Hepatitis C Infection Symptoms

Hepatitis C
What is Hepatitis C?
How will I know if I have Hepatitis C?
Can I give the disease to others?
How does Hepatitis C develop?
Is there a treatment for Hepatitis C?
What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C virus is one of several viruses that can cause Hepatitis,
which is inflammation of the liver. It is unrelated to the other common
hepatitis viruses (A, B, D, and E). Hepatitis C virus is a member of the
Flaviviridae family of viruses. Other members of this family of
viruses include those that cause yellow fever and dengue.
How will I know if I have Hepatitis C?
In general, individuals infected with HCV are often discovered with
elevated liver enzymes (blood tests) on a routine blood test or because
a Hepatitis C antibody is found to be positive at the time of blood
donation. In 1992, a more specific test for anti-HCV became available
and eliminated some of the false positive reactions that were
previously troublesome. In general, elevated liver enzymes and a
positive antibody test for HCV (anti-HCV) means that an individual
has chronic Hepatitis C.
Can I give the disease to others?
HCV can be transmitted through blood transfusions. Other individuals
who may come in contact with infected blood, instruments, or needles,
such as IV drug users, health care workers or laboratory technicians
are also at risk of acquiring hepatitis C, as are those who undergo
tattooing or body piercing. The risk for transmitting Hepatitis C
sexually is unknown. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) say there is a slight increased risk of becoming infected with
Hepatitis C if you have multiple sex partners.
How does Hepatitis C develop?
In general, Hepatitis C appears to be a slowly, progressive disease that
may gradually advance over 10-40 years. In one study, chronic
hepatitis confirmed by liver biopsy was identified on the average of
ten years following blood transfusions and cirrhosis on an average of
20 years. It also appears that HCV, like the hepatitis B virus, is
associated with an increased chance of developing hepatocellular
carcinoma, a type of liver cancer. Almost all HCV-related liver cancer
occurs with cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver.
Is there a treatment for Hepatitis C?
The combination of interferon and ribavirin (Rebetol) is the treatment
that has been approved by the FDA for Hepatitis C patients who have
never had any interferon therapy and patients who have relapsed
following interferon therapy. Six months after treatment, about 46 %
of patients who received the combination therapy had undetectable
virus levels. The recommended duration for the combination therapy
is 24 weeks.
Hepatitis C Infection Symptoms
About 75% of people have no symptoms when they first acquire
hepatitis C viral infection. The remaining 25% may complain of
fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle aches or fever. Yellowing of the skin
or eyes (jaundice) is rare at this early stage of infection.
Over time, the liver in people with chronic infection may begin to
experience the effects of the persistent inflammation caused by the
immune reaction to the virus. Blood tests may show elevated levels of
liver enzymes, a sign of liver damage, which is often the first
suggestion that the infection may be present. Patients may become
easily fatigued or complain of nonspecific symptoms.
As cirrhosis develops, symptoms increase and may include :
loss of appetite,
weight loss,
breast enlargement in men,
a rash on the palms,
difficulty with the clotting of blood, and
spider-like blood vessels on the skin.
Studies show that all wellness traditions except western medicine
offer detoxification and toxic waste management as a means of
natural healing. Using the principles of natural healing and
detoxification, Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Prize winner kept chicken
heart alive for 38 years. He believed that cells could live indefinitely
and that the secret of life is to feed nutrients to cells and to
saturate the cells with Oxygen. If you can't get nutrients into the
cells and you don't remove the toxins, the cells will be poisoned by
their own waste products. He had found the secret to ageless body
and timeless health.
Often overlooked is the pain associated with orthodox management
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with so many choices out there?
Thirty million Americans have liver disease. Liver disease is the fourth
leading cause of death in America. Over 550,000 people die world
wide from liver cancer each year-a preventable complication of liver
disease. One in one hundred thousand Americans have a truly
functional liver. Each year, 25,000 Americans die from liver cancer.
Liver cirrhosis is the seventh leading cause of death in America. The
case is alarming in Europe and very alarming in the third world.
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