January 27th, 2014 - Central Washington University


Equity & Services Council Meeting

January 27



Monday at 4:00 pm

SURC 202

Call To Order: 3:59 pm

Roll Call:

BSU: Present

VIP: Present

NASA: Absent

FASA: Present

EQuAL: Present

MeCha: Present

FGSO: Present

ABLE: Present


Feminist Club: Present

Approval Of Minutes: Spencer entertains a motion to approve the minutes, FASA so moves, VIP seconds, 7-0-0

Additions Or Corrections To Agenda: Correction strike winter quarter planners. Move Constitution to first new business so that everyone can participate.

Approval of Agenda: Spencer entertains motion to approve the agenda with the above corrections, VIP so moves, FASA seconds, 7-0-0

Executive Board Report:

Chair: Please get your open forums questions to Spencer. What is ESC ad is in the Observer and will be weekly ABLE is next;

President’s round table doodle is up. There is a new “What is ESC” poster it is now up. Michelle and Spencer trying to locate by laws to be updated. Election changes; BOD is changing the By Laws moving Chamber or Commerce, City Council, and Downtown

Association from the VP of Community Affairs to be under the President’s office. Central Sampler admissions looking for students to sit on Panel Spencer and other BOD staff will be sitting on it if anyone is interested. Stakeholder orientation meetings.

Executive Assistant: We now have updated budgets if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Community Programmer: Working with JulieAnne Behar of WSA on the Winter Quarter ESC Leadership conference, will have a

CLCE Seminar at the conference. Leadership conference set for Feb. 27 th and 28 th.


Special Guests:

New Business:

Constitution: for the corrections made to the Constitution please reference scanned documents below.

Spencer entertains a motion to approve the edits and corrections to the ESC constitution, FASA so moves, ABLE Seconds, motion passes 8-0-0.

Spencer entertains a motion to table going over updated constitution until next week VIP so moves, EQuAL Seconds, motion passes 8-0-0.

CLCE Funds Request- Spencer entertains a motion to grant CLCE funds request 1100 for their trip to El Salvador, FASA so moves,

Rotaract seconds, Motion passes 8-0-0.

Winter Leadership Retreat Funds Request-Presentation: Keynote Speaker Ernie G. comedian style motivational speakers about leadership and empowerment. This will take place on the 27 th and 28 th in the theater. $2,500 for salaries and wages, equipment though scheduling is $77.50, $600 for travel, total of $3,177. Ernie G. will be hosting workshops, and the second day he will do his keynote speaking on the 28 th .

Open Forum Question: Due today, if you do not have it today please drop it off this week in Spencer’s office.

Winter QTR. Planning Calendar: will create a digital copy, we will send it out to everyone.

Org Reports:

BSU: Planning McConnell event for Feb. 21 st , have committees and will get funds request for that soon.

VIP: Finalized meeting time Friday’s at 9am in the Wellness center, working on fundraising event Thursday’s in black, this money goes to Rock against rape t-shirts, candles will be on sale soon. Rock against Rape will be April 30 th 5-8:30pm, will have logo within the next few weeks.


FASA: Peniouy paniy retreat went really well, had 15 people attend, discussed a lot of issues regarding gender, February 6 th unheard voices event with the CLCE money from that will be going toward Typhoon relief, working on Lumpia pre sales, also gearing up for Filipino Olympics and conference

EQuAL: Planning our Freedom to marry week as more than marriage week, also discussing plans and ideas for Pride week.

MeCha: Tamale Pre-sales tabling 28-30 11am-3pm, ready for deliver on February 18 th 11am-4pm


ABLE: Sending a group of students to Portland university to see their adaptive sports facilities for students with disabilities

ROTARACT: Volunteered for Brew fest, volunteering at “Forget me not” Bingo at the Adult Activity Center to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Feb. 28 th 1-3pm Will be attending the Northwest Leadership Conference on the weekend of Feb. 21-23.

Old Business:

ABLE approved

Rotaract recognized


Lunar New year January 30 th in the Ballroom at 7pm.

Grad: Any information on your organizations graduation, FASA June 7 th SURC Ballroom time is TBD, BSU location Wellington event center date and time TBD. Everyone else please email Michelle and Spencer with your Org’s graduation information.

Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Flores in person or via email BODcommunity@cwu.edu. Public comments may also be presented at the time of the meeting

Adjournment: Spencer entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm
