Equation Editor Tutorial

Equation Editor Tutorial
As part of the Exit Exam Math COE, students will have access to an equation editor for each
question in any selected task. This equation editor will allow you to create expressions and
equations that may require exponents, inequality signs, subscripts, or fractions. This tutorial is
to be used with the Equation Editor Practice that is available in the student and teacher pages
in the eCOE system. By working through these examples, you will become familiar with the
types of equations you will encounter as you complete the Exit Exam Math COE.
There are six tabs along the top of the equation editor. Most important of these tabs are the
first, second, and fourth ones. The tabs allow you to include:
Tab 1: Fractions, Roots, Exponents, Absolute Value, Operators – beyond those
operations in the title, this will also be used for greater than or equal to, less than or
equal to, plus/minus, and subscript symbols.
Tab 2: Additional Symbols – includes greater than, less than, approximately equal, not
equal, and a number of geometric symbols that won’t be used on the Exit Exam Math
COE but may be used in later versions of the COE.
Tab 4: Algorithms – for stacked addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
The other tabs will not be needed for the Exit Exam Math COE but may be used in later versions
of the COE.
When you click on the “respond’ button in an actual task, a new window opens that contains
the task and the equation editor/text box for the response. You may enter text from the
keyboard and use the equation editor to add mathematical symbols as appropriate.
Here are exercises that will help you become familiar with the equation editor. If you work
through these exercises, you will be prepared to write the equations, expressions, and
functions needed to complete the Exit Exam Math COE.
1. Write 14 + 10(p – 5) ≥ 16. Solve the inequality showing all of your work.
2. Determine the value of r in the following equation, showing all work: 624 (1 + r)² = 927.
3. Evaluate 𝑓(𝑥) = 20 (1 + 0.15)𝑥 at f (2).
4. Let 𝑎1 = 1 and 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑛−1 + 5. Determine 𝑎3 .
5. Write 𝑦 = −𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 − 1 in vertex form, showing all steps.
6. Determine f (7) when f(x) = 5 x – 7. Show work using stacked fractions.
7. Use the fraction template in Tab 1 and dimensional analysis to write an expression that
represents the number of seconds in a day.
Equation Editor Tutorial