STUDIES OF RELIGION - SYLLABUS DOT POINTS - YEAR 11 - TERM 1 Students learn about: Students learn to: STUDENT NOTES The Nature of Religion ● religion as a worldview that: – acknowledges the supernatural dimension – has a belief in a divine being or powers beyond the human and/or dwelling within the individual ● define the supernatural dimension ● discuss a transcendent religious worldview that has a belief in divine power and/or powers beyond the human ● Beyond the natural. These powers or forces were understood to live beyond the “real world” Gods and Goddesses live in these supernatural realms. - What happens when someone dies - Why are we here - What is the universe ● Looking at a perspective in a world view or a different perspective beyond the known universe. They believe gods and goddesses are necessary for the ongoing existence even though they are beyond this universe. - polytheism (Hinduism) - believe in many Gods. - monotheism (Christianity) - belief in only on god Polytheism has gods and goddesses that bring harm to humanity and will be stopped through worship and sacrifice. If you are obedient you will be rewarded with a happy life. Monotheism believes that the universe came to be through the power of this one God. The universe's purpose is to provide for humans and in return we are expected to look after the creation. Answers fundamental questions - ● discuss an immanent religious worldview that has a belief in a divine being or powers dwelling within the individual ● characteristics of religion: – beliefs and believers – sacred texts and writings – ethics – rituals and ceremonies ● define the characteristics of religion Why are we here? Who made the earth? Where do we go after death? ● These worldviews believe that God holds a divine spirit that lives within nature. (Mountains and streams aboriginal culture) They believe these powers created the universe and hold their power and us humans are left to worship (respecting the places the spirit holds) We are obliged to live cooperatively with these spirits if we destroy them we will suffer misfortune. Keeping health and wellbeing maintained to have life force spirits Having a harmonious relationship with these spirits. - God and the universe is one. (Characteristics table doc - link) - Sacred texts and scriptures - Ethics - Rituals and ceremonies - Beliefs and Believers - 81/the-four-characteristics-of-religion MV2EoEM6XSNxT6UAGlJEwc9E4lyce9Iw_e rgA/edit#heading=h.r88chcn3m40k ● explore the ways in which these characteristics interact to create a dynamic, living religion WOv0 7 dimensions of Religion Religious practice Immersed in daily life WOv0 Religions don't necessarily have all 7 of these dimensions Experiential - they way we experience religion or how we experience the supernatural Mythological - Having a religious experience and then telling others about that said experience (Narrative Form) Rituals - Taking these experience and stories and turning them into rituals e.g the eucharist (Ritualising a story or action) Doctrinal - ‘how to do things and why to do things’ rules in place about the stories and the rituals taking place Ethical - what you should and shouldn't do; ethics is the practical application of belief. Societal - cultures and groups that build up religion in communities Material - the things/objects/aspects we see and feel and touch when it comes to religion ● the contribution of religion ● appreciate the contribution of religion to: – individuals – society and culture Religion offers individual answers to life's profound questions. It explains the creation of the universe, human nature and life's purpose. It gives the individual an identity as an adherent within a religious tradition giving them a sense of belonging. - Religion offers an individual a system of ethics that will guide the person to behave appropriately - It helps individuals address current challenges. - Giving them ways to celebrate significant events in their life - Developing a faith gives us more responsibilities guide them to become more true to themself and come closer to achieving faith goals - Provides guidance and direction for the individual - Way to achieve inner peice - Placing them in a long tradition of belief and practice - Provides reassurance and validity (Sense of belonging) Humans have survived and developed because of their capacity to make sense of the world around them and to use various materials to improve their life. They used their reason to create meaning and order. - Religion has been one such system by which humans have made sense of their place within the universe - It is responsible for maintaining wellbeing within a society and has played a significant role in keeping peace - Teachings that acknowledge the ultimate responsibility of individuals towards a divine power - In many cases a society's law are based on ethical systems of a religious tradition - Religions have seen importance in education for the younger minorities - The roles and positions of people are shaped by the society ( the place of women) have all been determined by religious traditions (roles within the catholic church) - Dedicating appropriate diets ( jws cant eat pork) - Religious calendars - Since religious traditions wish to preserve what they believe to be truth Religion has been an essential part of society and culture as it provides comfort, hope and joy to humans throughout history Divine as beings with free will and reason who are destined for happiness Australian Aboriginal Beliefs and Spiritualities – The Dreaming ● nature of the Dreaming ● the inextricable connection of the Dreaming, the land and identity outline the nature of the Dreaming in relation to: – origins of the universe – sacred sites – stories of the Dreaming – symbolism and art – discuss the diversity of the Dreaming for Aboriginal peoples` – recognise the importance of the Dreaming for the life of Aboriginal peoples ……. – investigate the inextricable connection of the Dreaming, the land and identity Kinship UDiiP7chObFtiAKJCbqtPbeJEjGHPdiBecmb 3E/edit 5NDU4Njg1/a/Mjg2NTkzNDI5MzUy/details Characteristics of aboriginal spirituality ^ KymtvyQJ9uk3CWAqvtYQVcUx4C6jSAv7e2r bwFv4/edit#slide=id.gc0968edd63_0_6 SLIDE above answers the nature of the dreaming dot points ● a worldview ● a distinctive religious system ● inextricably linked to the land N4eqSg3aCknqRmknUF3BiVq5Nc8Pk7OCS hYn8czc/edit#slide=id.p - symbolism and art group work Kinship - Aboriginal Australian kinship comprises the systems of Aboriginal customary law governing social interaction relating to kinship in traditional Aboriginal cultures,The kinship system is a feature of Aboriginal social organisation and family relationships across Central Australia. It is a complex system that determines how people relate to each other and their roles, responsibilities and obligations in relation to one another, ceremonial business and land.