115.8923 6494521.8 395007.04 Melaleuca Park 9-4 -31.674371 115.89386 6495125.4 395148.92 Melaleuca Park 9-5 -31.674398 115.89333 6495121.9 395098.14 Melaleuca Park 9-6 -31.674418 115.89277 6495119.1 395045.82 Melaleuca Park 9-7 -31.669291 115.89498 6495689.5 395249.01 Melaleuca Park 9-8 -31.6694 115.89447 6495677 395201.2 Melaleuca Park 9-9 -31.669535 115.89397 6495661.6 395154.08 Melaleuca Park 9-10 -31.663725 115.89521 6496306.7 395264.49 Melaleuca Park 9-11 -31.663696 115.89464 6496309.4 395210.17 Melaleuca Park 9-12 -31.663676 115.89407 6496311.1 395156.32 Melaleuca Park 9-13 -31.659912 115.89516 6496729.3 395255.99 Melaleuca Park 9-14 -31.659876 115.89465 6496732.9 395207.25 Melaleuca Park 9-15 -31.659735 115.89404 6496748 395149.07 Melaleuca Park 9-16 -31.655149 115.89524 6497257.4 395258.19 Melaleuca Park 9-17 -31.655082 115.89466 6497264.3 395203.08 Melaleuca Park 9-18 -31.655038 115.89418 6497268.7 395157.68 Warbrook Road 10-1 -31.712722 115.93926 6490917.2 399493.89 Warbrook Road 10-2 -31.712418 115.9397 6490951.3 399534.77 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 39 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Warbrook Road 10-3 -31.711986 115.93999 6490999.4 399561.81 Warbrook Road 10-4 -31.708214 115.93922 6491416.8 399485.12 Warbrook Road 10-5 -31.708227 115.93977 6491415.8 399537.42 Warbrook Road 10-6 -31.708247 115.94027 6491414 399584.97 Warbrook Road 10-7 -31.703411 115.93929 6491949.2 399486.9 Warbrook Road 10-8 -31.703406 115.93983 6491950.3 399537.47 Warbrook Road 10-9 -31.703343 115.94035 6491957.7 399587.14 Warbrook Road 10-10 -31.699786 115.93881 6492350.6 399436.69 Warbrook Road 10-11 -31.699812 115.93823 6492347.1 399382.58 Warbrook Road 10-12 -31.699739 115.93776 6492354.8 399337.86 Warbrook Road 10-13 -31.696698 115.93924 6492693.3 399474.59 Warbrook Road 10-14 -31.696708 115.93974 6492692.6 399521.9 Warbrook Road 10-15 -31.696642 115.94029 6492700.4 399573.9 Warbrook Road 10-16 -31.69276 115.93828 6493128.9 399379.27 Warbrook Road 10-17 -31.692699 115.93883 6493136.2 399431.27 Warbrook Road 10-18 -31.692819 115.93933 6493123.4 399479.12 Bulla NR 11-1 -32.878275 115.83078 6361601.5 390623.72 Bulla NR 11-2 -32.878197 115.8287 6361608 390429.23 Bulla NR 11-3 -32.878689 115.82797 6361552.7 390361.12 Bulla NR 11-4 -32.879625 115.83058 6361451.6 390606.28 Bulla NR 11-5 -32.881952 115.83175 6361194.9 390718.39 Bulla NR 11-6 -32.882118 115.83272 6361177.4 390809.69 Bulla NR 11-7 -32.881948 115.83522 6361198.8 391043.43 Bulla NR 11-8 -32.882354 115.83598 6361154.6 391114.74 Bulla NR 11-9 -32.88289 115.83675 6361096 391187.92 Bulla NR 11-10 -32.883275 115.83683 6361053.5 391195.74 Bulla NR 11-11 -32.894475 115.83638 6359811.2 391166.81 Bulla NR 11-12 -32.894308 115.83601 6359829.4 391132.47 Coronation Road West 12-1 -32.86528 115.77014 6362977.8 384933.45 Coronation Road West 12-2 -32.865055 115.76977 6363002.2 384898.34 Coronation Road West 12-3 -32.861401 115.77518 6363413.2 385400.1 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 40 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Coronation Road West 12-4 -32.86188 115.77472 6363359.7 385357.99 Coronation Road West 12-5 -32.860112 115.77214 6363552.8 385114.48 Coronation Road West 12-6 -32.860253 115.77284 6363538 385180.17 Coronation Road West 12-7 -32.866899 115.76675 6362794.6 384618.89 Coronation Road West 12-8 -32.866488 115.76691 6362840.3 384633.29 Coronation Road West 12-9 -32.866886 115.76732 6362796.6 384671.71 Coronation Road West 12-10 -32.86598 115.76721 6362897 384660.46 Coronation Road West 12-11 -32.864765 115.76615 6363030.5 384559.63 Coronation Road West 12-12 -32.864179 115.7664 6363095.7 384582.07 Old Bunbury Road 13-1 -32.819061 115.70125 6368024.7 378425.28 Old Bunbury Road 13-2 -32.819202 115.70181 6368009.8 378477.31 Old Bunbury Road 13-3 -32.819076 115.7009 6368022.8 378391.71 Old Bunbury Road 13-4 -32.819024 115.70041 6368028 378346.1 Old Bunbury Road 13-5 -32.83099 115.70442 6366705.9 378737.98 Old Bunbury Road 13-6 -32.830614 115.70475 6366748 378768.64 Old Bunbury Road 13-7 -32.831557 115.70451 6366643.2 378747.34 Old Bunbury Road 13-8 -32.832012 115.70465 6366592.8 378760.8 Old Bunbury Road 13-9 -32.831048 115.70971 6366705.5 379233.14 Old Bunbury Road 13-10 -32.83057 115.70974 6366758.6 379235.08 Old Bunbury Road 13-11 -32.831588 115.71005 6366646 379265.44 Old Bunbury Road 13-12 -32.832078 115.71017 6366591.8 379277.53 Kooljerrenup NR 14-1 -32.723026 115.72436 6378698.3 380460.31 Kooljerrenup NR 14-2 -32.723108 115.72371 6378688.5 380399.6 Kooljerrenup NR 14-3 -32.723838 115.72469 6378608.7 380491.57 Kooljerrenup NR 14-4 -32.724263 115.72493 6378561.8 380514.94 Kooljerrenup NR 14-5 -32.732608 115.72587 6377637.7 380614.25 Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 -32.732601 115.72537 6377637.9 380567.72 Kooljerrenup NR 14-7 -32.733338 115.72587 6377556.8 380615.61 Kooljerrenup NR 14-8 -32.733807 115.72557 6377504.4 380587.91 Kooljerrenup NR 14-9 -32.737916 115.72653 6377050 380683.01 Kooljerrenup NR 14-10 -32.737149 115.72656 6377135 380684.99 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 41 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Kooljerrenup NR 14-11 -32.738413 115.72659 6376994.9 380689.59 Kooljerrenup NR 14-12 -32.738973 115.72667 6376932.9 380697.95 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-1 -32.744148 115.78693 6376425.4 386350.67 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-2 -32.744444 115.78655 6376392.3 386315.37 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-3 -32.743818 115.78702 6376462.1 386358.7 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-4 -32.743495 115.78648 6376497.4 386307.18 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-5 -32.739942 115.78824 6376893.2 386467.77 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-6 -32.740326 115.78823 6376850.5 386467.49 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-7 -32.739508 115.78829 6376941.4 386472 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-8 -32.739292 115.78786 6376964.8 386431.72 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-9 -32.735169 115.78739 6377421.5 386382.43 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 -32.735261 115.78794 6377411.7 386434 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-11 -32.735241 115.78711 6377413.1 386356.16 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-12 -32.735295 115.78656 6377406.5 386304.58 Brownes Road 16-1 -32.717269 115.83015 6379450.9 390367.1 Brownes Road 16-2 -32.716887 115.83076 6379494 390423.89 Brownes Road 16-3 -32.717577 115.8302 6379416.8 390371.82 Brownes Road 16-4 -32.717767 115.83074 6379396.3 390423.27 Brownes Road 16-5 -32.716711 115.83048 6379513.2 390397.53 Brownes Road 16-6 -32.71626 115.83073 6379563.4 390420.41 Lake Mealup Res. 17-1 -32.691263 115.71366 6382207.6 379414.02 Lake Mealup Res. 17-2 -32.691601 115.71326 6382169.7 379377.67 Lake Mealup Res. 17-3 -32.690446 115.71363 6382298.1 379410.94 Lake Mealup Res. 17-4 -32.690073 115.71361 6382339.5 379408.15 Lake Mealup Res. 17-5 -32.689403 115.71071 6382410.5 379135.71 Lake Mealup Res. 17-6 -32.689695 115.71023 6382377.6 379091.06 Lake Mealup Res. 17-7 -32.690073 115.70996 6382335.4 379065.83 Lake Mealup Res. 17-8 -32.69038 115.70956 6382300.9 379029.06 Lake Mealup Res. 17-9 -32.691521 115.70967 6382174.5 379040.73 Lake Mealup Res. 17-10 -32.691591 115.71026 6382167.4 379095.91 Lake Mealup Res. 17-11 -32.691563 115.71083 6382171.1 379150.02 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 42 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Lake Mealup Res. 12-12 -32.69154 115.71142 6382174.3 379204.59 Carrabungup NR 18-1 -32.641567 115.72176 6387726.5 380107.36 Carrabungup NR 18-2 -32.641576 115.72127 6387724.9 380061.77 Carrabungup NR 18-3 -32.641789 115.72077 6387700.7 380014.9 Carrabungup NR 18-4 -32.64195 