A Near-Threshold, Multi-Node, Wireless Body Area Network Sensor Powered by RF Energy Harvesting Jiao Cheng1, Lingli Xia1, Chao Ma1, Yong Lian2, Xiaoyuan Xu3, C. Patrick Yue4, Zhiliang Hong5, Patrick Y. Chiang1 1 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; 2NUS, Singapore; 3CVPL, Singapore; 4 HKUST, HK; 5Fudan University, Shanghai, China Abstract - A wirelessly-powered, near-threshold, body area network SoC supporting synchronized multi-node TDMA operation is demonstrated in 65nm CMOS. A global clock source sent from a base-station wirelessly broadcasts at 434.16MHz to all sensor nodes, where each individual BAN sensor is phaselocked to the base-station clock using a super-harmonic injectionlocked frequency divider. Each near-threshold SoC harvests energy from and phase locks to this broadcasted 434.16MHz waveform, eliminating the need for a battery. A Near-VT MICSband OOK transmitter sends the synchronized local sensor data back to the base-station in its pre-defined TDMA slot. For an energy-harvested local VDD=0.56V, measurements demonstrate full functionality over 1.4m between the base-station and four worn sensors, including two that are NLOS. The sensitivity of the RF energy harvesting and the wireless clock synchronization are measured at -8dBm and -35dBm, respectively. ECG Lead-II / Lead-III waveforms are experimentally captured, demonstrating the end-to-end system application. Sensor3 OOK data (EEG) Sensor2 Sensor1 (Temp.) 402-405MHz Data Path (ECG) 433MHz Smart Phone (base station) 30dBm 18dBm SensorN (EMG) Energy & Clock Path Fig. 1. Proposed multi-node synchronized body area network powered by RF energy harvesting. I. INTRODUCTION VDD (1.1V) The simultaneous acquisition of multiple vital signs from the human body, such as ECG, EEG, EMG, pulse oximetry, activity, heart-rate, and temperature, will be a key differentiating feature for next generation wireless body area network (WBAN) systems. Energy-efficient designs have been previously demonstrated that optimize an individual wireless sensor node for low power operation [1-2]. However, the necessary scheme for operating multiple nodes coherently has been largely overlooked. The challenge is to minimize the network protocol complexity and system power consumption, while providing precise timing synchronization to enable dutycycled wake-up simultaneously of each node. Finally, batteryfree operation is desirable, since the battery is a significant limitation to cost, size, and sensor lifetime. In this work, we demonstrate a battery-less, multi-node WBAN system that features: (1) wireless energy harvesting using power broadcast from a base station such as a smart-phone; (2) duty-cycling and TDMA synchronization of multiple nodes by employing injection-locked wireless clock distribution. II. WBAN ARCHITECTURE A. Overall Architecture Fig. 1 illustrates the system architecture of the proposed WBAN for multiple wearable sensors. The base station (for example, smartphone) broadcasts power and clock within the 433MHz ISM band to all the sensors, and also receives each node’s allotted TDMA-based wirelessly-transmitted data that occupies the 402-405MHz MICS band. The core of each 433MHz wireless power and clock from base station Match. Net+ Balun 100uF Voltage Reference Generator VBG (1.1V) Bandgap Rectifier VREF2 Analog Comparator TDMA Slot Start code 12b Digital Comparator Counter 12b MICS Tx Enable En End code 12b VDD (0.56V) Digital Comparator /9 /8 /2 144MHz 16MHz Clock Synchronization /2 402MHz data to base station Data Gen & Sel MICS TX Match. Net Pre Amp Edge Combiner BB CLK SEL ILFD DIN PA off Dummy This Work NODE1 VREF2 VDD (0.56V) on Wakeup BB_clk VREF1 ECG Electrodes VDD (0.56V) Energy Harvesting LDO VREF1 Bio[3] Sensor EnergyHarvested VDD = 0.56V /2 fREF SHILRO 80MHz Fig. 2. System block diagram for each sensor node. sensor node (Fig. 2) is a near-threshold SoC consisting of a RF energy-harvesting front-end, a micro-power bandgap reference generator, a low-dropout (LDO) regulator, a super-harmonic injection locked frequency divider for clock synchronization, a digital TDMA slot generator, and a 402-405MHz MICS-band OOK transmitter. A biomedical signal acquisition chip from [3] provides the sensor data input from a captured ECG waveform. B. TDMA Protocol As shown in Fig. 3, the WBAN base station initiates operation by broadcasting a 2-ASK, 434.16MHz waveform in Harvesting Synchronized TDMA Transmission Base station Rectifier Unit 6 … Wakeup (Comp.) … … BB Clock 0 1 2 … B1 …… E1 … X Node1 on Slot 1 Enable …… X … … off … TX Out … BB Clock … Counter Node2 Enable 1 2 … X …… X … B2 …… E2 … … on off Slot 2 … w/o limiter (simulated) w/ limiter (simulated) w/ limiter (measured) 4 Rectifier Unit 5 VDD (0.56V) LDO M4 out 3 Rectifier Unit 4 in 2 1 -12 M3 Rectifier Unit 3 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 out Input Power (dBm) -20dBm M2 PIN M1 Rectifier Unit 1 VRF - … VRF- 10u 150n 10u 150n in 3pF Matching Network 20u 150n Rectifier Unit 2 VRF + -8dBm 20u 150n VRF+ 20u 65n Analog Comp. 3pF … TX Out 0 VTOP (V) … VBG (1.1V) Bandgap M5 5 Rectifier Output Counter VTOP Fig. 4. Merged rectifier-limiter energy-harvesting circuit. Fig. 3. The TDMA handshaking flow chart for multiple nodes. the 433MHz ISM band. During the energy-harvesting phase, when the incoming power received by each sensor exceeds the on-chip rectifier sensitivity (-8dBm), two off-chip surfacemount capacitors (100uF) are charged to 1.1V and 562mV, respectively. The higher supply is used for powering the bandgap reference and the comparator (2uW of total power), while the lower supply powers the rest of the SoC. After the energy-harvesting phase, the base-station transitions into data transmission phase, controlled by the base station reducing its 434.16MHz broadcast signal strength by 12dB. This signal amplitude reduction is then detected by the sensor’s analog comparator, which then generates a wake-up signal. Local clock synchronization to the base-station clock is achieved by utilizing a divide-by-3 injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) that produces a 144.72MHz signal from the incoming 434.16MHz base station signal. As a result, the local baseband clocks of all the sensor nodes are phase-locked to the central base station. Once the wake-up signal is detected, a digitally programmable counter within each sensor node begins counting. The nodes interleave transmission based on their pre-programmed TDMA time slot, set by the begin and end codes (Bx and Ex in Fig. 3). The guard band interval between two adjacent TDMA slots can be set either extremely short (one data period) to minimize dead time and power dissipation, or relatively long in order to provide margin for any differences in time-of-flight between physically separated nodes on the body. C. Merged Rectifier-Limiter A rectifier with a cross-coupled bridge configuration is adopted here for both low on-resistance and small reverse leakage [4]. Six identical rectifier units are stacked to boost as small as a -8dBm incoming energy up to over 1.2V for powering the bandgap. The second highest output voltage of the rectifier (~0.75V) is fed into the LDO that supplies the rest of the system-on-chip. In the proposed multi-node WBAN system, the received signal power at the input of each sensor node’s rectifier may exhibit an extremely large dynamic range, due to distance and Subharmonic Injection-Locked Ring Oscillator VBP VDD = 0.56V fREF (16MHz) In A1 A2 A3 A3 A4 A5 VDD = 0.56V A1 VBN Constant Gm Bias VBN A2 A2 A3 A4 Out A5 VBP VBN A1 A4 A5 VDD = 0.56V A2 A3 A4 A5 A1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A2 A3 A4 A5 A1 VDD = 0.56V PreAmp Match Net Power Amplifier 3b Edge Combiner Fig. 5. Near-VT MICS-band OOK transmitter. channel loss variations between the base-station and the sensors. As a result, a voltage limiter is needed to prevent any over-harvested charge stored on the capacitors from damaging any subsequent circuit block that employs thin-oxide transistors. Fig. 4 illustrates the proposed merged rectifierlimiter circuit along with its simulated and measured characteristics. Since the gate voltages of M1~M5 are set to VBG = 1.1V, their drain nodes can only be charged up to V BG, independent of the transistors’ source voltages. As a result, for all received input powers (Pin) up to 0dBm, the output voltage (VTOP) of the rectifier-limiter is limited to below 2.5V, which is below the tolerance limit of the thick-oxide I/O devices implemented within the rectifier. D. Transmitter Architecture The near-threshold MICS-band transmitter operating with a harvested supply of VDD=0.56V is shown in Fig. 5. To enhance the transmitter global efficiency (defined as the ratio of the transmitter output power divided by the entire (a) (b) Fig. 8. a) Measured TX output spectrum and b) TX & ILFD phase noise. 25 Global Efficiency (%) 20 15 10 5 Fig. 6. Measured time-domain waveforms for TDMA transmission of four sensor nodes from the front/back of person. 1 10mV TX Output Wakeup 20 30 Output Power (uW) 40 50 From 0 to 0.56V 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 From 0.55V to 0.56V -3 10 5.55ms 10 Fig. 9. Measured TX global efficiency vs. output power. 10 Time (s) for Charging 100uF LDO Load Energy-Harvested VDD 0 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 PIN (dBm) Fig. 7. Measurement results of the energy-harvesting front-end. transmitter power consumption), a sub-harmonic injectionlocked ring oscillator (SHILRO), and edge combiner are employed to generate the 402-MHz carrier [5]. Compared with traditional phase-locked loops, this SHILRO structure has the advantage of fast start-up time, which facilitates the precise duty cycling requirements for the multi-node TDMA operation. The 16.08-MHz local reference clock derived from the 434.16-MHz RF input is injected into the 80.4-MHz, 5-stage SHILRO, eliminating the need for an off-chip crystal oscillator for each sensor. An inverter-based pre-amplifier is added between the edge combiner and the class-C power amplifier to ensure sufficient driving capability. Programmable output power for the power amplifier is achieved by a 3-bit current DAC, which tunes the current flowing through the bottom resistor, modifying the bias voltage. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Fig. 6 shows the lab setup and the measured waveforms for four sensor nodes operating simultaneously. A signal generator (Agilent 8643A), used as the base station, transmits a 2-ASK 434.16MHz signal with a +30dBm output power to four sensor nodes placed on a user standing 1.4m away. The measured sensitivity of the rectifier and the ILFD are -8dBm and -35dBm, respectively, using a quarter-wavelength antenna for the base station and 1.8inch 433MHz antennas for the sensors. Sensor Node3 and Node4 are placed on the back side of the user to demonstrate full functionality for non-line-ofsight operation. As shown in Fig. 7, using two 100uF surface-mount capacitors, the energy-harvested supply voltages (1.1V and 0.56V) can remain stable for 5.55ms before exhibiting a 10mV drop at the LDO output, when the MICS transmitter is sending data at a 1Mbps data rate with -16dBm output power. When the minimum rectifiable input power at -8Bm is received, 5.8ms is required to charge up the 100uF capacitors by 10mV. Hence, for a 25% duty-cycle duration between harvesting and transmission modes for a network of four nodes, the overall effective data rate per sensor is over 180kbps. Furthermore, the proposed periodic harvesting scheme allows the trade-off between the storage capacitance size and the duty-cycle ratio between harvesting and transmitting, expanding the range of applications to other cost and size constrained scenarios. The phase noise of the 402MHz carrier shows only minor degradation as the 434.16MHz received power decreases (Fig. 8), insuring robust radio operation even as the surrounding environment and wireless channel conditions alter. The carrier-to-spur ratio at the transmitter output is a measured 31.2dBc for a 16.08MHz spacing. The measured global transmitter efficiency is over 16% when the output power is 25uW, as shown in Fig. 9. TABLE I: PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Technology 65nm-CMOS Die Size 1mm x 1mm Harvested VDD for TDMA Slot, Clock Sync. and TX 0.56V Frequency Band (Harvesting) 433MHz Frequency Band (TX Transmission) 402-405MHz MICS TX Output Power (Pout) -27dBm ~ -13dBm MICS TX OOK Data Rate 250kbs-2Mbps Transmission Time Before 10mV Drop in Harvested VDD 5.55ms Number of Synchronized Nodes (Measured) 4 Sensitivity (Harvesting) -8dBm Sensitivity (Clock Synchronization) -35dBm Max Experimental Distance for a Fully Operational Sensor 1.4m MICS TX Global Efficiency 16.7% (When Pout = -16dBm) Power Break Down Bandgap < 1uW LDO < 1uW Digital TDMA Slot < 1uW Clock Synchronization RX 8uW MICS TX 150uW (When Pout = -16dBm) Fig. 10. Die photo. ECG Lead-III (mV) ECG Lead-II (mV) TABLE II: MULTI-NODE BAN PERFORMANCE COMPARISON [6] [7] Technology 0.18um 0.18um 65nm Supply 0.9V 1V 0.56V RF Energy Harv. 2 1.5 Original 1 Reconstruction This work Power Source Remote Battery N/A 0.5 Channel eTextiles BCC MICS/ISM 0 Frequency Band 10MHz (Clock) 40M - 120MHz 402MHz/433MHz Multiple Access TDMA/CSMA FDMA TDMA Range 1m N/A 1.4m TX Energy/bit 0.7-18pJ 0.20nJ 0.15nJ TX Data Rate 10Mbps 1k-10Mbps 250k-2Mbps 0 0.5 1 Time (s) 1.5 2 2 1.5 Original 1 Reconstruction 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 Time (s) 1.5 2 Fig. 11. Measured ECG Lead-II/Lead-III signals. Fig. 10 shows a die photo of the 1mm x 1mm body-area network prototype, fabricated in a 65nm CMOS technology. Fig. 11 shows the ECG waveforms of both Lead-II and Lead-III of the subject under test, when the BAN chip is connected with a biomedical sensor chip interface [3] that is powered by the bandgap from our chip. The RF data transmitted by the MICS-band TX is sampled by an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS7404) and reconstructed in MATLAB. The performance summary and comparison with previous body area network prototypes are summarized in TABLE-I and TABLE-II, respectively. IV. CONCLUSION This work proposed a wirelessly-powered, body area network SoC supporting synchronized multi-node operation. Wireless clock synchronization based on an injection-locked frequency divider enables low-overhead TDMA duty-cycled transmission for multiple nodes. RF energy harvesting further eliminates the requirement of the battery. Both techniques help reduce the sensor node’s size, weight and cost, and enable the future possibility for disposable wearable sensors. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by grants from the Center for the Design of Digital-Analog Integrated Circuits (NSF-CDADIC), NSF-0901883, and the Catalyst Foundation. The authors thank Yajie Qin for help with the chip fabrication. REFERENCE [1] F. 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