Equity & Services Council Meeting November 5th 2013 Tuesday at 4:00 pm

Equity & Services Council Meeting
November 5th 2013
Tuesday at 4:00 pm
SURC 301
Call To Order: 4:01
Roll Call:
BSU: Present
VIP: Present
NASA: Present
FASA: Present
EQuAL: Present
MeCha: Present
FGSO: Present
ABLE: Present
Approval Of Minutes: Spencer entertains motion, FASA so moves, ABLE seconds, 6-0-1
Additions Or Corrections To Agenda: Discussion of canceling an ESC meeting November 26
Approval of Agenda: Spencer entertains a motion to approve the agenda, FGSO so moves, FASA seconds, Motion passes 7-0-0
Executive Board Report:
Chair: Went to Zombie Bash and volunteered in the BOD room. Currently updating org information on the website everyone
please send a blurb of meeting times, days you meet, and where you meet to spencer.
Executive Assistant: ABLE and EQuAL please send me your wrap up report. Everyone if you haven’t done so already please send
me your meeting time, day and place so I can create a schedule for the BOD.
Community Programmer: Attended the chamber of commerce meeting, “What is ESC“ campaign waiting to hear back from the
Observer. Parade of Nations is next week sign up as an org or an individual ask Alyssa or go to the CDSJ. Also contacted the City of
commerce to find out how we can become involved more with the community. Also working on leadership retreat involving all
the ESC orgs and opening it up to the campus as well. Going to the FASA meeting on Thursday to share more about ESC.
Advisor: Parade of Nations if you want to walk performs if you would like to participate come to the CDSJ. Also need volunteers
to decorate.
Special Guests:
Org Reports:
BSU: Open house with EMPIRE and Six week program went well, spoken word slam poetry night SURC pit November 20th
VIP: Working on partition board stories of survivors and individuals who support survivors not only women but men who have
been victims, working on publicity in winter quarter, Thursday’s in black to raise awareness.
NASA: November 18-19th open house at the President’s house
FASA: Participated in boo central it was successful, If you would like to order FASA shirt orders close this Thursday it is $15 get the
money to Jonathan or anyone in FASA. FASA meeting open to everyone.
EQuAL: Just wrapped up Hallowqueen dance and it was a success, moving forward and planning National transgender on
November 20th at 10 am East SURC patio, Panel in the pit at 12pm also a candle light vigil on the Barto lawn at 6 pm.
MeCha: Day of the Dead and Boo central were both very successful. Planning a coat drive working with Alyssa to get sponsors for
the events and if you are interested help is appreciated.
FGSO: Participated in boo central it was very fun. This week planning on having a long meeting to figure out what they want to do
possibly a FGSO conference.
ABLE: Participated in boo central had a lot of fun, working on getting t-shirts and sweatshirts for the org members, starting the
paper work for warefare.
ROTARACT: Boo Central was a successful, everyone should try to attend Unheard voices night November 7 5-7pm at the
downtown D&M. Attending the club fair on November 18th.
Old Business:
ESC Bins in Backspace (Please complete by Nov 4th) : ESC bins: hopefully everyone has gone through their bins, BOD plans on
moving the shelf and if they move you will be notified, If you haven’t already gone through your bin please do so ASAP.
Inclusivity and Diversity Council (looking for student representatives)
-Next Meeting is November 18th at 2:00 pm in SURC 301
Constitution and by-law committee: If you have members who are interested please send Spencer their contact information.
Election Reform Review
New Business:
FASA moves to cancel November 26th meeting, ABLE seconds, Motion passes 8-0-0
Flyers for the “what is ESC?” campaign are available if you would like them Spencer has them.
If you haven’t completed contact sheet please get it to Nigiste by Thursday the 7th.
Spencer sent out a Doodle poll for meeting times for winter quarter please fill it out as soon as possible.
Public Comments: Public Comments may be submitted to Spencer Flores in person or via email BODcommunity@cwu.edu. Public comments
may also be presented at the time of the meeting
Adjournment: Spencer entertains the motion to adjourn the meeting, NASA so moves and FASA seconds, Meeting adjourns 4:31