Kyrene de los Cerritos Leadership Academy PTO Community Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, August 12th Call to Order: An Executive Board Meeting of the Kyrene de los Cerritos Leadership Academy was held in the Synergy Room on Wednesday, August 12th, 2015. The meeting convened at 8:33 am with President Jane Miller presiding and Leslie Swanson, as Secretary. Members in Attendance: The following board members were present and a quorum was present: Jane Miller (President), Allie Schenach (Vice President), Leslie Swanson (Secretary), Deb True (Treasurer), Amy Huffman (Financial Secretary), Rachel Schurz (Communications), Genevieve Kennedy (Historian), Louise Yanock (Hospitality), and Jen Metzger (Hospitality). The Cerritos Administration was represented by Darcy DiCosmo (Principal) and Courtney Bauer (Student Advisor). The general PTO members in attendance included Jeff Lutes, Carolyn Yeretzuan, Becky Weinberg, Nikki Nelson, Cristina Carter, Sandy Morrison, Gayle Jurik, Jeannette Sandoval, Jennifer Domey, Renee Doty and Mikel Anne Arnce. Minutes: Minutes of 5/11/2015 meeting read, Genevieve Kennedy motioned to accept the minutes, Amy Huffman 2nd the motion. The minutes were approved. Addendum – On June 4th, 2015 an electronic vote was taken to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting held on May 29th 2015. Jane Miller made a motion to approve the minutes, and Genevieve Kennedy gave the 2nd. A vote was taken and passed. The minutes for the Meeting, electing Deb True as Treasurer, were approved via electronic vote and the PTO was able to officially add her to the Bank Accounts. Officer’s Reports President: Janie Miller deferred her notes, as they all pertained more to Old and New Business. Vice President: Allie Schenach had nothing to report. Secretary: Leslie Swanson requested that everyone please sign in and in an attempt to save more paper, agendas will be emailed to board members prior to the meeings so that fewer copies will need to be made at each meeting. Treasurer: Deb True reported that the teacher grant checks were distributed. She announced that so far for the year we are on budget. A question was asked by Nicole Bondurant, “What is the overall financial goal?” It was explained that each line item has a set goal, this is reflected from the funds raised from the Be A Beacon Drive. This year the Be A Beacon Goal is $18,000, however as a PTO we would like to reach $20,000 for the 3rd year in a row. The starting balance of the budget for the year is $33,000. Financial Secretary: Amy Huffman had nothing to report. Communication: Rachel Schurz announced that she did receive some support for people interest in taking part in the communications team. She is waiting to see how much and what people are wanting to do as far as participate. From there she can see if she can find a Marquee Chair. The Beep Beep is set to be released that day, along with literature for Be A Beacon. She included a reminder that you must be on Listserv to receive any communication. Volunteer Coordinator: Amy Huffman did share to new families not to be afraid to step up as a chair, as intimidating as it sounds, you will have plenty of help from the board/PTO team. There are plenty of resources to guide you to leading a successful event, and even though it may sound frightening to take on such a big task, there are plenty of willing helpful people to guide you and answer questions. Abby announced that Christina Weinmann needs a Co-Chair for the Ice Cream Social. Abby announced needing a Gift of Time Chair. Leslie Swanson volunteered to take that position and the Hospitality Team agreed to help support the event. Abby discussed the need for a Family Fun Night Chair, and the concept of Family Fun Night taking the place of the Spring Dance in February was discussed. Abby shared that the Spring Book Fair will also need a Chair. It was shared that the Sign Up Genius has 153 emails in it, yet there are over 1000 parent emails in the school data base. The question was raised “How do we get people to join Sign Up Genius” and Amy Huffman suggested that we have the teachers promote sign up genius at Curriculum Night. Gayle Jurick contributed that she will “stalk” people to try to see more people get involved. It was discussed that if we split the number of volunteer hours needed to put on PTO events amongst all of the parents, each parent would only need to give one hour at only one event and we could have everything covered. Carolyn Yeretzuan commented that she was “stalked” and it was effective. The verbiage that was presented to her was that she could “delight her kids by being there”, it was suggested that using the phrase “delighting your kids” would help get more people in the door. Genevieve Kennedy suggested promoting volunteer hours to coincide with the leadership aspect of the school. Jeannette Sandoval suggested that a half sheet of paper with request for PTO Volunteers be sent home and it was confirmed by Rachel Schurz that this has been done. Carolyn Yeretzuan voiced a concern if full time working parents could/would respond to a half sheet of paper. Jane Miller asked Darcy if we can link into the weekly school newsletter and Darcy suggested that PTO promote volunteering in a meter similar to the Beacon meter so it is visual to see how we are doing in reaching our goal. Nikki Neslon suggested changing the verbiage rather than saying are you interested in volunteering, to would you want to be “notified” of opportunities to volunteer so that people don’t think they are committed to actually volunteering if joining sign up genius. The term volunteering can sound intimidating. Abby Green also suggested some sort of incentive raffle to promote volunteer sign ups and Jane Miller told Abby to go for it, as the volunteer chair she has that authority. Historian: Genevieve Kennedy suggested that as a PTO we talk up the Pictavo app to parents. Last year only 5-10 parents contributed pictures to the year book, and it was a lot of the same kids in the pictures because their parents participated. If you would like to see your child in the year book, please submit pictures. The year book committee is going to put a one month cap on each event so that the pages can be completed in a timely manner. The Pictavo App is as easy as taking pictures and then uploading it into a student folder. September 3rd is the yearbook training to use the software. The yearbook is currently looking for people to be in charge of pages and classrooms. The end result on the year book pages for the classrooms are better when a parent from the class is the representative rather than a random parent who does not have a connection with that class, as the pictures are more lifelike. It was discussed if all students had permission to be in year book photos and how does that relate to Facebook pictures. Darcy confirmed that if the picture is only for the year book then every student can be in it. If the picture is going on any type of Social Media there are parameters and there is a list of kids who cannot be published. Hospitality: Jen Metzger and Louise Yanock reported on the Welcome Back Breakfast for the Staff. Thank you to those who made dishes. Each staff member was given a Sharpie Papermate pen set as a Back To School gift. For meet the teacher the staff was served Chick-fil-a and positive feedback was received. For the Friday Staff Luncheon the food provided by Kneaders was good, but there was none left and the prices have increased, so we will discontinue using them. Thank you to Abby Green who repainted all of the classroom numbers for the first day of school. For the first Staff Appreciation Day, chocolate covered strawberries were given with a note “We appreciate you Berry Much!”. Bus drivers and one crossing guard was included, the other crossing guard is difficult to get in contact with. The year-long Staff Appreciation plan was discussed. Rather than one week of showering the staff with appreciation there will be staff appreciation days spread out over the calendar year and scheduled each month. It was brought up that we were the only school that recognizes the bus drivers and the bus drivers appreciate that. There is a list of people who are willing to volunteer with the hospitality team, and Jen Metzger and Louise Yanock will reach out to those people to see if they can help take on some of the Staff Appreciation days or contribute to brainstorming with hospitality for ideas. The hospitality committee does provide “to go” containers so that people can take them on the go. The next scheduled Staff Appreciation day will be September 4th and that is a Baked Potato Bar. The Hospitality team will reach out for easy sides (cheese, sour cream etc.). Jessica will help with informing the staff where/when the hospitality events are so that people are not left out. There was much input regarding making sure that the bus drivers and the crossing guards were informed so that they don’t miss out on Staff Appreciation. It was announced that the Hospitality will provide an appropriate snack at the Monthly Staff meetings on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm and the staff will be informed of this. There will still be one big Staff Appreciation Day in May with cards, gift cards and notes from the parents. This will include a luncheon. There was a suggestion made to get students involved with Staff Appreciation and assigning Lighthouse Students to provide the Bus Drivers with their Staff Appreciation. The Hospitality Team is balancing their end of the budget by alternating between purchased items (strawberries etc.) and contributions provided by parents (baked potato sides) to help keep the cost down. There will also be a shift on the contribution end from Baked goods to Side dishes so that there is something that everyone can provide. Amy Huffman suggested that Corporate Sponsorship can help to sponsor the Staff Appreciation. It was asked if we could make a line item to Staff Appreciation for that type of specific Corporate Sponsorship. It was decided that we would need to vote to increase the budge for hospitality to include that line item. For Curriculum Night, Louise Yanock is delivering Zuppas to the staff for dinner. The Staff will be given a choice of their meal. Abby Green will be volunteering to help Louise, and Amy Huffman volunteered to help. The teachers will need to eat between 4 pm and 5. The tablecloths that were ordered for Hospitality were ordered round and needed to be square. They have now been exchanged and Louise Yanock asked for any suggestion on colors. Principal’s Report – Darcy Di Cosmo Thanked the entire PTO Community for attending, stating that all of the parent involvement creates a great opportunity for the students and teachers. Special appreciation was acknowledged to the Hospitality Team for their Back to School events. Their work made for a great start of the year. Darcy Di Cosmo presented a program that she is interested in bringing to the school called Playworks. Playworks is a structured Recess Program that teaches children how to play games in a fair and consistent way. It teaches students how make teams, and how to work through disagreements on the playground. Darcy feels that being a leadership school, the students do not always transport the leadership skills to the playground. She feels that this program will find a common ground between a club player and a novice. There is an opportunity for PE faculty to come out during cooler weather to instruct game/sport play, but recess is something that is