PTO Board Meeting - Kyrene de los Cerritos PTO

Kyrene de los Cerritos Leadership Academy
PTO Community Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, September 9th
Call to Order: An Executive Board Meeting of the Kyrene de los Cerritos Leadership Academy was held
in the Synergy Room on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015. The meeting convened at 8:34 am with
President Jane Miller presiding and Leslie Swanson, as Secretary.
Members in Attendance: The following board members were present and a quorum was present:
Jane Miller (President), Allie Schenach (Vice President), Leslie Swanson (Secretary), Deb True
(Treasurer), Amy Huffman (Financial Secretary, pending Development Coordinator), Abby Green
(Volunteer Coordinator), Rachel Schurz (Communications), Louise Yanock (Hospitality), Jen Metzger
(Hospitality) and Nicole Bonderant (pending Development Cordinator). The Cerritos Administration was
represented by Darcy DiCosmo (Principal). The general PTO members in attendance included Jeff Lutes
and Lisa Ramirez.
Minutes: Minutes of 9/9/2015 meeting were reviewed; Amy Huffman motioned to accept the minutes,
Allie Schenach 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved.
Officer’s Reports
President: Jane Miller reviewed the 2015-2016 PTO Plan of Work. The plan outlines everything the
PTO plans to do throughout the year the goals for that particular project, and how they tie back into the
budget. The next step in the Plan of Work is to approve it for the 2015-2016 schoolyear. Nicole
Bonderant made the motion to approve the 2015-2015 PTO Plan of Work. Amy Huffman 2nd the motion.
Jen Metzger asked if the Plan could be amended throughout the course of the year, Jane Miller confirmed
that the document was a living document. The vote passed and the motion was approved.
Information on Observation of the Playworks Program was shared. There will be a small group of people
going to a school implementing the Playworks Program on September 17th from 11 am to 12 pm. All are
welcome to go and observe. Jane Miller acknowledged the numerous options and concerns that were
addressed after the discussion at the previous PTO meeting. She emphasized that we are not going to
necessarily adopt the program, but see what Cerritos can do to improve and help our recess to make it
more positive.
Jane Miller set a general reminder for the Amazon Smile program and Target Red Card program, as they
are the two “give back” programs that the PTO is participating in this year. In order to activate Amazon
Smile, each individual needs to register for it. For Amazon Smile 0.5% will go back to the school, on
eligible purchases. There was not confirmation on what Target Red Card gives back. Deb True
confirmed that no checks have come in from either program.
Vice President: Allie Schenach reported that concurrent with the PTO Meeting, a meeting for the Ice
Cream Social was being held. She will update Ice Cream Social details during Old Business.
Secretary: Leslie Swanson had nothing to report.
Treasurer: Deb True provided the Monthly Treasurers Report. Currently the PTO has $58,000 in
combination of checking and Savings accounts (split $30,000 in Checking and $27,000 Savings). Deb
True reviewed the budget breaking down by categories. Each category on the budget sheet illustrated
income by category from the start of the fiscal year in June until May of 2016. A general break down of
the budget per the budget spreadsheet was discussed. There was extra discussion in the category of
Extra Curricular Expenses as the play ground balls, new safety cones, and nets for basketball and soccer
were purchased. It was explained that more was spent than expected but a better quality of balls were
purchased. Hopefully, this would result in expanding the life of the playground equipment. This would be
dependent on the students putting the balls away properly. The PTO had a positive response to the
purchase of the new playground equipment.
Deb True presented that the PTO needed to vote to approve reimbursement of check requests over 30
days old. The motion was made by Rachel Schurz reimburse Jane Miller for New Student Welcome gift
bags. Jen Metzger 2nd the motion. Secondly, the PTO needed to reimburse a check for HOST GATOR,
the PTO Webhosting Company. Nicole Bonderant motioned for the PTO to pay for HOST GATOR and
Amy Huffman 2nd the motion. Lastly, the water machine in the staff lounge is provided by PTO. A
motion was made by Nicole Bonderant to continue to expense the water machine for the staff in the
lounge. Amy Huffman 2nd the motion. A vote was taken on all three items and was passed.
Deb True brought an error in the budget line items to the attention of the PTO. At one time a line item
for clubs was added for a new club. A $200 budget was included with this line item. The budget
associated with the New Club was not rolled into the total category a clubs (totaling $800 rather than
$1000) and a vote needed to be taken to amend this portion of the budget. Rachel Schurz made a
motion to increase the expense amount for clubs from $800 to $1000 to correctly compute the amount of
funds delegated to Clubs and allowing the budget to remain at a zero sum. Nicole Bonderant 2 nd the
motion. The motion passed.
