
March 4, 2012
Immanuel Ulsan Presbyterian Church
Rev. Ryu, Kwang-su
Translated by: Sora Han
Edited by: Brett Pazdur
First Service
“Elijah’s success and mistake”
(1 Kings 19:18-21)
▶ What exactly are the 66 books of the Bible speaking about? One day, with no regard for the hard work of
people, disasters continued to plow in. The Bible speaks about the cause and the solution to that. The
background behind that disaster is Satan, whom we cannot see with our eyes, but continues to attack us.
Mankind cannot meet with God and continues to wander. The promise that God will open the way to meet
with Him is the Bible.
The office that fulfilled and opened the way to meet God, the way to overcome disasters, and the way to
overcome Satan is Christ.
▶ In the midst of this, an evil king (King Ahab), evil politicians, and wicked prophets emerged, and the two
individuals who came out at this time were Elijah and Elisha.
How was Elijah able to have victory in this wicked age?
1. Elijah had a different strength – Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
▶ Christ, who comprises the 66 books of the Bible, spoke about this different strength.
(1) John 14:16-17, Jesus said that He would send another Counselor to be with us forever This means that
He will send the Holy Spirit who will bestow His grace upon us, protect us, and teach us. If we possess a
different strength, then from that point on, we begin to change (John 1:12, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians
(2) No one can take away this strength.
(3) There is a big difference between faith and unbelief (Joseph – Genesis 41:38, David – 1 Samuel 16:13).
▶ There is a special strength that God has only given to us (1 John 3:8). When we accept Jesus as my Savior,
my Lord, and my Christ, all the forces of darkness will flee. Elijah had this strength.
2. Elijah possessed this strength – He received the Guidance of the Holy Spirit.
▶ Then, as a result, what kinds of things happened?
(1) He fought against King Ahab, and he proclaimed the truth before King Ahab (1 Kings 17:1).
(2) He also proclaimed that disasters would come before King Ahab (1 Kings 17:4-7).
(3) Then, a fierce competition came about on Mt. Carmel (850:1). In that place, Elijah had complete victory.
3. Elijah was armored with this strength – Filling of the Holy Spirit.
▶ What kind of strength can you be armored with as the saved people of God? It is the filling of the Holy
Spirit. The greatest key to bring healing to addiction to wicked things is the filling of the Holy Spirit. At this
time, the power of uniqueness begins to be revealed. Wherever Elijah went, many people began to be
▶ Christ means that all disasters have been brought to an end, and that all the powers of Satan have been
broken. Christ means that He will work upon us by the working of the Holy Spirit (James 5:13-18).
▶ Just pray for 3 days (James 5:13-18). “God gave me salvation. Work upon me by Your Holy Spirit. Work
upon my field by Your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, may all the forces of darkness, all failure, and
all illness depart. Indwell in me by Your Holy Spirit and lead me by the Holy Spirit. Help me to change the
world with the filling of the Holy Spirit. May all of our unbelief depart. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray.
Second Service
“The three things that Elisha saw”
(2 Kings 2:9-11)
▶ What is the difference between people and animals? When God made man (Adam), He created them in
the likeness of God (Genesis 1:27). Animals do not have the image of God, and they are not spiritual beings.
Even in creating man, He had an order (Genesis 1:27), and even in answers, there is an order (3 John
1:2). If we truly want to receive answers, we must first have spiritual knowledge, and depending on our
spiritual state, answers will come. That is why the horses and chariots of fire were mobilized to Elisha in 2
Kings 6:17. These are the blessings that arise for those who have received salvation.
(1) Revelations 8:3-5, Prayers are all taken up to heaven.
(2) Hebrews 1:14, Angels are ministering spirits to help mankind.
(3) Hebrews 12:22, There are many armies, so they can help you.
Those who know this fact will pray continuously, and all day long. They will also value the time of worship.
▶ The first set of eyes that we must open are spiritual eyes.
Elisha saw three things.
1. 1 Kings 19:1-21, Faith – Elisha saw the falsehood and the facts when he was called (spiritual
state, spiritual facts).
(1) He followed Elijah when things were most difficult.
1) He saw that the people of the world were fallen into seeing only the falsehoods.
2) Elisha saw the most important reality and fact. He saw the spiritual state.
(2) Psalm 103:20-22, When the Word of God is proclaimed, the angels work with power, and the will of
God is fulfilled. The armies of angels are mobilized, and the angels are sent to the places that God governs
over and the place of God’s presence. He knew this.
2. 2 Kings 2:9-11, Prayer – The prayer that establishes the kingdom of God
▶ Give me a double portion of your spirit! This is the prayer that establishes the kingdom of God.
(1) Matthew 12:28, When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, the kingdom of God has been established.
(2) Matthew 12:28, Luke 10:19, When Satan is bound in your home, and the evil spirits are cast out, God’s
kingdom has been established.
(3) Philippians 3:20, Our citizenship is in heaven. The moment we believe this, God’s kingdom is
3. 2 Kings 6:8-23, Evangelism movement- God gives His wisdom.
▶ When Elisha gathered many disciples in Dothan and was training them, many horses and chariots of fire
were mobilized.
(1) Wisdom (12)- When you truly do the evangelism movement, God grants His amazing wisdom of
mobilizing the angels.
(2) Protection (17)- God sends His angels to protect you.
(3) Victory (19)- Those who know this mystery have victory without even fighting.
▶ We are not foolish. We are the ones who will correctly enjoy God’s answers. God mobilizes an even
greater army where the church lay leaders and Remnants go. That is why if we just pray scheduled prayer a
little bit, our nature will change. If we pray continuous prayer, the field will change. If we pray 24-hour
prayer, the age will change. May a great answer be given to you today.