illumina DNA Sample Submission Form DNA Sample Input Recommendations (Input DNA Quantity & Quality): The ultimate success or failure of a library preparation strongly depends on using an accurately quantified amount of input DNA. Follow these gDNA input recommendations: 1. Correct quantification of genomic DNA is essential. We recommend an optimal quantity of 3-5 μg input DNA (minimal amount 2 μg). We recommend using fluorometric based methods for quantification to provide accurate quantification for dsDNA. Please feel free to contact or if you want to use our Qubit 2.0 system. Genomic DNA samples should be carefully collected to ensure that they are high molecular weight and free of contaminants (RNA or small nucleic acid fragments such as nucleotides). Gel electrophoresis is a powerful means for revealing the condition (including the presence or absence) of DNA in a sample. Impurities, such as detergents or proteins, can be revealed by smearing of DNA bands. RNA, which interferes with 260 nm readings, is often visible at the bottom of a gel. A ladder or smear below a band of interest may indicate nicking or other damage to DNA. Please provide a digital image of a gel for each sample with clearly indicated sample identity and size standard (give band sizes). 2. 3. Please fill in the form and submit it with your samples Sample Name Organism Conc.(ng/μl) Qubit Volume (μl) Sequencing* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * standard options: 4. (single-end 100 bp) (paired-end 2 x 100 bp) (single-end 250 bp, “rapid mode”, costs are higher per base) (paired-end 2 x 250 bp, “rapid mode”, costs are higher per base) Please enter the sample- or library request into the LIMS after discussing the project: Do not hesitate to contact or if there are any questions. Your contact details: Contact person: Institution: E-mail address: Phone: SE100 PE100 SE250 PE250