Supporting information 1 Patient selection criteria Inclusion criteria: adult patients (minimum age 16 years) demonstration of irreversible pulpitis by complaint of spontaneous, thermal, and percussion test pain (Tronstad, 2008) pulpitis caused by caries (primary or repeated) indication for permanent endodontic treatment acceptable periodontal health in the affected quadrant absence of alveolysis or periapical radiolucency concerning the affected tooth and its neighbors available for and willing to undergo endodontic treatment at D7 and a follow-up visit at 6 months. Exclusion criteria: children under 16 all other causes of pulpitis (including endo-periodontal lesions) fractured or cracked teeth immature teeth any tooth for which the possibility of periodontal disease could not be excluded internal or external resorptions any patient presenting ◦ local or regional (ENT sphere) infectious foci ◦ any contraindication for endodontic treatment ◦ known allergy or intolerance to corticosteroids, ibuprofen, codeine, tramadol, or acetaminophen ◦ any contraindication for glucocorticoid intake (including insulin-dependent diabetes, current infectious disease, recent immunization, psychosis) ◦ pregnancy or breastfeeding ◦ inability to understand the trial protocol (which was described in a written note and explained orally) ◦ unwillingness to sign the informed consent form 2 Data collection Dentist-observed data were collected on a multicopy Case Rport Form allowing data monitoring according to Good Clinical Practice (“Bonnes Pratiques Cliniques”). The patients recorded their daily spontaneous and percussion pain on a small booklet later joined to the Case Report Form as “Original Data”. 3 Statistical analysis methods Since a few data were missing (see the Results section), it was necessary to assess their impact (imprecision, possible bias) on the statistical analysis (1). An attempt at multiple imputations by chained equations (2) leads to dubious results; therefore we decided to construct a Bayesian network modeling the joint distribution of our data and to carry out Bayesian analysis of our results. This model allowed for a “natural” missing data imputation, using the same model for imputation and analysis under a “Missing At Random” (MAR) assumption. The model, which is described in the online Appendix, aims to assess the joint probability distribution of the most important prerandomization variables and the post-randomization results. It is implemented as a multilevel mixed-model regression in the JAGS dialect (3) of the Bugs Bayesian modeling language (4), piloted from the R statistical language (5) using Spiegelhalter et al (6) and Gelman and Hill (7) as guidelines. We assessed the influence of one variable on another by a posteriori distribution of the relevant regression coefficient(s) and its (their) position in relation to 0, as summarized by its (their) median(s), 50% and 95% Highest Posterior Density credible sets (CrI95), and probability of a value of a sign opposed to that of the median (“pseudo p” in the tables). It should be noted that the numerical values of the regression coefficient for polychoric ordered regression have no intrinsic interpretation when the same scale is used for more than one measurement (e.g. pain scale); they should be interpreted in terms of positions relative to zero. 4 The Bayesian model The model aims to assess the joint probability distribution of the most important prerandomization variables and the post-randomization results. These data are modeled as a multilevel regression: Group Variables Predictors A Group (treatment), dental center Unmodeled B Demographics: sex, age, education level A C General dental health: missing teeth, date of last dental A+B visit D Causal lesion: arch, group, etiology E Symptomatology: duration of pain, (spontaneous and percussion) pain F Immediate results: treatment duration, postoperative pain A+B+C+D+E G Waiting period pain (recorded by the patient) A+B+C+D+E+intraligamental anesthesia H D7 pain A+B+C+D+E + intraligamental anesthesia I Other D7 results: clinical examination, intercurrent “minimal” set : Group, centre if events possible. J 6 month pain level K 6 months results: clinical examination, intercurrent “minimal” set : Group, centre if events, current state of the treated tooth possible. A+B+C intensity of A+B+C+D A+B+C+D+E + intraligamental anesthesia Group Other Variables See text Predictors “minimal” set : Group, center if possible. All data were modeled at a minimum on group (treatment allocation) and treatment center wherever possible1, thus allowing for intergroup balance checking; constant and “almost constant” data (e.g. boolean variables occurring once or twice in the dataset) were excluded from further modeling to avoid separation effects; all other pre-randomization variables, as well as intraligamental infiltration were used to model main post-randomization variables. The elementary models were linear regression for the numeric variables, logistic regression for the boolean variables, and polychoric ordered logistic regression for the ordinal variables, an exception being the number of missing teeth, modeled