115.72027 6387682.3 379967.81 Carrabungup NR 18-5 -32.64266 115.72041 6387603.7 379982.13 Carrabungup NR 18-6 -32.642885 115.72102 6387579.5 380039.37 Carrabungup NR 18-7 -32.648117 115.72014 6386998.4 379964.66 Carrabungup NR 18-8 -32.647774 115.71974 6387035.9 379926.25 Carrabungup NR 18-9 -32.647862 115.71914 6387025.6 379869.91 Austin Bay NR 19-1 -32.62555 115.78058 6389567 385604.33 Austin Bay NR 19-2 -32.625087 115.78042 6389618.2 385588.44 Austin Bay NR 19-3 -32.623002 115.782 6389851 385734.58 Austin Bay NR 19-4 -32.622565 115.7821 6389899.5 385743.67 Austin Bay NR 19-5 -32.62349 115.78199 6389796.9 385733.92 Austin Bay NR 19-6 -32.623941 115.78197 6389746.9 385733.05 Austin Bay NR 19-7 -32.624395 115.782 6389696.6 385736.45 Austin Bay NR 19-8 -32.624894 115.78205 6389641.3 385741.35 Austin Bay NR 19-9 -32.625347 115.78196 6389590.9 385733.61 Austin Bay NR 19-10 -32.625787 115.78199 6389542.2 385737.2 Austin Bay NR 19-11 -32.626216 115.78214 6389494.8 385752.13 Austin Bay NR 19-12 -32.626659 115.78226 6389445.9 385763.7 20-1 -32.159269 115.82778 6441308.4 389466.01 20-2 -32.159297 115.82721 6441304.7 389411.98 20-3 -32.159335 115.82669 6441300 389363.34 20-4 -32.158221 115.83022 6441427.1 389695.11 20-5 -32.158698 115.83028 6441374.3 389701.11 Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 43 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve 20-6 -32.159118 115.83046 6441327.9 389718.15 21-1 -32.162025 115.82931 6441004.5 389613.2 21-2 -32.162369 115.82895 6440966 389580.51 21-3 -32.161754 115.8299 6441035.1 389668.54 21-4 -32.169969 115.8297 6440124.2 389659.87 21-5 -32.169702 115.83014 6440154.3 389701.03 Waring Reserve 21-6 -32.169479 115.83068 6440179.6 389751.77 Beeliar Regional Park 22-1 -32.218492 115.82832 6434743.8 389588.11 Beeliar Regional Park 22-2 -32.218567 115.82887 6434736 389640.15 Beeliar Regional Park 22-3 -32.221355 115.82723 6434425.3 389488.75 Beeliar Regional Park 22-4 -32.22165 115.82766 6434392.9 389529.82 Beeliar Regional Park 22-5 -32.210002 115.83587 6435692.7 390289.95 Beeliar Regional Park 22-6 -32.210398 115.83552 6435648.4 390257.44 Jandakot Regional Park 23-1 -32.206527 115.8691 6436111.3 393417.32 Jandakot Regional Park 23-2 -32.20653 115.86966 6436111.6 393470.25 Jandakot Regional Park 23-3 -32.20642 115.87016 6436124.2 393517.59 Jandakot Regional Park 23-4 -32.207399 115.87827 6436023.7 394283.32 Jandakot Regional Park 23-5 -32.207451 115.87881 6436018.5 394333.91 Jandakot Regional Park 23-6 -32.207304 115.87934 6436035.2 394383.27 Leda NR 24-1 -32.281399 115.80831 6427749.3 387780.25 Leda NR 24-2 -32.281093 115.80875 6427783.8 387821.58 Leda NR 24-3 -32.281559 115.80771 6427731 387724.27 Leda NR 24-4 -32.281612 115.80713 6427724.4 387669.42 Leda NR 24-5 -32.281985 115.8067 6427682.7 387629.11 Leda NR 24-6 -32.28239 115.80641 6427637.5 387602.85 Leda NR 24-7 -32.279443 115.80411 6427961.8 387382.66 Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry Waring Reserve Thompsons Lake - Harry © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 44 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Leda NR 24-8 -32.279414 115.80469 6427965.6 387436.74 Leda NR 24-9 -32.279446 115.80356 6427960.8 387330.53 Leda NR 24-10 -32.279369 115.803 6427968.8 387277.95 Leda NR 24-11 -32.279252 115.80249 6427981.3 387229.05 Leda NR 24-12 -32.279256 115.80193 6427980.2 387176.22 Cardup NR 25-1 -32.245123 115.98574 6431942.5 404450.86 Cardup NR 25-2 -32.245437 115.9862 6431908.1 404494.74 Cardup NR 25-3 -32.245906 115.98651 6431856.4 404525.06 Cardup NR 25-4 -32.246342 115.98669 6431808.2 404542.15 Cardup NR 25-5 -32.246773 115.98686 6431760.6 404558.41 Cardup NR 25-6 -32.247221 115.98695 6431710.9 404567.54 Rockingham Lakes 26-1 -32.321251 115.79712 6423319.7 386776.35 Rockingham Lakes 26-2 -32.321444 115.79785 6423299 386844.4 Rockingham Lakes 26-3 -32.320385 115.7968 6423415.3 386744.94 Rockingham Lakes 26-4 -32.319874 115.79708 6423472.3 386770.39 Rockingham Lakes 26-5 -32.319958 115.79915 6423465.2 386964.95 Rockingham Lakes 26-6 -32.320187 115.79965 6423440.2 387012.64 Rockingham Lakes 26-7 -32.319388 115.79895 6423528.1 386945.61 Rockingham Lakes 26-8 -32.318966 115.7987 6423574.6 386921.82 Rockingham Lakes 26-9 -32.318003 115.79479 6423677.2 386552.35 Rockingham Lakes 26-10 -32.317553 115.79485 6423727.2 386557.24 Rockingham Lakes 26-11 -32.318479 115.7953 6423625 386601.54 Rockingham Lakes 26-12 -32.317973 115.79568 6423681.5 386636.48 27-1 -32.436473 115.78633 6410534.7 385905.44 27-2 -32.436505 115.78688 6410531.8 385956.9 27-3 -32.436575 115.78734 6410524.4 385999.88 Park 27-4 -32.436494 115.78788 6410534.1 386050.89 Rockingham Lakes Regional 27-5 -32.442326 115.78636 6409885.9 385915 Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 45 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on GPS/Transect Locality Quadrat No. Lat Long N E Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park 27-6 -32.442236 115.78692 6409896.4 385968.21 27-7 -32.442344 115.78752 6409885.1 386024.3 27-8 -32.442286 115.78821 6409892.3 386088.84 27-9 -32.449295 115.78538 6409112.2 385831.81 27-10 -32.449544 115.78587 6409085.2 385878.06 27-11 -32.449427 115.78636 6409098.7 385924.69 27-12 -32.449217 115.78709 6409122.7 385992.62 Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Rockingham Lakes Regional Park © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 46 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P erth -P e e l Re gi on Appendix B: Field survey data sheet Distance to waypoint (for Veg health Fire GPS/Transect Locality - Quadrat No. Date signs: Proximity B.sessilis - Cones on mean ground & (Dieback, to track/ History Fire Defoleation, clearing/ Nearest 5 or between Approx Approx Approx residue (recent/ indicator water pine 10 CBC plants in buds flowers cones (none/ Comment: CBC old/none) spp present stress) (km) food plants 10x10m on tree on tree on tree old/recent) present, photo No © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD distance Feeding 47 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Appendix C: Foraging Habitat Assessment Raw Data Distance to waypoint GPS / Locality Transect Quadrat Nearest 5 or N E 10 CBC food plants No. (for B.sessilis - Approx buds mean on tree distance Approx Approx flowers on pods on tree tree Feeding Residue on Age of feeding ground - Pods or residue flowers between plants in 10x10m Austin Bay NR 19-1 6389567 385604 B.attenuata 6 0 20 70 0 Austin Bay NR 19-10 6389542 385737 B.grandis 3 0 0 30 0 Austin Bay NR 19-11 6389495 385752 B.attenuata 2 0 5 10 0 Austin Bay NR 19-12 6389446 385764 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 30 0 Austin Bay NR 19-2 6389618 385588 B.attenuata 3 0 30 80 0 Austin Bay NR 19-3 6389851 385735 B.attenuata 4 0 15 45 0 Austin Bay NR 19-3 6389851 385735 B.attenuata 3 0 20 60 1 flower Austin Bay NR 19-4 6389900 385744 B.grandis 2 0 0 20 0 Austin Bay NR 19-4 6389900 385744 B.attenuata 7 0 15 30 2 flowers Austin Bay NR 19-5 6389797 385734 B.attenuata 2 0 10 15 1 flower Austin Bay NR 19-5 6389797 385734 B.attenuata 3 0 25 50 1 flower Austin Bay NR 19-6 6389747 385733 B.attenuata 1 0 0 6 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 48 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Austin Bay NR 19-7 6389697 385736 B.attenuata 1 0 5 15 0 Austin Bay NR 19-8 6389641 385741 B.attenuata 4 0 15 90 0 Austin Bay NR 19-8 6389641 385741 B.attenuata 3 0 30 60 4 flowers Austin Bay NR 19-8 6389641 385741 B.grandis 2 0 0 60 4 flowers Austin Bay NR 19-9 6389591 385734 B.attenuata 1 0 4 0 0 Austin Bay NR 19-9 6389591 385734 B.attenuata 4 0 20 50 2 flowers Beeliar Regional Park 22-1 6434744 389588 B.attenuata 1 0 0 0 0 Beeliar Regional Park 22-2 6434736 389640 B.menziesii 3 0 0 0 0 Beeliar Regional Park 22-3 6434425 389489 B.menziesii 5 0 10 3 0 Beeliar Regional Park 22-4 6434393 389530 B.menziesii 2 0 0 0 0 