HEALTHY AGEING CHECKLIST 2015 THE CHECKLIST HAS BEEN COMPLETED AT THE FOLLOWING LEVEL ORGANISATIONAL □ SERVICE □ PROGRAM □ 1. ORGANISATIONAL SUPPORT ☐ Goals reflecting the health of the older adult is reflected in the Strategic Plan ☐ Older adults are engaged in, and represented on the Board ☐ Policies and procedures that support ‘Healthy Ageing Processes of Care’, ‘Healthy Ageing Environment’ and ‘Healthy Ageing Early Intervention and Integrated Care’ are evident and current ☐ The existence and support of a volunteer program within the organisation and/or workforce participation aims at engaging older adults ☐ Commitment to continuing education for staff to engage in healthy ageing practices is apparent in the promotion, and encouragement and value of healthy ageing * 2. PROCESSES OF CARE ☐ Implementation of the Best Care for Older People Everywhere Toolkit, addressing social, emotional, physical and environmental determinants of health. Where appropriate, addressing delirium, falls, continence, hydration/nutrition, immunizations, medication management ☐ Appropriate referral processes that support older adults utilizing the services that are not limited to, organisations within Campaspe ☐ Person-centred care evident in practice, with efforts to address health literacy levels ^ ☐ Including older adults in activities aimed at ‘families’ so as to be inclusive and combat ageism ☐ Implementation of the Loddon Mallee Regional Dementia Management Strategy ☐ Implementation and incorporation of Advanced Care Plans 3. ENVIRONMENT ☐ Ensuring that inside and outside spaces are accessible. This can be assessed utilising the Access Buildings and Facilities Checklist ~ ☐ Ensuring that way finding strategies meets local Shire of Campaspe Wayfinding Strategy and its guidelines ^ ☐ Printed information is clear, has large lettering, and bold headings, utilising guidelines such as the Guidelines for Producing Clear Print ^ 4. EARLY INTERVENTION AND INTEGRATED CARE ☐ Provision of communication about the services that your organisation offers in a format that is appropriate to older adults using a reference point such as the Guidelines for Producing Clear Print ^ ☐ Patient satisfaction audits tailored to assess the attitudes of staff for the >60yr age-group. E.g. Western Health Patient Satisfaction Survey ☐ Orientation processes for new staff including person-centred care, and/or an active service model component, structured to combat ageist attitudes. An example is utilizing something such as the Campaspe Service Coordination Checklist to implement this process ☐ Staff training of the ‘Understanding the Active Service Model, Health Literacy, Falls Prevention and Elder Abuse online modules – relevant modules embedded into annual staff reviews, and uptake of relevant modules promoted and monitored Completed by _______________________________ Reported to_________________________________ Date __________DD/MM/YYYY___________ Review Date__________DD/MM/YYYY___________ HEALTHY AGEING ACTION PLAN 2015 Area for Improvement Description of Problem e.g. Organisational Support Older adults are not represented on the Board of Management Strategy for Improvement Report this back to management. Identify candidates and/or a champion for representation prior to nomination in Sept. Completed by _______________________________ Reported to_________________________________ Recruitment Resources Time Frame Progress Notes Management level Time allocated to QI activity. September 2015 Will need to make a meeting with Ms X to discuss results of HA Audit. Meeting booked for 14.03.2015 Aged Care T/L Date __________DD/MM/YYYY___________ Review Date__________DD/MM/YYYY___________ Footnotes Please find the following explanatory footnotes, linking the Healthy Ageing Checklist 2015 with existing Integrated Health Promotion work at Campaspe PCP in an effort to ensure sustainability and to align with current projects and priorities of the partnership. The icon will open this document. * c.f. Campaspe PCP, 2014. Social Inclusion Organisational Audit ‘Staff Training’ ^ c.f. Campaspe PCP, 2014. Social Inclusion Organisational Audit ‘Health Literacy’ ~ c.f. Campaspe PCP, 2014. Social Inclusion Organisational Audit ‘Access’ SI Organisational Audit References DoH, 2012. Healthy Ageing Literature Review. 2012., accessed online on January 14, 2015 Government of Alberta, 2012. Building Age Friendly Communities.,, accessed online on January 23, 2015 WHO, 2007. Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide.,, accessed online on January 14, 2015 Wong, K.S., Ryan, D.P. & Liu, B.A. (2014) A System-Wide Analysis Using a Senior-Friendly Hospital Framework Identifies Current Practices and Opportunities for Improvement in the Care of Hospitalized Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(11), pp: 2163-2170. Accessed online on January 14, 2015 Page 3