THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE TRAVEL SUPPORT POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE TRAVEL SUPPORT APPLICATION FORM use for Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship (PGTF) and HDR assistance scheme SECTION A: PERSONAL AND CANDIDATURE INFORMATION Applicant’s Name: ....................................................................................... Student ID No: ............................................................................................ Email .............................................................................................. ............. Telephone: ................................................................................................... Status (PhD - F/T or P/T): Date candidature ends: Supervisor(s) Name(s): My Structured Program is complete I have applied for Study Leave and have forwarded the completed form to the Graduate Centre. FUNDS SOUGHT: (please tick one box) National conference (max $900) International conference (max $1300) International conference and organised visit to another academic institution (PGTF) 1 1For Postgraduate students enrolled full-time (typically in the third year of candidature) or part-time equivalent for a higher degree by research at PhD level in the School of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences. (Max $2500) SECTION B: PUBLICATION INCENTIVE SCHEME TO ATTEND CONFERENCE - $500 extra (only valid if you have published or had a paper accepted in the year of, or the year prior to, the conference or forum.) I have published / had a paper accepted in the following refereed journal…..… (Please provide date of publication / proof of acceptance with copy of article). Name of Journal: ................................................................................. Title: .................................................................................................... Authors: ............................................................................................... SECTION C: DETAILS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. DETAILS OF ACADEMIC INSTITUTION VISIT (only required if applying for PGTF funding) Name of Conference: ............................................................................................................. Name of the Academic Institution(s) visited: ......................................................................... Location of Conference: .............................................................................................. Location of Academic Institution: ................................................................................ Dates of Conference: .................................................................................................. Dates of Institution visits: ............................................................................................ Date of Departure: ...................................................................................................... Date of Return:............................................................................................................ Proposed activity at the hosting academic institution (including any existing collaborative links and expected outcomes). Provide details of any training and indicate the career benefits of the proposed activity. *NB: The length of a laboratory visit must be specified in the letter of invitation. * If insufficient space is provided please attach additional sheet(s) If you are attending in your second year of candidature, please justify why it is imperative to participate in this particular conference. (Only required if you are applying for extra funding under the PGTF Scheme) Financial Support Requested: $ Amount Airfares (refer to website below for UoA travel policy) : Other Fares: Conference Registration Fee: Subsistence must only apply to the conference(s) and the institution/laboratory visit(s): Accommodation TOTAL (i.e. the support sought after deducting the funds already secured): Refer: SECTION D: PREVIOUS FUNDING RECEIVED Have you previously attended an international conference overseas? Yes No If Yes, please provide the name of the conference, its date and location. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. If you received support to attend the conference(s) please state year and amounts: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ......................................................................... .......................................................................... Date Signature of Applicant .......................................................................... Signature of Supervisor .......................................................................... Date .......................................................................... Please print name of Supervisor …………………………………………………………… Signature of Postgraduate Coordinator .......................................................................... Date .......................................................................... Please print name of Postgraduate Coordinator SECTION E: REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS – please tick Please ensure that you attach the following: Letter of support from Supervisor(s) (only required for PGTF funding) Letter/email from host academic institution (only required for PGTF funding) Evidence of acceptance of your presentation at Conference Notification to Travel Form Publication Incentive Scheme only Copy of journal abstract showing U of A affiliation (only required for section B) Note: Applicants must complete: 1. Notification to Travel Approval Forms: 2. Register overseas travel with Global Learning: 3. Study Leave form: (submit to Adelaide Graduate Centre) Please note that: HDR Assistance Scheme funding can only be provided to attend one conference per year. Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship (PGTF) is typically only provided to students in their third year of candidature and if attending an academic institution in addition to conference presentation. Under the correct circumstances students may receive both forms of funding. The final application (complete with relevant signatures and supporting papers) must be submitted electronically in one PDF file to: An original hard copy of the final application should also be submitted: Ms Carola Sanders School Manager, School of Psychology Ph: 8313 6093 email: