Kennedy Middle School 4000 Gallant Lane DANCE LESSON PLAN: Warm Up Demonstration We Do You Do Together You Do Alone Reflection Teacher Name: Rehak 2/21 & 2/22 Subject and Grade Level 8th Grade Dance Dance Movement Evaluation Lesson Focus Modern Dance 6- Modern NCSCOS Objective 8.CP.2,1, 8.CP.2.2, 8.DM.1.1, 8.DM.1.3, 8.R.1.1 Students Friendly Objective Today we will practice, perform and assess our knowledge of Modern Dance, Scissors routine and group created phrases in ABA Choreographic form. Materials Needed Journals, Projector, Ipod Warm-Up. How will you engage students in the lesson and activity? How will you communicate what is important about the lesson? Journal #8 COPY THE FOLLOWING MOVEMENT EVALUATION: *FILL In your Self Pre-assessment Score and your Group Pre-assessment score. MODERN DANCE MOVEMENT EVALUATION Requirements Follow Directions (20) Elements of Dance (20) -Time -Space -Energy Choreography (20) Performance Quality (20) Energy (20) TOTAL: PrePrePostPostGp1 Gp2 Gp3 Gp4 Gp5 Gp6 Gp7 Self Group Self group assess assess assess assess Demonstration. How will you introduce the objective to the students? Martha Graham: “Steps in the street” We Do. What are you going to model for students? What will students be able to do as a class? -Facilitate class practice and exploration of teacher directed movement. -Facilitate center floor modern dance movement: fall and recovery, spirals with tendu, contractions side and open center, knee up and roll other side, swing, swing with jump. Suspension jump, Shasse, triplets, triplet turns. -Students will review the Scissors Routine. You Do Together. What are the students going to be able to do as a pair or small group? -Students will be reminded of the following requirements for the Modern Dance Movement Evaluation Project. *Create a movement phrase with your group that include 5 modern dance movements *Include 3 counts of eight of the lyric phrase *Must be presented in AB form, Modern Phrase (A), Lyric phrase (B), Modern Phrase (A) *Must have smooth transitions -Students will be given 10-15 minutes to put finishing touches on their routines and prepare for Movement Evaluation. You Do Alone. What will students be able to do independently following the lesson and modeling? -Students will Assess themselves individually and as a group after performing as well as their other classmates as each group performs their ABA phrase. Reflection/Assessment 5 minutes How will students make connections? -Can you explain the requirements for this Mvmt Eval? -What did you group excel at? -How can you improve your self assessment score?