
Prayer Ministry on Alpha
Preparing for the Weekend / Day Away
and Healing Night
Come, Holy Spirit, Come
5 Values for Ministry
1) Ministry of the Holy Spirit
2) Biblical Authority
3) Dignity of the Individual
4) Harmonious Relationships
5) The Body of Christ
1. Ministry of the Holy Spirit
God wants to involve us!
Partnership, cooperation, obedience.
Expect the Holy Spirit to come.
It’s not about physical manifestations
– focus is Jesus
Simplicity & truthfulness
2. Biblical Authority
 The Spirit of God and the written Word of
God never conflict – they complement.
 Pray for the Holy Spirit to deal with sin
and repentance.
 Memorize and pray the Word of God.
3. Dignity of the Individual
 Created in God’s Image
 Respect & Value
 Comfort & Affirm
Confidentiality is essential.
3. Dignity of the Individual
 words of knowledge.
 stories of answered prayer.
 Jesus! if the opportunity arises…
 the gift of the Holy Spirit with them.
4. Harmonious Relationships
 NEVER criticize others!
Weekend/Day Away
 nothing cynical or crude
 one person leads, the other person follows.
5. The Body of Christ
Christian community =
long-term healing and spiritual growth
The Alpha course is a process –
everyone’s spiritual journey is different.
New Christians:
authority in Jesus Christ and spiritual armor
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