A complete list of Suzan`s publications can be found here.

Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U., Smithson, J. & Lewis, S. (2014). Focus group methodology in a life
course approach – individual accounts within a peer cohort group. International Journal of Social
Research Methodology, 17(2), 157–171.
Bach Pedersen, V and Lewis, S (2012) Flexible friends? Flexible working time arrangements,
blurred work-life boundaries and friendship Work, Employment and Society 26 . 3, 464 - 480
Herman, C and Lewis, S (2012) Entitled to a sustainable career? Motherhood in science,
engineering and technology. Journal of Social Issues 68 4 767-789
Herman, C., Lewis, S and Humbert, A (2012) Women Scientists and Engineers in European
Companies: Putting Motherhood under the microscope Gender, Work and Organization
Holt, H and Lewis, S (2011) “You can stand on your head and you still end up with lower pay”
Gendered Work Practices in two Danish Workplaces. Gender, Work and Organisation, 18 s1,
Den Dulk, L., Peper, B., Černigoj Sadar, N., Lewis, S., Smithson, J and Van Doorne-Huiskes,
A (2011) Work, Family, and Managerial Attitudes and Practices in the European Workplace:
Comparing Dutch, British, and Slovenian Financial Sector Managers, Social Politics 18(2) 300329
Kossek, E., Lewis, S and Hammer, L (2010) Work family initiatives and organizational change:
mixed messages in moving from the margins to the mainstream Human Relations 623 3-19
(selected for reprint in collected volume : Industrial Relations, Baird, M., Cooper, R., Bradon, E.
& Lansbury, R., 2011. UK; Sage Publications, Ltd.
Lewis, S and Humbert, A (2010) Discourse or reality? “Work-life balance”, flexible working
policies and gendered organisations Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
29,3, 239 - 254
Lewis, S (2010) Reflecting on impact, changes and continuities: Restructuring workplace
cultures: the ultimate work-family challenge? Gender and Management 25 5 348-354
Van Echtelt, P., Glebbeek, A Lewis, S and Lindenberg, S (2009) Post-Fordist work: a man’s
world? Gender and working overtime in the Netherlands. Gender & Society 2009;23 188-214
S. Lewis, R. Gambles and R. Rapoport (2007) The Constraints of a ‘Work-Life Balance’
Approach: An International Perspective) International Journal of Human Resource Management
18 3 360-373
Haworth, J and Lewis, S (2005) Work, Leisure and Well Being. Some implications for
counselling British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
S. Kovacheva, S. Lewis and N. Demireva 2005 'Changing Cultures in Changing Workplaces: UK
and Bulgaria Compared', Sociological Problems
Smithson, J., Lewis, S., Cooper, C. and Dyer, J. (2004). Flexible working and the gender pay gap
in the accountancy profession. Work, Employment and Society 18/1 (115-135
Lewis, S. Rapoport, and Gambles et al 2003 Reflections on the integration of work and personal
life Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 824-841
Lewis, S 2003 The integration of work and personal life. Is post industrial work the new leisure?
Leisure Studies 22 343-355
Sullivan,C and Lewis, S (2001) Home-based telework, gender and the synchronisation of work
and family; perspectives of teleworkers and their co-residents. Gender, Work and Organisation.
8,2 123-145
Lewis, S 2001 Restructuring workplace cultures: the ultimate work-family challenge? Women in
Management Review 16, 1, 21-29
Lewis, S and Smithson, J (2001) Sense of entitlement to support for the reconciliation of
employment and family life Human Relations 55(11). 1455-1481 (short-listed fort he Rosabeth
Moss Kanter best paper award.)
Lewis,S., Kagan.C. and Heaton,P. 2000) Managing work-family diversity for parents of disabled
children: beyond policy to practice and partnership Personnel Review 29 3 417-30
Lewis,S., Kagan,C and Heaton.P 2000 Dual earner parents with disabled children. Patterns for
working and caring. Journal of Family Issues, 21 8 1031- 1060
Smithson, J. and Lewis, S. (2000), Is job insecurity changing the psychological contract?
