Cornwall Dyslexia Service: Book Writing Project: Jane Trapmore (Dyslexia Adviser) Background to Project: Cornwall Dyslexia Service (Jane Trapmore) ran a pilot book writing project in 2011 with a year 5 pupils who was a bit disengaged from literacy. He did not enjoy reading (or writing), wanting to read books about farming, as part of the work with Andrew, it was suggested he might write his own book on farming-an area of interest for him as he lived on the farm and wanted to read books on this topic. The first book was supported by Dyslexia Adviser, teachers and parents at school. The outcome was 750 books printed, sold and distributed around Cornwall, England and beyond, making a difference to the pupil who became an author with a’ bit of Andy Warhol fame’ ,as well as showing other young people what you can do, and being a good resource to work with other young people in Cornwall in a similar way. Subsequently 6 books to the series; farming, farm machinery, steam engines, St Breward, mining –all year5&6 boys- and the last book printed this July, written by a year6 pupil, Ava; a book of poetry and fiction writing that included collaborative work with the whole class. How does it work Most of the children who have been involved in the book writing project have been known to the Dyslexia Service, as children who have been identified as having some literacy/ dyslexic difficulties, but who have shown an interest in writing their own books. This work has been supported through the input of staff at school and also the parents have played a part in the projects. Books have taken between 3 months to 1 year to complete and the content, although following a series pattern, has been driven by the decisions of the pupil and their interest and ideas. The final draft is proof read and sent to Cornwall Council design and print team, so this has been a Cornwall project. The school organise the book launch and support and media coverage ranges from school and local based interest to BBC spotlight ITV/ Radio Cornwall/ local newspaper articles and then coverage and interest further afield. Books are printed (500) and are then sold for £5. Cornwall Library Service has also always bought some books for their service –general library, children’s service and the education boxes… National publishers have also been interested in the idea, as have other education authorities. Inspire curriculum are also looking into putting a link on their Inspire curriculum Impact on many levels Individual: Personally, the difference to qualitative/ quantitative data has been positive for all children; confidence as a learner, willingness to have a go, improved literacy skills, interest and motivation, organisation, peer confidence, their status in a class changes One mum described her daughter as ‘changing from a chrysalis to a butterfly’ as a result of this project For others Good role model: to other children who might struggle, the message is you can do rather than you cannot, other children can replicate the model. Schools can use the text book as a teaching tool e.g. about farming or as guided reading poetry text book Within Cornwall good set of books for all children to access For Cornwall Beyond Cornwall: we are the first (only)authority to have done a project in this way- children and young people who might not have been selected to write their own books children who have some difficulties with recording but who know much on their area of interest have become the authors of their own books What next? Book 7 is underway Dyslexia SpLD Trust have publicised the book project Inspire curriculum to put a link to the books available to schools National interest from publishers For more information : or Jane Trapmore 01579 341268 Press release for Cornwall Dyslexia Service: Book Writing Project July 2014 Book Number Six published by young Cornish author mug of Open the or, step into my world, explore my imagination and be inspired. On Friday 18th July at 2.30pm, Ava Munro, a talented Year 6 pupil at St Nicolas’ School, Down Derry, will be launching her poetry book at a special book launch event which will then be followed by the school fair. As part of the Cornwall Dyslexia Service Book Writing Project, Ava is the 6th pupil to become a published author, following in the footsteps of five other young writers, who have all experienced some literacy or dyslexic difficulties and who have had the opportunity to write their own books in this way. For Ava this book has enabled her to share her love of words “It was so much fun writing this book because there were no boundaries. I enjoyed working with my class and being able to choose what went in the book. I chose poetry and creative writing because I LOVE words. I love writing poetry because I don't have to think about the rules because there are no rules. Before knowing I was dyslexic I had a hard time doing literacy and did not feel equal. I don't feel like that anymore.” She has worked incredibly hard on this project, both with the poetry and also with the ideas and designs to accompany her written work. In fact, the whole class has become involved in this book project, contributing to one of the pieces of work, where they chose their best bits from their own writing which was then woven into a story by Ava, the whole class then created a patchwork of art to accompany the story-it’s all in the book! Cath Hayes, Ava’s class teacher explained how this project has had an impact on Ava’s learning. “The book project has done wonders for her in many ways - she has become more confident in her abilities as an author which is great but also she has had to organise herself by gathering the poems, take responsibility for getting the photos together, delegate jobs to her classmates and lead them in the project. We have seen their respect and admiration for Ava increase too which has been fantastic for helping her feel like a leader not just part of the crowd.” This book is a little different from the other books in the series, as Ava is the first girl to be involved and the book ‘A mug of imagination’ is a collection of poetry and other fictional writing demonstrating her love of words. Ava’s mum explained “Writing this book has been a fantastic experience for Ava and her school. Ava has crawled out of her small tight chrysalis and spread her wings. It is a delight to see and I cannot thank the School and the Cornwall Dyslexia Service enough for this opportunity…Ava has had a lot of fun writing this book of poetry. She has loved sharing the journey with her teachers, her classmates and the school. Most importantly Ava has enjoyed being able to share her love of poetry and words with all of you” Jane Trapmore, Dyslexia Adviser for Cornwall reflected “ Every pupil involved in writing their own book have brought many rewards, in particular watching a young person grow in confidence and stature as a learner, and this project has been no exception. It has been a pleasure to work with Ava and her teachers at school.” 500 books have been printed and will be available for sale on the day at £5 each and afterwards from or Book School St Neot July 2011 Details Year 5 pupil Andrew Rowe Veryan School Year 5 pupil Toby Berridge March 2012 Impact Level 3to 4 in Year 6 SATs Level 5 in maths AR “ I could do it !” Andrew chose to buy books with some money he was given – first time he had chosen to buy books Increased confidence as a learner TV coverage, radio newspaper National farmers magazine TB when describing himself to new teacher “I am an author” Created an interest and motivation in literacy –made a difference to his time in school TV radio Cornish mutual sponsorship Blackwater School October 2012 Year 5 pupil Jake Crocker Able to use this tool to demonstrate his knowledge in all things to do with steam engines Increase in confidence Spent some time at stream rally days collecting info and pictures for his book St Breward School Year 6 pupil Dylan Masters Confidence in himself as a learner. Last pieces of work for book, Dylan sat at computer for an hour and wrote (something his mum had never seen him do before ) Shared another book signing event with another local author! Year 6 pupil Oliver Marks Confidence in himself and within his peer group improved. He led and read from his book on his book launch daymum and dad never thought he would be able to do it (but he did!) World heritage site gave opportunity to research with their team and sponsored the book Year 6 pupil Ava Munro Level 4/5 for literacy with appropriate support from schools and through writing this book. Changed Ava’s view of herself and f that of her classmates Mum said ‘ changed from a chrysalis to a butterfly through the books writing experience ‘ July 2013 Delaware school July 2013 St Nicolas’ School July 2014