Yakama Nation Monitoring Summary Area covered: Yakama Nation Reservation, Ceded Lands, and other Treaty Trust Natural Resource Use Areas. Summary: Currently, the most comprehensive habitat monitoring work by the YN is occurring in the Klickitat subbasin (implementation, status and trend, and effectiveness including BACI, food web study). The on-reservation (Yakima) program has conducted some project specific monitoring (e.g. vegetation, morphology, reach assessment) and has conducted other non-project specific monitoring for a number of years (e.g. temperature, sediment, flow). There is also some in-depth project-specific monitoring (e.g. Hancock Springs) and general implementation monitoring (Klickitat, Yakima, Wenatchee/Entiat-UCSRB, Methow-MSRF). There is significant monitoring related to salmonid population status and trends, VSP, reintroductions, recovery, etc., and research into the distribution & limiting factors of lamprey & sturgeon. Extensive TFW monitoring (e.g. sediment, gravels, presence/absence, temperature, morphology, etc.) Habitats were characterized for EDT/ intrinsic potential analysis/ TFW (region-wide)/ Rapid Aquatic Habitat Assessment Protocol (Klickitat). Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects Study Site Type Study Type* Objectives Habitat Variables Biotic Variables Time Scale Spatial Scale 1.94 miles (109 acres) of Nason Creek offchannel created 2 sites Gaps? Wenatchee Nason Creek (Lower White Pine) Floodplain Reconnection Nason Cr.& White R. Wenatchee Subbasin Smolt Traps Reconnection of offchannel/ floodplain to increase complexity and rearing/ refuge habitat. Wetland plants, flow, groundwater levels Fish presence (juveniles abundance?) Pre-survey 2012-13; Implementation 2014 S&T Productivity estimates Habitat use Spawner survey M&E Coho reintroduction success Habitat use 2004 – Present Mar-Nov. 2002 - Present Oct.-Dec. Lake Wenatchee to Mouth, Nason, Chiwawa Lower Peshastin Remote PIT tag survey M&E Coho reintroductionhabitat use Habitat use juvenile abundance, survival, production Spawner distribution, density & origin Adult returns Oct.-Dec. Subbasin 2010 Subwatershed Implementation Hydrology, geology, morphology (habitat), substrate, disturbance Varies by design specification Riparian vegetation Wenatchee Subbasin- by project Wells Dam Evaluate/ID strategies to restore/ preserve salmonid habitat & river processes Implementation of habitat restoration project objectives Investigations into sockeye limiting factors As needed (UCSRB 2013) Project site 2009-present Project site As needed (UCSRB 2013) Project site 2005-present Project site (tributary) Tributary and Reach Assessment Sockeye sampling Effectiven ess Evaluation I S&T Abundance, origin Subbasin Longer term function Entiat Entiat Subbasinby project Implementation I Implementation of habitat restoration project objectives Varies by design specification Restoration effectiveness (snorkel surveys, water quality, photopoints, etc.) Nutrients study E Determine effectiveness of Hancock Springs restoration Water quality, riparian restoration BMI, fish abundance, spawners R, M & E Evaluate nutrient availability/ status Water quality Redd surveys E, S & T Coho reintroduction PIT tagging, kelt reconditioning R, M & E Methods to increase kelt survival 1o & 2o productivity, BMI, various fish metrics Spawner distribution, abundance Abundance (returns) Methow Hancock Springs Twisp River Methow subbasin-wide (Twisp) Methow Subbasin (& Lower Bridge Cr.) Habitat use Tributary- 6 sites Subbasin Subbasin Longer term function Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects Methow Subbasin- by project Methow (TwispLewisia Rd.) Implementation I Implementation of habitat restoration project objectives Varies by design specification Hydrology, geology, morphology (habitat), substrate, disturbance “ “ Project Opportunities Assessment Reach Assessment Evaluation Reach Assessment Evaluation Evaluate/ID strategies to restore/ preserve salmonid habitat & river processes “ “ Reach Assessment Evaluation “ “ Roza, Prosser Dams Dam count, adult sampling S, T & E Management and tracking of runs (spring/fall Chinook, coho, steelhead) Yakima Subbasin Spawning ground surveys S, T & E Management and tracking of runs (all species) Prosser/ Chandler juvenile monitoring facility Yakima Subbasin Juvenile sampling S, T & E Determine population fractions, outmigrants Screw traps S, T & E Yakima Subbasin (on reservation) Yakima Subbasin Snorkel survey S, T & E Predation study S, T & E Determine population fractions, outmigrants, productivity Juvenile salmonid densities and habitat use Determine major sources of juvenile predation Yakima Subbasin DNA, radiotelemetry, PIT tagging, entrainment evaluation Lamprey radiotelemetry, passage, entrainment surveys R, M, E VSP parameters estimates for steelhead populations R, M, E Track adult passage, survey sources of mortality, reduce juvenile entrainment Juv. Lamprey surveys S, T, E Track status and trend, outmigration numbers, Chewuch River Lower Twisp River Libby Creek Evaluation “ “ As needed (MSRF 6/20136/2015) 2011 Project site Riparian vegetation 2010 Subwatershed (reach) “ “ 2010 “ “ 2012 Subwatershed (reach) Subwatershed (reach) Longer term function Yakima Lower Yakima Subbasin (Starting with lower Yakima four dams) Yakima Subbasin Abundance, VSP parameters, wild fraction, fitness, age, sex ratio, etc. Distribution, redd count, VSP parameters, etc. Population scale productivity 1982-present Subbasin (2 sites) 1982-present Subbasin ~20 yr. Subbasin (1 site) Watershed scale productivity, timing, survival Densities, preferred habitat Impact of various sources of predation Abundance, productivity, spatial structure, diversity 2005- present Seasonally (NovJune) 2005-present, JulyOct present 4 (+) sites (watershed scale) reach 2010-present Subbasin Passage, entrainment design Adult passage, juvenile passage, 2012-2013 (year round) Lower Yakima Fate of lamprey in the ocean Habitat use, limiting factors Status and trend, outmigration 2012 (summer) Region wide Lamprey distribution/ Habitat use Habitat use Subbasin Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects pre-treatment Lower Yakima Subbasin, supplementation sites Yakama Reservation/ lower river Water quality, contaminants S, T, E Temperature loggers S, T, E Yakama Reservation Flow gages, water table wells Yakama Reservation TFW surveys Taneum Temperature, photopoints Yakima Subbasinby project numbers Research water quality/ temperature/ contaminant conditions in lower river and impacts on lamprey Temperature monitoring, tracking improvements in limiting temperatures Temperature, chemistry, contaminants S, T, E Hydrologic monitoring, tracking improvements in flow regime, limiting flows Unnatural flow regime, limiting flows S, T, E Instream fish habitat type delineation/ tracking conditions Numerous (cover, substrate, sediment, habitat types, morphology, etc.) Effectiveness Evaluation of hydrologic (thermal refuge) impact of large wood habitat project temperature Photopoints, topographic survey points I Varies by design specification, (e.g. topographic, morphology changes, sediment movement) Yakama Reservation Vegetation monitoring E Implementation of habitat restoration project objectives. Landscape changes due to restoration actions. Response to restoration actions. Response to water table change. Yakama Reservation Vegetation monitoring E Re-vegetation survival after ground disturbance in restoration. Vegetation survival Klickitat/ S. Ceded Effect of water quality/ contaminants on lamprey composition in mainstem Columbia/ Snake 2012 (summer) Lower Yakima ~20 years (50 loggers- Satus, Ahtanum, Toppenish) Seasonally (mid Apr-mid Oct) 20 years (some) seasonally (WT wells, mostly last 6 years) Watershed 20 years Some revisited after 10 years (Satus watershed, 10 sites). Watershed 2012 Project site Revegetation success 2008-present, As needed (2012-present for topographic survey) Project site Species composition, density, survival 2008 baselinepresent, In 2015 after restoration, Annual Starting 2012, annual Project site Limiting temperatures Fish presence/ absence Watershed Every project site Updated, real time equipment, peak flow measureme nt Funds Earlier projects Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects Castille Falls Fish Enumeration Facility (Upper) and Lower Klickitat River (Lower) Smolt Screw Trap S&T Outmigration estimates Klickitat Subbasin Redd Surveys S&T Population estimates, escapement estimates Lyle Falls Fish Trap, Klickitat Fish Hatchery, Castille Falls Fish Enumeration Facility Adult traps and Video Monitoring S&T Population estimates, escapement estimates, hatchery fraction Klickitat Subbasin Genetic Sampling S&T Sampling location spatially reference to delineated habitat Fish length, weight, PIT code, and VSP parameters Klickitat Subbasin Fish Presence and Absence Surveys; Distribution Surveys, PIT Tagging; Radio Tracking S & T, E O. mykiss population structure, comparison of life history displayed versus genetic grouping; hatchery versus wild interactions Anadromous fish distribution survey, habitat use; Smolt outmigrant estimates and timing; Steelhead chinook, and coho adult spawn timing and location Habitat-fish relationships (fish capture location spatially referenced to delineated habitat VSP parameters Klickitat Subbasin Gravel/ Sediment Sampling S&T Quantifying substrate particle distribution through time Substrate Klickitat Subbasin Stream gauges S&T Hydrology, timing and duration of sediment Stage, temperature, and turbidity Potential indices of secondary production and spawning gravel habitat quality (literature derived) Quantification of salmonid water Habitat use (spatially geo-referenced) Length frequency & age, outmigration timing 1996-present @ Castille Fallls (Seasonal); 2006present @ Lower Mainstem Site (Continuous) 3 Fixed Locations Flow, water quality, and hatchery fish releases VSP parameters 1992-present (Intra-Annual) Flow/water clarity limitations VSP parameters 2004-present @ Lyle Falls Fish Trap (Continuous); 2004present @ Klickitat Fish Hatchery (Seasonal); 2011present @ Castille Falls Fish Enumeration Facility (Continuous) 2008-present (Seasonal) Continuous Survey( in known anadromous distribution areas) 3 Fixed Locations White Creek Basin + 4 lower Klickitat Tributaries Funding Fish Presence Present Surveys 1990-present (Seasonal); Distribution Surveys 2009-present (Seasonal); Radio Tracking and PIT Tagging 2008present 1999-present (Seasonal) Fish bearing portions in Klickitat Subbasin Spatial Discontinuit y; Funding 25 Fixed Locations in Klickitat Subbasin Site limited inferences Stage = 2006present 13 sites throughout Spatial coverage Flow/water clarity limitations Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects pulses Tepee Creek Shallow groundwater Klickitat Subbasin Aquatic Habitat Inventory Haul Road (lower mainstem Klickitat) Klickitat Subbasin Repeat topographic surveys (LiDAR) Klickitat Subbasin Photo Monitoring Klickitat Subbasin Water quality Tepee Creek Food Web Study (BACI) E Klickitat Subbasin- by project Implementation (Grade Checks, planting oversight, LWD placement, Erosion Control, etc.) I Temperature quality thresholds Subbasin TFW= 1989-2009 RAHAP= 2009present Klickitat Subbasin (TFW ~ 50 sites, RAHAP27+ sites) 2010-present 13 miles pre 1.25 miles post Spatial, $$ E Groundwater response to physical alterations of the stream channel Distribution of perennial habitat (RAHAP method) VSP parameters S & T, E Quantitative information on stream habitat and fish distribution TFW- Fish presence/absence RAHAP- fish abundance E, I Calculate fill removal, pre and as-built elevations Numerous (delineation and quantification of geomorphic habitat units, spawn patches, bedrock features, large wood pieces, and large wood jams) Floodplain elevations S & T, E Track temperature trend, limiting factor Temperature 1996-prresent 35 locations on 23 streams Periodic data gaps Document (visually) project progression thru time Track Water Quality parameters thru time, various Quantify biotic & abiotic conditions pre and post treatment Visual depiction Quantification of salmonid water quality thresholds Visual depiction 2002-present Qualitative 2005-present (multiple times a year) 2009-2015 4 treatment sites in Tepee Creek and 4 control sites in White Creek Temporal and Spatial? Document whether or not management practices were applied as designed Varies by design specification Quantification of salmonid water quality thresholds Riparian conditions; prey availability (macroinvert abundance, biomass, and composition); O. mykiss diet and population estimates Varies by design specification 13+ Project Sites 35 sites Project site specific Personnel availability limited E, I S & T, E DO, conductivity, turbidity, and pH Air and water temperature., stage and discharge, groundwater, habitat * implementation, effectiveness, status and trend, validation, (monitoring) (research) Future Projects: Turbidity = 2010present (Continuous) 2005-present As needed Tepee Creek (19 wells) Seasonal limitations to site access Funding/ Personnel Grab samples Yakama Nation Fisheries Monitoring Projects Yakima Lamprey: Restoring natural deposition of sediment/ FPOM, in channel/ side channel, and riparian/floodplain restoration in the lower Yakima watershed and effectiveness monitoring (also supplementation) (pilot- 2013). Research methods to ameliorate flip-flop hydrograph and natural hydrologic processes in the Upper Yakima (2013 summer). UC: Methow: MSRF implementation monitoring. Wenatchee/ Entiat: UCSRB implementation monitoring (2013). YRWP: are including morphological/ topographic resurvey into future project proposals, vegetation survival on all re-veg. Klickitat: would like to expand RAHAP to other subbasins.