2014 Crackers – Information for Leaders and Booking Form

Christmas Crackers
Sat 29th / Sun 30th November 2014
A festive fund raising event for Hadlow Fields for Rainbows, Brownies and leaders.
Cost: (coach, activity costs, drinks, marquee hire etc)
£12 per girl
£5 per leader/adult/YL
Activities: to include from a list of
Make Christmas decorations/bookmarks
Decorate Christmas biscuit
Carols by the campfire, with hot drink
Crackers games- throw snowballs; reindeer races
Santa’s Grotto – gift and photo opportunity
Write a letter to Santa
Make a Christmas Wish
Listen to Christmas Story
Rudolph’s Den – pocket money gifts (girls to bring extra money)
Units picked up and returned to designated meeting points. Coaches will depart on time.
You DO NOT have to go from your own division point, choose day/time that suits you.
Write on booking form on pg3.
Meeting Points - may be subject to change, depending on numbers and Coach company.
SAT 29th AM - Leave 9 am - Return 1 pm
West Kirby – Concourse by garage
Deeside - Parkway
SUN 30th AM - Leave 9 am - Return 1 pm
Beb/Dibbs - Port Sunlight, Eastham Rake
Ellesmere Port - Wirral 100 & Burleydam
SAT 29th PM - Leave 1.30 pm - Return 5.30 pm
Hinderton - Ladies Walk/Aldi
Wallasey - Grove Road station
SUN 30th PM - Leave 1.30pm - Return 5.30 pm
Arrowebrook - Red Cat, Greasby
Birkenhead - Conway Park station
General info
 Be at meeting point 15 mins before departure
 Letter for parents, add in your chosen date, time, meeting place etc.
 Information/Consent forms from parents needed & sent nearer time.
 Remember must have Home Contact. Not related to you or anyone in your unit. Another
leader not attending is ideal. Members Area/Go > Guiding Manual > Activities > Additional Info
> Home Contact
 You must cover adult - child ratio as per Guiding Manual - ask parents if needed.
 Name tag/ID girls with leaders name & unit. Make sure they know which unit they belong to!
 We’ve hired marquees to help with cold/wet weather conditions but girls must still be dressed
appropriately, for your benefit as well as theirs! Cold/wet kids are no fun 
 Full Uniform, with vest, t-shirt, hoodie/jacket and trainers/wellies and 2 pairs warm socks,
warm waterproof coat, hat, scarf, gloves as some activities outdoors.
We had minus temps in 2010, a mud swamp in 2012!
 Leaders bring plastic box (2 ltr ice cream size) and bag to carry any wet craft items.
 Suggest bring biscuits to have with hot drink. Supplies for travel sickness - bags, wipes etc...
 You must pay for the numbers booked; you may take craft items back for any paid nonattendees.
 Further info will be sent nearer the time to leaders.
 Complete form and return with cheque (NO CASH) for full amount to:
 GGW HADLOW FIELDS MANAGEMENT and send to: Sue May. 54 Raeburn Avenue, West
Kirby, Wirral. CH48 5JE. Tel. 0151 625 3505. Email brownie@girlguidingwirral.org.uk
Numbers are restricted and first come, first served, last date for bookings to be received
Sunday 26th October
There will be NO exception to this rule or add-ons after bookings close.
Christmas 2014 Cracker Booking Form
Name of unit______________________________________________________
No’ girls:
__________x £12 = ______________
No’ Leaders/Adults
__________x £5 = ______________
(a YL counts as a leader and are there to help you, craft supplies are for the girls only)
Total enclosed
= £ ______________
Cheque for full amount made payable to: GGW HADLOW FIELDS MANAGEMENT
Date choice please circle
Sat 29th November
Sun 30th November
Meeting point preference....e.g. Birkenhead, West
1st choice
2nd choice
Unit leader contact name___________________________________________
Tel no’__________________________________________________