Beeliar Regional Park 22-5 6435693 390290 B.menziesii 6 0 0 10 0 Beeliar Regional Park 22-6 6435648 390257 B.menziesii 3 15 0 5 0 Brownes Road 16-1 6379451 390367 Marri 3 0 0 10 1 nut (old) Old Brownes Road 16-1 6379451 390367 Marri 2 0 0 20 2 nuts (fresh) fresh Brownes Road 16-2 6379494 390424 Marri 2.5 0 0 10 0 Brownes Road 16-2 6379494 390424 Marri 4.5 0 0 ~100 5 Nuts (fresh) Brownes Road 16-3 6379417 390372 Marri 5 0 0 Numerous Brownes Road 16-3 6379417 390372 Marri 8 0 0 Numerous Brownes Road 16-3 6379417 390372 Marri 8 0 0 numerous 1 fresh chewed cone fresh Fresh ~350 chewed cones 2 fresh chewed cones Fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 49 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 60 fresh chewed Brownes Road 16-4 6379396 390423 Marri 3 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-4 6379396 390423 Marri 5 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-4 6379396 390423 Marri 7 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-4 6379396 390423 Marri 8 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-5 6379513 390398 Marri 2 0 0 10 Brownes Road 16-6 6379563 390420 Marri 8 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-6 6379563 390420 Marri 7 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-6 6379563 390420 Marri 7 0 0 numerous Brownes Road 16-6 6379563 390420 Marri 5 0 0 numerous Bulla NR 11-1 6361601 390624 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 30 Bulla NR 11-1 6361601 390624 B.attenuata 2 5 110 2 flowers Bulla NR 11-1 6361601 390624 B.attenuata 3 0 0 5 1 flower Bulla NR 11-10 6361053 391196 Jarrah 7 0 0 0 0 cones 20 fresh chewed cones 5 fresh chewed cones 30 fresh chewed cones Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh 0 100 fresh chewed cones 70 fresh chewed cones 20 fresh chewed cones 20 fresh chewed cones Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh 0 ~200 old (pods) Bulla NR 11-10 6361053 391196 Marri 10 0 0 Numerous CBC or RTBC pods just finished Old flowering © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 50 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on ~20 old (pods) Bulla NR 11-10 6361053 391196 Marri 8 0 0 Numerous CBC or RTBC just finished Old flowering Bulla NR 11-11 6359811 391167 B.attenuata 2 0 0 15 4 flowers Bulla NR 11-11 6359811 391167 B.ilicofolia 4 0 0 Numerous Bulla NR 11-11 6359811 391167 B.attenuata 4.5 0 0 120 2 flowers Bulla NR 11-11 6359811 391167 B.attenuata 3.5 0 0 75 3 flowers Bulla NR 11-12 6359829 391132 B.ilicofolia 6 0 0 Numerous ~50 old flowers Bulla NR 11-12 6359829 391132 B.attenuata 3 0 0 30 1 old flower Bulla NR 11-12 6359829 391132 B.attenuata 3 0 0 10 2 old flower Bulla NR 11-12 6359829 391132 B.attenuata 3 0 0 150 5 old flowers Bulla NR 11-12 6359829 391132 B.attenuata 6 0 0 80 4 old flowers Bulla NR 11-2 6361608 390429 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 45 2 flowers Bulla NR 11-2 6361608 390429 B.grandis 4 0 0 0 1 flower Bulla NR 11-2 6361608 390429 B.ilicofolia 4.5 0 0 numerous Bulla NR 11-3 6361553 390361 B.ilicofolia 1.5 0 0 numerous Bulla NR 11-3 6361553 390361 B.ilicofolia 2 0 0 numerous Bulla NR 11-3 6361553 390361 B.ilicofolia 2 0 0 numerous 3 chewed branches Old 4 chewed branches 5 chewed branches 3 chewed branches 2 chewed branches © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 51 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 1 chewed Bulla NR 11-3 6361553 390361 B.ilicofolia 3 0 0 numerous Bulla NR 11-4 6361452 390606 B.attenuata 5.5 0 0 45 0 Bulla NR 11-5 6361195 390718 B.attenuata 2 0 0 45 2 flowers Bulla NR 11-5 6361195 390718 B.attenuata 5 0 0 75 1 flower Bulla NR 11-6 6361177 390810 B.attenuata 10 0 0 50 0 Bulla NR 11-6 6361177 390810 B.attenuata 10 0 0 20 3 flowers Bulla NR 11-7 6361199 391043 B.attenuata 3.5 0 0 100 4 flowers Bulla NR 11-7 6361199 391043 B.attenuata 3.5 0 0 40 3 flowers Bulla NR 11-7 6361199 391043 B.attenuata 5.5 0 0 110 Bulla NR 11-8 6361155 391115 B.attenuata 5 0 0 5 0 Bulla NR 11-8 6361155 391115 B.attenuata 6 0 0 250 2 flowers Bulla NR 11-9 6361096 391188 B.attenuata 2.5 0 0 40 1 flower Bulla NR 11-9 6361096 391188 B.attenuata 5 0 0 40 1 flower Bulla NR 11-9 6361096 391188 B.attenuata 7 0 0 15 0 Bulla NR 11-9 6361096 391188 B.attenuata 4 0 0 75 1 flower Bulla NR 11-9 6361096 391188 B.attenuata 6.5 0 0 50 2 flowers Cardup NR 25-1 6431942 404451 Marri 10 0 0 Numerous immature cones Cardup NR 25-1 6431942 404451 Marri 7 0 0 Numerous branch 4 flowers, 2 cones 1 old chewed pod CBC old 0 immature © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 52 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on cones Cardup NR 25-1 6431942 404451 Marri 11 0 0 Numerous Numerous old immature residues of cones FRTBC Cardup NR 25-2 6431908 404495 B.menziesii 2 0 0 0 0 Cardup NR 25-3 6431856 404525 B.menziesii 6 0 4 40 0 Cardup NR 25-4 6431808 404542 B.attenuata 6 0 6 3 0 Cardup NR 25-4 6431808 404542 B.menziesii 13 0 40 140 4 flowers Cardup NR 25-5 6431761 404558 B.attenuata 7 0 5 0 0 Cardup NR 25-5 6431761 404558 B.attenuata 9 0 50 200 7 flowers Cardup NR 25-6 6431711 404568 B.menziesii 10 0 0 30 0 old Numerous Cardup NR 25-6 6431711 404568 B.attenuata 12 0 20 150 FRTB residue = fresh Jarrah nuts Carrabungup NR 18-1 6387726 380107 B.attenuata 3 0 0 10 0 Carrabungup NR 18-2 6387725 380062 B.attenuata 7 0 30 60 0 Carrabungup NR 18-3 6387701 380015 B.attenuata 3 0 20 50 0 Carrabungup NR 18-4 6387682 379968 B.attenuata 4 0 25 40 0 Carrabungup NR 18-4 6387682 379968 B.attenuata 6 0 40 100 7 flowers Carrabungup NR 18-4 6387682 379968 B.attenuata 6 0 45 110 4 flowers Carrabungup NR 18-5 6387604 379982 B.attenuata 5 0 70 200 27 flowers, remnants of numerous fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 53 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on pods chewed photo 3011,3012 B.attenuata pods chewed fragments but Carrabungup NR 18-5 6387604 379982 B.attenuata 7 0 20 90 no full pods on ground, just small pieces possums? Carrabungup NR 18-6 6387579 380039 B.attenuata 5 0 40 30 0 Carrabungup NR 18-6 6387579 380039 B.attenuata 6 0 40 180 4 flowers Carrabungup NR 18-7 6386998 379965 B.attenuata 6 0 10 50 0 Carrabungup NR 18-7 6386998 379965 B.attenuata 4 0 20 110 Carrabungup NR 18-8 6387036 379926 B.attenuata 5 0 0 20 0 Carrabungup NR 18-9 6387026 379870 B.attenuata 5 0 12 45 0 Carrabungup NR 18-9 6387026 379870 B.attenuata 4 0 10 150 Coronation Road 12-10 6362897 384660 Marri 4 0 0 0 Coronation Road 12-10 6362897 384660 Marri 6 0 0 Coronation Road 12-12 6363096 384582 Marri 7 0 0 50+ old Coronation Road 12-12 6363096 384582 B.attenuata 5 0 0 40 100+ old pods 1 flower maybe a possum? 1 flower maybe a possum? 0 0 2 fresh flowers chewed Fresh 2 flowers © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 54 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Coronation Road 12-2 6363002 384898 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 10 1 flower Coronation Road 12-2 6363002 384898 B.attenuata 5 0 0 30 5 flowers Numerous Coronation Road 12-4 6363360 385358 Jarrah 12 0 0 fruit but no residue Coronation Road 12-4 6363360 385358 B.attenuata 10 0 0 60 1 flower Coronation Road 12-4 6363360 385358 B.attenuata 14 0 0 40 2 flowers Coronation Road 12-4 6363360 385358 Jarrah 10 0 0 Numerous Coronation Road 12-6 6363538 385180 Marri 3 0 0 30 Coronation Road 12-6 6363538 385180 Marri 10 0 0 30 Coronation Road 12-8 6362840 384633 Marri 7 0 0 10 chewed cones RTBC 0 50 V. old pods RTBC? 200+old/1 0 fresh Fresh pods Coronation Road 12-8 6362840 384633 Marri 10 0 0 Coronation Road 12-8 6362840 384633 Marri 8 0 0 Coronation Road 12-8 6362840 384633 Marri 15 0 0 Coronation Road 12-8 6362840 384633 Marri 17 0 0 Coronation Road West 12-1 6362978 384933 B.attenuata 2 0 0 5+ old pods 50+old pods 20+ old pods 200+ old pods 30 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 55 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Coronation