Expert Panel Profile

Korean National Commission for UNESCO
26 Myeongdong-gil (UNESCO Road), Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea TEL:82-2-6958-4160 FAX: 82-2-6958-4252 E-mail:
2012 Culture and Development Roundtable
Expert Panel Profile
Kang, Kyunghwan
Kyunghwan Kang is the Director General of the Heritage Policy Bureau at Cultural Heritage
Administration of Korea (CHA). Since joining the CHA, Kang has served as the Deputy
Director of the Heritage Planning Division, Director of the International Affairs Division,
Director of the Heritage Promotion Division and Director of the Conservation Policy
Division. While developing and implementing cultural heritage policies, Kang has been
especially interested in solving the dilemma between conservation and development through
sustainability and community involvement. He received his B.A. in Public Administration
from Korea University, M.A. in Heritage Preservation from Georgia State University and
Ph.D. in Engineering from Mokwon University.
Kang, Juhong
Juhong Kang is the section chief of the Development Cooperation Planning Division at the
Prime Minister's Office. He is in charge of coordinating, planning, evaluating and directing
international development cooperation policy. He served at the Ministry of Information and
Communication and the Financial Supervisory Commission. He studied political science at
Seoul National University and received his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science from Yonsei
University. He is currently developing a Korean ODA model and researching ODA
evaluation methods.
Kwak , Jae Sung
Jae Sung Kwak is currently a Professor of Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International
Studies (GSP) at Kyung Hee University. His research interests and professional expertise
include multilateral development cooperation, political economy and international relations
of Latin America and Knowledge Sharing of Korean Experience with Developing Countries.
He served as a Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and has
numerous work experiences with institutions including Asian Development Bank (ADB) and
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN ECLAC).
Kwak received his B.A. in Hispanic Studies from Seoul National University, and his M.A. in
Latin American Studies and Ph.D. in International Politics from University of Liverpool.
Goo, Moon Mo
Moon Mo Goo is a Professor of Media Contents in Halla University. Goo's research interests
include culture industry and cultural economics. He served as president for the Korea
Association for Cultural Economics, juror for the cultural industrial district judges at the
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and has authored numerous policy reports
concerning cultural contents and creative industries. He majored in English literature at
Korea University, and he received his M.A. in Economics from Korea University and PhD in
Economics from the Iowa State University.
Ki, Yang
Yang Ki is the Head of the Exhibition Division at the National Folk Museum of Korea. His
research interests include exhibitions and housing life, community museums and utilization
of intangible cultural heritage. Since joining the National Folk Museum of Korea, he has
planned numerous exhibitions including The Reflections on the 20th Century and Visions of
the 21st Century, Han River: Running Through Korea and the special exhibition Arirang in
2012. Ki majored in Architecture at Hongik University, and finished his Ph.D. coursework in
Architecture at Hongik University as well.
Kim, Eun Kyung
Eun Kyung Kim is currently a Research Fellow and the chief of International Development
Cooperation team at Korean Women's Development Institute. Her areas of expertise include
women’s policy and gender and development. She is also active as a lecturer for KDI School
of Public Policy and Management and KOICA training programme. Kim's noteworthy
writings and publications include Analysis on the Governance of Women's Policy, Analysis on
the Gender and Development Programmes of Korean NGOs, Case Analysis on Women's
Participation in Rural Development of Korea and Indonesia. Kim received her Ph.D. in
political science from Yonsei University.
Kim, Chulwon
Chulwon Kim is a Professor of Convention Management and the Dean of College of Hotel
and Tourism Management at Kyung Hee University. His interests include cultural tourism,
leisure and health tourism and international tourism policy. He has served various positions
including the editor in chief of the UNWTO Asia Pacific Newsletter and consultants for the
OECD Tourism Committee and the G-20 summit events. Kim received his B.A. from the
Department of German Language and Literature from Sungkyunkwan University, M.A. in
Economics from Yonsei University, M.B.A. from the School of Business and Public
Management at George Washington University and Ph.D. from the Department of Recreation,
Park and Tourism Sciences from Texas A&M University.
Nho, Myung Woo
Myung Woo Nho is a Professor of Sociology at Ajou University. He researches and writes
actively in the field of Cultural Sociology. His publications include Homo Ludens: Dreaming
of a Playing Human, Walter Benjamin: Modernity and the City and Ambiguous World. His
noteworthy papers include Ethnography and Cultural Studies Methodology, Cultural
Competitiveness Analysis of Major OECD Countries and Research on Cultural Impact
Assessment Legislation. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Sociology from Sogang University,
and his Ph.D. from Free University of Berlin.
La, Do-Sam
Do-Sam La is a Researcher at the Department of Future and Social Policy Resarch, Seoul
Institute. La served as visiting scholar in Environmental Planning Institute at Seoul National
University and Culture research center director at Seoul Development Institute. His research
interests are Cultural Policy and Urban Culture. La has written numerous works, and among
the publications include the study of major cities’ culture strategy and Seoul's Culturenomics,
Creating villages by utilizing Art and Culture cities and cultural strategies. He received his
Ph.D. in journalism from Chung-Ang University.
Ryoo, Jeung-Ah
Jeung-Ah Ryoo is the Director of the Division of Convergence Research at the Korea Culture
& Tourism Institute. She received her Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and French Ethnology
from L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociale (EHESS) in France. She is a member of
the National Creative Regional Development committee. Her research topics include regional
festivals, regional cultural contents, cultural diversity, and gender-sensitive cultural policy.
Her recent publications include Anthropology of Festival, Festival and Culture, Harmony of
Cultural and Economic Values in Festivals and Regional Revitalization by Means of Cultural
Park, Kyung Tae
Kyung Tae Park is a Professor of College of Social Science at Sungkonghoe University. He is
especially involved in the area of minority studies and has published several scholarly articles
and books in related fields. Park's noteworthy publications include State's Actions and
Minorities' Reactions (2006), Ethnic Minorities in Korea: Migrant Workers, Ethnic Chinese,
and Biracial People (2008) and How to View Them: Korean's Perspective on Migrant
Workers in Masuk Furniture-Factory Complex (2011). He received his B.A. in Sociology at
Yonsei University, M.A. in Sociology at The University of Texas at Austin and his Ph.D. in
Sociology also at The University of Texas at Austin.
Park, Yang-Woo
Yang-Woo Park is teaching and researching cultural policy and arts management as chair of
the Department of Cultural Policy and Management of the Graduate School of Arts at ChungAng University. Dr. Park had mainly worked with the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and
Tourism for 27 years until retiring as Vice Minister in 2008. After moving to Chung-Ang
University, Professor Park served as vice president of the university. He has served diverse
tasks including chairman of Gwangju ACE (Asia Content & Entertainment) Fair 2012,
chairman of Korea Movie and Video Industry Association, chairman of the Policy Evaluation
on the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea and president of Korean Academic
Society of Arts Management.
Bae, Byungsoo
Byungsoo Bae is the section chief of the Public Foreign Policy Division at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Byun, Oung
Oung Byun is a Research Professor at the Korea University Graduate School of International
Studies. Byun served as a managing professor for the CAMPUS Asia Programme at Korea
University and participated in KIEP GPAS Europe-Africa association as an assistant
administrator. He received his B.A. in Philosophy from Korea University, M.A. in Political
Science from Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP de Paris, Sciences Po) and Ph.D. in
International Relations History from the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS)-Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
Suh, Jinsuk
Jinsuk Suh is the Director of Gallery Loop. Gallery Loop, the first alternative art space in
Korea established in 1999, finds and supports young Korean artists. Since 2004, Suh planned
the Move on Asia video art festival, opening exhibitions of Asian art and the world. Since
2010, Suh has been focusing on developing a new discourse of Asian art through A3 Asia Art
Award and the Asia Art Forum. He has worked to spread Korean art by participating in
diverse international biennale events including the 2010 Liverpool Biennale and conducting
projects with institutions such as Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, central Istanbul and Casa Asia.
Son, Kyungnyun
Kyungnyun Son is currently the General Director of Culture & the Arts Bureau at the
Bucheon Cultural Foundation. She served as a General Director of Cultural City Planning &
Managing Bureau in the Executive Agency for Culture Cities at the Ministry of Culture &
Tourism. Her noteworthy publications include New Urban Policies in the Low Growth Era- A
Better City, Happier Citizens (2011), A Research of Seoul Youth Creative Index (2012) and A
Research for Evaluation of Performing Arts Market in Seoul (2008). Son received her B.A. in
Sociology from Korea University, M.A. in Arts Management from City University and
finished her coursework as a Ph.D. from the Department of Cultural Policy & Management
from City University.
Oh, Myung-Seok
Myung-Seok Oh is a professor of Anthropology at Seoul National University. His fields of
specialization include Economic Anthropology, Historical Anthropology and Southeast Asian
regional studies. He served as a Director for the Center for Social Science, Vice President for
the Korean Association of Cultural Anthropology, and the President for the Korean
Association of Southeast Asia. His noteworthy publications include Custom and Cultures in
the World (2005) and Regionalism and Ethnic Conflict in Southeast Asia (2004). Oh received
B.A. and M.A. from Seoul National University and received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from
Monash University in Australia.
Ryu, Seoung-ho
Seoung-ho Ryu is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of Visual Culture at
Kangwon National University and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Culture
Technology, KAIST. Ryu wrote several books such as Are You “Social”?: Social Media
changing Humanity, Cultural Content in the Digital Age, Cultural City: New Paradigm for
Regional Development, A Week in Petite Paris. He published many papers in the field of
cultural content and cultural city. He is also the chief editor for the Journal of Culture and
Economy and the chairman of the Creative City Forum.
Yoon, Keum-jin
Keum-jin Yoon is the current director of the Korea Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul,
Korea. During her 24-year career, Yoon has overseen various programs of the Korea
Foundation with a majority of her time being spent in the area of cultural exchange. She also
served as a member of advisory committees related to the Korean Culture Policy Institute,
Promotion of Traditional Performing Arts of Korea Project, and Ministry of Culture, Sports
and Tourism. During 2004-05, she conceptualized a new project to facilitate interactive
cultural understanding and to enhance cultural diversity, which led to the establishment of the
Korea Foundation Cultural Center. Yoon is a graduate of Ewha Womans University and its
Graduate School, where she majored in Linguistics, and the Graduate School of Culture and
Arts, Dankook University.
Lee, Sun-chul
Sun-chul Lee is a Professor of Cultural Content at Yong In University. He is the CEO of
PotatoBlossom Studio, a project group for local community networks. He served as a
Planning Director at Kim Duk-Soo SamulNori, the most well-known Korean traditional
percussion group and CEO of Polimedia, an arts managing group with a theater and a record
company. As a creative planner, educator and a cultural consultant, Lee is involved in diverse
training programmes, studies and consultations especially in cooperation with the Korea
Rural Corporation and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Lee received a B.A. in
Sociology from Yonsei University, Korea and M.A. in Culture Management from City
University London, UK.
Lee, O Young
O Young Lee is a distinguished honorary professor of Ewha Academy for advanced studies.
Lee is a renowned literary critic and a doctor of Korean literature, receiving his B.A. and
M.A. from the College of Liberal Arts at Seoul National University. He was appointed as the
Republic of Korea's first Minister of Culture. Lee also served as a professor in the
Humanities College at Ewha Womans University in Seoul from 1966 to 1989. Lee is widely
known in Korea for his articles, essays and critical writings, covering a vast range of topics.
He has also contributed to the pages of a number of major daily newspapers with countless
outstanding columns and also as an editorialist. His noteworthy publications include In This
Earth and That Wind (2008) and Smaller is Better (2008).
Lee, Won Jae
Won Jae Lee is currently the president of Hankyoreh Economic Research Institute. Lee
served as chief researcher foramsung Economic Research Institute (SERI) and an nomics
journalist of Hankyoreh Newspaper. His noteworthy publications include Economics in
Wonderland (2012), Korean Economy, Kil its Hyena (2007) and The Discovery of Strategic
Ethics Management (2005). Lee is actively involved in writing and lecturing on corporate
social responsibility and social enterprise. He majored in Economics from Yonsei University
and received his M.B.A. from the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Lee, Tae Joo
Tae Joo Lee is a Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Hansung University. His major
research areas include development studies and he has extensive field experience in Korea as
well as Asia, the South Pacific Islands and Africa. He has been a chair of ODA Watch from
2007, a leading civil advocacy group and is the president of the Re-shaping Development
Institute (ReDI). He is a policy advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as well as
a member of the high-level Development Cooperation Committee in Korea. Lee received his
B.A. in Anthropology and Political Science, M.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Ph.D. in
Anthropology all from Seoul National University.
Chang, Eun-Joo
Eun-Joo Chang is a Professor of the College of Law at Youngsan University. He is the Chief
Editor of 'Citizen & World.' His recent publications include From Survival to Dignity (2007),
The Philosophy of Human Rights (2010), The Transformation of Politics (2012) in addition to
various articles. Among the articles, there are Confucian Modernity and Modern Identity
(2007), The Democratic-Republican Reconstruction of the Korean Progressive-Liberal
Tradition (2012). He received his Ph.D. at Johan Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany.
Jung, Jae-wal
Jae-wal Jung is currently the President of Korea Arts Management Service, a recently
established non-profit organization that researches and studies cultural arts as well as
organizing and consulting international culture, arts, performing arts and visual arts business.
Prior to the current presidency, Jung served as a culture journalist at the Joongang Daily and
the general manager of LG Arts Center. His publications include Map of the World
intellectuals (2002). He is actively involved in diverse committees including Korea Theatre
Critics, Korean Society of Arts and Cultural Management and Korea Ballet Association.
Chung, Jeong-Sook
Jeong-Sook Chung is a research fellow at the Culture and Arts Policy Research Division at
Korea Culture and Tourism Institute. Chung's areas of expertise include local culture, cultural
exchange and culture ODA. She served as a panelist for the East Asia Forum, research fellow
for Korea Institute for Future Strategies and expert adviser for Presidential Committee on
Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative. Her noteworthy papers include Culture ODA
development research, Basic research for Asian Culture City Implementation and Culture and
Arts Policy for an Aging Society. Chung received her B.A. in English literature, and her M.A.
and PhD in political science from Ewha Womans University.
Choe, Junho
Junho Choe is a Professor at the School of Drama of Korean National University of Arts
(KNUA), Theatrical Studies Department. He is currently serving as Executive committee
member for Korean Arts Management Service and Counselor of the Ministry of Culture for
the Promotion of Korean Wave in Arts. Previously, he served as the Director of the Korean
Cultural Center in Paris, Artistic Director of Seoul Arts Center and General Counselor for
Korean National Theatre. Choe received his B.A. and M.A. in French Language and
Literature at Sung Kyun Kwan University and his Ph.D. in theatrical studies from the
Institute of Theatrical Studies at the University of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle).
Choi, Hyuck Jin
Hyuck Jin Choi is a Director of Infrastructure Development at Korea Social Enterprise
Promotion Agency (KSEPA). Established in 2010, KSEPA is a public institution under the
Ministry of Employment and Labor that supports the establishment and operation of social
enterprise. Choi served around 10 years at Wonju Health and Social care Cooperative,
including his service as Deputy Secretary General for Planning and Executive Director. Later,
he served as a vice-chairman of the board at Wonju Health and Social care Cooperative,
member of the board of directors at Wonju Balkum Credit Union and director of GangwonWonju province at Social Enterprise Regional Support Agency. He received his B.A. in
Political Science at Sogang University.
Heo, Injung
Injung Heo is currently the chairman of the board at Arts & Community Network and the
president of Chosun Ilbo's A Better Future. Arts & Community Network is a non-profit
organization that enables culture sharing by consulting the corporate social responsibility
activities of companies. After 10 years of experience at Chosun Ilbo as a journalist, Heo
served as CJ group's CSR section chief and CJ Sharing Foundation's executive secretary. She
received her B.A. and M.A. in Journalism and Broadcasting from Seoul National University
and studied arts and culture management from Hongik University.
Hwang, Won-Gyu
Won-Gyu Hwang is a Professor of International Economics and the Dean of the College of
Social Sciences at the Gangneung-Wonju National University. He was the President of the
Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC) and a member
of government committees including the National Committee for International Development
Cooperation, and the Presidential Committee on Regional Development of the Republic of
Korea. He also has provided policy advices for several developing countries including
Rwanda, Cambodia, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan. Prior to joining the University, he has worked
for the Korea Development Institute as senior economist. He received his Ph.D. in economics
from the University of Texas at Austin, USA under the financial support of the Fulbright