Personnel Review 29/6: 680-702. (50:50)
Lewis, S. Smithson,J and Brannen, J (1999). Families in transition in Europe. Young adults'
orientations to work and family, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 562, 83-97
Rout,U., Lewis,S. and Kagan, C. 1999 Work and family roles: Indian career women, in India and
the West. Indian Journal of Gender Studies 6 1 91-108
Lewis, S and Cooper, C 1999 The work-family research agenda in changing contexts. Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology 4.4. 382-393
Lewis,S., Kagan,C., Heaton,P and Cranshaw,M 1999 Economic and psychological benefits from
employment. The experiences of mothers of disabled children. Disability and Society, 14 4 561575
Kagan,C., Lewis,S. and Heaton,P 1999 Enabled or disabled? Working parents of
disabled .children. Journal of Community and Applied Psychology 9, 369-381
Rana,B., Kagan, C., Lewis, S and Rout, U. (1998) British South Asian women managers and
professional: experiences of work and family. Women in Management Review 13 221-232
Lewis, S (1997) Family friendly policies. Organisational culture change or playing around at the
margins? Gender, Work and Organisation, 4 13-23
Klee, H, Lewis, S and Jackson (1997) Pregnant drug users' fears. Real or imaginary? Archives
of Public Health 54 103-116
Lewis, S and Lewis, J (1997) Work family conflict. Can the law help? Legal and Criminological
Psychology 2 155-167
Lewis, S, Klee, H. and Jackson, M (1995) Illicit drug users' experience of pregnancy Journal of
Reproductive and Infant Psychology 13 219-227
Lewis, S and Cooper, C. (1996) Balancing the work family interface. A European perspective.
Human Resource Management Review 5 289-305 .
Lewis, S and Cooper, C.L.(1988) The transition to parenthood in dual earner couples.
Psychological Medicine. 18 477-486.
Lewis, S and Cooper, C.L. (1987) Stress in two earner couples and stage in the life cycle. Journal
Of Occupational Psychology. 60 289-303 .
BOOKS authored, co-authored and edited
Nilsen A., Brannen, J and Lewis, S ( 2012) Transitions to Parenthood in Europe. A Comparative
Life Course Perspective. Policy Press
Lewis. S., Brannen, J and Nilsen, A (2009 ) Work, Families and Organisations in Transition:
European Perspectives London: Policy Press
Crompton, R., Lewis, S and Lyonette, C (eds) (2007) Women, Men, Work and Family in Europe.
Gambles, R, Lewis, S. and Rapoport, R (2006). The Myth of Work-Life Balance. The Challenge of
our Time. Men, Women, and Societies.: Wiley (translated into |Danish and Greek)
Lewis, S and Cooper, C.L (2005) Work – Life Integration. Case Studies of Organisational Change.
Brannen, J. Lewis, S Nilsen , A and Smithson, J (2002) Young Europeans, Work and Family.
Futures in Transition Routledge.
Klee,H., Jackson,M , Lewis, S (2002) ) Illicit Drug Use and Motherhood Routledge
Lewis, S and Lewis, J (eds) 1996
London: Sage
The Work Family Challenge Rethinking Employment. Sage.
Cooper,C.L. and Lewis, S 1998 Managing your Career, Family and Life. Kogan Page.
Cooper, C.L. and Lewis, S. 1993 The Workplace Revolution. Managing Today's Dual Career
Families London: Kogan Page.
Lewis, S., Izraeli, D. and Hootsmans, H. (eds) 1992
Perspectives. London: Sage
Dual Earner Families. International
Lewis, S. and Cooper, C.L. 1989 Career Couples; Contemporary Lifestyles and How to Manage
Them. London: Unwin Hyman. (Translated into German, Italian and Portuguese)
Selected Reports
Lewis, S., Stumbitz, B, Miles, L and Rouse, J (2014) Maternity Protection in SMES. An
Stumbitz, B., Kyei, A., Lewis, S and Lyon, F (2014) The Legal, Policy and Regulatory Environment
Governing Maternity Protection and Workers with Family Responsibilities in the Formal and
Informal Economy of Ghana. International Labour Organization
Lewis, S (2009) Flexible working policies, gender and culture change, in Women in Science and
Technology. Sustainable careers Brussels: European Commission DG for Research Communication
Lewis, S., Etherington ,D., Mark,A and Brookes, M ( 2008) Quality of Life in a Changing Europe:
Comparative Report on Innovation groups. EU
Lewis, S., ( 2008) Quality of Life in a Changing Europe: Consolidated Report – Case Studies of
Healthy Organisations Healthy Organizations .EU
Lewis, S and Smithson, J (2006) Final Report, Gender, parenthood and the changing European
workplace: Young adults negotiating the work-family boundary (TRANSITIONS). Brussels:
European Commission
Lewis, S Smithson, J. Cooper,C and Brennan P (2004) The Flexible and Profitable Workplace. A
Guide to Implementing Flexible Working practices in Professional Services. London: Institute of
Chartered `Accountants in England and Wales
Suzan Lewis and Sweta Rajan-Rankin ( 2013) Deconstructing ‘Family’ ‘Supportive’ ‘Cultures’: A
Vision for the Future in S. Poelmans, J Greenhaus and M Las Heras Maestro (eds) Expaning the
Boundraies of Wrk-Family Research, Palgrave Macmillan
S.Lewis and J. Brannen (2011) Reflections on working in cross national research teams in I Hojer
and S Hojer (eds) Familj, vardagsliv och modernitet Goteborg: Goteborg Universitet
Lewis, S and Den Dulk, (2010) Parents’ experiences of flexible work arrangements in changing
European workplaces in K Christensen and B Schneider (eds) Workplace Flexibility: Realigning
20th Century Jobs to 21st Century Workers; Cornell University Press
Lewis, S 2008 Not easy but doable. Working towards sustainable change in workplace cultures,
structures ad practices, in J. Martin (ed) Economic and Social benefits of Work-Family Balance for a
labour Force in Crisis. Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour
Lewis, S and Roper, I (2008) flexible working arrangements: from work-life to gender equity
policies, in S. Cartwright and C. Cooper (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Psychology.
