20102011 Workbook Initial TPM - Ideation Team Alexandra Xavier INESC Porto/MIETE 2010-2011 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 Worksheet Use Worksheets are used throughout the week long course as an integral part of the Algorithm. However, it is important that these Worksheets be used correctly, or they will not only have negligible value, but consume your valuable time. The Worksheets Should not be filled out as a rote exercise Should be viewed as a guide to structure your discussions and data gathering, a focus for your thinking, and as a check on your logic processes Should not be limiting Should record some important contact information, and capture the essence of your thinking Should be used as a support tools for the work you do within the Algorithm Should not be used if they are unhelpful AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 2 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 Worksheet: TPM Project name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________ Remember the objective: Alexandra Xavier@2011 AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 3 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 1. If technology push , describe again the Technology (technology description workbook) Describe technology (100 words) List capabilities List uniqueness 2. Generate ideas of products/services; the main input is: “In non-technical terms, describe the potential applications this technology presents,#2 from technology description. Or Describe the idea/describe the problem ( use cards)- #7 from generating ideas worksheet Idea Description Idea 1: Name it Idea 2: Name it Idea n: Name it 3. Classify ideas: “When looking around for business ideas, bear in mind that these could be based on any of the following approaches: A manufactured product where you buy materials or parts and make up the product(s) yourself. A distributed product where you buy product from a wholesaler, retailer, or manufacturer. A service which you provide. “ Fonte: http://www.planware.org manufactured product Idea 1 Idea 2 distributed product service Idea 1 …. 4. AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 4 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 5. Map ideas: “Bear in mind that most good business ideas are not completely original. You may be familiar with the following diagram which shows the possible combinations of existing/new products/markets”. (Fonte: http://www.planware.org) Existing Products/service New Products/service Existing Markets Idea 1 Idea 2 New Markets Idea 3 New Business Model Idea 1 Idea 3 6. Identify different segments for each idea. (IM matrix) Main questions are: From whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? Why we think so? Idea Market Segments Name 1 Name 2 Name n Market Segments Market Segments From whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? X why X why X why X why X why AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 5 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 7. Describe each segment related to each idea. Answer the questions. Market segment 1 What do people/organizations use/buy? What do they want and cannot use/buy? What do they use/buy and don't like? What are they buying more of? What are the user’s needs? 8. Identify products/services and look at changing with a view to ( especially if products exists): Making them larger/smaller, lighter/heavier, faster/slower Changing their color, material or shape Altering their quality or quantity Increasing mobility, access, portability, disposability Simplifying repair, maintenance, replacement, cleaning Introducing automation, simplification, convenience Adding new features, accessories, extensions Changing the delivery method, packaging, unit size/shape Improving usability, performance or safety Broadening or narrowing the range Improving the quality or service. Fonte: http://www.planware.org AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 6 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 9. Value proposition : Looking for (4 & 7) and answer the questions ( use the check list) Idea Market Segment 1 Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? Witch customer needs are we satisfying? Name 1 What value do we deliver to the customer? Market Segments 2 Market Segments 3 X why Name 2 What value do we deliver to the customer? Name n (…) (…) 10.Build the initial TPM AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 7 TPM tool – MIETE2010/2011 AX @2011 Adapted from COHITEC 2005 & http://www.planware.org & Osterwalder&Pigneur, “ Business Model Generation” Page 8