الاســـم : الرقــــم : المــــدة : ثلاث ساعات امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية

: ‫االســـم‬
: ‫الرقــــم‬
‫ ثالث ساعات‬: ‫المــــدة‬
)‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية (الفرع األدبي‬
40 = 3/120 :‫الدرجة‬
)‫(الصفحة األولى‬
‫اللغة االنكليزية‬
I- Read the following text then do the tasks below:
On 1 June, 1910, Captain Scott left London to begin
his Antarctic expedition. On his way, he received a
telegram from the Norwegian explorer Roald
Amundsen: "I'm going South." So the race to the
South Pole was on!
Amundsen was the first to leave, on 15 October,
1911. He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all
his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid
progress. Scott left on 1 November and soon had
problems. First, his two motor sledges broke down,
and then the ponies began to have serious difficulties
with the snow and the cold. After a while, Scott and
his men had to push the sledges themselves.
Amundsen reached the Pole on 14 December and
put a Norwegian flag there. Scott finally arrived at the
Pole with four companions on 17 January. They were
devastated when they saw the Norwegian flag. Scott
wrote bitterly in his diary:
"Well, we have now lost the goal of our ambition and
must face 800 miles of hard pushing – and goodbye to
most of our dreams."
The return journey was one of the worst in the
history of exploration. The men were soon exhausted
and were running out of food. The weather conditions
were terrible.
II-Read the following text then do the tasks below:
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one
of the original Seven Wonders of the world.
Nebuchadnezzar II built them around 600 BCE to
please his wife, Amytis of Media, who longed for the
trees and beautiful plants of her homeland. They are a
very early and impressive example of irrigation.
Irrigation is a very important part of life today,
especially in hot countries. An earthquake destroyed
the gardens after the 1st Century BCE.
Many people wrote about the magnificent gardens,
including the Greek writer Diodorus Siculus. Diodorus
wrote a wide collection of historical passages.
However, it should be remembered that each one was
written, not only to inform, but to entertain as well. He
wrote a series of forty books divided into three
sections. He used the work of many earlier historians
to create an informative, elegant body of writing for
people to refer to and read out loud to others.
Answer the following questions:
12- Diodorus Siculus wrote historical passages……….
a- to give information
b- to entertain people
c- both (a) and (b)
( 8 marks )
1- Who did Amundsen send a telegram to?
2- Why did Amundsen make a rapid progress?
3- What was the first difficulty to face Captain Scott?
4- When did Scott reach the South Pole?
Choose the correct answer a, b, or c:
( 4 marks )
11- Nebuchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens……
a- to be an impressive example of irrigation
b- to please his wife
c- to long for the trees
Match three of the underlined words from the text
to the definitions below:
(6 marks )
Find words in the text which mean the following:
( 4 marks ) 13- pieces of writing
14- the country someone was born in
5- shocked and sad
15- Supplying land with water
6- fast and quick
7- at last
Complete the following sentences with information
8- very tired
from the text:
( 6 marks )
Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct
16- The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by ………..
the information.
( 4 marks )
17- People consider The Hanging Gardens……………
9- Scott's use of motor sledges and ponies was a
18- Diodorus used the work of many earlier historians
so that people …..…………………
10- When Scott and his men got to the pole, they had a
: ‫االســـم‬
)‫امتحان شهادة الدراسة الثانوية (الفرع األدبي‬
: ‫الرقــــم‬
‫ ثالث ساعات‬: ‫ المــــدة‬40 = 3/120 :‫الدرجة‬
)‫(الصفحة الثانية‬
‫اللغة االنكليزية‬
VII- Complete the following sentences using
( 6 marks )
36- I’ve enjoyed playing football since………………
37- They had a fireplace built so that ………………..
III- Complete the following paragraph / sentences
by filling in the gaps:
(10 marks )
19- I'd like to go ……………...a trip to Greenland.
20- They haven't heard the results ………….
21- Your driver will take you…………. you wish to go.
22- Welsh is a Celtic language that is spoken in ……… VIII- Choose the correct words in brackets:
Principality of Wales.
( 10 marks )
23- School finishes ………… four o'clock.
38- He (is understanding, understands) what trekkers
-IV- Fill in the spaces with words from the list. Use 39- The weather today is very (bad, badly).
each word once only.
(10 marks ) 40- Some TV programmes are popular (in spite of,
planted, , streets, resembled, same, wide,
although) the bad ratings.
irrigation, which.
41- I've (just, ever) finished writing my essay.
The garden was 100 feet long by 100 feet …24… and 42- The winner (who, whose) car is red won the race.
built up in tiers so that it …25… a theatre. Vaults had
been constructed under the ascending terraces …26… IX- Correct the verbs in brackets:
( 8 marks )
carried the entire weight of the …27… garden, which, 43- Jason Peters …… (be) a wildlife cameraman.
at this point, was on the …28… level as the city walls. 44- Yasmin ….. (work) at a travel agent's in
V- Complete the following dialogue by writing
suitable questions. (Write at least four words for
each question)
( 12 marks )
29- A: …………………………………….?
B: Helen Thayer is an explorer.
30- A: ………………………………………?
B: She's from New Zealand.
31- A: ……………………………………….?
B: She was born in 1938.
32- A: ……………………………………….?
B: She lives in the USA.
VI- Write the missing parts of the following
exchanges using the function in brackets (6 marks)
A: Do you think you'll ever take up a dangerous
(Express dislike)
33- B: …………………………………………….
A: What sports do you like doing?
(Express a specific preference)
34- B: ………………………………………….
A: Last year I went on a safari to Africa.
(Show interest)
35- B: ………………………………………….
Damascus in the school holidays this year.
45- How long ……… (you live) here?
46- Mum's cooking dinner downstairs. It ……(smells)
X- Translation:
- Translate the following sentence into Arabic :
( 3 marks )
47- My brother thinks trekking is a fun holiday but I
disagree. I don't like it.
- Translate the following sentence into English:
( 3 marks )
48- ،‫ أحب بعض رياضات الفرق لكني أفضل الرياضات الفردية‬.‫مثل السباحة‬
XI- composition :
(20 marks)
Write a letter to a friend of no more than 80 words
about an adventure holiday you are on telling him
about the place, the weather, the activities you have
done and the people with you.
The End of Exam
‫انتھت األسئلة‬