Year 11 名前( 高校二年生 ) Summary of Assessment Tasks UNIT 1 (4 activities) Outcome 1 Establish and maintain a spoken or written exchange related to personal areas of experience. Outcome 2 Listen to spoken texts to obtain information to complete notes, charts or tables. Read written texts to obtain information to complete notes, charts and tables. Two activities Outcome 3 Produce a personal response to a text focusing on real or imaginary experience. Outcome 1 Participate in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and completing transactions. Outcome 2 Listen to spoken texts and reorganize information and ideas in a different text type. Read and reorganize information and ideas in a different text type. Outcome 3 Give expression to real or imaginary experience in written or spoken form. One activity Two activities One activity One activity One activity UNIT 2 (4 activities) ※Topics covered in Units 1 & 2 may include: Personal world Daily life Getting to know people in Japan Past and future Visiting Japan Life in Japan The world of work Changing in daily life Home and neighborhood 1 YEAR VCE 11 JAPANESE UNIT 1 Theme: The individual/The changing world Term 1 WEEK DATE OUTCOME 1/2/3 ASSESSMENT TASKS Listen to spoken texts to obtain OUTCOME specified information to complete 2 notes, charts and tables. Personal (Response in English) World (高校生活Ⅰ p.1~11) 10 marks Informal conversation: Establish OUTCOME and maintain a spoken exchange 1 related to personal areas of Personal experience. World ( 高校生活Ⅰ p.12~25) WEEK 5 WEEK 10 20 marks TOPIC & LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS Topic: My town, my house & my room Linguistic elements: ・Location ・Direction ・Transport method Topic: Introducing my family/ typical Japanese family life Linguistic elements: ・Describing family ・Counting people ・Telling time & dates Term 2 WEEK WEEK 3 WEEK 6 DATE OUTCOME 1/2/3 ASSESSMENT TASKS TOPIC & LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS Read written texts to obtain Topic: OUTCOME information to complete notes, Japanese school & Australian 2 charts and tables. school (Response in Japanese) Linguistic elements: Daily Life ( 高校生活Ⅰ p.124~146) ・て form もいいです。 ・て form はいけません。 ・verb なければなりません。 10 marks ・verb なくてはいけません。 ・verb なくてもいいです。 Produce a personal response to a Topic: OUTCOME text focusing on real or Career/Part-time job 3 imaginary experience. Linguistic elements: ( 高校生活Ⅰ p.147~164) ・verb ことがすきです The world ・verb ことがきらいです。 of Work ・Comparison ・because から・ので 20 marks ・verb stem/adj.stem そうです。 2 YEAR VCE 11 JAPANESE UNIT 2 Theme: The Japanese-speaking communities Term 3 WEEK DATE OUTCOME 1/2/3 ASSESSMENT TASKS Read and recognize OUTCOME information and ideas in a 2 different text type. (Response in English) Life in ( 高校生活 Ⅰ p.26~48 ) Japan WEEK 4 10 marks Restaurant Review: OUTCOME Give expression to real or 3 imaginary experience in written form. Life in ( 高校生活 Ⅰ p.49~68 ) Japan WEEK 7 20 marks Listen to spoken texts and OUTCOME recognize information and 2 ideas in a different text type. Visiting (Response in Japanese) Japan ( 高校生活 Ⅰ p. 69~84) WEEK 9 10 marks TOPIC & LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS Topic: Japanese festivals and events. Linguistic elements: ・Joining Adjectives ・~たり~たりします。 ・~がすき・きらいです。 ・~が下手・上手です。 ・~ができます。 Topic: Typical Japanese Diet / Food Linguistic elements: ・verb ことができます。 ・verb ことが上手です。 ・verb ことが好きです。 ・verb ために~ ・verb ことがあります/ありません。 Topic: Seasons in Japan/Seasonal Events Linguistic elements: ・to become/get なります ・verb と(if/when/whenever) ・verb stem ながら ・~がきこえます。 ・~がみえます。 Term 4 WEEK WEEK 6 DATE OUTCOME 1/2/3 ASSESSMENT TASKS TOPIC & LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS Role Play: Participate in Topic: OUTCOME an oral exchange related to Travelling to Japan 1 making arrangements and Linguistic elements: completing transactions. ・かかります。 Visiting ( 高校生活 Ⅰ p.85~102) (take time/cost money) Japan ・verb と言います。 ・verb と思います。 ・verb ことにします・ことにきめます。 20 marks ・て form みます。 3 Unit 1 School Assessed Coursework UNIT 1 OUTCOME 1: Speaking task Criteria 1.Capacity to maintain and advance the exchange appropriately and effectively 2.Relevance,breadth and depth of information, opinions and ideas 3.Accuracy of vocabulary and grammar 4.Range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar 5.Clarity of expression Marks Allocated Marks Given Comments 4 4 4 4 4 /20 UNIT 1 OUTCOME 2: Reading and Listening tasks Criteria Marks Allocated 1.Capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts 5 2.Capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately 5 Marks Given Comments /10 UNIT 1 OUTCOME 3: Writing task Criteria 1.Appropriateness of structure and sequence 2.Relevance,breadth,and depth of content 3.Accuracy of vocabulary and grammar 4.Range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar Marks Allocated Marks Given Comments 5 5 5 5 /20 4 Unit 2 School Assessed Coursework UNIT 2 OUTCOME 1: Speaking task Criteria 1.Capacity to maintain and advance the exchange appropriately and effectively 2.Relevance,breadth and depth of information, opinions and ideas 3.Accuracy of vocabulary and grammar 4.Range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar 5.Clarity of expression Marks Allocated Marks Given Comments 4 4 4 4 4 /20 UNIT 2 OUTCOME 2: Reading and Listening tasks Criteria 1.Capacity to understand general and specific aspects of texts 2.Capacity to convey information accurately and appropriately Marks Allocated Marks Given Comments 5 5 /10 UNIT 2 OUTCOME 3: Writing task Criteria 1.Appropriateness of structure and sequence 2.Relevance,breadth and depth of content 3.Accuracy of vocabulary and grammar 4.Range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar Marks Allocated Marks Given Comments 5 5 5 5 /20 5 Use of Genkooyooshi げんこうようしのつかいかた When using genkooyooshi for an essay, make sure that you use the following rules. たてが よこが Vertical writing (縦書き) : Horizontal writing (横書き) 1. Leave three boxes at the first row 1. Same as for たてがき. when writing a title. 2. Same as for たてがき. 2. Indent one box when staring a new 3. Full stops and commas occupy their own paragraph. square, but you place the full stop or comma in the bottom left hand corner. The rest is 3. Full stops (。) and commas (、) occupy the same as for たてがき. their own square. They are written in 4. Same as for たてがき. top right hand corner. If your sentence 5. The long vowel symbol in Katakana is ended in the last box, you may write written horizontally. the full stop just outside or inside the 6. The small is placed in the bottom left hand last box in the bottom right hand corner of its own box. This rule applies to corner. the small ゃ, ゅ and ょ. 4. A new paragraph is written on a new 7. The brackets are written in the upper line. right and lower left corners. 5. The long vowel symbol in Katakana is written vertically. 6. The small っ is placed in the top right hand corner of its own box. This rule applies to the small ゃ, ゅ and ょ. 7. Brackets are written in the lower right and upper left corners. 6 MARKING CODE Code Con I Gr KK ? ^ Pl P R Rep Sc Sp T VF Voc WO Meanings Consultation needed Irrelevant Grammar (other aspects of grammar not covered by existing codes) Known Kanji Meaning unclear or inaccurate Missing word(s) Particle Punctuation Resister (formal or informal) Repetition Script error Spelling Tense Verb form Vocabulary inaccurate or inappropriate / wrong word Word order 7 Characteristics of Common Text Types TEXT TYPE Article (magazine) Article (newspaper) Interview (script) IDENTIFIABLE FEATURES Title Indentation of three squares using GENKOOYOOSHI; otherwise central position at the top. Author (fictional name) Second line after title at the right hand end of the line. Content Introduction, body and conclusion; subtitle(optional); register; style; layout (if not written on GENKOOYOOSHI). Title Indentation of three squares using GENKOOYOOSHI; otherwise central position at the top. Author (fictional name) Second line after title at the right hand end of the line. Content Introduction, body and conclusion; subtitle(optional); register; style (usually plain style); layout (if not written on GENKOOYOOSHI). Topic Indentation of three squares when using GENKOOYOOSHI; otherwise central position at the top. Participants Name of the speaker followed by the contents of the conversation written between KAKKO (「」). e.g. 花子「おはよう。」 正 「おはよう。今日はすばらしい天気だね。」 An invitation can be written in a variety of ways. The suggested format is as follows: お知らせ Invitation 洋子さんが一年間アメリカにりゅうがくすることになったので、おわ かれの会をしたいと思います。 時 :9月15日(土) 1時半から3時半まで 場所:フルーツパーラー「みどり」 費用:一人 3000円(プレゼント代が入る) 出席する人は9月1日までに山田または林までれんらくしてくださ い。 Alternatively, an invitation can be written in personal letter form. Diary / Journal entry Written either vertically or horizontally. First line: Date, day(s) of the week; weather Second line onwards: A record of past events/ thoughts/ future plans/ personal reflections etc. usually written in plain style. Paragraphing is important. 8 Personal letter Written either vertically or horizontally. Placement of date and name is different. For senior secondary students, it is not appropriate to start the letter with ぜんりゃく(前略) and finish with そうそう(早々) or けいぐ(敬具). Mentioning the weather is optional. When a personal letter is addressed to a senior person, e.g. to a teacher, uncle or an older acquaintance, it should be written in the です/ます style. When it is addressed to a friend or a member of the family, it can be written in casual style and colloquial expressions may be included. VERTICAL WRITING (the traditional way) HORIZONTAL WRITING Starting line: Thanking the addressee for a letter or asking about the health of addressee, e.g.手紙をありがとう。元気ですか。etc. New paragraph: Body of the letter Signing off: ではまた手紙を書きますね。/すぐへん First line: Addressees name usually followed by or addressee’s name can be written at the end of the letter. Second line: Indent by one letter at the beginning; a short greeting such as thanking for the letter and / or enquiring after the health of the recipient. (Comment on the weather is optional). Signing off: Casual closing message such as: また手紙を書きます。 (ごかぞくの) みなさんによろしく。 バイバイ。さようなら。じゃあまた。また。 Placed towards the end of the line. Date: Indent by 5-6 squares when using GENKOOYOOSHI. (Alternatively the date can be written at the beginning in the upper right corner.) Style: Casual conversational style can be used as well as です/ます. じを下さい。/お元気で/じゃあまた/バイバイ Last lines 1) さようなら/バイバイ (to a friend) near the bottom of the line 2) date 5 to 6 squares down from the top 3) name of the writer of the letter 4) name of the addressee <SAMPLE OF A LETTER WRITTEN HORIZONTALLY> 2012 年 9 月 13 日 (date here or after さようなら ) 友子さん(へ) (Addressee’s name here or after the date below.) お元気ですか? 先日はお手紙をありがとう。etc. (body of the message) ではまた手紙を書きます。 ご家族のみなさんによろしく。 さようなら。 (2012 年 9 月 13 日) ジョンより (友子さんへ) 9 Note / message May be written either in plain style or です/ます style. Paragraphing is important. There are two kinds of postcard sold in Japan. Postcard One is called ゆうびんはがき and has one side for the message and the other side for the recipient’s name and address. The other kind えはがき has a picture or a photograph on one side. The other side is divided into two sections: one half for the message, and the other half for the recipient’s name and address. Horizontal writing is more common in writing a report. Report Story Topic: Indentation of three squares when using GENKOOYOOSHI .(otherwise in the centre of the top line). Author’s name: Written at the right end of the second line). Structure: Introduction/ body/ conclusion. (Subtitle is optional). Paragraphing: Important Punctuation: Use Japanese punctuation. Topic: Indentation of three squares when using GENKOOYOOSHI. (otherwise in the centre of the top line). Author’s name: Fictional, or penname at the right hand end of the second line. Can be written either horizontally or vertically, but in Japan, the latter is the most common practice. Script for a speech Topic: Indentation of three squares when using GENKOOYOOSHI. (otherwise in the centre of the top line). First paragraph: Introduction to the topic (unless someone else introduces the speaker and the topic of his/ her talk). Second paragraph onward: Body of the speech. Last line: これでおわります。ありがとうございました。 Or just ありがとうございました。 NOTE: 聞いてくださってありがとうございました。Is not appropriate. 10