Oxford University Press
Humbert, A and Lewis, S (2008 ) “I have no life other than work”- Long working hours,
blurred boundaries and family life in C.L. Cooper and R.Burke (eds) Effects of working
hours and work addiction: Strategies for dealing with them. Elsevier
3. D Lero and S Lewis 2008 Assumptions, research gaps and emerging issues. Implications for
research policy and practice, final chapter in Korabic, Lero and Whitehead (eds Handbook of WorkFamily Integration) Academic Press
Lewis, S (2007) Working time, client time and family time: accounting for time in the accountancy
profession., in van der Lippe, T and Peters,P Competing Claims in Work and Family Life , Edward
Lewis, S, Purcell, C., Smithson, J and Caton, C (2007) Work-Life Balance, Best Practices and
Healthy Organisations: A European Perspective in Haworth J and Hart, G(eds) Well Being:
Individual,Community and Social Perspectives Palgrave
Lewis, S., Das Dores Guerreiro, M and Brannen, J. (2006) Using case studies in work-family
research, in M.Pitt-Catsouphes, E. Kossek, and S. Sweet (Eds.). The Work-Family Handbook:MultiDisciplinary Perspectives and Approaches , Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,
Sullivan, C. and Lewis, S. (2006) ‘Work at home and the work-family interface’ in F. Jones, R.J.
Burke and M. Westman (Eds.) Managing the work-home interface: a psychological perspective (pp.
143-162) London: Psychology Press
Smithson, J and Lewis, S (2006) The Psychological Contract, in S Chaudhari (ed) Effective
Psychological Contract Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press
Lewis, S and Haas, L (2005) Work-life Integration and Social Policy: A Social Justice Theory and
Gender Equity Approach to Work and Family, in E. Kossek and S. Lambert (eds) Work and Life
Integration. Organizational, Cultural and Individual Pespectives. Lawrence Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum
Rhona Rapoport, Suzan Lewis, Lotte Bailyn and Richenda Gambles (2005) Globalization and the
Integration of Work with Personal Life in Work and family: An international research perspective. S.
A. Y. Poelmans. Mahwah, NJ, Erlbaum.
Lewis, Suzan and Rhona Rapoport (2005). Looking backwards to go forwards: the integration of
paid work and personal life. In: Peper, B., A. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (eds.). Flexible
Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and
Personal Life. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar (pp. 298-312).
Lewis, S (2003) Flexible working arrangements; implementation, outcomes and management, in
C.L. Cooper and I. Robertson (eds) International Review of Industrial and Organisational
Psychology, Volume 18. Wiley
Lewis, S 2003, Integrating work and personal life: leadership past, present and future, in R.Burke and
C. Cooper, Leading in Turbulent Times. Blackwells
Lewis, S (2002) Current trends in work-life research in R,Burke and D. Nelson (eds) Advancing
Women in Corporate Management Blackwells
Lewis, S and Dyer, J (2002) Work-family cultural changes: company initiatives, in Burke, R and
Cooper, C.L. (eds) The New World of Work Blackwells
Brannen, J and Lewis, S (2000) Workplace Programmes and Policies in the UK in L.Haas, P. Hwang
and G.Russell (eds) Organisational Change and Gender Equity London: Sage.
Harker, L and Lewis, S (2001) Work-life policies: where should the government go next? In N.
Birkett (ed) A Life’s Work: Achieving Full and Fulfilling Employment London: Institute of Public
Policy Research (IPPR)
Lewis, S (2000) Organisational change and gender equity. Case studies from the UK in L.Haas, P.
Hwang and G.Russell (eds) Organisational Change and Gender Equity London: Sage.