Nicole raised the question of the budget for the 5th grade party. Jane Miller suggested that this was
discussed outside of the PTO, but clarified that the PTO funds a portion of the event. Jane Miller also
suggested that when the party fund was taken for the year for fifth grade, they collect for the end of the
year party as well. Lisa Ramirez asked about the funds generated from yearbook “Shout Outs”. Jane
Miller confirmed in previous years this had been communicated incorrectly. Jane Miller then requested
that conversation relevant to the 5th grade party be taken offline from the PTO Meeting.
Financial Secretary: Amy Huffman had nothing to report.
Communication: Rachel Schurz confirmed that the Beep Beep will go out next Wednesday,
September 16th. Rachel Schurz also requested that if you would like communication for publicity of your
event, please touch base with her early to allow for communication to go out. The question was raised
how much read thru-traffic was happening on the Beep Beep and how could we try to promote the
reading of PTO literature. Amy Huffman suggested an incentive and a hidden word or contest of some
sort to entice parents to actively read the Beep Beep. The idea of how many Roadrunner feet are printed
in the Beep Beep was a good question to quiz students on to see if their parents were reading the
material. Rachel Schurz also posed the question of having some hard copy Beep Beep available in the
Volunteer Coordinator: Abby Green thanked Amy Huffman for her inspiring video at Curriculum
Night. The video increased sign up genius emails from 150 to 355. It was brought up that Sign Up
Genius’s appeared to be filling up faster. Abby Green noted that the Ice Cream Social Sign Ups were
mostly Middle School NJHS students. Abby Green said she would work to get a hold of the chairs well in
advanced to determine what Sign Up Genius’s were needed. It was also noted that the explanations for
volunteer work were more detailed for volunteers. Abby Green emphasized that if a chair is needing
volunteers for an event, it is helpful to get in touch with her two weeks prior to be able to go back and
forth between volunteer co-ordinator and chair. The Friday Cerritos Newsletter will continue to include
the sign up genius links so that there is a broader audience to pool volunteers.
Abby Green wanted to thank the Hearing and Screening volunteers. Jane Miller noted that Abby Green
spearheaded the entire screening event and it went very quickly. This was attributed to the special new
machines that scan the eye for vision. John Jurik is investigating if this would be worthwhile for Kyrene
District to purchase, as these were borrowed. The concept of asking an Optometry Office to sponsor the
purchase of this equipment for the Kyrene School district was brought forth. It was discussed that this
may be something the District would want to investigate.
Abby Green discussed her budget for volunteers and decided that she would do monthly raffles for those
who help. The question of including those who still volunteer, even though they do not sign up on Sign
Up Genius. The board discussed communicating to Abby Green who those people are so that they are
included. It was also agreed among the board that Board Members were not to be included in the
drawings, and it would be 2 - $25 gift cards per month as opposed to 1-$50. Jane Miller sent special
acknowledgements to Frostee McClusker for her generous help with the pin cart.
The Open Chair Positions for the Spring Book Fair and Family Fun Night were discussed. Rene Doty and
Amanda Rosin were discussed for the book fair position. There is still no interest for Family Fun Night. It
was discussed that the Event Planning Committee of 12 people would be able to support whoever
decided to Chair the Family Fun Night event, so they would not be without help. The question was raised
if these 12 people were aware that they would be helping with this and it was confirmed that they did. It
was suggested that the PTO reach out and talk to people who may want to chair this event.
The position of Teacher Workroom Coordinator was discussed and the position includes finding a person
who is willing to maintain the work room, making sure it is stocked with supplies every couple of weeks.
This job would not include coordinating volunteers, strictly filling and ordering those supplies not
available in the work room. “Grandma” Kathy Granese was suggested for the position as she volunteers
on a regular basis with Teachers. Jeff Lutes volunteered to help Kathy with the ordering of the supplies.
Allie Schenach provided an update on the Volunteer position for the Chairs of the Ice Cream Social.
Aspen Perovich and Liz Blush have agreed to take over the ice cream social and have been briefed on the
event. Christina Weinmann cannot be there, but has planned the entire event. Allie Schenach will be
helping Genevieve Kennedy with the Yearbook page for the event and Amy Huffman will also be there
taking pictures. Rachel Schurz volunteered that the professional photographer that she is working with
for the communications might be able to attend as well. Members of the Alta Dena NJHS will be there to
fill their volunteer hours. There is the question of working with Middle School students, as there is no
guarantee that they will show up, follow directions, take their roles seriously, etc. There is a need for
some adults to help supervise the Middle School Students. Nicole questioned if Jane Miller needed all of
the PTO to show up. Jane Miller expressed that she does not want people to feel pressure if their family
schedules do not allow for them to be able to attend, but if you are able to come it sends a good
The question was raised on wearing the Pink Shirts for all school events. Jane Miller stated that she does
not want people to feel alienated if there is not a pink shirt for them to wear. The idea was passed
around that it should be suggested that all volunteers wear pink. The discussion on the pink shirts ended
at that.
Historian: Janie Miller reported in the absence of Genevieve Kennedy. The yearbook meeting was
held, with 10-12 people, which was considered a good turnout. The representative from the Yearbook
Company said the team was amazing and that pages were being worked on before she left the building.
Hospitality: Jen Metzger and Louise Yanock sent a Big Thank You to the Hospitality Team in making
the 2nd Staff Appreciation Event a huge success. The Potato Bar was good and not expensive. It was
well received by teachers and lots of parents brought food. Rachel Schurz inquired if any pictures were
taken for the communications team.
The refund check was sent from the table linen company, so Hospitality is able to re-order correct shaped
table linens.
For the September 16th Staff Meeting, Hospitality will supply a snack and beverage.
October 2nd is the 3rd Staff Appreciation Event. Jen Metzger is in contact with Amy Huffman to try to get
Odelay Bagels to support the event. Jen Metzger will communicate the details with Jessica Harris and
Rachel Schurz to properly communicate the event (to staff or sign up genius volunteers).
Jen Metzger provided that Chi-fil-A has informed her they are willing to do a Family Dinner Night, as long
as it is before December. The FDM they provide is available on Wednesdays from 1 pm until close. The
conversation turned to FDN, which Amy Huffman shared that there were many ideas for FDM and the
goal was to have them consistently the last week of every month. Currently, Amy Huffman is working
with Unwined for a corporate sponsorship and an FDN. The idea is to host a couples mixer (adults only)
where a wine flight and cheese tray was offered for a price break. Amy Huffman confirmed that Darcy
DiCosmo is on board with the idea. The idea of a 50/50 raffle to generate other fundraising could be
included. No details have been set. They are looking at a Tuesday at the end of September. The
question of what parents should do as far as getting a sitter. The idea of incorporating the Y for a
parents night out event and to contact Jill Cullen to help with this challenge.
Amy Huffman shared other FDN options: not limited to Airworkz Night (kids against parents dodgeball),
renting out a theater for movie night or doing activities rather than just dinner. The option of adding a
restaurant and an event together was thrown out as well. Amy Huffman is open to suggestions. Amy
Huffman is looking for ideas for November and December. At that point, Jane Miller directed the agenda
back to Hospitality.
Jen Metzger reported that the Hospitality Committee is purchasing refillable Kuerig Cups for the staff
lounge, as the cost of individual Kuerigs is expensive.
The question was raised if PTO was selling Vintage Spirit wear at the Ice Cream Social. Jane Miller
suggested that we do not sell old spirit wear, as the new spirit wear will not yet be released. The
suggestion was made to sell the Vintage Spirit wear at the garage sale.
The idea of promoting the Kyrene District Costco Night was discussed. Jane Miller shared that even
though she is sensitive to the PTO promise of 1 fundraiser per year, if you are planning on going to
Costco regardless, we should promote it for potential funding. Rachel Schurz questioned if this was a
Kyrene District Fundraiser or a specific Cerritos Fundraiser. It was agreed that the communication for
this could go from Darcy DiCosmo, as it was a Kyrene District Event. The event is being held only at the
Elliot and I-10 location, and only in the evening.
Hospitality questioned the PTO’s ability to fund a filtered water fountain for the school, and idea
recommended from Maggie Penman. Jane Miller suggested that an addition of a water fountain would be
a district decision, as it is attached to the building. Nicole Bonderant supported the idea, as her son
won’t drink out of the school water fountains due to the arsenic taste of the water.
Principal’s Report – Darcy DiCosmo reported that Cerritos is hosting a 7 Habits of Happy Families
Night. The event is Monday, September 21st. There will be a second event to be hosted in December.
Panda Express is donating dinner from 5:30-6 pm, and the event will begin training on the 7 Habits at
6:00 pm. Su Rogers is helping with the event, which will be both adult and kid friendly. The invitation
will be sent Friday, 9-11 on Sign Up Genius. Jen Metzger offered the help of Hospitality to possibly
provide drinks. Darcy DiCosmo confirmed that the 7 Habits of Families was slightly different than the 7
habits the school enforced (family vs. student), and the program includes a work book.