Road West 12-1 6362978 384933 B.attenuata 2.5 0 0 95 2 flowers Coronation Road West 12-11 6363031 384560 Marri 7 0 0 Numerous ~5 chewed nuts Coronation Road West 12-11 6363031 384560 B.attenuata 3.5 0 0 9 0 Coronation Road West 12-11 6363031 384560 B.attenuata 5.5 0 0 25 1 flower Coronation Road West 12-3 6363413 385400 Marri 3 0 0 Numerous 0 Coronation Road West 12-5 6363553 385114 Marri 1 0 0 Numerous Coronation Road West 12-5 6363553 385114 Marri 5 0 0 0 Coronation Road West 12-5 6363553 385114 Marri 5 0 0 0 Coronation Road West 12-7 6362795 384619 Marri 3 0 0 Numerous ~20 chewed nuts 1-5 chewed nuts 5-10 chewed nuts Numerous chewed nuts (RTBC or CBC) Coronation Road West 12-7 6362795 384619 B.grandis 3 0 0 40 1 flower Coronation Road West 12-9 6362797 384672 B.grandis 5 0 0 50 13 flowers Coronation Road West 12-9 6362797 384672 Marri 5 0 0 Numerous 10-20 chewed nuts, very old Very old (CBC) Harry Waring NR 21-1 6441004 389613 B.menziesii 3 0 0 30 0 Harry Waring NR 21-1 6441004 389613 B.attenuata 6 0 30 50 1 flower Harry Waring NR 21-1 6441004 389613 B.attenuata 8 0 50 90 2 flowers Harry Waring NR 21-1 6441004 389613 B.attenuata 7 0 35 40 4 flowers Harry Waring NR 21-2 6440966 389581 B.attenuata 3 0 10 15 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 56 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Harry Waring NR 21-2 6440966 389581 B.attenuata 5 0 6 45 20 flowers Harry Waring NR 21-3 6441035 389669 B.menziesii 3 0 0 15 0 Harry Waring NR 21-4 6440124 389660 B.menziesii 3 0 0 15 0 Harry Waring NR 21-5 6440154 389701 B.attenuata 3 0 0 20 0 Harry Waring NR 21-6 6440180 389752 B.attenuata 1 0 5 3 0 Jandakot Regional Park 23-1 6436111 393417 B.menziesii 3 0 0 140 8 Flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-1 6436111 393417 B.menziesii 6 0 0 100 7 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-1 6436111 393417 B.menziesii 10 0 20 50 17 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-1 6436111 393417 B.menziesii 2 0 7 60 0 Jandakot Regional Park 23-2 6436112 393470 B.menziesii 5 1 0 50 3 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-2 6436112 393470 B.menziesii 4 0 0 210 15 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-3 6436124 393518 B.menziesii 6 0 8 80 13 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-3 6436124 393518 B.menziesii 8 5 10 55 10 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-3 6436124 393518 B.menziesii 11 0 7 40 26 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-4 6436024 394283 B.menziesii 6 0 0 250 5 flowers Jandakot Regional Park 23-5 6436018 394334 B.menziesii 4 0 0 12 0 Jandakot Regional Park 23-5 6436018 394334 B.attenuata 6 0 20 85 3 old pods Jandakot Regional Park 23-6 6436035 394383 B.menziesii 6 0 0 20 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-1 6378698 380460 B.attenuata 2 0 20 70 2 flowers Kooljerrenup NR 14-1 6378698 380460 B.attenuata 5 0 6 30 1 flower Kooljerrenup NR 14-10 6377135 380685 B.attenuata 6 0 40 150 13 flowers old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 57 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Kooljerrenup NR 14-10 6377135 380685 B.attenuata 5 0 3 6 9 flowers Kooljerrenup NR 14-10 6377135 380685 B.attenuata 7 0 5 70 1 flower Kooljerrenup NR 14-10 6377135 380685 B.attenuata 10 0 8 20 2 flowers Kooljerrenup NR 14-11 6376995 380690 Marri 3 0 0 numerous 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-11 6376995 380690 Marri 7 0 0 numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-12 6376933 380698 B.attenuata 2 0 10 10 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-12 6376933 380698 B.attenuata 6 0 50 200 12 flowers Kooljerrenup NR 14-2 6378689 380400 B.grandis 4 0 2 3 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-3 6378609 380492 B.attenuata 5 0 0 15 2 flowers Kooljerrenup NR 14-4 6378562 380515 B.attenuata 6 0 10 25 1 flower Kooljerrenup NR 14-4 6378562 380515 B.attenuata 5 0 1 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-4 6378562 380515 B.attenuata 10 0 3 6 Kooljerrenup NR 14-5 6377638 380614 Jarrah 1 0 0 numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-5 6377638 380614 Marri 5 0 0 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-5 6377638 380614 Marri 5 0 0 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 6377638 380568 Marri 1.5 0 0 3 2 fresh & 2 old chewed pods 2 old chewed Marri pods old old Chewed Jarrah RTB ~5 chewed fruits (fresh) ~30 chewed fruits (fresh) 4 chewed fruits (fresh) ~30 chewed fruits (fresh) Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 58 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on ~5 chewed fruits Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 6377638 380568 Marri 3 0 0 1 Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 6377638 380568 Marri 2 0 0 5 Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 6377638 380568 Marri 5 0 0 2 Kooljerrenup NR 14-6 6377638 380568 Marri 5 0 0 10 Kooljerrenup NR 14-7 6377557 380616 Jarrah 6 0 0 Numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-7 6377557 380616 Marri 5 0 0 Numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-8 6377504 380588 Marri 6 0 0 numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-8 6377504 380588 Marri 9 0 0 numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-8 6377504 380588 Jarrah 10 0 0 numerous Kooljerrenup NR 14-9 6377050 380683 Jarrah 5 0 0 numerous 0 Kooljerrenup NR 14-9 6377050 380683 Marri 8 0 0 numerous 3 (many eaten) Kooljerrenup NR 14-9 6377050 380683 Jarrah 5 0 0 numerous ~20(fresh) Kooljerrenup NR 14-9 6377050 380683 Marri 6 0 0 30 ~10(old) Lake Mealup Res. 12-12 6382174 379205 Marri 5 0 0 numerous Lake Mealup Res. 12-12 6382174 379205 Marri 4 0 0 30 0 Lake Mealup Res. 12-12 6382174 379205 B.attenuata 7 0 40 400 2 flowers (fresh) ~40 chewed fruits (fresh) ~2 chewed fruits (fresh) ~50 chewed fruits (fresh) Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh 0 11 fresh chewed pods 100+ fresh pods chewed 50 fresh pods Fresh Fresh fresh 300+ fresh pods chewed 1 v.old chewed pod Fresh v.old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 59 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Lake Mealup Res. 17-1 6382208 379414 B.attenuata 2 0 0 5 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-10 6382167 379096 B.attenuata 2 0 50 130 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-10 6382167 379096 Marri 8 0 0 numerous Lake Mealup Res. 17-11 6382171 379150 B.attenuata 2 0 10 20 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-2 6382170 379378 B.attenuata 8 0 20 90 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-2 6382170 379378 B.attenuata 7 0 40 130 1 flower Lake Mealup Res. 17-2 6382170 379378 B.ilicofolia 7 0 0 numerous 4 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-3 6382298 379411 B.attenuata 3 0 5 50 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-3 6382298 379411 B.attenuata 6 0 60 180 11 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-4 6382339 379408 B.attenuata 5 0 0 30 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-4 6382339 379408 B.attenuata 5 0 550 250 2 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-4 6382339 379408 B.attenuata 5 0 40 200 3 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-5 6382411 379136 B.attenuata 3 0 3 3 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-6 6382378 379091 B.attenuata 3 0 10 80 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-6 6382378 379091 B.attenuata 6 0 20 50 1 flower Lake Mealup Res. 17-6 6382378 379091 B.attenuata 6 0 30 25 2 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-6 6382378 379091 B.attenuata 5 0 50 120 5 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-7 6382335 379066 B.attenuata 3 0 0 30 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-7 6382335 379066 B.attenuata 3 0 50 300 2 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-7 