as a zero-inflated Poisson variable. We modeled pain measurements by modeling a pain scale specific to each patient and common to all his/her pain measurements; this allows for intrapatient correlations (mixed-effects model). We used vague proper priors2, improper “flat” priors being incompatible with JAGS algorithms. The variability of the SPI and SPID indices was assessed by simulation at each iteration of new values of the pain measurements for the same patients, using the current regression coefficients (i.e., a hypothetical repetition of the trial conditional to the current value of the parameters) and computation of the resulting indices. The model's convergence was assessed by monitoring the autocorrelations (especially the Gelman and Rubin PSRF index) and by visual assessment of the traces. Posterior distributions are tabulated by their medians, their 95% Credible Interval (Highest Posterior Density set, here always an open interval), and the probability of a value of a sign opposed to the sign of the median (“pseudo p”). 1 One cannot model a boolean variable occurring only once on two predictors simultaneously (aliasing)... 2 The prior of a regression coefficient expected to be a few units from 0 was a normal of mean 0 and variance 104. Tables for Supporting Information Variable Randomization to Prednisolone Pulpotomy Group 95% Credible effect interval pseudo p Female sex 24 (51%) 32 (68%) -0.743 (-1.664, 0.107 ) 0.045 Age 28.23±8.94 29.02±8.40 -0.848 (-4.401, 2.698 ) 0.315 Primary 10 (21%) 12 (26%) Junior high school 13 (27%) 9 (19%) High school 14 (30%) 18 (38%) College 6 (13%) 5 (11%) MS, MA 4 (9%) 2 (4%) PhD 0 (0%) 1 (2%) 0.049 (-0.790, 0.891 ) 0.457 0.052 (-0.790, 0.839 ) 0.451 Education General pathology Last dental visit Missing teeth 1 (2%) (sickle-cell 0 (0%) (1 NA) anemia) 1 week 2 (4%) 3 6%) 2 weeks 1 (4%) 0 (0%) 1 months 3 (6%) 2 (4%) 2 months 2 (4%) 2 (4%) 3 months 1 (2%) 2 (4%) 4 months 0 (0%) 3 (6%) 5 months 2 (4%) 3 (6%) 6 months 20 (43%) 14 (30%) never 15 (32%) 18 (38%) NA 1 (2%) 0 (0%) -0.095 (-0.969, 0.732 ) 0.412 0 24 (51%) 28 (60%) -0.563 (-1.630, 0.378 ) 0.136 1 3 (6%) 5 (11%) 2 3 (6%) 7 (15%) 3 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 4 13 (28%) 5 (11%) 5 1 (2%) 0 (0%) 6 2 (4%) 0 (0%) 7 0(0%) 1 (2%) 0.800 (-0.029, 2.037 ) 0.026 Table S1: Patient characteristics : raw data and statistical analysis results of the intergroup differences at baseline. Group effect = median of the posterior distribution of the “Treatment” regression parameter, CrI95 = Highest Posterior Density set (here always an interval) of this coefficient; pseudo p = posterior probability of this coefficient being opposite to the sign of the median. Regression coefficient Daily average of spontaneous pain Daily difference between groups for spontaneous pain Daily average of percussion pain Daily difference between groups for percussion pain Day Med 95% Credible Interval pseudo.p 1 3.108 (2.412 , 3.841 ) <1.43.10-4 2 1.723 (1.078 , 2.378 ) <1.43.10-4 3 1.561 (0.932 , 2.231 ) <1.43.10-4 4 -1.543 (-2.449, -0.702) <1.43.10-4 5 -0.784 (-1.509, -0.060) 0.015 6 -1.775 (-2.605, -0.997) <1.43.10-4 7 -2.269 (-3.212, -1.437) <1.43.10-4 1 -1.439 (-3.783, 0.853 ) 0.106 2 -1.746 (-3.939, 0.614 ) 0.064 3 -1.238 (-3.544, 1.003 ) 0.153 4 -3.741 (-6.614, -0.861) 0.003 5 -1.120 (-3.707, 1.165 ) 0.180 6 -1.874 (-4.285, 0.586 ) 0.065 7 -2.493 (-5.143, 0.010 ) 0.023 1 2.540 (1.891 , 3.185 ) <1.43.10-4 2 1.394 (0.790 , 2.033 ) <1.43.10-4 3 0.015 (-0.613, 0.642 ) 0.478 4 -1.015 (-1.706, -0.336) 0.001 5 -0.909 (-1.586, -0.259) 0.004 6 -0.992 (-1.655, -0.308) 0.002 7 -1.032 (-1.768, -0.389) 0.001 1 -6.102 (-8.375, -4.087) <1.43.10-4 2 -6.346 (-8.554, -4.195) <1.43.10-4 3 -6.152 (-8.325, -4.005) <1.43.10-4 4 -6.346 (-8.569, -4.145) <1.43.10-4 5 -6.194 (-8.478, -4.029) <1.43.10-4 6 -6.000 (-8.285, -3.862) <1.43.10-4 7 -5.995 (-8.270, -3.823) <1.43.10-4 Table S2: Modelization of the evolution of spontaneous and percussion pain during the 7-days waiting period. The pain intensities are analyzed as a polychoric ordered regression, whose (latent) intensity is modeled by time and between-group difference ; the table reports the median, 95 % credible interval and pseudo-p of the regression coefficient. References for the supporting information 1 Little Roderick JA, Rubin Donald B. Statistical analysis with missing data. Wiley; 2002. 2 van Buuren Stef, Groothuis-Oudshoorn Karin. mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. J Stat Softw 2011;45(3):1–67. 3 Plummer Martyn. JAGS: A program for analysis of Bayesian graphical models using Gibbs sampling 2003. 4 Lunn David, Spiegelhalter David, Thomas Andrew, Best Nicky. The BUGS project: Evolution, critique and future directions. Stat Med 2009;28(25):3049–67. Doi: 10.1002/sim.3680. 5 R Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing; 2012. 6 Spiegelhalter David J, Abrams Keith R, Myles Jonathan P. Bayesian approaches to clinical trials and health-care evaluation. John Wiley and Sons; 2004. 7 Gelman Andrew, Hill Jennifer. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press; 2006.. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press; 2006.