Revision Questions contemporary Aboriginal

Revision Questions- Contemporary Aboriginal Spiritualities
The Dreaming and Aboriginal spirituality
Kinship and the Dreaming
1. Define the concept of the Dreaming.
2. Identify the role of totems in Aboriginal spirituality.
3. Outline the obligations of Aboriginal peoples to kinship groups.
Ceremonial life and the Dreaming
4. Identify the connections between ceremonies and the dreaming.
Obligations to land and people and the Dreaming
5. Outline the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the land.
6. List the responsibilities Aboriginal groups have to the land.
Aboriginal spirituality and the effect of dispossession
Separation from the land
7. Define the term terra nullius.
8. List two reasons for Aboriginals becoming separated from the land.
9. Outline how dispossession has affected the Aboriginal community.
Separation from kinship groups
10. Identify three impacts of dispossession on kinship groups.
11. Describe what happened to the institutions of language and elders as a result of
The Stolen Generations
12. Describe the phenomena of the ‘Stolen Generations’.
13. List two effects of the policies which led to the Stolen Generation.
14. Name two ways in which the Stolen Generation issue has been addressed in
contemporary Australia.
Aboriginal spirituality and the land rights movement
Native Title
15. Identify the concept of Native Title.
16. Outline how the issue of Native Title gained recognition during the 1960s and 1970s.
17. List the features of the 1993 Native Title Bill.
18. Describe the outcome of the Mabo decision.
19. Outline the outcome of the Mabo decision.
20. List the features of John Howard’s ‘ten-point plan’
The Dreaming and the land rights movement
21. Outline the connection between the Dreaming and the land rights movement.
22. List the problems encountered by the land rights movement.