6382335 379066 B.attenuata 7 0 70 130 1 flower 20 old chewed pods FRTBC © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 60 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Lake Mealup Res. 17-8 6382301 379029 B.attenuata 2 0 0 10 0 Lake Mealup Res. 17-8 6382301 379029 B.attenuata 6 0 60 250 2 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-9 6382174 379041 B.attenuata 7 0 50 250 10 flowers Lake Mealup Res. 17-9 6382174 379041 B.attenuata 7 0 3 9 0 Leda NR 24-1 6427749 387780 B.grandis 11 0 30 180 0 Leda NR 24-10 6427969 387278 B.attenuata 6 0 2 0 0 Leda NR 24-11 6427981 387229 B.attenuata 6 0 1 15 0 Leda NR 24-12 6427980 387176 B.attenuata 4 0 30 95 0 Leda NR 24-2 6427784 387822 B.attenuata 6 0 10 10 0 Leda NR 24-3 6427731 387724 B.attenuata 7 0 45 70 0 Leda NR 24-3 6427731 387724 B.attenuata 8 0 15 17 0 Leda NR 24-3 6427731 387724 B.attenuata 8 0 20 200 2 flowers Leda NR 24-4 6427724 387669 B.attenuata 10 0 40 300 0 Leda NR 24-5 6427683 387629 B.attenuata 13 0 20 20 0 Leda NR 24-5 6427683 387629 B.attenuata 10 0 50 220 9 flowers Leda NR 24-6 6427638 387603 B.attenuata 18 0 40 60 0 Leda NR 24-7 6427962 387383 B.attenuata 8 0 5 2 0 Leda NR 24-8 6427966 387437 B.attenuata 3 0 5 15 0 Leda NR 24-9 6427961 387331 B.attenuata 12 0 30 40 0 Melaleuca Park 9-1 6494546 395101 B.menziesii 3 0 0 15 0 Melaleuca Park 9-10 6496307 395264 B.attenuata 3.5 0 8 15 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 61 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Melaleuca Park 9-10 6496307 395264 B.menziesii 6.5 0 0 1 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-11 6496309 395210 B.menziesii 3 0 4 4 3 flowers Melaleuca Park 9-12 6496311 395156 B.attenuata 4 0 10 10 0 Melaleuca Park 9-13 6496729 395256 B.attenuata 2.5 0 4 15 0 Melaleuca Park 9-13 6496729 395256 B.attenuata 5 0 13 15 1 flower, 1 cone Melaleuca Park 9-14 6496733 395207 B.attenuata 1.5 0 1 2 0 Melaleuca Park 9-14 6496733 395207 B.menziesii 4 0 0 25 3 cones Melaleuca Park 9-15 6496748 395149 B.attenuata 7 0 6 15 0 Melaleuca Park 9-16 6497257 395258 B.attenuata 2.5 0 0 4 0 Melaleuca Park 9-17 6497264 395203 B.attenuata 4 0 10 40 0 Melaleuca Park 9-18 6497269 395158 B.attenuata 8 0 25 50 0 Melaleuca Park 9-18 6497269 395158 B.menziesii 6 0 0 20 3 flowers Melaleuca Park 9-18 6497269 395158 B.attenuata 10 0 10 50 2 flowers Melaleuca Park 9-2 6494540 395053 B.attenuata 7 0 5 30 6 flowers fresh Melaleuca Park 9-2 6494540 395053 B.menziesii 3 0 0 30 2 pods fresh Melaleuca Park 9-3 6494522 395007 B.attenuata 1 0 0 5 0 Melaleuca Park 9-3 6494522 395007 B.attenuata 2 0 0 50 1 flower fresh Melaleuca Park 9-3 6494522 395007 B.attenuata 3 0 12 70 1 flower fresh Melaleuca Park 9-4 6495125 395149 B.attenuata 4 0 7 90 0 Melaleuca Park 9-4 6495125 395149 B.attenuata 11 0 0 35 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-5 6495122 395098 B.menziesii 1 0 0 12 0 fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 62 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Melaleuca Park 9-5 6495122 395098 B.menziesii 2 0 0 10 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-5 6495122 395098 B.attenuata 7 0 6 120 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-6 6495119 395046 B.menziesii 8 0 0 30 0 Melaleuca Park 9-6 6495119 395046 B.attenuata 6 0 1 10 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-6 6495119 395046 B.attenuata 10 0 5 30 1 flower Melaleuca Park 9-7 6495690 395249 B.attenuata 2 0 0 0 0 Melaleuca Park 9-8 6495677 395201 B.attenuata 3 0 0 23 0 Melaleuca Park 9-8 6495677 395201 B.menziesii 5 0 0 3 1 pod Melaleuca Park 9-9 6495662 395154 B.attenuata 8 0 6 35 0 Melaleuca Park 9-9 6495662 395154 B.attenuata 12 0 4 50 1 flower Muchea 1 7-1 6512799 387377 B.attenuata 6 0 15 120 0 Muchea 1 7-1 6512799 387377 B.menziesii 4 0 0 25 3 flowers Muchea 1 7-10 6512865 390182 B.menziesii 8 0 0 55 2 flowers old Muchea 1 7-10 6512865 390182 B.menziesii 8 0 0 10 1 flower old Muchea 1 7-11 6512916 390188 B.attenuata 1 0 5 20 0 Muchea 1 7-11 6512916 390188 B.menziesii 10 0 0 50 2 flowers Muchea 1 7-12 6512965 390191 B.menziesii 2 0 0 80 0 Muchea 1 7-13 6512883 391108 B.attenuata 4 0 2 25 0 Muchea 1 7-14 6512931 391122 B.attenuata 1 0 0 10 0 Muchea 1 7-15 6512980 391129 B.attenuata 7 0 15 70 0 Muchea 1 7-2 6512850 387366 B.menziesii 2 0 0 15 4 flowers fresh fresh old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 63 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Muchea 1 7-3 6512898 387364 B.attenuata 2 0 0 25 0 Muchea 1 7-3 6512898 387364 B.menziesii 4 0 0 10 2 flowers Muchea 1 7-4 6512808 388168 B.menziesii 2.5 0 0 10 0 Muchea 1 7-5 6512860 388157 B.menziesii 1 0 20 60 0 Muchea 1 7-5 6512860 388157 B.menziesii 6 0 21 20 2 flowers Muchea 1 7-6 6512906 388152 B.menziesii 3 0 0 1 0 Muchea 1 7-6 6512906 388152 B.menziesii 5 0 0 9 2 flowers Muchea 1 7-7 6512836 389151 B.menziesii 2 0 0 10 0 Muchea 1 7-8 6512887 389159 B.attenuata 7 0 0 13 0 Muchea 1 7-8 6512887 389159 B.menziesii 3 0 0 6 1 flower old Muchea 1 7-8 6512887 389159 B.attenuata 4 0 0 20 1 flower fresh Muchea 1 7-9 6512939 389163 B.attenuata 2 0 0 3 0 Muchea 1 7-9 6512939 389163 B.menziesii 5 0 0 20 1 flower old Muchea 1 7-9 6512939 389163 B.menziesii 8 0 0 15 1 flower old Muchea 2 8-1 6506474 393363 B.attenuata 6 0 0 2 0 Muchea 2 8-10 6506326 388901 B.attenuata 3 0 0 35 1 flower Muchea 2 8-10 6506326 388901 B.menziesii 2.5 0 0 6 0 Muchea 2 8-10 6506326 388901 B.menziesii 8 0 30 95 3 flowers Muchea 2 8-11 6506376 388901 B.attenuata 3 0 0 12 0 Muchea 2 8-12 6506425 388899 B.attenuata 3 0 0 25 0 Muchea 2 8-12 6506425 388899 B.menziesii 6 0 0 6 1 flower old old old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 64 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Muchea 2 8-13 6506202 387122 B.menziesii 4 0 0 15 2 flowers old Muchea 2 8-13 6506202 387122 B.attenuata 6 0 10 80 3 flowers fresh Muchea 2 8-14 6506253 387122 B.attenuata 3 0 0 2 0 Muchea 2 8-15 6506301 387125 B.menziesii 2 0 0 4 1 flower Muchea 2 8-2 6506526 393365 B.menziesii 4 0 0 15 0 Muchea 2 8-3 6506576 393371 B.menziesii 3.5 0 0 50 0 Muchea 2 8-4 6506432 391870 B.attenuata 6 0 0 10 0 Muchea 2 8-5 6506481 391867 B.attenuata 1 0 0 10 0 Muchea 2 8-6 6506533 391869 B.attenuata 5 0 10 60 0 Muchea 2 8-7 6506378 390338 B.menziesii 4 0 2 25 0 Muchea 2 8-8 6506429 390336 B.attenuata 2 0 2 25 0 Muchea 2 8-9 6506475 390342 B.menziesii 3 0 0 1 0 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-1 6376425 386351 B.attenuata 5 0 20 90 2 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-1 6376425 386351 B.attenuata 7 0 10 50 1 cone Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 6377412 386434 B.attenuata 4 0 2 25 0 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 6377412 386434 B.attenuata 8 0 50 50 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 6377412 386434 B.attenuata 8 0 80 30 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 6377412 386434 B.attenuata 10 0 60 120 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-10 6377412 386434 B.attenuata 10 0 30 30 5 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-11 6377413 386356 B.attenuata 6 0 30 60 1 flower fresh 37 flowers/1 cone 10 flowers 24 flowers, 1 cone © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 65 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on 2 flowers/1 fresh Nine Mile Lake NR 15-11 6377413 386356 B.attenuata 9 0 100 600 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-12 6377407 386305 B.attenuata 6 0 20 200 17 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-12 6377407 386305 B.attenuata 8 0 40 400 5 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-12 6377407 386305 B.attenuata 9 0 0 200 6 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-12 6377407 386305 B.attenuata 7 0 0 180 10 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-2 6376392 386315 B.attenuata 3 0 4 20 0 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-2 6376392 386315 B.ilicofolia 5.5 0 20 100s 5 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-2 6376392 386315 B.ilicofolia 6 0 10 100s 10 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-2 6376392 386315 B.ilicofolia 8 0 50 100s 15 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-3 6376462 386359 B.menziesii 6 10 20 400 0 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-3 6376462 386359 B.ilicofolia 8 0 Numerous numerous Nine Mile Lake NR 15-4 6376497 386307 B.menziesii 8 0 2 10 0 Nine Mile Lake NR 15-4 6376497 386307 B.attenuata 8 0 20 100 1 flower Nine Mile Lake NR 15-5 6376893 386468 B.attenuata 3 0 30 30 2 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-5 6376893 386468 B.ilicofolia 3.5 0 10 200s 3 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-5 6376893 386468 B.attenuata 8 0 20 30 3 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-5 6376893 386468 B.ilicofolia 8 0 0 100s 7 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-6 6376851 386467 B.ilicofolia 4 0 0 100s 3 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-6 6376851 386467 B.attenuata 10 0 4 0 1 flower Nine Mile Lake NR 15-7 6376941 386472 B.attenuata 8 0 20 70 0 chewed pod Fresh 3 chewed flowers © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 66 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Nine Mile Lake NR 15-7 6376941 386472 B.menziesii 3 0 1 5 1 flower Nine Mile Lake NR 15-7 6376941 386472 B.ilicofolia 9 0 0 numerous 5 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-8 6376965 386432 B.attenuata 2 0 15 30 3 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-8 6376965 386432 B.attenuata 3 0 20 45 4 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-8 6376965 386432 B.attenuata 8 0 10 25 2 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-8 6376965 386432 B.attenuata 9 0 30 90 1 flower Nine Mile Lake NR 15-9 6377421 386382 B.attenuata 3 0 10 80 6 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-9 6377421 386382 B.attenuata 5 0 15 100 19 flowers Nine Mile Lake NR 15-9 6377421 386382 B.ilicofolia 5 0 5 100s 15 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-1 6368025 378425 B.attenuata 8 0 1 0 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-1 6368025 378425 B.attenuata 6 0 15 15 4 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-1 6368025 378425 B.attenuata 10 0 30 10 4 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-10 6366759 379235 B.attenuata 3 0 6 20 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-10 6366759 379235 B.attenuata 5 0 20 15 2 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-10 6366759 379235 B.attenuata 6 0 15 15 1 cone Old Bunbury Road 13-10 6366759 379235 B.attenuata 7 0 20 50 4 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-11 6366646 379265 B.attenuata 2 0 10 10 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-11 6366646 379265 B.attenuata 6 0 30 50 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-11 6366646 379265 B.attenuata 8 0 20 80 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-12 6366592 379278 B.attenuata 8 0 5 5 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-12 6366592 379278 B.attenuata 7 0 20 30 4 flowers © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 67 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Old Bunbury Road 13-2 6368010 378477 B.ilicofolia 2 0 0 100+ 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-2 6368010 378477 B.ilicofolia 5 0 0 100+ 4 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-2 6368010 378477 B.ilicofolia 6 0 0 200+ 10 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-2 6368010 378477 B.ilicofolia 6 0 0 100+ 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-3 6368023 378392 B.attenuata 4 0 15 30 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-3 6368023 378392 B.attenuata 5 0 3 2 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-3 6368023 378392 B.attenuata 6 0 10 3 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-4 6368028 378346 B.attenuata 5 0 25 50 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-4 6368028 378346 B.attenuata 4 0 20 50 5 flowers 2 flowers & 1 Old Bunbury Road 13-4 6368028 378346 B.attenuata 6 0 25 100 fresh chewed Fresh pod Old Bunbury Road 13-5 6366706 378738 B.attenuata 5 0 20 30 Old Bunbury Road 13-5 6366706 378738 B.attenuata 4 0 15 20 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-5 6366706 378738 B.attenuata 6 0 15 20 1 flower Old Bunbury Road 13-6 6366748 378769 B.attenuata 6 0 10 70 5 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-6 6366748 378769 B.attenuata 7 0 20 60 Old Bunbury Road 13-6 6366748 378769 B.attenuata 7.5 0 30 60 2 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-6 6366748 378769 B.attenuata 10 0 10 40 2 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-7 6366643 378747 B.grandis 5 0 3 1 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-7 6366643 378747 B.attenuata 6 0 20 20 2 flowers 1 cone, 3 flowers © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 68 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Old Bunbury Road 13-8 6366593 378761 B.attenuata 4 0 20 40 3 flowers 6 flowers and 3 old chewed Old Bunbury Road 13-8 6366593 378761 B.attenuata 5 10 30 80 pods on ground looks like CBC old foraging on ground Old Bunbury Road 13-8 6366593 378761 B.attenuata 6 0 40 150 30 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-8 6366593 378761 B.attenuata 8 0 30 130 10 flowers Old Bunbury Road 13-9 6366705 379233 B.attenuata 4 0 15 13 0 Old Bunbury Road 13-9 6366705 379233 B.attenuata 3.5 0 0 2 1 cone Old Bunbury Road 13-9 6366705 379233 B.attenuata 8 0 70 90 2 flowers numerous cones Rockingham Lakes 26-1 6423320 386776 B.sessilis 3 0 0 400 chewed on ground Rockingham Lakes 26-10 6423727 386557 B.attenuata 8 0 50 70 3 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-10 6423727 386557 B.attenuata 8 0 40 100 3 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-11 6423625 386602 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 3 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-12 6423682 386636 B.attenuata 4 0 0 1 0 5-6 chewed Rockingham Lakes 26-2 6423299 386844 B.sessilis 6.5 numerous 0 numerous pods fresh residue FRTB fresh residue Allo.fras. Rockingham Lakes 26-2 6423299 386844 B.sessilis 5.5 0 0 0 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 69 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Rockingham Lakes 26-3 6423415 386745 B.attenuata 11 0 8 4 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-4 6423472 386770 B.attenuata 4 0 5 5 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-5 6423465 386965 B.attenuata 4 0 5 35 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-6 6423440 387013 B.attenuata 4 0 10 600 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-7 6423528 386946 B.attenuata 3 0 6 6 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-8 6423575 386922 B.attenuata 10 0 30 70 0 Rockingham Lakes 26-8 6423575 386922 B.attenuata 10 0 50 100 10 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-8 6423575 386922 B.attenuata 10 0 60 160 3 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-9 6423677 386552 B.attenuata 5 0 50 150 30 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-9 6423677 386552 B.attenuata 12 0 100 200 6 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-9 6423677 386552 B.attenuata 7 0 75 70 30 flowers Rockingham Lakes 26-9 6423677 386552 B.attenuata 8 0 70 300 40 flowers 27-1 6410535 385905 B.attenuata 6 0 15 200 0 27-1 6410535 385905 B.grandis 10 0 0 50 27-1 6410535 385905 B.grandis 15 0 0 10 27-10 6409085 385878 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 0 0 27-11 6409099 385925 B.attenuata 15 0 50 80 0 27-11 6409099 385925 B.attenuata 15 0 70 120 RTBC Allo.fras. Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional several flowers on ground several flowers on ground © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 70 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Pod residue 27-11 6409099 385925 B.attenuata 12 0 100 120 3 flowers 27-12 6409123 385993 B.attenuata 3 0 30 100 0 27-2 6410532 385957 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 100 0 27-3 6410524 386000 B.attenuata 6 0 50 120 0 27-4 6410534 386051 B.attenuata 4 0 10 60 0 27-4 6410534 386051 B.attenuata 5 0 25 120 1 flower 27-4 6410534 386051 B.attenuata 6 0 40 100 6 flowers 27-5 6409886 385915 B.attenuata 7 0 10 200 flower residue 27-5 6409886 385915 B.attenuata 9 0 5 400 flower residue 27-6 6409896 385968 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 1 0 27-7 6409885 386024 B.attenuata 5 0 0 90 0 27-7 6409885 386024 B.attenuata 10 0 160 100 8 flowers © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 71 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Rockingham Lakes Regional 27-8 6409892 386089 B.attenuata 5 0 40 40 0 27-8 6409892 386089 B.attenuata 7 0 80 150 3 flowers 27-8 6409892 386089 B.attenuata 8 0 60 130 5 flowers 27-9 6409112 385832 B.attenuata 8 0 15 20 0 27-9 6409112 385832 B.attenuata 15 0 30 400 Thompsons Lake 20-1 6441308 389466 B.attenuata 13 0 120 180 Thompsons Lake 20-1 6441308 389466 B.grandis 6 0 0 20 0 Thompsons Lake 20-1 6441308 389466 B.grandis 6 0 0 30 3 flowers Thompsons Lake 20-1 6441308 389466 B.menziesii 10 2 10 35 1 flower Thompsons Lake 20-2 6441305 389412 B.menziesii 3 0 0 25 0 Thompsons Lake 20-2 6441305 389412 B.attenuata 6 0 5 25 Thompsons Lake 20-2 6441305 389412 B.attenuata 8 0 40 190 Thompsons Lake 20-3 6441300 389363 B.menziesii 7 0 0 10 0 Thompsons Lake 20-3 6441300 389363 B.menziesii 6 10 0 5 2 old B.m pods Thompsons Lake 20-3 6441300 389363 B.attenuata 7 0 200 180 3 flowers Thompsons Lake 20-4 6441427 389695 B.menziesii 7 5 10 45 0 Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road Rockingham Lakes Regional Park Paganoni Road flower residue (6 snipped flowers) 12 flowers and 1 old pod 2 old chewed pods 2 old chewed pods old old old old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 72 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Thompsons Lake 20-5 6441374 389701 B.menziesii 5 0 0 25 0 Thompsons Lake 20-5 6441374 389701 B.attenuata 6 0 50 200 2 flowers Thompsons Lake 20-6 6441328 389718 B.menziesii 3 0 0 10 0 Two Rocks 2-1 6521084 372788 B.attenuata 3 0 0 20 1 pod Two Rocks 2-10 6521095 371185 B.menziesii 1 0 0 1 0 Two Rocks 2-11 6521041 371184 B.attenuata 3 0 0 2 0 Two Rocks 2-12 6520992 371180 B.menziesii 1 0 1 0 0 Two Rocks 2-13 6521104 370676 B.menziesii 2 0 1 1 0 Two Rocks 2-14 6521056 370694 B.attenuata 1 0 0 1 0 Two Rocks 2-15 6521004 370703 B.attenuata 3 0 2 30 0 Two Rocks 2-16 6521091 370122 B.attenuata 3 0 5 100 0 Two Rocks 2-17 6521042 370117 B.attenuata 6 0 0 30 0 Two Rocks 2-18 6520991 370104 B.attenuata 4 0 0 50 0 Two Rocks 2-2 6521033 372783 B.attenuata 4 0 1 35 1 pod 0 _ _ 11 Two Rocks 2-3 6520983 372776 B.sessilis plants/100 sqm numerous flowers Two Rocks 2-4 6521112 372195 B.menziesii 1 0 1 60 1 pod Two Rocks 2-5 6521060 372191 B.attenuata 2 0 0 0 0 Two Rocks 2-6 6521012 372185 B.attenuata 2 0 25 100 0 Two Rocks 2-7 6521107 371732 B.attenuata 3 0 10 65 0 Two Rocks 2-8 6521057 371741 B.menziesii 1 0 2 25 0 old old fresh fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 73 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Two Rocks 2-9 6521012 371748 B.attenuata 2 0 2 60 0 Warbrook Road 10-1 6490917 399494 B.attenuata 4 0 0 8 0 Warbrook Road 10-1 6490917 399494 B.menziesii 10 0 0 15 2 flowers Warbrook Road 10-10 6492351 399437 B.menziesii 5 0 0 4 0 Warbrook Road 10-10 6492351 399437 B.menziesii 6 0 0 15 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-11 6492347 399383 B.attenuata 3 0 1 7 0 Warbrook Road 10-12 6492355 399338 B.attenuata 1.5 0 0 5 0 Warbrook Road 10-12 6492355 399338 B.menziesii 7 0 0 15 Warbrook Road 10-13 6492693 399475 B.attenuata 4.5 0 10 20 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-13 6492693 399475 B.attenuata 5 0 2 40 1 cone, 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-13 6492693 399475 B.attenuata 4 0 5 8 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-14 6492693 399522 B.menziesii 4 0 0 15 0 Warbrook Road 10-15 6492700 399574 B.menziesii 3 0 0 12 0 Warbrook Road 10-16 6493129 399379 B.attenuata 8 0 28 110 Warbrook Road 10-17 6493136 399431 B.menziesii 4 0 0 15 0 Warbrook Road 10-17 6493136 399431 B.menziesii 3.5 0 0 3 2 flowers Warbrook Road 10-18 6493123 399479 B.attenuata 5 0 20 70 0 Warbrook Road 10-18 6493123 399479 B.menziesii 6 0 0 25 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-2 6490951 399535 B.menziesii 3 0 0 5 0 Warbrook Road 10-2 6490951 399535 B.menziesii 8 0 0 30 2 flowers 1 flower, 1 fresh cone © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 74 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Warbrook Road 10-2 6490951 399535 B.menziesii 10 0 0 5 2 flowers Warbrook Road 10-3 6490999 399562 B.attenuata 1 0 10 15 0 Warbrook Road 10-4 6491417 399485 B.menziesii 5 0 0 25 0 Warbrook Road 10-5 6491416 399537 B.attenuata 6.5 0 15 50 0 Warbrook Road 10-6 6491414 399585 B.attenuata 4 0 10 30 0 Warbrook Road 10-7 6491949 399487 B.menziesii 3 0 0 8 0 Warbrook Road 10-7 6491949 399487 B.attenuata 6 0 15 80 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-8 6491950 399537 B.attenuata 2 0 0 8 0 Warbrook Road 10-8 6491950 399537 B.attenuata 4 0 0 90 1 flower Warbrook Road 10-9 6491958 399587 B.attenuata 4 0 25 35 0 Wiblinga 1-1 6527511 370052 B.attenuata 5 0 10 30 0 Wibinga 1-10 6528933 370035 B.attenuata 1 0 20 80 0 Wibinga 1-11 6528937 370085 B.menziesii 1 0 12 30 0 Wibinga 1-12 6528943 370142 B.attenuata 2 0 5 100 0 Wibinga 1-13 6529339 370027 B.attenuata 3 0 0 6 0 Wibinga 1-14 6529343 370078 B.attenuata 1 0 4 20 0 Wibinga 1-15 6529344 370126 B.attenuata 3 0 5 85 0 Wibinga 1-16 6529870 370033 B.menziesii 4 0 0 25 0 Wibinga 1-17 6529880 370083 B.attenuata 1 0 0 25 0 Wibinga 1-18 6529893 370133 B.menziesii 1 0 0 3 0 Wibinga 1-2 6527518 370102 B.menziesii 1 0 1 5 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 75 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Wibinga 1-3 6527520 370156 B.attenuata 4 0 0 0 0 Wibinga 1-4 6528018 370042 B.menziesii 4 0 1 6 0 Wibinga 1-5 6528034 370091 B.attenuata 2 0 10 50 0 Wibinga 1-6 6528046 370141 B.attenuata 2 0 8 35 0 Wibinga 1-7 6528549 370027 B.menziesii 1 0 15 45 0 Wibinga 1-8 6528552 370077 B.attenuata 1 0 20 100 0 Wibinga 1-9 6528549 370124 B.menziesii 1 0 2 15 0 Yanchep NP 4-1 6514122 377637 B.sessilis 0 _ _ 8 flowers 10 plants/100 old sqm Yanchep NP 4-10 6510551 376829 B.attenuata 3 0 5 10 0 Yanchep NP 4-11 6510527 376875 B.attenuata 3 0 0 1 0 Yanchep NP 4-12 6510492 376911 B.attenuata 3 0 0 0 0 Yanchep NP 4-13 6509208 378402 B.attenuata 6 0 0 0 0 Yanchep NP 4-14 6509180 378353 B.attenuata 3 0 0 10 0 Yanchep NP 4-15 6509145 378323 B.menziesii 6 0 0 0 0 Yanchep NP 4-15 6509145 378323 B.sessilis Yanchep NP 4-16 6507638 377431 B.menziesii 2 0 0 2 0 Yanchep NP 4-17 6507646 377485 B.attenuata 7 0 0 50 10 pods old Yanchep NP 4-18 6507640 377530 B.attenuata 5 0 0 15 1 pod fresh Yanchep NP 4-2 6514134 377588 B.sessilis 14 0 _ _ 5 flowers old estensive flowers old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 76 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on plants/100 sqm 14 Yanchep NP 4-3 6514134 377537 B.sessilis plants/100 0 _ _ 0 sqm Yanchep NP 4-4 6513389 376485 B.menziesii 1 0 0 0 0 Yanchep NP 4-5 6513394 376434 B.attenuata 1 0 0 0 1 pod Yanchep NP 4-6 6513403 376384 B.attenuata 8 0 0 40 0 Yanchep NP 4-7 6512272 376622 B.attenuata 5 0 0 35 0 Yanchep NP 4-8 6512279 376672 B.menziesii 4 0 0 5 0 Yanchep NP 4-9 6512273 376725 B.attenuata 3 0 0 70 1 pod Yeal - Military Road 3-1 6524752 377364 B.attenuata 1 0 0 50 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-10 