challenging for the administration to constantly moderate. The program teaches kids how to play recess sports fairly. From there the fifth graders take the leadership skills, that are then passed down to fourth grade, so that the concept is in motion through the school. The cost of the program is $13,000. There is potential for a discount. Darcy feels like this is a perfect match for the leadership element that Cerritos is known for, and she feels like it will add consistency in our leadership program from classroom to playground. Amy Huffman asked if it is a structured environment for everyone or do students have the chance to make their own decisions on what they want to do. Darcy answered that the Playworks program would have multiple activities going on at once so that all students can play and make a choice as to what they want to do. The program would be implemented 5 days a week. The thought of inviting another sports related program, such as 30 Down, into our campus to promote and tailor a positive play environment was suggested. It was asked if the administration could look at other options that were more cost effective, even volunteer parents to help mediate activities, rather than spending the money, due to the deficit and budget cuts that the school is facing. Nicole Bonderant felt that having an outside source will help the student learn differently. She also included that this would take away any type of favoritism and the idea of using an outside source would benefit the school. It was suggested that this idea would help bring the school together to find something that students as a whole enjoy doing. Darcy DiCosmo presented that the Diamondbacks are offering grants (totaling $100,000) to support schools. Darcy DiCosmo was looking for people who are interested in helping compile a grant to cover the cost of the Playworks. The question was asked if there was a contract with Playworks? Darcy DiCosmo answered that there was not. The program’s purpose is to teach skills, have those skills passed around through the school. Teachers are also included in the training so that the entire school is on the same page with what the Playworks concepts are. It was suggested to use the Big Buddies from Alta Dena. Darcy DiCosmo was concerned that over time the mentors in the Big Buddy program lose interest in helping and do not fully do their job. She also felt that the Big Buddies would need adult supervision. Jill asked if we are taking away the students free time. She questioned if we really need structure and control on the playground or are we taking away the opportunity for students to learn how to figure it out. Nicole Bonderant suggested that we try to find a place to meet half way. She wanted to know if the program could only offer a few days a week, or working with the school half of the time. The question was raised if it was a voluntary program for the students or must they participate and Darcy DiCosmo did not know the answer. She suggested that if you wanted to go visit a school that offered Playworks, there was one where you could see the program in action. Jane Miller addressed that there was a problem at recess that does need a solution. She shared that there are recess issues that need to be addressed, however the PTO/administration will need to research options to help out the situation. Jane Miller suggested that a committee be formed to research Playworks and other options and at the next general meeting the PTO can vote to see if it is willing to help support the Playworks option. Darcy DiCosmo did share that the Program provides 4 staff members for one month. The Playworks program does bring equipment and they teach the students how to be responsible with that equipment. Old Business School Supply Kits : The sales are done. There were 289 sold and purchased by over half of the students. For the extra 5 per grade level that were purchased, all but 2 of them were sold at the start of the year. Those supply kits did come in a day late and EPI gave a credit of $100 as an apology for the error. We will revisit this program for next year. Welcome Team Recap : At the end of last school year, welcome calls were made. The PTO provided the MYTN event with the pre-tour and reception. The pre- MYTN event had more people than expected and it was crowded, but overall the events had positive feedback. There was also parent help with the Kindergarten classes at the end of the day for pick up, busses, and after school. The response was good from the teachers. There were volunteers to help kindergarten at the end of the day. That was good. The Welcome Social Hour at the Morrison’s went very well. Sandy Morrison said she would do it again next year. There was positive feedback for on the comfortable atmosphere and the amount of husbands that attended. The Welcome Committee is looking to do some new family events throughout the year as well. New Business New Board Member Nominations : A motion was made by Rachel Schurz to elect Allie Schenach to the position of Vice President. The motion was 2nd by Genevieve Kennedy. The motion was approved. A motion was made by Rachel Schurz to elect Abby Green to the position of Volunteer Coordinator. The motion was 2nd by Genevieve Kennedy. The motion was approved. Be A Beacon Donation Drive: Starts Thursday, August 13th. Allie Schenach and Jane Miller will go to each class room to promote the drive and hand out information packets. Each student will earn a black lanyard with a $10 donation submitted. The lanyards will then be used to grab a pin from the “Funky Pin Cart” on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Lunch Recess. The earlier you donate the earlier the pins can start being collected, therefore more pins will be received. The question was raised that we not