Application for the Murdoch Internship Program – 2016 Email to All students enrolled in the final year of their B.Ed Primary/ECE, B.Ed Secondary and Grad Dip Secondary programs at Murdoch are eligible to participate in the year long internships and/or final 10 week rural placement. NOTE: You can still apply for 2016 Internships if you are planning to enrol in the Grad Dip for 2016 but have not formally as yet been offered a place. Internships offer an amazing professional experience for Primary or Secondary preservice teachers to live, work and study in the school/community for the duration of their final year of study. In 2016 funding for those completing year-long internships in a secondary school setting are eligible to receive the Department of Education stipend of $10 000 paid in fortnightly instalments. Country interns will also receive subsidised housing during the year. The financial support provided by the Department gives priority to, but is not limited to, secondary Math and Science, English, Design and Technology in metropolitan areas, Secondary PSTs in all subject areas for rural placements and Primary/ECE PSTs for rural and hard to staff schools. Funding is also available for the 10 week rural teaching placements. Murdoch offers and supports a range of internship models, including year-long or 10 week (final) placements, as listed below: • PRIMARY / ECE – PERTH METRO – Bertram PS / Parkwood PS / Bletchley Park PS / South Coogee PS / Tuart Rise PS / Comet Bay PS / Winthrop PS / Cottesloe PS / Bold Park Community School • UPPER PRIMARY – PERTH METRO - Scotch College Middle School • PRIMARY – KALGOORLIE – O’Connor PS • PRIMARY / ECE – BUNBURY - Kingston PS • SECONDARY –PERTH METRO– Ashdale Secondary College / Ballajura Community College / Willeton SHS / Lakeland SHS / Canning Vale College • SECONDARY – PEEL REGION – Baldivis Secondary / Comet Bay Secondary / Halls Head SHS • SECONDARY –BUNBURY – Manea Senior College • SECONDARY – PILBARA CITIES – Newman / Karratha / Port Hedland SHS • SECONDARY –OTHER REGIONAL – Esperance SHS / Eastern Goldfields College / Dowerin District High School 10 WEEK PLACEMENT – RURAL TEACHING – ECE / PRIMARY / SECONDARY • Wongan Hills DHS (years 4-10) • Toodyay DHS (yrs 5-10) • Dowerin DHS (yrs 5-10) • Dalwallinu DHS (yrs 8-12) • Eastern Goldfields College (yrs 8-12) • Esperance SHS (yrs 8-12) • Gingin DHS (yrs 8-10) • Kambalda West DHS (yrs 8-10) Page | 1 APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM INFORMATION: *Required Name and student number Student Name * Student Number (if enrolled) or type 'Grad Dip' if planning to enrol in a Grad Dip at Murdoch for 2016 , Address * City/Town * State * Postal Code Country * Email Address * Phone Number * Major Field of Study or Interest Choose the item that is closes to your major field of study * Page | 2 o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) Mathematics o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) Science o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) LOTE/ESL o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) English o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) History o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) Theatre & Drama o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) OTHER o o Graduate Diploma (Secondary) Mid Year Entry o Bachelor of Education (Primary and ECE) o Bachelor of Education (Primary) o o Bachelor of Education (Primary, 1-10 HPE) APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Mathematics o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Science o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Theatre & Drama o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) LOTE/ESL o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) English o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) History o Bachelor of Education (Secondary) OTHER Minor * Internships - Choose your preferred location & school – PRIMARY/ECE PRIMARY/ECE - PERTH METRO - Internship Options Click here if you are interested in an internship at a metropolitan primary school o Bertram Primary (Perth Metro) o Bletchley Park Primary (Perth Metro – Southern River) o Bold Park Community School (Perth Metro - independent) o Comet Bay Primary (Perth Metro – Secret Harbour) o Cottesloe Primary (Perth Metro) o Parkwood Primary (Perth Metro) o South Coogee PS (Perth Metro) o Tuart Rise PS (Perth Metro) o Winthrop Primary (Perth Metro) Other: • UPPER PRIMARY – PERTH METRO – Internship Options o Scotch College Middle School (Perth Metro - independent) • PRIMARY – KALGOORLIE- Internship Options O’Connor Primary (Kalgoorlie) • PRIMARY / ECE – BUNBURY – Internship Options Kingston Primary (Australind) Page | 3 APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Internships - Choose your preferred location & school – SECONDARY (includes HPE) SECONDARY –PERTH METRO - Internship Options o Comet Bay College (Secret Harbour) (English, ICT, Science, Soc &Env, Health PE, Maths - yrs 8-12) o Baldivis Secondary College (English, Soc &Env, Maths, Science: yrs 8 -9) o Ashdale Secondary College (Darch) o Ballajura Community College o Canning Vale College o Halls Head SHS o Lakeland SHS (South Lake) o Willeton SHS o Other: SECONDARY –BUNBURY - Internship Options o Manea Senior College SECONDARY – PILBARA CITIES - Internship Options o Newman SHS o Karratha SHS o Port Hedland SHS SECONDARY –OTHER REGIONAL - Internship Options Page | 4 o Esperance SHS o Eastern Goldfields College o Dowerin District High School APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 10 Week Rural Practicum - Choose your preferred location & school –PRIMARY / SECONDARY - RURAL Click here if you are interested in a 10 week final placement internship at a regional school for your final placement only. Pre-service Teachers are eligible for funding through the Rural Teaching Program Page | 5 o Wongan Hills DHS (yrs 4-10) o Toodyay DHS (yrs 8-10) o Dowerin DHS, (yrs 5-10) o Dalwallinu DHS (yrs 8-12) o Eastern Goldfields College (yrs 8-12) o Gingin DHS (yrs 8-10) o Kambalda West DHS (yrs 8-10) APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Referees Please provide the names and contact information for 2 referees to support your application Referee 1 Name * Current Position * Relationship to you * Address City/Town * State * Postal code Email address * Phone Number * Referee 2 Name * Current position * Relationship to you * Address * City/Town * Postal code State * Email address * Phone Number * Page | 6 APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Personal and Professional Profile (attach doc to application and email to ) Please attach a Word doc to this application to introduce yourself. Ensure you cover the following three points: 1. Outline your background and experiences and explain how these have informed your beliefs about teaching and learning. 2. Explain your pedagogical strengths with regard to instructional ability and professional content knowledge based on your academic results to date - be sure to explain any anomalies. 3. Outline what you have to offer and what you would like to achieve from participating in the Internship Program both personally and professionally. **NOTE: If you are not currently enrolled in the School of education, please attached a Word doc to introduce yourself and tell us why you are interested in this internship. Academic Transcript and Supporting Documents There are two options for submitting transcripts and documents to support your application. 1. Give permission for Murdoch to access your academic records; OR 2. Email a copy of your academic transcript and any other certificates that would support your application to I give permission for the School of Education to access my academic records in order to support this application for the MIMs Internship * Page | 7 o Yes o I will email my academic record APPLICATION FOR THE MURDOCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM