Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation Stolen Generations Reference Committee Expression of interest form May 2013 www.healingfoundation.org.au The Healing Foundation supports culturally strong, locally run Indigenous healing programs around Australia and funds education and research on Indigenous healing. These programs grow our kids strong, support members of the Stolen Generations, assists communities to build cultural strength and skill up workers. Our Stolen Generations initiative incorporates all aspects of Healing Foundation work including training and education, healing programs and research. The priorities of this initiative are guided by a reference committee. This initiative is very important to the Healing Foundation. It creates opportunities for us to work with national Stolen Generations representative bodies and Stolen Generations organisations throughout Australia on development of a healing agenda. The Committee has recognised the lack of gender balance in its membership and the important place of men’s healing. We are seeking two male members to assist the Committee ensure an appropriate focus on men’s healing. Stolen Generations members and men who work in supporting Stolen Generations members and healing are encouraged to apply. The Healing Foundation looks forward to receiving your application. Attached is the expression of interest form. If you have any queries about filling it out please ring the Healing Foundation’s Programs Team on 02 6124 4400. Selection process A selection panel will be formed drawn from our Board and staff. The panel will make a selection of applicants who best meet the selection criteria and ensure appropriate national representation and diversity of experience and skills. All applicants will be informed of the outcome after the selection process. The Programs Team will support the Reference Committee with a meeting scheduled for July/August 2013. Expression of Interest Application Form Applicant Name: Position Title: Physical Address Street: Town: State: Postcode: Postal Address Telephone Number Facsimile Number Contact Email Are you a member of the Stolen Generations? Are you a member of a Stolen Generations community organisation? If so which one (It is not a requirement to be a Stolen Generations member) My country is/ I identify with? (we recognise and respect that some people may not know and you may only choose to share this information if you are comfortable) Selection Criteria In 300 words or less please answer the following questions 1. Tell us about your understanding of the current issues facing Stolen Generations members nationally? What personal experiences or achievements can you outline that you think would be helpful to the reference committee in providing information to guide the development of projects for Stolen Generations members? 2. Detail for us the support you have from Stolen Generations members and organisations to be a representative on the Healing Foundation’s Stolen Generations reference committee including any positions held to represent Stolen Generations. 3. Tell us about how you see yourself working well within a small team environment with other members of the reference committee and the Healing Foundation in achieving positive goals for Stolen Generations? 4. Provide a brief outline of the skills both professional and personal you will bring to help build the initiative. Your referees Please give us two referees that we can ring who will support your application. Name: Position title: Name & Address of Organisation: Telephone No: Email address: Name: Position title: Name & Address of Organisation: Telephone No: Email address: Closing Date Friday 7 June 2013 Send your application to: Stolen Generations Reference Committee Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation PO Box 4363 Kingston ACT 2604 Or email to: programs@healingfoundation.org.au