6524935 378274 B.attenuata 3 0 0 10 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-11 6524889 378289 B.attenuata 4 0 15 70 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-12 6524837 378302 B.menziesii 4 0 12 90 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-13 6524991 378560 B.menziesii 2 0 0 15 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-14 6524940 378575 B.attenuata 6 0 0 20 2 pods Yeal - Military Road 3-15 6524891 378576 B.attenuata 1 0 0 5 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-16 6525051 378868 B.menziesii 2.5 0 0 25 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-17 6525001 378876 B.menziesii 8 0 0 15 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-18 6524946 378884 B.attenuata 4.5 0 5 120 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-2 6524702 377358 B.attenuata 1.5 0 5 45 0 old fresh fresh © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 77 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Yeal - Military Road 3-3 6524652 377368 B.menziesii 1.5 0 0 5 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-4 6524829 377731 B.attenuata 1 0 0 5 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-5 6524777 377739 B.attenuata 1 0 0 0 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-6 6524733 377758 B.attenuata 1 0 0 35 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-7 6524875 377973 B.attenuata 4 0 0 15 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-8 6524824 377982 B.attenuata 1 0 0 10 0 Yeal - Military Road 3-9 6524773 377992 B.menziesii 2 0 0 10 0 Yeal 1 5-1 6521185 380729 B.attenuata 2 0 10 140 0 Yeal 1 5-1 6521185 380729 B.menziesii 3.5 0 0 35 10 flowers old Yeal 1 5-1 6521185 380729 B.menziesii 6 0 0 20 3 flowers old Yeal 1 5-1 6521185 380729 B.menziesii 8 0 0 25 6 flowers old Yeal 1 5-1 6521185 380729 B.menziesii 8 0 0 10 3 flowers old Yeal 1 5-10 6521270 384787 B.menziesii 2 0 0 2 0 Yeal 1 5-11 6521218 384799 B.attenuata 6 0 0 30 0 Yeal 1 5-12 6521169 384797 B.menziesii 2.5 0 0 35 0 Yeal 1 5-13 6521308 386274 B.menziesii 3 0 2 35 0 Yeal 1 5-13 6521308 386274 B.menziesii 5.5 0 40 230 4 flowers Yeal 1 5-13 6521308 386274 B.menziesii 3 0 10 60 1 flower Yeal 1 5-14 6521257 386283 B.attenuata 4 0 2 105 0 Yeal 1 5-14 6521257 386283 B.menziesii 7 0 10 45 2 flowers Yeal 1 5-15 6521209 386294 B.menziesii 2 0 0 35 0 old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 78 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Yeal 1 5-15 6521209 386294 B.menziesii 7 0 20 65 3 flowers Yeal 1 5-15 6521209 386294 B.menziesii 6 0 10 30 2 flowers Yeal 1 5-2 6521134 380732 B.attenuata 2 0 0 20 0 Yeal 1 5-2 6521134 380732 B.menziesii 5 0 0 15 5 flowers Yeal 1 5-3 6521085 380737 B.menziesii 6 0 0 2 0 Yeal 1 5-4 6521205 381715 B.menziesii 6 0 0 4 5 flowers Yeal 1 5-4 6521205 381715 B.attenuata 3 0 5 55 0 Yeal 1 5-5 6521156 381728 B.attenuata 3 0 0 50 0 Yeal 1 5-6 6521103 381731 B.menziesii 3 0 0 0 0 Yeal 1 5-7 6521238 383260 B.menziesii 3 0 0 210 5 flowers Yeal 1 5-8 6521187 383266 B.attenuata 3 0 0 20 0 Yeal 1 5-8 6521187 383266 B.menziesii 5 0 0 130 3 flowers Yeal 1 5-9 6521131 383262 B.attenuata 6.5 10 50 130 0 Yeal 1 5-9 6521131 383262 B.menziesii 8 0 0 350 4 flowers Yeal 2 6-1 6516762 385051 B.attenuata 7 0 20 130 0 Yeal 2 6-1 6516762 385051 B.menziesii 4 0 0 20 7 flowers Yeal 2 6-10 6516909 389521 B.menziesii 1 0 0 1 0 Yeal 2 6-11 6516858 389525 B.menziesii 4 0 0 15 0 Yeal 2 6-12 6516809 389524 B.menziesii 4 0 0 5 0 Yeal 2 6-13 6516941 390856 B.menziesii 5 0 0 5 0 Yeal 2 6-14 6516891 390855 B.menziesii 3 0 0 20 0 old old old old old © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 79 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Yeal 2 6-15 6516841 390853 B.attenuata 2 0 0 20 0 Yeal 2 6-2 6516723 385079 B.menziesii 3 0 0 5 0 Yeal 2 6-3 6516689 385119 B.attenuata 1 0 0 10 0 Yeal 2 6-3 6516689 385119 B.menziesii 4 0 5 25 4 flowers Yeal 2 6-3 6516689 385119 B.menziesii 3 0 10 35 3 flowers Yeal 2 6-4 6516832 386578 B.menziesii 2.5 0 0 5 0 Yeal 2 6-5 6516778 386585 B.attenuata 1 0 4 30 0 Yeal 2 6-6 6516730 386588 B.attenuata 2.5 0 0 30 0 Yeal 2 6-7 6516867 388042 B.attenuata 4 0 6 25 0 Yeal 2 6-8 6516814 388047 B.attenuata 1 0 0 0 0 Yeal 2 6-8 6516814 388047 B.menziesii 8 0 0 30 7 flowers Yeal 2 6-9 6516765 388048 B.attenuata 5 0 10 20 0 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 80 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Appendix D – Opportunistic Roost Survey data Locality E N Date Time Approximate flock size Direction movement of Other Observations/ Cockatoos followed to roost (bearing) Yeal 386517 6516640 11/03/2013 6:13pm 100+ South-east Muchea 386040 6513300 12/03/2013 6:30pm 300 South-east Flock of Carnaby's Cockatoos observed Carnaby's Cockatoos flock appear to be heading to roost site. Followed. Carnaby's Cockatoos are settling down for the night on the Muchea 386760 6512840 12/03/2013 7:03pm 300 Roosting eastern edge of pine plantation. This site is not marked as a known roost location but appears to be approximately 2 km north of a known roost. Lake edge provided a good vantage point for viewing. Checked Lake 384967 Goegrup 6402549 21/03/2013 6-6:30pm Nil N/a in late afternoon - sunset but no sign of Carnaby's Cockatoos around lake or adjacent vegetation. A pair of Carnaby’s Cockatoos appears to be heading to roost, Stake Hill 385500 6404500 21/03/2013 6:10pm 2 North-west but lost sight of them. Roost might be in the Rockingham/Parklands-Lakelands area. Mt Brown Kwinana - 385521 6438878 28/03/2013 6-6:40pm Nil N/a Mt Brown provided excellent vantage point. But no Carnaby's Cockatoos seen anywhere for kilometres around. © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 81 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Appendix E: Site Photos Feeding residue - B. menziesii flowers Feeding residue - B. attenuata flowers Feeding residue – B. menziesii pod Feeding residue – B. attenuata pod Feeding residue – B. ilicifolia flowers Feeding residue – B. attenuata © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 82 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo feeding residue – Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo feeding residues Marri (C. calophylla) pods Jarrah (E. marginata) pods Signs of water stress or dieback – Melaleuca Park Site Edge Effects causing prolific/extended flowering in B. 9 attenuata – Muchea Site 8 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 83 SEWP aC C ar na b y’ s C oc ka too H a bi ta t As s e ss me nt P er th- Pe el R e gi on HEAD OFFICE SYDNEY ST GEORGES BASIN Suite 4, Level 1 2-4 Merton Street Sutherland NSW 2232 T 02 8536 8600 F 02 9542 5622 Level 6 299 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 T 02 8536 8650 F 02 9264 0717 8/128 Island Point Road St Georges Basin NSW 2540 T 02 4443 5555 F 02 4443 6655 CANBERRA NEWCASTLE NAROOMA Level 2 11 London Circuit Canberra ACT 2601 T 02 6103 0145 F 02 6103 0148 Suites 28 & 29, Level 7 19 Bolton Street Newcastle NSW 2300 T 02 4910 0125 F 02 4910 0126 5/20 Canty Street Narooma NSW 2546 T 02 4476 1151 F 02 4476 1161 COFFS HARBOUR 35 Orlando Street Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450 T 02 6651 5484 F 02 6651 6890 ARMIDALE MUDGEE 92 Taylor Street Armidale NSW 2350 T 02 8081 2681 F 02 6772 1279 Unit 1, Level 1 79 Market Street Mudgee NSW 2850 T 02 4302 1230 F 02 6372 9230 PERTH Suite 1 & 2 49 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 T 08 9227 1070 F 08 9322 1358 WOLLONGONG Suite 204, Level 2 62 Moore Street Austinmer NSW 2515 T 02 4201 2200 F 02 4268 4361 GOSFORD Suite 5, Baker One 1-5 Baker Street Gosford NSW 2250 T 02 4302 1220 F 02 4322 2897 © ECO LOGICAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD DARWIN 16/56 Marina Boulevard Cullen Bay NT 0820 T 08 8989 5601 BRISBANE PO Box 1422 Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 T 0400 494 366 84 1300 646 131