Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Presentation

TPM based on zero loss concept, zero accidents, zero
defects and zero breakdowns which renders
equipments highly effective
Total productive maintenance
 Aims at getting efficient use of equipments means
overall efficiency
 Promotes and implements productive maintenance
through group or team activities
 TPM is deployed through a unique 8 pillar approach
for easy deployment in any industry at any age
Autonomous maintenance (JISHU-HOZEN)
Planned maintenance
Quality maintenance
Maintenance prevention and equipment
initial control
Education and training
Safety health and environment
Office TPM
Autonomous maintenance (JISHU-HOZEN)
Autonomous maintenance is the cleaning,
checking, discovering hidden faults and
undertaking simple adjustments by
operators, systematically trained through a
step by step program. Autonomous
management is to prevent reoccurrence of
defects by taking preemptive action by the
operator. This is my machine and must
maintain it this should be the attitude of
every operator
Kobetsu- kaizen:
It is continuously improve workers, equipments and
material through continuous improvement in the
process and procedure. It analyses various causes of
time losses and evolves solutions to chronic problems
Breakdown losses
Setup and adjustment losses
Speed losses
Quality defects and rework loss
Start up losses
Benefits of Kobetsu Kaizen
1. Equipment failures
2. Equipment breakdowns
3. Job change time
4. Tool change time
5. Minor stops
6. Management losses
a. want of operators
b. want of tools materials
7. Manufacturing costs
Planned maintenance:
Planned maintenance is to achieve zero
breakdown by improving the efficiency of
traditional preventive maintenance activities
Planned maintenance aims at
a. Focusing on planned maintenance rather
than breakdown maintenance
b. Achieving autonomous maintenance
c. Supporting autonomous maintenance
d. Increasing meantime between failure MTBF
e. Reducing maintenance cost
Quality maintenance:
Quality maintenance is to prevent defects in quality by
a. Incorporating quality into products through process
and equipment rather than controlling quality by
inspecting products and taking action against defects
after they have occurred
b. Maintaining perfect machine and tooling conditions
so that defects are not produced
c. Setting and maintaining optimal process conditions
to get quality products
d. Preventing occurrence of defects by periodic
measurements and verification of standards
e. Taking counter measures
Maintenance prevention design and initial equipment
M.P. design and initial equipment control is designed to
a. Most efficient equipment investment aimed at
achieving a vertical start upon full production
b. Design of equipment which is functional, easy and
which does not fail
c. Shorten the period of development
d. Achieve low life cycle of equipment
Education and Training:
It is the one of the important pillar of TPM since
success of TPM depends on the Education and
Training. The aim of education and Training is
a. To develop talent in equipment maintenance and
b. To develop skills for zero defects, zero break down
and zero accidents
c. To develop abilities to discover and analyze
malfunctions and improve equipment functioning
d. To have multi-skilled employees in all department
Office TPM:
Office TPM is to eliminate problems in the non stop floor
activity so that offices are oriented for excellent support
for manufacturing. Typical office problems analysis under
office TPM are: non availability of files/documents in
time, lengthy meeting without agenda, poor
housekeeping, insufficient storage, high inventory, slow
manual working, duplicate work. TPM aims at:
Improvement in the filing system
Paperless working
Office automation
Reduction in product inventory
Increase in office productivity
Speedy communication
Safety, hygiene and environment control:
Safety, hygiene and environment control is to
identify and eliminate all hazards by adopting
safe, hygiene and environment friendly
activities to prevent death, disability, injuries
and occupational diseases at work
TPM is one of the best tools to enhance safety
and environment at the work place through
small group activities and involvement at all
levels of the organization for the common
goal of zero accidents and zero pollution
TPM aims at
a. Zero accidents
b. Zero occupational disease
c. Zero pollution
Declaration by top management to introduce TPM
Introductory education and campaign for TPM
Create organizations to promote TPM
Setting basic policy and targets for TPM
Preparation of master plan for implementing TPM
TPM kicks off projects in the organization
Steps 7 to 11 implementation of all 8 TPM pillars
Total application of TPM and raising its level
Greater equipment availability
Low production cost
Development of employees
Great employee involvement due to small group
Improved quality
Few customers complaints