Selected Bibliography of Appalachian Fiction since 1920s Adams

Selected Bibliography of Appalachian Fiction since 1920s
Adams, Sheila Kay. My Old True Love: A Novel. 1995
Agee, James. A Death in the Family. 1957
Arnow, Harriete Simpson. The Dollmaker. 1954
Ball, Bo. Appalachian Patterns: Stories by Bo Ball. 1988
Berry, Wendell. A Place on Earth: A Novel 1983
---. Andy Catlett: Early Travels. 2006
---. Hannah Coulter: A Novel. 2004
---. Jayber Crow: A Novel 2000
---. The Memory of Old Jack. 1974
---. A Place on Earth: A Novel 1983
---. Remembering: A Novel. 1988
---. The Wild Birds: Six Stories of the Port William Membership.1986
---. That Distant Land.
Caldwell, Wayne. Cataloochee. 2007
---. Requiem by Fire. 2010
Chappell, Fred. Brighten the Corner Where You Are. 1989
---. Farewell I Am Bound to Leave You. 1996
---. I Am One of You Forever. 1985
---. Look Back All the Green Valley. 1999
Clark, Billy C. Sourwood Tales 2001
Dargan, Olive Tilford. (Fielding Burke) Call Home the Heart. 1932
---. A Stone Came Rolling. 1935
Duncan, Pamela. Moon Women. 2001
Dykeman, Wilma. The Far Family. 1966
---. Return the Innocent Earth. 1973
---. The Tall Woman. 1962
Earley, Tony. Blue Star: A Novel. 2008
---. Jim the Boy. 2000
Ehle, John. The Land Breakers. 1964
---. The Journey of August King. 1971
---. Lion on the Hearth. 1961.
---. The Road. 1967.
---. The Widow’s Trial. 1989.
---. The Winter People. 1982.
Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain. 1997
---. Thirteen Moons. 2006
Giardina, Denise. Storming Heaven: A Novel. 1987
---. The Unquiet Earth. 1992
Godwin, Gail. A Mother and Two Daughters. 1982
---. A Southern Family. 1987
---. Evensong. 1999
---. Father Melancholy’s Daughter.
---. The Finishing School. 1999
---. The Odd Woman. 1995
---. Unfinished Desires: A Novel. 2010
Greene, Amy. Bloodroot. 2010
House, Silas. Clay's Quilt: A Novel. 2001
---. A Parchment of Leaves. 2003
---. Eli the Good. 2009
---. The Coal Tattoo. 2004
Kingsolver, Barbara. Prodigal Summer. 2000
Lumpkin, Grace. To Make My Bread. 1932
Lyon, George Ella. With a Hammer for My Heart. 1996
Mann, Jeff. Loving Mountains, Loving Men. 2005
Marshall, Catherine. Christy. 1967
Mason, Bobbie Ann. Feather Crowns. 1993
---. In Country.1985
---. Love Life: Stories. 1989
---. Nancy Culpepper: Stories. 2006
---. Shiloh and Other Stories. 1982
---. Spence + Lila. 1988
---. Zigzagging Down a Wild Trail. 2002
McCarthy, Cormac. ---. Blood Meridian. 1985
---. The Crossing. 1994
---. Cities of the Plain. 1998
---. Child of God. 1974
---. No Country for Old Men. 2005
---. The Orchard Keeper. 1965
---. Outer Dark. 1968
---. The Road. 2006
---. Suttree. 1979
McCrumb, Sharyn. The Ballad of Frankie Silver. 1998
---. The Ballad of Tom Dooley. 2011
---. Foggy Mountain Breakdown and Other Stories. 1997
---. Ghost Riders: A Novel. 2003
---. If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O. 1991
---. The Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter. 1992
---. The Rosewood Casket. 1996
---. She Walks These Hills. 1994
---. The Songcatcher: A Ballad Novel 2002
Miller, Jim Wayne. Newfound. 1996
Morgan, C. E. All the Living. 2009
Morgan, Robert. The Balm of Gilead Tree: New and Selected Stories 1999
---. The Blue Valley: A Collection of Stories. 1989
---. Gap Creek: A Novel. 1999
---. The Hinterlands. 1994
---. The Mountains Won't Remember Us and Other Stories. 1992
---. This Rock. 2001
---. The Truest Pleasure. 1995
Norman, Gurney. Kinfolks: The Wilgus Stories. 1977
Pancake, Ann. Strange as This Weather Has Been. 2007
Pancake, Breece D’J. The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake. 1983
Pearson, T. R. Blue Ridge. 2000
Phillips, Jayne Ann. Lark and Termite. 2009
---. Machine Dreams. 1984
---. MotherKind. 2000
---. Shelter. 1994
Rash, Ron. Burning Bright. Stories. 2010
---. Chemistry and Other Stories. 2007
---. One Foot in Eden. 2002
---. Saints at the River. 2004
---. Serena. 2008
---. The Night The New Jesus Fell to Earth and Other Stories. 1994
---. The World Made Straight. 2006
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox. The Great Meadow. 1930
---The Time of Man. 1926
Smith, Lee.
---. Black Mountain Breakdown. 1980
---. Cakewalk. 1981 (stories)
---. The Devil's Dream. 1992
---. Fancy Strut. 1973
---. Fair and Tender Ladies. 1988
---. Family Linen. 1985
---. The Last Girls: A Novel. 2003
---. Me and My Baby View the Eclipse: Stories 1990
---. On Agate Hill: A Novel. 2006
---. Oral History. 1983
---. Saving Grace. 1995
Still, James. Pattern of a Man & Other Stories. 1976
---. On Troublesome Creek. 1941
---. River of Earth. 1940.
Stuart, Jesse. Come Back to the Farm. 1971
---. Daughter of the Legend. 1965
---. The Land Beyond the River. 1973
---. Mr. Gallion's School. 1967
---. My Land Has a Voice. 1966
---. Plowshare in Heaven: Stories. 1958
---. Save Every Lamb. 1964 (stories)
Wilkinson, Crystal. Blackberries, Blackberries. 2000
---. Water Street. 2002
Wolfe, Thomas.
---Look Homeward, Angel. 1929
---The Hills Beyond 1935
Gwen M. Ashburn, University of North Carolina at Asheville
The West Virginia University Appalachian Studies bibliography is more extensive and available
at and the Literature section