The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County New Member Application The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County P.O.Box 2 Germantown, MD 20875 Instructions to the Sponsor Questions should be referred to the membership committee (Heather, Bob or Deborah) 1. The person you propose for club membership should have attended at least two but no more than four club meetings and had an opportunity to meet members of the club. Explain to the candidate that membership is by invitation and that there is a review process. 2. The club will pay for the first two meals for prospective members. If your guest arrives before you do, greeters and other Rotarians will greet your guest and make him or her comfortable until your arrival. A member of the membership team will tell the visitor that they need to pay after their second visit. 3. Have your candidate complete the applicant portion of the membership application. Then complete your sponsor portion of the application. Incomplete applications will be returned to you for completion. 4. File the completed application with the Membership Committee who will keep you informed of its progress. 5. After filing, the Secretary sends the application to the club’s Membership Committee for review and for the applicant’s Rotary classification to be assigned. 6. After review, the Membership Committee sends its recommendation on the applicant to the club’s board of directors which makes the final decision on all applications. The board meets monthly to review applications, and may accept or over-rule the committee’s recommendation, either positive or negative. 7. Upon the Board’s approval of the application, the applicant is proposed to the club membership. Members have 7 days to voice any objection. The board reviews any objection and may either support or dismiss the objection. The board again has the final decision on all applications. 8. After the 7-day comment period, a member of the Membership Committee meets with the applicant, explains the purposes of Rotary and member obligations, invites the applicant to become a Rotarian, and collects initiation fee and pro-rated annual dues. 9. Once the club Secretary has received notification of the incoming member’s payment of dues and the initiation fee, the Secretary contacts the President and the sponsor to arrange for the incoming member’s induction. The applicant is then inducted into the club at a regular club meeting. Membership Responsibilities The sponsor needs to convey the following financial requirements and recommendations to the applicant. Required Annual Expenses Quarterly dues $260 One-time initiation fee $25 Recommended Annual Expenses 50/50 scholarship raffle ($2 for 3 tickets for 50 weeks) Rotary Foundation EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) contribution (all tax deductible) $100 or more. Attendance Must attend 60% on meetings. You can make-up meetings at other clubs. Be sure to get a make-up slip from the club you visit and return it to the club secretary (Bob). Requirements from a Red Badge to a Blue Badge New members will be given a new name badge with a red “new member” sticker. Once a new member has completed 6 of the 8 items on the Post-Induction Checklist, the new members sticker may be removed and the person will officially have a blue badge. The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County Membership Application Please complete all information requested. You may attach additional pages and/or résumé if you like. Please print all information. Date ____________________________ Personal Information Full Name ________________________________________________________________________ Preferred form of address Mr.___ Ms.___ Mrs.___ Miss ___ Dr.___ Rev.___ Other __________ Name as you would like it on your Rotary Badge ______________________________________________ Date of birth _________________________________ Spouse’s or partner’s name or nickname (optional) ____________________________________________ Home address __________________________________________________________________________________ Home telephone ___________________________________ Home email address ________________________________ Colleges or universities attended with degrees and honors awarded __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Dates of military service and highest rank attained ___________________________________________________________________________________ Avocations or hobbies ___________________________________________________________________________________ Length of time lived or worked in the Montgomery County area ______________________________________________ Current Professional Affiliation Employer__________________________________________________________________________ Or, check here if retired ______ Work address______________________________________________________________ Your title_____________________________________ Your work telephone ___________________________ Your work email address________________________ Your postal address preference Home___ Office___ Your email address preference Home___ Office___ Professional Background For each employer over the last ten years (or further back if you like), please list the employer's name, your dates of employment, position and notable professional accomplishments. Refer to your attached résumé if you like. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any corporate boards of directors on which you have served with dates and offices held. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please list any business and professional associations in which you have served with dates and offices held. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Community Service Please list local, state or national nonprofit organizations where you volunteer or have volunteered with dates of involvement, offices held and significant personal accomplishments, honors and awards. Refer to your attached résumé if you like. Rotary equally values community organizations of a family nature which you may list below. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please list community organizations of a family nature where you have volunteered or are or were a member, and your roles and accomplishments. These could include schools, fraternal organizations, athletic associations, etc. Listing church work is optional. Refer to your attached résumé if you like. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please list charitable giving activities in which you have been involved. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Please list any elective public offices in which you serve or served and dates of service. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Rotary Service Are you now or were you before a member of a Rotary Club, or do you have a close family member who is or was a member of a Rotary Club? If so, please name the club(s) and give the dates of your and / or your family member’s membership. Please indicate offices held and committees on which you served, and if you are a Paul Harris Fellow. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Tell us what you believe your membership will add to the Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery and any other information which you feel would be helpful in considering your membership application. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Classification Every member is classified by profession or industry. For clubs such as The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County, no more than ten percent of the club’s members may be in the same classification. Below are the current classifications used by our club. Please circle the classification which you feel is closest to your occupation. Accounting Athletics Automotive Services Advertising Auction Sales Aviation Agriculture A/V Services Banking Building Industry Chamber of Commerce Education Financial Planning Historical Society Building Materials Cleaning Services Human Services Law Medical Practice Office Equipment Real Estate Information Technology Manufacturing Moving and Storage Pharmacy Religion Building Trades Community Foundation Employment Agency Government Hospital Administration Insurance Security The Arts Venture Capital Signs Tourism Veterinary Medicine Elder Care Services Funeral Directing Restaurant Dining Marketing National Defense Psychology Retail Strategic Planning Transportation Youth Development Architecture Auditing Services Biotechnology Research Business Services Dentistry Engineering Hardware Hospitality Investment and Finance Material Handling Newspaper Public Relations Salon and Spa Services Telecommunications Travel Service Other Other _____________________________________________________________________ I herby certify that the information on this application is true and correct and that I either live or work in Montgomery County. __________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature To Be Completed By the Sponsor Please explain why this candidate would be an asset to The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County. If the sponsor is related to the applicant, this question needs to answered by an unrelated cosponsor. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Certification By signing and submitting this application, I certify that this applicant is personally known to me and that I believe he or she is a person who lives and works according the Rotary Four Way Test. As the one sponsoring this person as a member of this club, I pledge to help this person become actively involved in Rotary and our club’s activities for at least the first year of membership, to meet the 50-percent minimum attendance requirement, to join and participate in at least one club committee and to become a sustaining member of the Rotary International Foundation. ________________________________________________ Printed Name of Sponsor ________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Signature Telephone Number Record of Actions on the Proposal Action Application received by Sponsor Sponsor reviews application for completion by applicant by completes sponsor information Forward application to Membership Committee (Heather, Bob,Deborah) Membership Committee will review and assign applicant’s classification Applicant voted on by Board of Directors Applicant proposed to active club membership (seven days to reply) After seven days, a representative from the Membership Committee contacts applicant for a “fire side chat” to explain the purpose of Rotary and member obligations, invites the applicant to become a Rotarian, and collects initiation fee and pro-rated annual dues Membership Committee notifies President and Treasurer of payments received. Membership Committee orders new member packet President, Sponsor and new Rotarian plan date for induction _______________________________________________________________________________ Name of Applicant __________________________________________________________________ Name of Sponsor Date MEMBERSHIP CHECK LIST Name: ________________________________________________________ PRE-INDUCTION Club Secretary receives application from sponsor proposing new member. Secretary make copies for Membership Committee Classification reviewed by Membership Committee Present prospective member info to Board of Directors for approval Post name and brief bio by email (date: ______ ) for 7-day waiting period Fireside chat (date: _____ ) with President, Membership Chair and Sponsor Initial dues paid for full quarter + initiation fee of $25 (next qtr. is pro-rated) Take photo for Member Directory sheet Distribute new member information sheet to Club Secretary Order badge with red New Member sticker (District New Member packet ordered) Enter new member information to Rotary International website and get their new ID number Enter new member information to Rotary District 7620 database (DacDb) and enter their RI number to their membership profile on DacDb. Enter new member information and RI ID number to The Rotary Club of Upper Montgomery County website INDUCTION Rotary pin and certificates for induction ceremony Present complete up to date Member Directory to new member and active members POST-INDUCTION – The Three-Month Check List Complete 6 of the 8 items below within the first 3 months to earn your blue badge. Be the Greeter at the front door for at least 2 consecutive meetings after induction along side regularly scheduled Greeter who can assist with introductions Select a Lane of Service committee to serve on Attend another local Rotary Club (make-up) meeting with sponsor or mentor Attend one of the monthly Board of Directors meetings Schedule classification talk Attend the next scheduled service project Share a Rotary Moment: Search the Club Website, District website or the Rotary International website and share something new that you learned to the group. Bring a guest