single students out for not being able to afford a donation. PTO is trying to motivate kids by small nominal prizes similar to the Jump Rope For Heart Ducks. Peter Piper Pizza Night – Thursday, August 13th Be A Beacon Kick Off Party: A sign up genius is out to get volunteers to work the PTO table at the event. Amy Huffman asked if we needed to have the flyers for the school to get credit for the event. Jane Miller said she would confirm that we did not. Going back to the Be A Beacon discussion, there was talk of the Raffle Grand Prize donated by Bonderant Racing for $1000 towards a Drivers Package at the Bonderant Racing School, the Bonderant Family also donated a mini Ipad. Every donation of $10 that a student brings in will be good for one Raffle Ticket into the drawing. There will also be smaller scale, but fun prizes to win such as a trip to the Spiritwear closet, or a free homework pass. Spiritwear Drive: Mikel Anne Arnce announced the Spiritwear pre order is in motion until the end of August. The order will be placed at that time. They are expecting about a 2 week turn around for the products to be done. PTO is purchasing staff T shirts. They will be done by Monday or Wednesday of the following week, hopefully in time to distribute for the Staff Meeting. Frozen Fridays: Leslie Swanson announced the Frozen Fridays have started. Sales for the first Friday were slow, probably due to lack of notification to the students. Amy Huffman asked if there was a possibility of an IOU system. Jane Miller determined that an IOU system would be too complicated to keep track of. Jeannette Sandoval asked about the possibility of purchasing a punch card. Jane Miller left that to the discretion of Leslie Swanson to determine if it was worth doing. Changes to Vons/Safeway E-script Program: Jane Miller announced that Safeway is doing away with the Escript Fundraising Program. To offset the loss of funds raised by the PTO through Escript, they will come back to us and pay quarterly $1182 to make up the difference of what the PTO will not earn this year. Community Garage Sale: Amy Huffman presented a fundraising idea for a big community Garage Sale. The idea would include families donating gently used items to the school for the PTO to sell for the benefit of the school. The PTO has the permission to use the school on a weekend. Gilbert will need to be compensated for his time at the school. The items donated will need to be stored in the MPR the day prior to the sale. Depending on the weather, the sale will be outside. The idea is to make money for the school, so donating families should not put a particular price tag on items. The date was set for Saturday, November 7th. Recycling Bin Request from Su Rogers: This topic no longer needs a discussion as Su Rogers was able to handle her request. Corporate Sponsorship Chair Board Member Position: Jane Miller brought up the idea to request a change of the Bylaws for a position on the board for a Corporate Sponsorship Chair position on the PTO Board. The position on the board is currently entertained by Amy Huffman and Nicole Bonderant, as they have partner together to develop a marketing plan including tiered (such as gold and platinum level) sponsorship. Currently they have Woolaver Orthodontics and Edward Jones Financial Advisor: Betty Teille already committed. The current bylaws do not show a position for that role, and the PTO would need to amend the bylaws in order to vote Amy Huffman and Nicole Bonderant into the above said position. Jane Miller addressed that moving Amy Huffman to this position would open up the role of the financial secretary, in which Sandy Morrison has agreed to take on the position filling the Financial Secretary role. Leslie Swanson motioned to amend the bylaws to add a position of “Corporate Sponsorship Char” to the bylaws. The motion was 2nd by Allie Schenach. It was questioned that the situation would be challenging to fill in future years, however it was agreed that it was a position that a functioning board could do without if they could not fill the position. Rachel Schurz suggested a change be made to the wording to become Corporate Development Chair, as opposed to sponsorship. A decision was not met on changing the position title. The role of the position was discussed, and it would not be limited to using flyers to help promote business, allowing businesses to sponsor a Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Amy Huffman also asked if you had connections to any businesses that may be interested in getting involved to contact her. Nicole Bonderant suggested that this is a great way to build local businesses. Amy Huffman also reached out to the PTO for those who were interested working on helping out with small details with the committee; the Chairs would need help with that. Jen Metzger agreed to help with photos and notes of appreciation to let sponsors know where their contributions are going. A community vote was taken and the vote to add the motion to amend the bylaws to add the new position passed. Fall Book Fair: Renee Doty is Chairing the Fall Book fair. She is looking for help to prep the Junior Crew. Abby Green and Cristina Carter volunteered to help Renee with this. Announcements Darcy Announced that there will be a School Communication going out making to parents to notify them of how to get on Listserv, how to get on the text messaging system, and how to get on the list for sign up genius. Hopefully this will generate more emails for the Sign Up genius site, as we cannot add families through the school email list. Next meeting is 09/09/2015 at 8:30 am. Meeting Adjourned At: 10:05 am Minutes Compiled By: Leslie Swanson The foregoing minutes were approved by the Executive Board on <date> . _________________________, Secretary