Cerritos is hosting Old Dogs New Math on Thursday, Sep. 10th. It is for parents of all grade levels to
understand the new way the Math is being taught. It is being taught by the Math Coach.
Darcy DiCosmo shared a budget overview. 25% of the M & O (maintenance and operations) is
distributed each quarter and this quarter’s allowance has already been spent. Darcy DiCosmo reminded
everyone that the Library, Capital Money, and many of the other extras had been given up to help adjust
the budget. Since the M & O Allowance is used up, the school cannot supply paper to the teachers (this
will also affect printer ink, and other cost that will not be available as there are no funds for it right now).
After fall break the next 25% will be allotted. Darcy DiCosmo stated that she is trying to use the gifts
and donations to help supply the needs. Jane Miller confirmed that the PTO agreed to gift $6,000 to M &
O. Jane Miller asked for a schedule of when that specific donation would be needed to be given. Darcy
DiCosmo also asked for any help that the PTO could give. It was confirmed that all of the gifts from the
PTO had already been voted on and approved. At this point, they just need to be gifted. Jane Miller
suggested that Darcy DiCosmo work with Allie Schenach and Deb True to write the checks to make the
donations back to the school. The needed paper can be purchased from the gifts and donations and
then those used funds can be reimbursed by the check from the PTO. Nicole Bonderant asked if it would
be helpful to get a printer as a corporate sponsor to help supply paper for the school and Darcy DiCosmo
confirmed that would help.
Old Business
Be A Beacon Status Update- The most current status of the Be a Beacon fundraising campaign:
$20,360.08. There is $22,465 including the employee matching gifts. This is 112% of the goal. Since
the school met their goal, Darcy DiCosmo has to do something crazy. Students are voting on 1) kiss a
pig, 2) ride a tricycle, or 3) be silly stringed. Classroom winners to date: K- Strom, 1-Petrillo, 2-Tibbot,
3-Baumann, 4-Epolite, 5-Eger. Rachel Schurz requested the details for the Beep Beep. The last day of
the drive is Friday, 9-11. The discussion was held on when should the drawings and “Crazy thing that
Darcy DiCosmo does” happen, in an assembly or at the ice cream social. Nicole Bonderant asked if there
would be publication of the winners with their prizes on Facebook for the marketing aspect. The
question was raised of who appreciates winning the prizes. It was determined that parents will be at the
ice cream social, which would be a better time to draw the winners and possibly increase attendance for
the Ice Cream Social.
Fall Book Fair Update – The preview days are Thursday and Friday. The Book Fair still needs after
school volunteers.
Spiritwear Update – The order for the spiritwear was placed the prevous day, September 8th. The
staff received their Staff T Shirts.
Pumpkin & Costume Walk Update- The committee has not yet met, but will have more
information in the future. The suggestion was made to use the event planning committee to help.
Community Garage Sale Update- Amy Huffman and Nicole Bonderant are going to Co-Chair the
event. Amy Huffman would like to use Food Trucks and set them up on the playground, which they have
the okay to use. Amy Huffman would like the word to be spread in October. Kids will be able to help at
the Garage Sale and the event will need a Sign Up Genius. The date is Saturday, November 7th and there
should be a reminder in the Beep Beep to Save the Date. Amy Huffman and Nicole Bonderant will need
volunteers on Friday evening as well. People who volunteer on Friday Night, can pre shop on that
evening. Amy Huffman is also picking the brain of Mountainside Community Church on what works for
their Garage Sale Event.
Box Tops Update- Marcy Thiesler and Tracy McDaniels are Co-Chairing Box Tops. They will be doing
a monthly contest per class. There will be a deposit box in each class and the office. They also plan to
pass out zip lock bags with notes in them as a visual reminder. The Class that brings in the most each
month will have an Otter Pop Party.
Change in the Bylaws to Approve Development Coordinator Positions- Allie Schenach
made a motion to approve the Bylaws to add the Development Coordinator Position to the Bylaws. Jen
Metzger 2nd the motion. Nicole Bonderant suggested that it be worded in the bylaws that the position
can be flexible so that the work load is manageable and suited for the person filling the position. It was
agreed that the position should be based on trying to get donations for the betterment of the school, but
not be a full time position. The vote passed.
New Business
Election of Amy Huffman & Nicole Bonderant as Development Coordinators – Louise
Yanock made the motion to Elect Amy Huffman and Nicole Bonderant to the position of Development
Coordinators. Rachel Schurz 2nd the motion. The vote passed.
Election of Sandy Morrison as Financial Secretary – Amy Huffman resigned as Financial
Secretary to take the position as a Development Coordinator. Louise Yanock motioned to Elect Sandy
Morrison to the position of Financial Secretary. Nicole Bonderant 2 nd the motion. The vote passed.
Request for PTO to Sponsor Teachers to participate as Running Buddies for Girls On
The Run- Cerritos moms, Brandi Billeter and Ann Neal brought the GOTR program to the school. The
program promotes healthy lifestyle and self-esteem for 3rd- 5th grade girls by means of training for a 5k.
Brandye Billeter and Ann Neal have requested that the PTO sponsor 5 teachers to be Running Buddies.
The goal of the running buddy is to run with and encourage students throughout the course of a 5k race.
Amy Huffman motion that the PTO financially support this event. Nicole Bonderant 2nd the motion. Jane
Miller stated that the next step would be to determine what line item the sponsorship would come out of:
Additional Club, Extra Curriculum-Special Projects or Health & Safety. Additional club has $200 allocated
which would more than cover the expense. Health and Safety would make the allocation tight, as that is
the funds for the playground balls and equipment. The PTO agreed on the use of Additional Club. It was
determined that the PTO would support the cost for 5 teachers, not to use the entire Extra Club fund.
The vote passed.
Request to Add a Budget Line for the Fundraising Chair position – The budget anticipates
that the new Business Sponsorship line item will bring in $3000. Amy Huffman clarified that they are
currently close to $9000 and hopefully closing in on $10,000. There are businesses that are not able to
write a check to the PTO, but are able to contribute other items for sponsorship. Amy Huffman wants to
be able to be accepting to all businesses that are able to support and be able to recognize those
sponsors. Amy Huffman is not only looking to get monetary support, but other donations that will help
the school.
Jeff Lutes offered up a credit card with incentives that would kick back to Cerritos, offered through his
Farmers Independent Agency. Amy Huffman will meet with him separately. Amy Huffman asked Rachel
Schurz if could be publicized in the Newsletter and Rachel Schurz suggested that there be more details
sorted out before. It will be discussed outside of the PTO Meeting.
Amy Huffman is willing to be flexible with the request for the amount on the line item. The money will
be used for banners or things used to recognize the businesses. Per Jane Miller we need to designate an
amount. The question was raise on how much does a banner cost. Amy Huffman confirmed that
businesses will actually provide their own banners for sponsored events. Amy Huffman suggested $500.
Jen Metzger asked if this amount could be increased throughout the year. Allie Schenach motioned to
add a $500 budget line item for the Development Coordinator position. Nicole Boderant feels it is
important to make sure that the businesses are being recognized in the way that it was presented to
them when they agreed to provide a sponsorship. Amy Huffman confirmed that she has a checklist for
the sponsorships so that each is recognized properly. Nicole Bonderant expressed concerned that the
Cerritos community does not know who has been making the donations. Rachel Schurz will add
recognition to the Beep Beep. Amy Huffman is also requesting help with the hanging of the banners at
the events. She is suggesting that someone take responsibility for this job. It was suggested that
someone on the event team take this position with the assistance of Mr. Gibert. At that time, Jane Miller
re-directed the conversation back to adding the budget line. Deb True 2nd the motion. The vote passed.
Announcements – Jane Miller shared that the PTO will surpass the Beacon Goal of $18,000 by $5000
in our budget planning. After the corporate sponsor ships roll through the budget will surpass by an
additional $7,000. This is all funds that are not allocated in the budget. Jane Miller encouraged the PTO
to be the eyes and ears to decide where that money is allocated. She questioned if we should increase
budget line items, or does the PTO add to things that need to be sponsored. There is no need to make
changes immediately, but it was encouraged to start thinking about what should be done. The question
was raised if it should go to M & O, so that the PTO can continue to support the school budget cuts.
Amy Huffman wanted to know if we could take a picture of the items that the Corporate Sponsorships are
supporting and send it to the businesses so that they could visually see where the funds contributed were
going. Jane Miller also reminded the PTO that Pod Money was eliminated and could be re-added, or the
teacher grant checks could be increased. Jane Miller wrapped up the conversation by stating that
nothing needed to be decided right now, but it could be tabled for the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned At: 10:04 am
Minutes Compiled By: Leslie Swanson
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Executive Board on October
14th 2015.
_________________________, Secretary