the call for exhibition proposals 2016-17


Glass Tank

Call for Exhibition Proposals 2016-2017

Proposals are invited for exhibitions in the Glass Tank during the academic year 2016-2017. We particularly welcome proposals from students, staff and alumni from all faculties that have a strong relevance to the community at Oxford Brookes.

Exhibitions are programmed for 4-6 weeks, with an additional 2 days either side for installation and get-out time (this may vary).

Information about the Glass Tank is available here: .

Please include with this form:

 A Curriculum Vitae

Copies of reviews and catalogues where appropriate

 A detailed budget with a clear indication of how the exhibition will be funded

Visual reference material

Completed proposals should be typed and sent electronically to:


Please use the form provided at the end of this document.

If you wish to send your proposal on a CD by post, please send to: Dr Joanna S Walker, Gallery

Manager and Exhibitions Curator, Glass Tank, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus,

Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK.

The deadline for receipt of proposals is 31 March 2016 .

The Glass Tank Exhibition Selection Panel will meet in April to consider proposals. Panel

Members include:

Alison Honour, Acting Associate Dean, Student Experience, Faculty of Technology,

Design and the Environment

Dr Joanna Walker, Gallery Manager and Exhibitions Curator, Glass Tank

Chris Blackburn, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Faculty of Business

Dr Marika Leino, Senior Lecturer in History of Art, Faculty of Humanities and Social


Beth Hill, Head of Department, Stewardship and Events

Hilary Churchley, Stakehold Engagement Manager

Paul Kilsby, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Theory, School of Arts, Faculty of Technology,

Design and the Environment

Jessica Shaw, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art, School of Arts, Faculty of Technology, Design and the Environment

Veronica Cordova De La Rosa, PhD Student, School of Arts, Faculty of Technology,

Design and the Environment

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their proposal in May 2016 .


External Exhibition Proposals

We welcome proposals from external partners as long as they represent a strong appeal to our target student audience. The hire charge is £450 per week which covers operational and staff costs. The fee is also inclusive of a private view event for a maximum of 50 people

(see ‘Terms and Conditions’). Larger private views and events can be accommodated (up to 300 people but at an additional cost).

Exhibitions should be at least 4 weeks in duration. Under exceptional circumstances, the hire fee may be waived if the exhibitor can show they can make a significant contribution to the learning environment at Oxford Brookes. This could be a series of workshops, a talk or a lecture, or a donation of a work to the university’s art collection. In such a case, the exhibitor would be expected to fund a private view event.


Glass Tank Exhibition Proposal Form 2016-2017

Please provide as much information as you can in the following tables

Personal Details

Name of Exhibition Organiser


Telephone Number

Email Address

Occupation (please indicate if you are a staff member or a student, providing department and course details where appropriate)

Exhibition Details

Provisional Title

Brief Synopsis

Aims and Objectives

Format (solo, group, touring)



Exhibition Logistics

Preferred Dates

Number of Exhibits and Approximate


Display Requirements

Technical Requirements

Installation and De-Installation


Financial Summary (a full budget must also be provided)

Other Support Required


Marketing and Promotional


Related Events

Private View Specifications

Other Event Specifications


Exhibition Terms and Conditions

The Glass Tank is responsible for:

1. The provision of display equipment subject to availability. This currently includes:

 12 temporary white walls (each 107-118 cm wide x 242 cm high approx., subject to availability and final approval by Glass Tank Team)

4 glass display cabinets (120cm high, 165cm wide, 80cm deep)

9 wooden picture frames, matt white frame & glazing (no mount), plus slips (59.4cm x

84.1 cm)

 1 large white gallery desk to display printed material

 1 White painted plinth

 1 White 22 inch TV screen with in-built DVD player (with the possibility of more subject to availability)

DVD player

 PC

Sound system

Equipment may be hired at the expense of the exhibitor and in agreement with the Gallery


2. The facilitation of a 2 day get-in and get-out within the practical constraints of available staff and storage space.

3. The establishment of an agreement with the exhibitor on selection and final layout and positioning of work. The Glass Tank reserves the right to refuse to display material deemed inappropriate for a university setting. Please note the Glass Tank Team will not assist with the production of material intended for display. Exhibition proposals are accepted on the understanding that the work is complete, or will be complete, in good time for the exhibition. The Glass Tank Team will assist only with the facilitation of the exhibition in the space.

4. Standard levels of security in line with the open-plan nature of the exhibition space.

5. The organisation of a Private View event for the exhibition in consultation with Oxford

Brookes University Hospitality.

6. The use of the Glass Tank name for publicity, as agreed with the Manager.

7. Assistance with the preparation of a press release and inclusion in usual Glass Tank /

OBU advertising and promotion.

8. Advice on the content and production of interpretative exhibition material, including title board, wall labels and pamphlet / catalogue.

9. The set-up of the gallery walls in the space ready for display, in accordance with the agreed plan.


The exhibitor is responsible for:

1. Making sure the Glass Tank Manager and Curator is in agreement on the final layout and design of the exhibition.

2. The correct planning and timely organisation of the exhibition so that it is delivered to time and on budget, and to a suitably high standard.

3. The cost of transport and packing of all exhibits and additional supporting equipment to and from the Glass Tank. A comprehensive list and schedule must be agreed with the

Glass Tank.

4. The provision of method statements and detailed plans on request for risk assessment purposes.

5. The delivery of exhibitions which are fit for install (with suitable fixings). The exhibitor is responsible for the arrangement and cost of all mounting and framing of work.

6. The physical installation of the exhibition in the space. Specialist technical support is available at a cost to the exhibitor.

7. Providing invigilators to oversee the exhibition space for any events planned outside core opening hours (Monday

– Friday, 9am until 5pm).

8. All costs of any receptions or private events for the exhibition, including catering. The

Glass Tank can advise and assist with the physical administration of such events. All catering provision should be provided by Oxford Brookes University Hospitality. Drinks provision would typically cost in the region of £200 for a private view event for 50 people


). The private view is included in the hire charge fee for external exhibitors.

9. The exhibitor is required to give a minimum of 3 months ’ notice of cancellation of the exhibition. Where due notice is not provided, a fee will be charged to cover any costs that have been incurred.

10. The exhibitor is required to install the exhibition on time to the agreed start date. A fine may be incurred if there is a delay.

11. The design, production and cost of all promotional and interpretative material, including posters, catalogues / pamphlets, invitations and wall text. These must be approved by the Glass Tank to ensure correct usage of the Glass Tank / OBU names and branding.

All design and printing should be supplied and checked by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Services. Please see: . The Gallery Manager will be able to advise on all design and printing requirements in the first instance.

12. Making good the exhibition space, walls and surfaces after any installation, to the standard required for work to be displayed.


13. The cost of any repair that is required as a result of a structural alteration made for display purposes.

14. Full cost of insurance for the exhibition, both in transit and whilst at the Glass Tank. The exhibitor must provide insurance, or be liable for loss and damage of work.

Please note that the Glass Tank reserves the right to cancel the exhibition agreement if the exhibitor does not keep to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. If an exhibition needs to be cancelled due to exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to give adequate notice.


Glass Tank Floor Plan

5.78m apx

Glass Tank Gallery

178 sq m

