Equity & Services Council Meeting January 13 2014 Monday at 4:00 pm

Equity & Services Council Meeting
January 13th 2014
Monday at 4:00 pm
SURC 202
Call To Order: 3:59
Roll Call:
BSU: Present
VIP: Present
NASA: Absent
FASA: Present
EQuAL: Present
MeCha: Present
FGSO: Absent
ABLE: Present
Approval Of Minutes: Spencer entertains a motion to approve the minutes, FASA so moves, VIP seconds, 6-0-0
Additions Or Corrections To Agenda: Correction strike winter leadership funds request moved to next weeks meeting
Approval of Agenda: Spencer entertains motion to approve the agenda with the above corrections, EQuAL so moves, VIP seconds, 6-0-0
Executive Board Report:
Chair: Minutes are now posted online! Updated information for FGSO and Rotaract if you didn’t send Spencer a blurb of your org
she created one, updating continuity binder online
Executive Assistant: Please be sure to tell me your meeting time place and day. If you need
Community Programmer: Submitted publicity request for “what is ESC?” campaign, our Observer ad has been placed on the 16th
the FASA one will go out. $1116 is the total for all of our ads. Feb 27 tentative date for our winter leadership retreat. Funds
request next week at our January 27th meeting.
Advisor: Remind your orgs about volunteering at the CLCE for MLK day, also if everyone can decided when we are going to do our
graduations in the spring the President would like the dates.
Special Guests:
Cassie DuBore: Works in the BOD office VP for legislative affairs works with our legislator, Student Lobby day is Friday February
14th leave Central at 7 am in business attire. Trip is completely free ride and lunch included. Voter accessibility, DREAM act,
veterans tuition. If you would like Cassie to attend your org meetings she would be more than happy to attend. No limit on how
many students can attend Lobby day. If you need a note to excuse you from class that can be provided.
Matt Cziske and Andres Moreno: Works at the office of Admissions here to propose an idea in charge of visitation program for
incoming students. Central Sampler night is a two-night visit is two days and an overnight stay in a dorm. We want to get clubs
and organizations involved by bringing perspective students to clubs and organization and setting up a sort of a speed dating with
new students called “Ask a Wildcat” and clubs and org members participate. Also for students to share their experiences with
new perspective students and recruit new members. Willing to attend meetings and explain more and give more info to other
members in your organization.
New Business:
CLCE Funds Request- Presentation: Going to El Salvador from March 23-29 to learn more about other cultures to become
culturally competent leaders. Also planning on learning more about their leaders meeting with government officials. Have service
projects planned. Visiting Archbishop Romero Chapel/Museum and listening to several El Salvador historical testimonials. When
we return we want to share experience at source and go to classrooms and share. If you would like us to come and share our
experience with your club or organization we would be more than happy to. Total for the trip is $17600 but Requesting $1100.
Raising money to complete service projects.
ABLE Funds Request- Vote Spencer enterntains a motion to approve ABLE’s funds request, VIP so movies, FASA seconds 5-0-1
funds request approved
ROTARACT Recognition: We will know by our next meeting.
Winter QTR. Planning Calendar: due by the 27th very tentative! Ideas are okay.
Updated Constitution 2014: read it over any additions or corrections due by the 27th. Spencer entertains a motion to table until
our 27th meeting VIP so moves, BSU seconds, 5-0-0
Org Reports:
BSU: On Friday we had an emergency officer meeting current President has stepped down so now we will have elections. Also we
have some volunteers for MLK day on Wednesday. Also trying to plan out Showtime at the McConnel. Advisor already has
confirmed location for Black Grad.
VIP: Meeting tonight to decide a meeting time and Meeting with alice tomorrow.
FASA: Peniouy paniy retreat. Also getting ready for Filipino Olympics in February.
EQuAL: Planning our Valentines day dance and also revamping freedom to marry week as more than marriage week, also
discussing plans and ideas for Pride week.
MeCha: DREAM act passed today, three officers had to step down due to financial aid not being able to fund their tuition. Asking
everyone for support also planning a latino/a week and panels to speak on the topic. Making tamales to fundraise for club
events. Making them 15,16,17th First club meeting Wednesday, Officer meeting tomorrow
ABLE: Working on adaptive sports, and trip to PSU, working on logo for t-shirts and sweatshirts.
ROTARACT: Have volunteers for MLK, instead of meeting this Thursday at 6 we are attending the MLK march and vigil as a club,
and volunteering for noon rotary to help out with Brewfest downtown this weekend.
Old Business:
Volunteer Hours: Thank you everyone for completing your hours. Be sure to start documenting hours for this quarter.
Updated Funds Request Packet: Over 200 dollars 10 days and under 200 dollars 5 days notice.
Open Forum Question: Reminder to tell your orgs about open forum questions. It’s anonymous share your experiences on
campus due Monday the 27th.
Observer Advertising: will email out schedule so you can look for your ad in the paper.
MLK Day Volunteers reminder to volunteer.
My CWU is replacing Wildcat connection on the 27th
Civil rights display will go up February 20-24th in Surc 137 A and B
Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Flores in person or via email BODcommunity@cwu.edu. Public comments
may also be presented at the time of the meeting
Adjournment: Spencer entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting VIP so moves, and EQuAL seconds, Motion passes. Meeting Adjourned at